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You Can’t Say No to Me...

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An old friend from school gets what she wants...
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Everything was going Matt's way, he'd just finally earned a promotion to head up a brand new branch in Whitby. It meant he was closer to home and was able to help with the bedtime routine, he has two kids both under 5. He pulled into his private parking space, got out wearing his new navy blue suit and headed inside. He was greeted by Leonie his former boss and now colleague, "Hey gorgeous! Look at my star" she leaned in and they shared a kiss on the cheek, "Can't believe I've made it, lovely." He said happily, she had mentored him from his first day and they had been really close ever since, "I always knew you'd make it. Come on, lets get upstairs and you can meet your Whitby team!" They turned and headed for the lift.

As the lift doors opened they were greeted by a large group of people all clapping, the majority of them Matt knew already from working with them for the past 8 years but there were some knew faces, "Everyone! Let me be the first to introduce you to the gorgeous former Sales adviser now Sales Manager... Mr Matt Anderson." Matt began to blush and waved away the clapping that had started again, "Thank you for your continuing support I wouldn't be where I am today without all of you... except you new faces I don't owe you anything!" He said sarcastically and the whole room laughed. Everyone dispersed back to their desks, Leonie and Matt headed to his new office. As he walked across the room there was one woman staring at him who looked so familiar but before Matt stared for too long he sat down behind his desk.

"So, new recruits. You'll meet everyone in time but the main introduction is for your new PA." Matt couldn't believe he would have a PA but was so excited to meet him or her. Leonie went to the office door and shouted across the room, "Erica! Come meet the boss man lovely." Erica took no more than two steps into the room and Matt knew who the girl was that had been staring at him, Erica O'Connor.

Matt had gone to school with her and she was one of his biggest crushes growing up. But this was 10 years ago and right at that moment she walked across the room with straight brown hair partially tied up but still down to her shoulders, she wore glasses over her brown eyes, still had an amazing smile that could cheer anyone up and as for her body? It had only gotten even better, her breasts were still large and perky ample cleavage was on show through her tight white shirt. She wore a tight tartan plaid pencil skirt that finished on her lower thighs, tights and very long black heels but Matt noticed she was still no more than 5'5.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it's you how long has it been?!" Erica exclaimed her arms wide asking for a hug as she came into the room.

Matt practically ran around his desk and even with the heels he towered over her, "Lets see, probably Chris' 21st pub crawl right? So ten years!" she wrapped her arms around his waist and he around her back.

"Fuck Matty, getting older has definitely agreed with you! I love the beard." Matt blushed more than he'd like to admit.

"I'm sorry you two know each other AND you've seen Matt beardless?!" Leonie chimed in.

"Yup! We went to school together from nursery. Here I've got this one in my favourites..." Erica broke the hug and passed her phone to Leonie once she'd found a picture of them together, "Remember that one Matty? Halloween final year of Lumley's you went as Bond and i was a playboy bunny?" The picture showed Erica sitting on Matt's lap and them both pulling funny faces.

"Oh so there's also a bit of history here, old flame?" Leonie digged for more gossip but before Matt could answer Erica did.

"I wish, I wasn't the only one after Bond that night but all i got was a picture!" Matt's brain exploded and he was speechless.

"Matthew how could you ignore poor Erica like that?" Leonie teased.

"In his defence i believe he had a girlfriend at the time so i didn't try too hard." Matt was still trying to find his words.

"Erica I had the biggest crush on you back in school so you saying you were interested has just blown my mind a little not going to lie" Matt chuckled staring into her eyes. Erica laughed with him and twisted his left hand and saw the wedding band.

"So we'll go ahead and add Erica to the list of women who will run to this office should the day you become a single ever come." Erica never broke eye contact and winked at Matt before they all sat down around Matt's desk.

After going over the basics with Erica it was clear she knew that she knew her stuff. Matt couldn't tell if he was still blushing from finding out at one point Erica O'Connor fancied him, wait till the guys heard about this he thought. Once they'd crossed every detail Leonie decided it was time to leave, "Well lovely I think that I will leave you and Erica too it. You've got my number if you need anything okay?" she leant in and gave Matt a kiss on the cheek goodbye. Matt felt embarrassed in front of Erica.

"Do you need me for anything else, Mr Anderson" Matt knew she meant it as a joke but hearing her say that made his cock twitch. He chuckled before saying.

"Very funny Miss O'Connor, yeah that's everything for now. Let me know when the files for the Griffins come in." Erica nodded and stood up but instead of heading for the door, she made her way around Matt's desk and leant over exposing down her shirt right in Matt's eyes.

Matt's heart nearly burst out of his chest as she kissed matt's cheek slowly, "Mmm you smell good Mr Anderson, i can see why Leonie does it." she whispered into his ear, Matt's cock began to throb in his tight suit trousers and he was having trouble talking.

Erica smiled bit her lip and turned to leave, Matt watched her go and could have sworn her skirt was a lot higher than when she entered the office. With her skirt higher he also noticed that it wasn't tights she was wearing, they were stockings which only made his cock ache harder. As soon as the door closed and his office was empty, he opened his trousers and his cock sprang free. He had a large cock and didn't account for that when he bought this suit, he moaned and stared towards the door thinking of Erica, how he should have told her how inappropriate that was and that he was happily married... He snapped back to reality and realised he'd started stroking his cock when he was thinking of Erica. He shamefully rolled his chair back under the desk and tried to get back to work and take his mind off her tits.

It was break time in the office and Matt had arranged a special first day treat. A local Cafe had brought in hot sandwiches, sausage rolls, meats and cheeses etc. Everyone was happy and appreciated the gesture, Matt headed to the conference room where all the food was being laid out. He started picking his plate when he felt a touch on his arm, "Did you remember my vegetarian option Matt?" it was Sarah from marketing, "Of course i have honey, you've got your own selection at the bottom there."

"Thanks Matt." she walked on to the end of the buffet and Matt smiled before hearing Erica behind him.

"Thanks for the thick meaty sausages Mr Anderson, love filling my mouth wi-" She whispered into his ear before Matt cut her off, turning around and escorting her gently out of the room to his office making a light joke as he did to everyone else.

They got inside his office, he turned and locked the door before turning back to find Erica pressing up against his him forcing jis back against the door. She had slowly dragged one leg up the inside of his own, her knee pushing against his cock and balls firmly. Her hands were rubbing up his arms, across his chest and behind his neck, "Good idea, we can fuck while they stuff their faces." She leaned in and sucked his bottom lip before biting it hard.

"Erica I'm fucking married?!" Matt exclaimed, he couldn't believe what she was doing to him as he pushed her back a few steps but she stepped back and grabbed his crotch.

"Mm I don't care I've been waiting for my chance and now i have it... why aren't you hard for me? Do i not turn you on, sir?" as she said sir seductively she began to unbutton her tight white shirt exposing a red lace bra barely containing her massive tits. Matt looked away, shocked at how is cock wasn't throbbing.

"I have a wife... I'm a loyal husband." Matt said trying to sound as defiant as possible to put her off.

"Mmm it'll be even sweeter when you submit, i love it when i have to force married men." She grabbed his hand and sucked the wedding ring straight off his finger, "There, not married... you can just fuck me like the dirty whore that i am. Like you've always wanted to fuck your boring wife but she won't let you..." Matt's cock reluctantly began to grow in his trousers, Erica began stroking his chest pulling off his jacket until it hits the floor, "You just stand there and let me use you..." She unbuttoned his belt and pulled it out of the straps while Matt's cock began to bulge out of his trousers. She pulled up her knee skirt to reveal the ends of her lingerie stockings and a matching red lace thong before slowly dropping down to her knees.

Matt finally had the courage to speak as his head tilted back and his eyes closed, "Erica... Erica we can't this is wrong..." his hands were planted against the wall frozen as if his body was making his decision for him.

"Tell that to this massive, throbbing cock..." She pull his trousers down to his ankles and sprung his cock free from his pants, it hit against her cheek and she laughed menacingly as she knew there was no stopping her now. She gently licked his head before wrapping her lips around it tightly focusing her tongue on the first inch of his cock where it is most sensitive, "Fuck you were worth the weight Mr Anderson." Matt moaned, he couldn't remember the last time he got a blowjob from his wife. His eyes were firmly closed as he received this pleasure, "Tell me how fucking useless your wife is..." Erica demanded.

"She's not useless! She's my-" Erica plunged his cock to the back of her throat coating his cock in so much saliva, "She's... she's..."

"She's fucking boring tell me!" Erica demanded before plunging his cock further down her throat.

"She's..." Matt opened his eyes and saw all the photos on his desk of his family and began to panic. He didn't want this, he wanted his family and this puts everything at risk, "She's everything to me." he pulled his cock out of her warm wet mouth and stared at her in the eyes, "You are not my wife and this? This is assault Erica, you're fired. You're going to pack up your things at the end of the day and not come back."

Erica's big brown eyes stared at his through her glasses, before she smirked and grabbed Matt's balls, "Haha oh Mr Anderson, if you don't let me use this sexy fucking body to make me cum over and over until I can't walk straight then I am going to scream to high heaven." Matt winced in pain as her grip grew tighter, "Everyone will come in and I'll tell them how you forced me on my knees and threatened to sack me unless I sucked your cock." Matt's eyes flared in anger as she kept talking, "You'll loose your job, your wife and your children... for nothing. You'll be ruined."

"You're a fucking psycho bitch, no one would believe you!" Matt reached down to stope stop her grip of his balls but she only grabbed tighter and bit onto Matt's still throbbing shaft, "Arrrghhh!!! Stop stop stop!!" he put his hands back against the wall.

"You need to realise, No one not even you can say no to me." she pulled a hair band out of somewhere and wrapped it around his cock and balls tightly until it began to turn red, "Now fucking stand there like the hot piece of ass you are and let me gobble that delicious married cock." Without another word she plunged the tip of his cock to the back of his throat and squeezed his cock inside his mouth, her teeth pushing against his shaft, "She came up for air gasping, "I love biting your Bone of a cock."

Matt was powerless, the band around his cock was sending pain throughout his body... but still his cock throbbed in the air waiting for her next attack, "Go sit at your desk boss man" Matt turned and headed to his desk, he didn't see her unlock the office door. He sat down at his desk, his arse cheeks sticking to the leather. Erica smiled as she walked around the desk and leant over infront of him, her perfect arse standing there infront of him, "pull my thong to the side and start licking my pussy!" Matt slowly leant forward before feeling Erica grab his hair and pull him in stuffing his mouth against her pussy. She grinded against his face moaning loudly as she did, "that's it sir, lick that sweet tight pussy!!! Tell me it's sweeter than your wife's!" she pulled his head off her giving him chance to breathe and answer,

Matt gasped for air and stared at her as she stared at him over her shoulder, "...You...taste better than Amy." She grinned from ear to ear before pushing his face back against her pussy, Matt could tell just from that she was even wetter! He began to lick her clit again as he had no other choice, "Honestly hearing you say that i could've cum right then... but keeping licking my clit like that YES just like that, don't you dare fucking stop or I'll bite your cock off MMM yeah don't stop I'm- I'm going to cum all over your fucking face! Yes! Arrrghhhh!" She squirted more than Matt had ever seen before powerfully all over his face, "Drink it! Fucking drink my cum!" Once she stopped she pushed him back into his chair.

She pulled off his tie and used it to bind his hands behind his chair before ripping his shirt open a couple of buttons flying across the room. She straddled his lap with his cock hard pressed against her curvy ass cheeks, "oh no, you've got my cum on your work shirt. I do hope you have another one or the guys might get suspicious... not to mention your Bitch wife." Before Matt could respond she grabbed either side of his face and stuck her tongue in his mouth swirling around his tongue. She began to grind her wet pussy against his body and pushing his cock down with her ass making Matt moan loudly, "You want me to ride that cock don't you sir." Matt remained silent not even opening his eyes, "Stick out your tongue." Matt did so reluctantly and felt Erica grab it with her teeth before sucking on it hard, "My cum tastes so fucking good off of you, beg me to put your cock in my tight as fuck pussy." She pushed further on her ass pushing his throbbing cock down, it hurt but with so much pleasure at the same time. He was wanted to feel her pussy grip his cock more than anything in that moment.

Her red lace thong still pulled to the side around her ass cheek she grabbed his throat, "Beg."

"Ah-.." Matt gasped for air, "Please... ride my cock." Matt could barely breathe but his cock couldn't stop throbbing.

She cackled before plunging the thick rock hard cock through her pussy, it felt amazing to them both and she slowly slid until she took the full shaft. Matt felt how wet she was and she wasn't lying this is the tightest pussy he'd ever felt. She was still moaning as she slowly grinded her pelvis with Matt's cock deep inside her before she suddenly leant in and bit Matt's ear whispering, "i wonder where i will make you cum, this time..." She began to bounce her ass up and down on his thick cock the sound of her wet pussy getting wetter as she went faster and faster rang in Matt's ears. She moaned so loudly before planting her thick red nails into his chest and scratching down, "Mr Anderson you're going to make me cum on your delicious cock..." She kept going, kept moaning and scratching until she climaxed. Her cum dripped down his shaft and started to coat his balls, "Ohh good boy..." she pushed her tits in his face and forced her rock hard nipples into his mouth.

"Suck on those tits Mr Anderson, Amy hasn't got tits like these you should be grateful!" As she spoke she never stopped grinding her hips and was beginning to moan louder and louder whilst Matt sucked on her nipples. As she got closer she started to spank herself before she came, biting hard onto Matt's neck as she did to stop from screaming to loud, "I could do this all day..." She whispered in his ear but then they heard the sound of heels on the hardwood floor, someone was coming to his office! Erica quickly untied him and gave him his jacket back before hiding under his desk. Matt had just enough time to zip it up to his neck to hide his shirt.

The office door opened, "Amy?!" Matt exclaimed at the site of seeing his wife come to see him.

"Hey hun, I just thought I'd come see how your first day was going after I'd dropped the kids at school." she leant over the desk and they shared a quick kiss, but as they did Erica bit on Matt's shaft and Matt winced in pain, "What's up you okay hun? Your back hurting again?" Matt looked down and pretended to rub his thigh in pain whilst watching Erica wiggle her finger from side to side, she didn't want me to kiss Amy.

"Er thigh actually babe." Matt said with a forced smile, this was rewarded by Erica as she began to suck on his wet balls.

"Oh no, I'll book you in with that new Nurse, Danielle i believe she'll fix you right up." Amy pulled out her phone and began to make the appointment online for Matt not knowing a succubus was sucking the life out of her man inches away. He could barely hang on any longer.

"There, all taken care of. Well i can see that you're busy and I've got my jobs to do." Matt was getting so close he couldn't sit still and Erica loved it, she wanted him to cum right while her wife sat there. She made the cock wetter, she took it deeper and she was going as fast as se possibly could. Each twitch and throb meant she was getting closer to emptying his balls.

"Yeah we are so busy babe but i promisssse..." Matt couldn't disguise his pleasure as Erica grabbed his balls while ramming his cock down her throat all 8 inches. "... when things calm down we can go out for dinner on my lunch break."

"Alright weirdo, love you!" Amy stood up to leave and Matt waved her goodbye before standing up with Erica's mouth not leaving his cock for a second, "I'm going to cum!" She didn't stop sucking until he erupted into her mouth, every drop caught and eaten moaning as she did.

"I'll be having you again, delicious." She said showing off her empty mouth.

"Hell no you're leaving today!" Matt shouted.

"But Mr Anderson, what about the pictures?" Matt started to panic.

"From that look on your face i think I'd better explain, while under your desk i took your phone out of your trousers by your ankles and sent myself a video of me sucking your cock and balls whilst your wife was talking inches away. If you do ANYTHING other than what I tell you? Instagram, Facebook, Pornhub yes obviously i have an account and Snapchat will get a free exclusive to your perverted affair."

Matt sank to his chair and watched her fix herself up and head for the door, "See you soon, Sir." She winked before heading out.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great do about matt

Roberts2410Roberts24106 months agoAuthor

Reader1225 thank you for that dick-hardening feedback, let me know what you think of the other stories if they had a similar affect.

Reader1225Reader12256 months ago

Funny how Anonymous only found one flaw in your fantabulous fictional story. Loved it. With his wife sat there whilst he’s being gobbled up, I couldn’t help but get wet. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Brilliant story, look forward to reading more of your work ! ( Commenteing as 'Anonynous' , I don't have much if a leg to stand on here, but i can't help mention that it's uttertly hilarious to me that someone would try and break down the ending, saying he fallacience in literal Physics ' ruined the immersion' . I lol'ed!

Roberts2410Roberts241010 months agoAuthor

Sorry Mr Anonymous, I can't believe I could be so stupid!! :O it's a story.... Not real life.... Just have your break/wank to a story you believe no hard feelings 👍 Failedscout you're welcome buddy I love those stories too and thank you for enjoying this fictional story and not taking it too seriously 😃

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