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You Stupid Slut Pt. 13

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Ms. Baker continues pushing Lara.
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Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 07/11/2020
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Chapter 16

The next morning Lara was abruptly woken up by a heavy weight coming down on her face. The scent of pussy was overwhelming and she could feel those same meaty wet lips placed over her own lips. It smelled felt and tasted absolutely horrid, and Lara's first reaction was to try and struggle away. All that got her though was a loud laugh from above her. "Stop squirming and start licking you little slut, I know you want to. I'm sorry to wake you a little earlier, but yesterday was so amazing that I put my alarm half an hour before yours so we could start off the day on a good note." Karen moaned as even just Lara's struggle was arousing.

Karen's alarm was just her phone on vibrate, a subtle noise Karen was trained to wake up to because she hated loud blaring alarms first thing in the morning. Lara wasn't used to such subtle noises though and as a result she was caught completely off guard. She was horrified as everything she had done with Karen came rushing back to her, but at the same time she felt great, after all Karen had just highlighted how amazing she had been once more. Her need for praise trumped her hang-ups about eating pussy and pleasing another woman, so instead of continuing to struggle away she started licking, trying to remember the things Karen had told her felt good.

"Oh god, that's what I'm talking about mmmmm, this feels amazing, your tongue really is a god's sent. Here let me return the favour you gorgeous cunt munching slut." Karen said doing her best to be controlling as she suspected that got Lara off. Leaning forward a little she started rubbing Lara's once again surprisingly dry pussy, but with her skilled touch she soon got the woman underneath her moaning loudly herself.

It took Karen just a little over 25 minutes to make Lara cum by which time she had came three times already. She managed to get out a fourth orgasm just as Lara's alarm went off, signalling that it was time to get ready for the day. "Phew Lara that was spectacular once more, if you ever want to do this over you have my number. Now I believe I better leave you be so you can get ready for the office." Karen winked as she got out of bed, letting Lara shut off her alarm and get up herself. She simply loved how the evidence of all her orgasms was thickly coating Lara's face and hair. More importantly Lara too looked quite happy.

Lara was indeed happy, she felt quite embarrassed that she had came once more, that her face was coated in Karen's juices and that she completely smelled like the woman's pussy, but more importantly, she had managed to satisfy a superior in the best possible way, with an orgasm. As much as she enjoyed the prise she got for fetching documents or massaging Tina's feet nothing quite beat giving someone an orgasm. As great as it had been no one could know about this and so a shower was more essential than ever.

Apparently Karen wasn't planning on giving her a moment alone as she instead joined Lara in the shower, admiring the sexy woman throughout her morning routine. When Lara was starting to get dressed in another sexy outfit Karen thought was a little too sexy for the office, but she sure didn't mind. Instead she picked up Lara's discarded thong from yesterday. "Hey Lara, can I keep this one as a souvenir? I'd love to mount it on my trophy stand. Of course you get to keep mine as well, they're soaked, tell you what. I'll even throw in my socks for you." Karen offered with a wide grin.

Hearing her name Lara couldn't help but giggle. "Of course you can, thank you Karen for letting me keep your socks and panties as well." Lara said, she didn't want Karen to have a pair of her worn panties, she surely didn't care about having a dirty pair of Karen's panties or socks either. More importantly she didn't want to offend a superior though and Karen had said she'd love to have her thong so she agreed.

A quick meal and a touch up of her makeup later Lara was ready to leave. She and Karen parted ways with Karen giving her a last playful pat on her bottom. Finally Lara smelled like herself again instead of pussy, although she already somewhat missed the hungry eyes of Karen who had remained locked on her all morning long. Nevertheless unlike previous mornings Lara felt right on top of her game. As horrid as eating Karen's pussy with her sitting on her face had been she did get a ton of praise from her superior, it was simply amazing.

Heading into the office Lara didn't really need the praise from the people in the cubicles, nevertheless it felt right to check whether anyone needed anything or not. Besides the more useful she could make herself the better. Like every other day everyone seemed to need something. After making her tour around the cubicles she carried an armload of documents as well as a list to fetch another armload of documents like had become habitual by now.

In the post office Lara once again went over the usual exchange, trading the postboy's time and efforts handling all the documents she needed for a blowjob she was starting to get quite good at by now. It inevitably ended with a rough face fuck once more, but Lara didn't mind, she was just happy she had managed to make the postboy cum again before reapplying her makeup, popping a piece of gum and making her way back to the cubicles to receive her praise for fetching the documents they asked.

At lunch Tina was once again in her office for her daily foot massage as Lara once again found herself on her knees in front of her old rival. It remained embarrassing, but with all the praise she got for going so out of her way to make Tina's lunchbreak as enjoyable as possible, it was more than worth it.

She was starting to severely lag behind on her usual work with all the small occupations littered through out the day, but at least her stress remained mostly under control. If anything she would just have to start taking on less cases. Old ambitious Lara would have never thought of making such a move, but with how important her superior's approval was to her, she didn't even dare think about cutting anything else.

Despite how well her day had gone so far Lara was starting to get slightly stressed again in the late afternoon. She had gotten her last bits of praise at lunch right when she had put Tina's shoes back on. While that wasn't the end of the world, she was definitely aching to feel useful again. Luckily she had an appointment with Ms. Baker for when she left work in a few moments. Her therapy sessions were always so enlightening and she was looking forward to it big time.

Just fifteen minutes before she was about to leave Tina barged into her office once more. "Hey Lara, I'm sorry to interrupt you so close to the weekend, but I have a somewhat odd request, I need some help and I couldn't think of anyone better to help with this specific thing than you. You see I have an important case coming up on Monday and I need my weekend to prepare for it. You remember how I said I always hated washing my stockings because it's such a chore with the special care they need. Well here's the thing. I tend to always put it off until the last possible moment to then wash all my stockings at once to safe some time." Tina explained as Lara just responded with a giggle before she carried on.

"The thing is now is that time, this is the pair you washed yesterday, my last clean pair of stockings and I really need a clean pair for court. Thanks to my postponing I'm screwed now. As I certainly don't have the time to spare to wash all of these this weekend." Tina explained as she dropped a bag filled with over two dozen pairs of stockings right there on Lara's desk.

"I know this is a very odd request, but you would be a real lifesaver if you could wash them for me and bring them back to the office with you on Monday. I guess I do have time to pop by your office so you can roll a fresh pair up my legs before I need to head to court." Tina carried on. She already knew the answer Lara was going to give her yet hearing it from the mouth of her rival would be great. She just loved the idea of taking up a big part of Lara's free time on the weekend just to wash her worn stockings.

"Oh uhm yeah sure, I mean I could definitely do that. You can count on me to have a freshly washed pair of stockings ready for you on Monday." Lara answered, her cheeks turning bright red as she said it. She couldn't believe she was actually about to wash Tina's delicates, never mind such a huge load of them, needing to handwash all those would take ages. She would really help Tina out big time though and she sounded grateful already. Honestly Lara felt rather honoured that Tina had thought of her when she needed some urgent help. It had to mean she was very useful if someone as superior to her as Tina felt like she could count on her.

"Great Lara, thank you so much you're a life saver, now if you don't mind, would you care to help me out of these? If you wash my stockings you might as well do them all right and since it's almost time to head home I don't really need them anymore anyways. Be careful not to put a run in them though." Tina said as she sat down and casually lifted her leg, clearly not intending to be any help at all in removing her own stockings. Oh she loved making Lara work for the privilege of doing even more of her laundry.

Playing right into Tina's hand Lara giggled as she moved around her desk only to get down on her knees in front of Tina where she removed the woman's shoes. Once her shoes were off Lara's hands carefully travelled up her legs, underneath her skirt to unclasp the stockings and slowly start rolling the slightly damp at the foot nylons off her legs only to drop them in the bag with the others and help Tina back in her shoes.

"Thanks again Lara, you're the best. Enjoy your weekend." Tina said, getting up and rushing out the moment her shoes were back on. She was gone before Lara even stopped giggling, leaving her alone with the full bag of stockings which she quickly stuffed away in her work bag, not wanting anyone toe see them. She couldn't believe she had actually agreed to this, but then again it felt great having received such praise. Packing her things she headed down to her car, dropping off her bag in the trunk as she drove straight to Ms. Baker's office for her weekly session.

Ms. Baker was more than happy to receive Lara, while in the past Lara had always been her hardest client, mentally draining to listen to with her rude and obnoxious rants she had now grown to Ms. Baker's highlight of the week. "Ah Lara, welcome, please have a seat, would you mind giving me another foot rub during your session? Last week's massage was so very soothing, I hadn't had such a good foot rub in ages. Of course if you don't mind that is I know it's quite unprofessional, but then again you are very good at it." Ms. Baker said after she had beckoned Lara into her office.

"Not a problem at all Ms. Baker, it's hardly any effort and it keeps my hands occupied. I rather enjoy giving out foot rubs as so many people seem to love them. I have this one colleague who comes into my office every lunch to have her feet massaged, and the woman coming in from the salon I go to also seem to love my foot massages. They have been such a great help in teaching me how to do pedicures so now I never have to worry about my nails chipping ever again." Lara gushed with a giggle as Ms. Baker really had to stop herself from having a laughing fit as she put her heels into Lara's lap only to have the woman instantly help her out of her shoes to start kneading the tension out of her damp nylon soles.

This was just too precious. She had made the all mighty tough lawyer fall down to the point where she was proud about the many foot massages she had handed out. She guessed that Lara must be feeling real useful right now. Exactly like she was supposed to feel. "Hmmm that feels so good Lara, so you've learned how to do pedicures right? Is it purely for yourself to maintain your own nails, or would you be open to do it for others as well?" Ms. Baker asked as she wiggled her deep red polished toes covered by a thin layer of sheer black nylon in Lara's hands.

"Well I can use all the practice that I can get, the girls from the salon tell me I need tons of practice as I am not quite good at it yet, I always have to pay them for a professional pedicure afterwards. It's better than chipped nail polish though. That and I've also done it for a colleague who was very pleased and insisted I keep my money." Lara said, a bit embarrassed to admit that she wasn't quite there yet in learning how to do pedicures.

That definitely explained why Lara offered Tina money for doing her pedicure, something she would have to rectify. She had to commend those girls from the salon for getting to Lara so spectacularly, but she had other plans. "Maybe I should let you do my nails some time, it can be good practice for you and it would save me a trip to the salon, so a win win. Right now I don't think it's necessary yet. In any case, how have you been doing with the stress? Everything fine on that front?" Ms. Baker asked.

"It has been going really well except for early mornings, at least until today, I guess becau... I mean I don't really know why." Lara said obviously holding back. Confessing how she had sucked cock or now even slept with a woman, having sex with her just to keep her cool was just too much even for therapy. While she definitely felt a certain a huge amount of pride and self-worth providing a superior with an orgasm. Looking back at it or confessing to it to someone else only brought shame. She realised full well how very wrong it all was, but in the heat of the moment she simply couldn't stop herself from flirting back and giving in to the wishes of her superiors.

"I am glad to hear you are doing better Lara you stupid slut." Ms. Baker said with a big smirk as Lara quickly drifted off into a deep trance. She could feel that the woman was holding back so if she didn't want to tell her something then she'd just have to ask with Lara under. "Now Lara, tell me exactly what has helped with your stress up until now." She said as Lara started recounting all the events that had made her feel worthy and stress free.

Ms. Baker's smile grew wider and wider as she heard Lara recount the events of this past week, with Tina, the post boy who was the reason for her gum chewing to hide her cum breath, the ladies from the salon and even her night with Karen. She especially loved hearing about the duality in her feelings, the intense shame on one hand while she felt great and proud on the other, unable to disobey her superiors and craving their approval no matter what despite her embarrassment over the situation.

Now that she knew what Lara had been up to she could adapt her commands to better fit her subject. It seemed that Lara's commands had naturally led her down a more sluty by now, an evolution just too good to leave untouched. "Lara, ever since you spent that night with Karen you have known the solution to help relieve your stress in the morning. You just need to share the bed with someone else, someone you can please so you know you are worth something. In fact going forward you won't be able to fall asleep unless you are sharing the bed with someone, anyone, of legal age of course."

"We both know that you aren't the biggest catch, which is why you must continue to show off the assets you do have like you have been doing so far. Luckily for you in this day and age a quick fling is always just a few taps away as long as you aren't too picky. So here is what you are going to do, I'm going to create a profile for you, you won't edit the text and settings of your profile, you will think you created it." Ms. Baker said as she searched out Lara's phone and quickly unlocked it with the facial recognition only to download the dating app with the biggest userbase she could find where she quickly went through the steps of setting up a profile for the haughty lawyer, only getting slightly carried away. This was just too much fun.

The fact that Lara was the biggest catch, especially on such a platform where a lot of people were only looking for flings would make this all the better. She was sure to be very popular, especially with the description she added. "Kinky submissive slut with a big empty bed. Do you want to keep me company tonight? Please only match when you are available right now, no strings attached, one night only."

From the phone Ms. Baker turned her attention back to Lara. "Going forward you will take a selfie with your makeup on point, a pic of your outfit of the day and a pic in your lingerie of the day. You will upload these three pics in that order to your dating profile, updating it to match the way you look each and every day." Ms. Baker carried on putting some more focus on Lara's looks.

"Since you are in no position to be picky, you will only ever swipe right on every profile you see, stopping the moment you have a match. When you match with someone you will arrange for that person to come over that night so you can feel good and stress free every morning going forward. The only reason not to use the app is if you already have a date for that night." Ms. Baker said, smirking broadly as she had put Lara's profile on interested in men and women, having filed the age range to include pretty much anyone who was eighteen or older. Pretty much every person into women using the app, that was close enough to see Lara's profile was a potential match, and judging from how Lara looked she guessed most would match her right away. It was time for Lara to fully embrace her slut side.

Maybe she had over done it a tad bit this time after all friends, colleagues, and other people Lara knew might stumble across her profile as well. Then again with nearly 5 million people living in this city and a couple hundred thousand using this app in the range Ms. Baker had listed, it was pretty much like finding a needle in a hay stack. If anyone were to see it however, they would just realise how much a slut Lara was and potentially take advantage of it. There was no better way to completely ruin her reputation which was already badly suffering by now.

"You might just be a dumb slut Lara, but I have to commend you for something, chewing gum to battle cum breath was pretty smart. So smart that I want you to expand on it. From now on Lara you will chew gum to battle cum breath whenever you leave home until two hours after the last time you provided someone with oral pleasure unless of course you are about to please someone else. When you chew gum you will feel the urge to blow a bubble at least once every five minutes. Hearing that bubble pop will ensure you no one can smell your cum breath. If you are uncertain or nervous someone might be able to smell your cum breath just blow a bubble and the pop will put you at ease." Ms. Baker instructed.

Hearing how Lara had described her daily routine and especially considering how she would now be sleeping with a different person each and every day. Ms. Baker was pretty positive that that during most of her interactions at any given day Lara would be chewing gum and blowing bubbles. Her biggest interactions were asking for documents in the cubicles after all. She would probably come into work chewing gum and continue doing so for a big part of the morning after sucking off the post boy. It would certainly help enforce the image people should be starting to have of Lara, the image of a complete ditz.

Satisfied with these two new big commands for Lara Ms. Baker went over reinforcing all of Lara's past commands as well as her trigger phrase. At this point they were probably so deeply ingrained into Lara's being that it wasn't necessary anymore, but with these things it was better to overdo them than underdo them. The more her subliminal commands got reinforced the harder it would be for Lara to ever come back from them. It sure was cruel, but she was convinced that society was way better off with Lara as a stupid slut. With everything that she needed to do done, Ms. Baker started the countdown to wake Lara up.


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