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You Want Me to Do WHAT to Your Mom?

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M I L needed "attention." Wife asked me to do it.
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You want me to do what to your mother? (Rewrite)

Let's start with who we are. The city where I grew up and got married, was an old northern town. It is composed of people who come from "the old country" and are very strict religious. In the old country the women are considered property of the men. Sometime look this up on Ellis Island's website. It may say "Joe Immigrant with wife and two children". Most of the time the wife and children were listed in name and age only. Men worked and women were housekeepers, literally. Men were in charge. A man was considered sub-standard if he could not support his family and the wife HAD to work, so some in the lower paying jobs worked another part time one to make ends meet. Financially, they were considered lower middle class; however, they were far better off than in the "old country".

Sex was something merely for the purpose of having children. A woman did not do it until AFTER marriage. If a girl had sex before marriage, she was forced to marry the boy. If she got "knocked up" she was sent to a relative to have the baby without the rest of the town knowing, and she was told not to come back home. And the boy was also sent to a relative in a different city if they didn't marry. For all intent and purposes, they were all but disowned. Prudes!

They did not do anything other than "missionary". Doing oral was something for "Queers and Lesbos". (this was the 1960s) The women would be called "whores" by their husbands for originating sex or trying to "be on top". In fact, in this town of 50,000, there were no "adult bookstores". Above all, women were never, ever allowed to complain about their husband's inability or desire to please them that way, or refuse to "service" their husbands. Also, marriage was for life. No divorces allowed.

I found in later life, as you will see, the men were the most religious, and the women, in a lot of cases, were unfulfilled sexually. However, since the men are in charge, the women HAVE to keep this quiet, and "go with the flow". In essence, the woman is cannot show pleasure in having sex..... To show just how naive some women were, once I awoke with "morning wood" as most teenage boys do. I was startled in hearing my bedroom door opening and mom came in and saw it. She said "Why is that doing that; do you have to go pee?" (I answered yes, and no more was said.)

I was born into one of those religions mentioned above, but in a reformed sense. For all practical purposes, I modernized my beliefs, as their lifestyle is not for me. I believe that marriage is not along the lines of a purchase, but is to be a union, a partnership. So when I married, I found a woman who was progressive like me and we enjoy sex. I was in a technical position, and repaired medical electronics, which required in state travel. I made good money.

Me. I am 5-7, 165#, not ripped with a six pack, but in good shape. I was a swimmer in H S and our home has a pool. My job required handling medical equipment and I still swim when I can. My Johnson is 6" and medium thickness. I have brown hair. If there was one word to describe me, it would be "average". My outstanding quality is that I learned to please a woman when I was 19 yrs old. I had an older woman teach me how to enjoy sex way beyond just getting my rocks off, and how to please a woman. And I learned that if the woman is pleased, you will be invited back, or rather demanded..

M I L or Mom, as we both called her, was in her earlier 50s when this took place, 5-5, about 130, with thick brunet curly hair, and proportioned like my wife: 36C, a bit thick wasted and very firm all over. She was a farm girl. On a farm, you worked and getting fat was not an option. You did your chores. She still walked 3 miles a day. She was very introverted, bordering on Asperger disease. Once she knew you for a while, she would be a lot friendlier. This problem accounted for very few friends. With her religious upbringing, she wore loose clothing and old styles. Literally looked like the stereotype of a Grandmother. I never thought about her in a sexual way because she was my M I L and she did not look like somebody who would "want it".

Dad, definitely raised "old country", was very average in build, 5' 8. He had a desk job, but one with very high stress. He had a stroke, but was somewhat still mobile with his powered wheelchair, so they moved from "up north" to a senior living mobile home park about 40 miles from our home, in the deep south, where we moved a few years after marriage. A year later, he had another stroke, and mom could not lift him so they put him in an assisted living center. Since this was only across town from us, but a 40 mile drive for mom, and she would stay with us for a few days at a time. She sold thier mobile home and bought a condo near the living center, which was along my way home from work, so I could help her. He did not last long there and died a couple of months later.

The condo was built for over 50s, and had concrete walls separating the units and extra insulation for lower power bills and low sound transfer. The older people play their TV and stereos a bit loud sometimes....

Mom would come over to our house and sometimes stay overnight. After all, we were closer to her, as her other daughter was in the mid-western US. Wife and mom would have very long talks. With her shyness, meeting and remarrying was not an option, so we made her as comfortable as possible. In fact, I felt closer to wife's family than my own.

One day I came in from job travel and they both were there. I noticed a half bottle of wine on the table. After I changed into "at home: clothes, like gym shorts and a tee shirt, and got settled, I went into the great room and. wife said "Sit down. We need to talk to you. Mom has a problem".

I sat down and wife said "Mom and I talked this over. With dad's stroke and medical problems, mom has not had sex in nearly 3 years. She needs some loving. With her shyness, she won't go out and find someone. So we want to ask you to make love to her?"

I sat there with my mouth and eyes wide open. Then I said "You want me to do THAT to your mother?"

"That's putting it like it is, what do you say?"

"Let me digest this and think."

I went into the kitchen. I came back into the great room with a mixed drink for myself and one each for them. After drinking and thinking, I said "If both of you think this will not adversely affect all of us, I will do it. I do want to make this clear, I am only doing this because both of you asked me to"

"We thought so. Here are some rules we came up with for ALL of us to follow. Nobody else is to know about this, especially our daughter. You do not do this in *our* bed, so use the spare room and clean up afterwards. I will not watch or be there while you are with mom."

I said "OK. Maybe it would be better if we did this at her condo. Her neighbors see me there a lot so they would not be suspicious."

Mom said "Good Idea. When do we start?"

"Give me an hour and I will be there."

I went there and knocked on the door. She said come in. I told her "Let's get some wine and talk first." She returned with some wine and I continued "I want to see just where you are with this and then I can take it from there. Use whatever language you want when you reply to a question."

She shook her head yes. Then I said "Tell me exactly what sexual experience that you have."

She said "Dad was old country. Sex was for having children. After my two daughters were born, it was once every week or two, then in later years, even less. He had me lay in the bed, turned out the lights, and mounted me. There was a bit of kissing, and then he went to it, from 5 to 10 minutes. Once he climaxed, he rolled off, we cleaned up and went to sleep. There were never any signs of affection, such as touching..."

I said "So, his version of foreplay was to say 'brace yourself?"

She laughed and said "That's about it."

I said "No wonder *wife* rebelled and married me." (That is, I am not of their religion)

Mom laughed and said " My daughter told me of your sexual skills, and you make sure she is satisfied. She even casually mentioned oral sex. I don't know what that is, and may be afraid to ask."

"Trust me, you will love it. Now, a ground rule: WHATEVER I suggest, try it. I will not do anything that your daughter and I have not done and loved. If something totally turns you off, say so and we will do something else. But we can try it first...."

She then cocked her head to one side and said "Where did you learn all this? Take a course somewhere? In these modern times, I don't care what you did before you married my daughter"

"Before I married, I met a woman who was a nurse for a Doctor whose specialty was the reproductive system, sort of OB/GYN/urologist. It seems that in this really prudish town, some newly married couples have no idea as to what to do, sex wise. What are they going to do? Ask your priest? Ask your parents? So they were referred to this Doctor and his group, where they showed them the "fun" part. The women worked with the females, and the Doctor worked with the males. They had a book to give them ideas to try at home. Needless to say, she was very tuned in. and I became a willing student."

"I see and understand. I also was not taught this and had to rely on dad, right or wrong as you know because the man runs the marriage. Sometimes I would look at other men and wonder if they could satisfy me. I even looked at you sometimes as you weren't like him."

"I never noticed you noticing" (she blushed a little.) "Let's start with foreplay."

I got a very strange look from her.

I said 'BEFORE play. It's a way to get you both into the mood, like warming up your engine. Kissing, caressing, and such, then going to the next step. You will like it guaranteed" She shook her head yes. I then said "I wish I had hat book, now, for you to read. Both men and women have to be "in the mood" Its easier for a man to get turned on, but women take a bit longer."

We went into her bedroom and sat at the edge of her bed. I took her into my arms and started kissing her and then into the tongue wrestling. She started moaning and getting into it. I brought my hand under her blouse and massaged her tits. Her nipples became hard almost immediately. She asked me if she should remover her blouse and bra. I said "Let me do it and when I take off something of yours, you take off something of mine. This action shows that both are "ready to rock. If either of are NOT ready, just say so."

I unbuttoned her blouse and over her head and cast it aside. She removed off my shirt. I unsnapped her bra and cast it away.\] Her tits were about the same as wife's, however, seemed very firm for her age. She was running her hand over my chest. I put my hand on her tits and played with the nipples a bit, and she made a cooing sound, which showed she enjoyed it. I moved my hand down to her crotch and massaged her pussy thru her jeans. She moaned and made noises telling me I was "connecting". I said "The non-verbal noises tell your partner that you are enjoying it."

She then, very hesitantly, put her hand on my growing hard on and rubbed it thru my pants. I then pulled her jeans zipper down and started to remove them. She stood up and I took them down all the way. I stood up and she pulled mine down, and then on her knees

to remove my boxers. My already hard dick sprang out and almost hit her in the face. She sat there staring at it and said "Excuse me; I never saw one up close. Dad always turned down the lights before he took off his clothes, got on top, and entered me."

"I understand. You can handle it all you want. I want you to get used to handling it, as this also turns on the man, so go for it. I will guide you." I put her hand on it, and she used her thumb and two fingers like holding a teacup. I had her use the whole hand. I am not THAT big, but she barely got her small hand around it. Then I had her run her hand up and down it.

While she did that, I removed her panties. She had a rather large and thick bush like a steel wool pad. I said "The modern trend is to shave or manicure it. We both will enjoy sex more that way."

"OK. How would you like to shave it NOW for me?" And gave me *that* smile.

"I thought you would never ask."

She said wait here. She returned with electric hair clippers, as they once had a poodle, a scissors, shaving lotion, and a safety razor. She said it was dads, and couldn't throw it away. She put a towel under her, laid back, and spread her legs to gibe me access. I started with the clippers and got it down to being manicured and short. I then used the safety razor with the shaving lotion, to clean it down to bare skin. I used my thumb and fingers to open the lips and trim inside, she was getting wet and had this king sized smile on her face. By the time I finished, she was dribbling out of her love tunnel, and purring, and breathing faster.

With a hand mirror, and I showed her the result and she said "this would be easy to maintain, but I think I would enjoy having you do this for me, whenever necessary?"

I said "I also enjoyed it, you betcha." Now, I was thinking to myself "I wonder how much a cunt coiffure makes? Or, would I eat up the profits?" Naughty.... Hamm..... (I would like to be there when someone explained this line of work to the IRS)....

So we sat back on the bed after cleaning her up. I started kissing and working my way down to her tits, with very hard and protruding nipples. I caressed and sucked on them while fingering her out, while she was playing with my dick which was so hard by now, that it hurt.

I then fingered her out and found her clit, Her moaning got louder and she was flowing her love juice out. She squirmed a bit and was clearly turned on.

"Didn't I say that foreplay got both of the people hot to trot?" The ear-to-ear smile on her face answered that question......

I moved up until my dick was in line with her love tunnel and slowly pushed it, as it was so wet, it went in without difficulty, although it was tight, I guess, from non use. I stopped and her pussy was grabbing my dick as if to say never take it out. She said "You feel a bit bigger than dad, but it feels wonderful."

I started stroking slowly and then sped up a bit after a while. She was very wet, and just enjoying the hell out of it. She just lay there just like one does when the doctor is examining you down there. I said "While I am doing this, you can also meet my thrusts. You don't have to just lay there and take it. Actually, if you participate like that, the man will like it, knowing he is pleasing you, and you will enjoy it more"

"Dad wanted me to just lay there. If I moved from enjoying it, he yelled at me and called me whore. Being called that in our circles is a supreme insult. "

"So I am just finding out. Here you can do whatever you want. Remember what I said. Try anything and if its bad, say so and we stop. And you are allowed ti initiate as it shows you want it"

She started to pump her hips back. She had very good muscle tone and we were riding in ecstasy. After her fist big orgasm, she seemed embarrassed. I said "Hey don't be embarrassed, your orgasms are what we are after, remember? After her third orgasm, I came into her. I really came a lot, as she was sort of a new toy, as I was for her. And for the record, I never had any strange stuff after being married. She just wrapped her arms around me, held me close, and kissed me a lot. Then she said "I just found what I have been missing all my life. Not just the sex; it's a lot more than that, its having someone who cares about me and my feelings."

I said "I understand that. But let's not fall in love; this would complicate things beyond reason."

She said "OK. I suppose we should clean up and you can go home?"

I said " I need a shower." She looked at me questionably. I said "Join me in there?" The shower was made for two people, as the older people sometimes have to help each other in it to keep from falling.

She got a big smile and took my hand and almost dragged me in there, while making this squealing sound. I said "Take it easy"

She said "I have a lot to make up for."

"So I am finding out"

In the shower, I taught her what parts are tender and must be handled carefully, and what parts are sexually sensitive. We washed each other, while kissing and groping. She said "Can we do this after each session?"

"Before, during or after, whatever what you are satisfied in doing. Remember, now you can say what you want to try or do, and even initiate it. However, we don't do anything which will show affection in public."

She nodded 'yes' then kissed me and then dried each other off. I got dressed and went home.

As my wife and I got into bed, I tugged on her teddy nightgown indicating I wanted sex, as I was still a bit horny from mom. She said "Didn't mom please you?"

"Yes, but you are the one I love." and we went at it.

The next time with her, we showered together. We went to her bed and started kissing and caressing each other. Then I kissed my way down to to her tits, and her pussy. I inserted my tongue into it. She picked up her head and said "What are you doing?"

"This is part of what we call oral. Lay back and enjoy it. I am assuming you have never this done before?"

She said "No. This was not permitted and the woman was never allowed to initiate sex. If you did, you were called a whore and really shamed. One of my friends at church told me that she wanted some "attention", so she grabbed her husband down there (and pointed). He slapped her hands and called her whore. She never did that again."

"Let me do this first with you and you will love it."

I again kissed my way down to her pussy, which was already wet. She was watching me and when I inserted my tongue into her love tunnel, she moaned and the flow increased a bit.

I licked her lips, then I found her clit. I rubbed it and licked it. She let out a screech when I contacted it. When it enlarged, I sucked on it, and the dribble increased even more. While doing so, I inserted two fingers and felt around for the "G" spot. I knew I found it when he let out a loud screech and the flow gushed out. She said "I never did that before, and you are right, I love it. Now, I want you in me." Which was what I did. After her 3 orgasms, I fill her up with mine.

After a brief rest, I said "Now you can do me."

"You want me to put hat *thing* in my mouth?"

"I had your in mine, and frankly, it tasted good."

"I agreed to try anything so I will do it. Instruct me. And tell me how I can tell if I am pleasing the man.

I said "Maintain eye contact if you can. You will see it in his face. Now, when the man ejaculates, you will feel it in his dick. It gets a bit harder, and he will breathe heavier. But for your first time I will warn you. Once he starts it cannot be stopped. At that point, your choices are: You can take your mouth off of it, and finishing it with your hand, or let it shoot into your mouth then either swallow or spit it out. Your choice."

She said OK and went at it. She tried to take the whole thing in her mouth in one move, and immediately started choking and gagging. I said 'I forget to tell you to do it slowly at first. Give the throat muscles time to adjust than take in a bit more. Stop when it becomes uncomfortable to you. And don't choke to death." That got a big laugh and she said "I would love to see that on a death certificate." And we both laughed.

She went down on it very slowly and got it almost all inside. She sucked and bobbed up and down at my request. She did a good job and after 5 minutes or so, I said I am ready.

She took it out of her mouth and put her hand over it, so it would not squirt out on her. I shot some ropes out. After I stopped shooting, she brought her hand to her mouth and licked up some cum to taste it. She said "Not bad, a bit salty like sea food. Next time I will try swallowing it."


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