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You're Not a Serial Rapist Ch. 04


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"That just made the wait for you, since I left you in your bed that morning, all worth it. To feel you inside of me. Right now... our bareness. Our skin touching. Our hearts touching. Like I said that afternoon in my dorm room, I never believed in 'Love at first sight', until I met you. I mean... Yeah, we knew of each other long before we got to know each other... and then to really know each other. It all happened so fast... those last few days. Then we departed.

"That morning, when I was loading my stuff into my parent's car, I could feel your presence. I know that sounds strange. I know I told you not to come to see me off. And you didn't... Well, not exactly. I looked for you. You saw me looking for you. Then you stood. I almost waved; but, thought if I did I would lose it."

"But you smiled. Even from where I was standing, I could see the smile. That was all I needed. It carried me through until now," I whispered as I stroked her soft back.

"You sending me flowers. That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. The saying on the card -- 'Missing and thinking of you, always'," her voice again cracking, "I will never forget that message. I've read it a hundred times. It's burned into my heart, forever. I even bought a picture frame for it. It's hanging above my bed. Maybe you'll see... someday," she beamed back at me.

"You needed it... I could tell from your letters."

"Yeah. I did need it," her tone becoming serious, "The timing was perfect. I was getting grief from my girlfriends that I should be going out with them to bars and stuff. Have some fun. Not sitting home, brooding. They all knew about you. Kept telling me I was a fool. Was being played for a fool. Some guy. Hours away that I had just met. Probably out with some girl. Having his own fun. Me just sitting home. Doing nothing. Then those flowers came. I made it a point to tell them about it, and the card. They haven't bugged me since. So, thank you... again."

"It was my pleasure. The moment of that inspiration was bewildering. I've never been a spontaneous type of guy. But that moment... seeing the flower shop across the street. Something... Somebody, spoke to me."

"Well, I'm glad. You know you've really scored some major point with my parents. Both from the continuous flow of letters, and especially the flowers. I know they can't wait to meet you. Speaking of which, as much as I don't want to lose the feeling of you inside of me, we had better get some sleep. I don't want to raise any more questions with my mom about tonight. Although, she may be suspicious because of my 'glowing look'. Why don't you go and clean up. Then come back to my waiting arms and naked body."

"I like the sound of that," as our lips met.

When I returned to her naked body, the sheet was pulled to the side, and the bedside lamp was still on. She watched, as I once again took in her nude sensuous form. She was on her back, smiling contently. Her legs in a relaxed spacing.

"Turn off the light, and come to me," her arms raised invitingly. Her face beaming.

I felt the sheet cover us as our bare bodies found each other. The warmth radiating off of each us into the other. Our lips met.

"I could get used to this," she cooed.

"Me too... Good night... my love."

"I could really get use to that... Good night my love."

Before drifting off to sleep, together, I paused and reflected. She had given herself to me, fully. Not just her body; but, her heart, mind, and spirit as well. They were mine to religiously cherish. It was something I would do with every ounce of my being.

* * * * *

I woke as I felt her stir. I was on my back. Turning my head. Even in the dimly lit room her eyes and the smile were captivating as she lay on her side with her head propped on her hand, gazing at me.

"How long have you been awake?"

"A few minutes. Enjoying watching you sleep. Listening to you sleep... I could get used to this," she purred moving to drape her soft warm body over mine as my arm embraced her. Her thigh nestled next to my awakening dick. I stroked her back. Her head resting comfortably on my chest.

"I can hear your heart beating."

"You should have heard it beating last night. I think it was about to jump out of my chest."

She giggled into my chest.

"So, what's the plan for today?" she asked.

"I'm supposed to meet one of my future roommates around 1:00. He already has a trailer, has been there all summer taking some classes. He had a roommates that left a couple of weeks ago. Still paid his portion of the remaining rent though. He said he has a lead on someone we both know, and were in the dorm with, that was looking to spend his last year off campus. So, it shouldn't be that difficult, or take that long."

"I can come too?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I want them to meet my girlfriend. To see who will be spending some time at the trailer... and in my bed," that brought a giggle.

"I like the sound of that... 'My girlfriend'. I hope they won't mind me being there, or get tired of me being there. I mean... I don't think it will be every weekend. We do have to respect their privacy as well. Maybe switching between my dorm and your room."

"That's going to be weird at your room. I mean with your roommate there and the beds just across from each other. I'll talk to the guys. Let them know the situation. That we don't want to make them uncomfortable. And to talk to me if things get too much."

"Yeah. I'll have to work that out too. I just hope she's a laid back person and all. But first, you have to come to my house. After all, you got up early this morning and drove those long five hours by yourself. I know my mom really wants to meet you. My dad will be home later. He's playing golf this morning, and I know he definitely wants to meet you."

"Why? Does he think I'm a serial rapist?"

Giggling, "Nooo. He just wants to meet the guy that has made his daughter the happiest girl alive, for the first time in her life," as she kissed my cheek.

"I hate to move... but I've got to pee."

Even in the dimly lit room, her little butt cheeks looked wonderful as she moved toward the bathroom.

"Your turn," as she reentered the room. I noticed the glass of water she carried, but didn't pay any more attention. I could tell she had brushed her teeth, "You might want to clean that beautiful dick of yours for me. That is... if you want to," she mischievously grinned.

Peeing. Brushing my teeth, and making sure everything down there was in pristine condition I returned to the room. I had no idea what she had in store, but I knew whatever it was, it would be fun.

The curtains had been pulled back halfway to let in a comfortable amount of sunlight. Kathy was seductively laying on the bed. Stretched out. One leg raised. The other straight. Her breasts flat. The nipples at attention. The blonde forest looked like it had been 'fluffed up'. My hardening dick throbbed. She grinned. I leaned over and planted a kiss in the middle of her chest.

"Come here. I've got a surprise for you," pulling me down on top of her and then rolling so that she lay directly on top of me. My head propped on a pillow. Our lips met for a long sensual kiss. She tasted wonderful.

Raising up our eyes met. She had a 'shit eating' grin as she began to kiss my neck. I watched the top of her head as she continued down my chest and stomach. My now completely hard dick dragging along her bareness was now resting at the bottom of her chin. I still had no idea what was coming.

I watched as she sat up and propped herself up on her knees between my widely spread legs. I had everything on display. I watched as her eyes took in everything that lay before her. Her right hand moving to cup my soft hanging scrotum. I gasped as the coolness of her hand engulfed my sack.

"You have such nice balls," as she took each of my testicles between her thumb and index finger and gently traced each full orb, as if 'milking' me. I groaned.

"You like it when I play with your balls, don't you?" her fingers now 'milking' the other aching orb. I could only nod.

"How about when I do this?"

Her fingertip lightly brushing that sensitive spot at the base... the perineum. I groaned. My dick throbbed. She grinned as she watched a drop of clear pre-cum emerge.

Her hand moved up to encircle my hardened shaft at the base, as our eyes met once again. She sensually licked her lips. I watched as she leaned forward until the pre-cum droplet was a fraction of an inch from her extended nipple, before making contact. She sensually rubbed that droplet first over her hardened nub and then surrounding flesh. I groaned as my dick throbbed at the sight, causing more to emerge. I watched in amazement. She coated first one and then the other with my sex fluid. At times it looked like she was trying to force her nipple into my opening. Her eyes were closed as she savored these new sensations against her extremely sensitive and engorged nipples.

Leaning forward. Presenting her nipples to my awaiting mouth, she whispered, "Here. Clean em for me, and then you'll get your surprise."

I thought this was the surprise. My eager tongue made quick work as I licked and sucked each nipple clean. Leaving each shining with my saliva. Once satisfied. She grinned and lay back down on my chest and gave me a kiss that curled my toes.

Looking into my eyes, "And now... my love... this is for you... and only you."

Our lips met momentarily before she repeated the journey down my body, coming rest and rubbing her chin through my pubic hair... all the while maintaining erotic eye contact. She, again, slowly and seductively licked her lips.

Rising back up on her knees she gave me a sultry look as she arched her back and stretched the way she knew I appreciated. And I did, as I throbbed.

Then, in what would be a first for each of us. She leaned in, looking into my eyes, and gently kissed the very end of my very... very hard erection. Then rubbed the sensitive glans first it on her left cheek and then the right. All the while gazing seductively into my eyes with a loving smile. I groaned. I then watched as she reverently planted kisses along my entire length from the tip to the base, and even along my sparsely hairy sack before returning to lick the newly formed droplet of pre-cum.

Our eyes locked. I watched as she pressed her soft lips against the tip of my cock and traveled over the sensitive glans to engulf the entire head. Her tongue resting on that sensitive underside valley. The center of all of my pleasure was bathed in the wet warmth of her mouth. I groaned and throbbed again. I could see the corners of her mouth turned up in a satisfying smile. The palm of her hand cupping my hanging scrotum, her delicate fingers encircling my girth.

She slowly withdrew. I watched as her lips slowly glided over the soft edges of the glans, which fluttered a bit as they were freed. The feeling of her soft lips over the bare and sensitive crown was like nothing I had ever experienced before. We watched each other as she again reverently kissed the tip. Then looked up at me with a gentle smile.

"My gosh, Kath. That was so sexy. I've never felt anything like that."

"There's more."

As her hand started to slowly stroke my shaft, Kathy sucked my left ball into her mouth. I lay there in awe as I watched her work her mouth over my testicle in the same manner she worked the head of my cock. The impact was immediate: my cock throbbed in her hand and I groaned loudly. I could again see the upturned corners of her mouth, in a satisfying grin.

Without saying a word, I watched as Kathy's pink tongue slowly traced the raphe from the base of my hard cock, along my length, through that sensitive valley on the underside of the glans, to the oozing opening. I let out a gasp as the pink crown disappeared through her soft pink lips. Holding me in her warm mouth for a moment, her blue gray eyes meeting mine, then began a slow, and gentle, head bob. Each time engulfing the pink head. Each time withdrawing her lips over the glans until the tip just parted her lips. Each time planting a reverent kiss on the tip, as if she was worshipping something very precious. Occasionally swirling her tongue around the opening... probing... cleaning it of any of my love juice. Moving her tongue around the edges of the glans and up through the underside valley. Along the entire shaft. All the while never breaking eye contact as the bond, and connection, between us deepened.

The pace of her bobbing increased. Her hand still clutching my tightening scrotum. I was close and she knew it.

"Tell me when you're going to cum," as she momentarily broke contact before resuming.

Thirty seconds later, "Kathy... oh gosh... My Kathy... I going to cum... NOW!!"

My scrotum convulsed... and convulsed... and convulsed in the palm of her hand as I filled that gorgeous mouth with more of my thick white sperm than I had ever ejaculated before in my entire life. I watched her throat as she swallowed each of my eruptions. She sucked harder, milking every drop from my spurting cock.

After making sure everything was cleaned up, and taking a drink of water.

'Oh, that's what the glass of water was for,' I thought.

Our lips met in a fury of passionate kisses. I could lightly taste myself on her.

"I love you Kathy. I love kissing these lips knowing where they were a few seconds ago."

"I love you Bill. I take it you liked my surprise. I've never done that before."

"It was wonderful. I've never... ever, experienced anything like that... Another first for each of us."

"A bunch of us girls in the dorm last year were sitting around one night. Suddenly the subject of 'blow-jobs' came up. A couple of us had no clue what they were talking about. They filled us in on the technique and especially to make sure the guy told us when he was about to cum.

"After you mentioned we would be spending the night in a hotel, it was something I wanted to do for you in the morning. I mean... I didn't want to go home smelling of sex. I'm sure my mom would have picked up on that. And I didn't want to do it and take another shower. I'm sure my mom would have wondered about that too, since I was supposed to be staying the night at my girlfriend's dorm room.

"Speaking of which, I should probably be getting home," she grinned, "Besides, you still have a few hours before you have to check out. Maybe take a short nap. You look pretty worn out," the ever-present grin never leaving her cute face.

I watched her get dressed. Walked her to the door naked. Held and kissed her.

"I'll see you in a few hours... my love," as I kissed her.

"I never get tired of hearing that... my love."

"I never get tired of saying it... my love," that brought a beaming smile.

* * * * *

Checking out, I asked where I could get a bouquet of flowers at a reasonable price. My mom had suggested that, since I would be meeting Kathy's parents it would be nice if I brought her mom a bouquet.

Kathy sent me a map to her house in one of her later letters. She lived in the next town over, about a twenty minute drive.

Their house was just outside the city limits and sat on a five acre wooded lot. The house was two story with a large freshly mowed lawn. The closest neighbor was probably fifty yards away. Stepping out of the car, it was almost as quiet as at my parents. The air a bit heavy from the summer heat and humidity. A nice gentle breeze helped cool.

She was inside, and heard my car as I pulled into the driveway. She was out of the house in a flash. Kathy's hands went to my shoulders and she hopped up, wrapping her legs around my waist, locking her feet together behind my back, and her arms around my neck. Her head buried against my shoulder as my hands cupped each of her delicious butt cheeks. Her mom in the kitchen window watching our meeting with a knowing and motherly smile. Fortunately, we were turned such that the locations of my hands were not visible.

She had changed into a casual look. Mid-thigh cut-offs showing lots of long toned and tanned legs. The top was a loose V-neck tee shirt.

Kathy smiled as I reached back into the car and brought out the flowers.

"You're really going to be scoring some major points... where's mine?" she teased.

"You already have a flower... from what I remember from last night. A very beautiful, fragrant, and tasty flower," I whispered as she blushed.

"You're so bad."

"Yeah... but you love it."

"Come on. My mom's probably been watching the whole time. Please don't embarrass me," she was serious.

"Kathy. I would never... ever embarrass you... my love," that brought an endearing smile.

* * * * *

"Mom. I'd like you to meet Bill. Bill. My mom."

She was a mature version of her daughter. The blonde hair was a bit longer. Her eyes the same shade of blue, with just a hint of lines at the edges. A few freckles highlighted her high cheek bones. Her hips had a gentle swell. Kathy indeed inherited her mom's breasts. Plus, she had the same infectious smile.

I reached out to shake her hand but she surprised me as she leaned in to give me a hug.

"Handshakes are for strangers. We may have just met, but you're no stranger to me. Kathy has told me all about you. Actually, she hasn't stopped talking about you since you sent those lovely flowers."

"Thank you ma'am. It is really nice to meet you... and these are for you."

"Oh my. Thank you. And please, call me Judy. Come on in. Have you eaten lunch?"

"No. I was in a hurry to get here. Could have stopped after the flower shop. Just didn't."

"That's fine. Let me put these in water first. I've got some sandwich cold cuts and potato salad. How's that? Give me a few minutes. Kathy, why don't' you show Bill where he will be sleeping."

"Sounds wonderful. Thank you Judy," I turned to Kathy as her mom left the room. She was beaming.

She took me down into the basement. It was a completely finished. The walls were a type of dark paneling, and along with the light tan carpeting gave the room a warm and comfortable feeling. The drop ceiling with dimming spot lights bathed the room in a soft glow. I noticed a bathroom off to the side and the couch, which was really a pull-out futon, flanked on each side by a pair of end tables. A huge coffee table sat proudly in front of the couch.

"Wow," I said in total amazement.

"Yeah. They did this quite a few years ago. From the time I was in middle school. Through high school, I would have sleep-overs with three of my best friends. It was fun. Four girls sitting up most of the night, talking about what teenage girls talk about: boys, ourselves, boys, other girls, boys... you get the picture," she grinned.

"Sooo... where's your room?" as I took her into my arms.

Grinning back, "No. We can't do anything here. I wouldn't want my parents to even think that something like that would be going on. Right now, I'm wondering if my mom has a hint of where I actually was last night. I mean... she didn't say anything. Only asked if Laurie and I had a good time. But the way I was glowing and beaming all morning, I think she suspected... but, it would be fun," she grinned.

"I understand. I was just teasing. It'll be the same when you come to visit me," with that our lips met and we devoured each other, before hearing, "Hey guys. Lunch is ready."

We broke the kiss and Kathy straightened everything, as we made our way upstairs.

* * * * *

Kathy's mom had laid out a nice casual spread of deli meats, cheese, and potato salad.

"Wow," was all I said. Judy beamed back.

She sat across the table from the two of us. I'm pretty sure to 'read' me and to watch her daughter's actions. We ate as she asked me about my family, my previous years at school, how I felt about the riots the previous year. I talked about why I had stayed in the dorm, instead of moving off-campus. I'm sure she knew all the details, just wanted to hear it all from me.

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