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Youthful Abandon


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"Now, make sure it doesn't itch," Andrew said, dribbling some baby oil onto Moni's bald mound.

"Mm, oh, oh yes," Moni gurgled as Paramore's debut album began to play.

After smearing the oil all around Moni's mound, Andrew then fingered her to an orgasm. Before Moni caught her breath, Andrew slid his cock into her wet pussy. They kissed hungrily while Andrew fucked her.

Diane hated that word. She cringed when Andrew used the vulgar term and insisted he call the act 'making love.' Andrew wondered, just how much love had Diane actually put into the physical act.

After Moni's second grunting and shuddering orgasm, Andrew pulled his cock out of her snug pussy and had her roll onto her hands and knees.

"I, ack! Erk, what? That, God, that, that feels so weird!" Moni protested as Andrew slid a greasy finger into her pretty little rectum.

Andrew did not respond as he fucked her ass with one, then two and finally three greasy fingers. He gen greased up his cock with a handful of petroleum jelly then grabbed Moni's ample hips.

"I ack! Augh! Oh I, God, God damn it, that, that fucking hurts!" Moni protested as Andrew forced the head of his cock into her struggling anus.

She screamed out when his cockhead popped into her, just past her sphincter. Andrew reached his right hand around and diddled her fat clitoris. Moni drove the last four inches of Andrew's cock into her bowels as she bucked and grunted in pained orgasm.

The tightness, the heat was incredible. Andrew could feel her rectal muscles struggling, squeezing, milking the length of his cock as her bowels tried to expel his intrusion. Andrew swore he could feel Moni's heartbeat as he began to pull out of the amazing tightness.

"Ack, ack, oh," Moni gurgled as Andrew pounded her buttocks.

His belly and hips made obscene slapping noises as his flesh slapped against her pudgy buttocks. His cock made vulgar squelching noises as he pulled and pushed himself into her tight, wiggling rectum.

Looking down, Andrew saw his fat meat stretching her greasy brown ring. He saw his cock plunging in and out of her jiggling ass.

"Fuck yes!" Andrew bellowed and pumped a few dribbles of sperm into Moni's bowels.

He collapsed onto her back. His weight caused her to slip forward and lay, panting and gurgling on his comforter. Andrew groaned and gasped, trying to catch his breath. Finally, he pulled his wilting cock from her stretched, raw anus and rolled onto his back.

"Hey, you know what time it is?" Andrew was roused from his slumber.

Rolling over, Andrew peered through bleary eyes at the clock. He then rolled over and looked at the worried face of his guest.

"It's six, ten after six. Why? What time you need get home?" Andrew asked.

"Shit, wasn't s'posed be out," Moni admitted. "My mom went down to the courthouse, said she'd be back by shit! By three, oh God, I, I'm dead. I'm, I am so dead; she's going kill me!"

Getting dressed, Andrew knew he was in no shape to drive. Plus that, meeting the mother of a rebellious eighteen year old girl was not on the list of things he wanted to do. Especially an overly religious nut-case mother.

Andrew arranged for an Uber and smiled tightly when Moni gave him the address of a trailer park in Sweet Oak, Texas. The phone app said the driver would be there in seven minutes, so Andrew walked down the stairs and outside with Moni. When the young black man pulled up and greeted them with a smile, Andrew gave Moni a soft kiss, then handed the young man a five dollar tip.

Inside again, Andrew made himself another tequila drink, turned off his stereo and sat in comfortable silence. All in all, it had actually been a good day. Andrew had started the legal proceedings to rid himself of a lying, manipulative bitch. He'd found a virgin, seduced a virgin, even got to sodomize a cute, chubby virgin.

"Don't even think I need to get good and falling down drunk no more," Andrew said, raising his glass in a salute.

"You okay?" Diane texted him.

"Well, I was, until I heard from you, hateful cunt," Andrew replied.

Andrew then blocked her number. He wondered why he had not blocked Diane's number before now. On reflection, he knew why. He had kept hoping, hope against hope that Diane would change her mind, would desire to become a mother, the mother of his children.

In the morning, Andrew was surprised his hangover wasn't more severe. He went outside and cut the grass, actually smiling as the sun helped burn off his alcohol. An early lunch was followed by the first of his brandy drinks. Hefting the half-gallon bottle of tequila, Andrew determined he had enough in the bottle to last at least the weekend, if not the entire week. Normally, he was not much of a drinker.

In his shower, Andrew relived yesterday's activities. Using shampoo as a lubricant, Andrew masturbated to thoughts of his pudgy fuck doll and her sweet, fat ass.

On the fifth of July, Andrew returned to his job with O'Malley Accounting, located in 3 Alliance Square. Pausing as he always did in front of the gym on the ground floor, Andrew decided he would actually go into the gym today and sign himself up for some assistance. Being an employee in the building, Andrew was eligible for a severely discounted rate with the fitness club.

"Actually, Mr. Freedlin, you are right on time," the very pretty blonde woman at the counter smiled a beaming smile. "Percy? He's going be doing a 'Lunchtime Powerhouse' workout and it is geared toward beginners. Starts next Monday; you'll want to pack some lightweight clothing, some comfortable shoes and a jock strap, some soap and a towel and deodorant."

Andrew was glad the class was aimed toward beginners, executives that did little more than push pencils around a desk. He was sure if the class had been geared toward someone that did more than waddle from desk to lunchroom and back, it would have killed him.

"You'll be back tomorrow?" Percy Goodwin, the gym's owner asked Andrew as Andrew groaned, stepping out of the small shower cubicle.

"Know what? You damned right I will. I have no excuse to be in this bad a shape," Andrew wheezed.

By the end of July, Andrew was also stopping into the gym after work, getting in a good hour-long workout while he waited for rush hour traffic to die down. By the end of August, Andrew was helping Percy with some new arrivals to the Powerhouse noon workout.

On September fourth, Andrew opened his front door; there was a hard, persistent knocking. Opening the door, he saw an angry, harsh faced woman standing there. Behind the morbidly obese woman was a red eyed Moni. His first impulse was to slam the door in the angry woman's face.

"Help you?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah, your son got my daughter knocked up," the woman snarled bitterly, attempting to push her way into Andrew's house.

"My, ma'am, I don't have a son," Andrew said, shoving the woman back, hard.

"Momma, this..." Moni sniffled.

"You! Hush! Oh, don't try that line of malarkey with me," the woman shrilled at Andrew. "Your step-son, then."

"No step son either," Andrew smiled tightly. "I'm afraid, I'm the only one lives here."

"Nephew?" the woman asked, now turning to look at her daughter. "I, the Uber, you said this is the house. This is the house, right? Good grief, Monica, how, how many more lies are you going to tell me? I swear, I have had my fill of..."

"Can I go back to my breakfast while you two figure this out?" Andrew interrupted.

"Momma, this, this is Andrew," Moni said. "This is the guy that..."

"This? Monica, he, he's, he's as old as me!" the woman spluttered.

Moments later, the three were sitting at Andrew's breakfast table. Stella Litzinger refused coffee but did accept a glass of orange juice. Moni also accepted a glass of orange juice. Stella began to denounce the drinking of coffee, but Andrew reminded her, she was in his house.

Andrew also refused Stella's demands that he accept his responsibilities and marry her daughter. He further enraged the woman when he refused to convert from agnostic to the Holy Church of Bethlehem.

"Ma'am, if it is, if it is my baby, I will be more than happy to shoulder my portion of the financial responsibilities. I will put him or her on my insurance," Andrew said. "But, no. I will not marry a girl I don't even know. I will not attend a church I do not believe in. I will not jump through the hoops you seem to think I need to jump through. Believe it or not, you do not hold all the cards. You don't hold any cards at all, in fact."

Stella got up from the table. Moni started to get up but Stella gave her daughter a look that held Moni in place. A moment later, the front door slammed. Three minutes later, they heard an automobile leave at a high rate of speed.

"Did she..." Andrew asked, getting to his feet.

Opening his front door, Andrew saw four cardboard boxes and some garbage bags. He turned and looked at Moni, who gave him a tight smile and shrug. With a sigh, Andrew began carrying Moni's worldly possessions into his home.

Her first night there, Monica Litzinger stayed in the guest room. Her second night, Andrew pulled Moni into his bedroom. Undressing her, he discovered that he needed to shave her again. After scraping away the brown clump of hair, Andrew tongued and fingered Moni to three screaming orgasms. Then, putting her on hands and knees, Andrew greased her tight anus. Gripping her hips, he forced his way into her bowels and pounded her up her tight ass hard and fast. Moni gurgled and screamed in orgasm when Andrew reached around and diddled her clitoris.

After more energetic sex, Moni declared she still did not like the taste and texture of semen. Instead of swallowing, Moni did the next best thing; she let Andrew blast his load onto her smiling face and small breasts.

Andrew found out that Moni's weight problem was two-fold. Her mother was severely obese. She and Moni were both five feet three inches in height and Stella Litzinger weighed three hundred and twenty eight pounds. So genetics were not on Moni's side. But she also had deplorable eating habits. The only foods Moni knew how to cook were sugar laden, fat laden, and sodium laden foods.

Dr. Pruitt confirmed that Monica Litzinger was indeed in the family way. Moni was surprised with Andrew's passionate kiss when the doctor confirmed her pregnancy. She was less than thrilled when Andrew asked the man to prescribe a sensible diet for expectant mommies and assured Moni that they would be following the diet closely.

After their appointment, they walked across the street to the Bombay Café and had a leisurely lunch. Andrew used the computer print-out Dr. Pruitt's office had provided them when he ordered their meal. Moni had to agree, maybe the diet wouldn't be the worst thing in the world; she'd liked everything they'd eaten.

After lunch, Andrew drove Moni to a boutique on Amhurst Drive in Oakleaf. Moni goggled as Andrew spent nearly three thousand dollars on maternity clothes for her. Next door to the maternity store was a lingerie store and Andrew bought his rotund little hottie some sexy outfits.

The gym did offer some classes for pregnant women and Andrew attended the classes with his girlfriend. At first, some of the women assumed Andrew was Moni's father and he received smiles and nods and murmurs of approval from the women. But when they found out he was not Moni's father, but was instead the father of the baby she was carrying, the smiles and nods turned to hostile frowns of disapproval.

"They just jealous," Moni whispered as Tiffany called a beginning to that evening's classes.

By the way, you look really cute in that leotard," Andrew said as he assisted Moni in her stretching.

"You just like the snap crotch," Moni giggled.

"Oh, I do like that," Andrew agreed. "Come on, that, you can spread those legs a little more than that."

At four months pregnancy, Dr. Pruitt was not happy with the amount of weight Monica Litzinger was gaining. Both Andrew and Moni swore they were adhering to the diet, and other than the one Barley Terlings beer Moni drank on Sundays, when the Houston Texans were doing their best to lose, she was not cheating.

An ultrasound gave Dr. Pruitt the answer and Andrew nearly fainted when he found out they were having twins. When he recovered, Andrew again gave Moni a passionate kiss and declared his love for her.

"And I love you too," Moni giggled. "Now, come on and take me to Bombay to celebrate, Daddy."

"Daddy. I like the sound of that," Andrew admitted.

Other than the occasional visits from Stella, trying to force Moni to return to the one true faith and trying to force Andrew to join their church, Andrew was truly happy. Even his immediate supervisor at O'Malley Accounting and Ferguson O'Malley himself mentioned Andrew's renewed energy for his work.

January 2, Andrew was preparing egg drop soup to go with their cashew beef stir fry. He had reached the critical point, pouring the beaten egg white over the back of a spoon, allowing the egg to dribble into the simmering broth when the doorbell rang.

"Sweetheart, please get that," Andrew called out.

"Yeah, I know, at your age, you can't make it all the way to the door without your oxygen tank," Moni teased, urging her bulk from the couch.

"I'm only forty three, not a hundred and three," Andrew smiled.

"Uh huh, need to get rid of that cake, hear? I don't need that temptation right there," Moni complained, pointing to the box Andrew's birthday cake had come in.

A moment later, Andrew turned down the heat on the soup and turned around to see Diane standing in his kitchen. The smiling woman moved to hug him, but Andrew put his arms out to stop her.

"I, I'm ready," Diane gushed.

"You, you're ready for what?" Andrew asked, mystified.

Over Diane's shoulder, Andrew could see Moni's pale face. He could see the worry etched on the eighteen year old girl's beautiful features.

"Why, to be a mommy," Diane laughed. "I, I've had a lot of time to do some deep soul searching and..."

"How far along are you?" Andrew deduced, looking at Diane's flat belly.

"I, what? I, I how can, how can you say that?" Diane asked.

"Office holiday party?" Andrew interrupted Diane's protests. "Woke up the next morning, panties all full of spunk?"

"Must you be so vulgar?" Diane hissed.

"Must you be so mercenary?" Andrew smiled. "Diane, you're far too late to jump on this bandwagon. That beautiful girl behind you?"

"That, that's Charlotte's kid, right? Your niece?" Diane asked, turning to regard Moni.

"Janna's black, Diane. Does my wife look black to you?" Andrew laughed.

"Your...wife!" Diane screamed, face a mask of bitterness.

"My wife," Andrew confirmed as Diane stormed out of the house.

"Your wife?" Moni asked as they sat to enjoy their lunch.

"I, yeah, wasn't the most romantic way to propose, was it?" Andrew asked, wincing as Moni loudly slurped her soup.

"If you're serious? Then it's the perfect way to propose," Moni said.

"I'm serious," Andrew said.

Andrew's suspicions proved to be true; Moni told him she and Stella had seen Diane at the maternity boutique while Stella and Moni were looking for a dress for the wedding. Andrew gave a disinterested shrug; his ex-wife was of no concern to him.

"That's nice. Tell your mother, James McCall is not licensed to perform marriages in the state of Texas. He is not a certified reverend. She makes one more demand, I will have a transvestite midget or worse yet, an Elvis impersonator do our wedding," Andrew said.

"You would not," Moni laughed.

"By the way, those pants? They, they really bother me," Andrew said, tugging at Moni's maternity jeans.

"What? Why? What's wrong with them?" Moni asked, trying to peer over her large belly at her jeans.

"I don't know. They just bother me. You need to take them off. Now," Andrew said.

"Oh. Uh huh, I get it," Moni giggled, easing the pants and plain white cotton panties down her thick legs. "Well, your pants bother me too, Buster."

The End

**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I also thank those that take the time to 'Favorite' my words, those that rate my work.

Ferguson O'Malley and O'Malley Accounting, Andrew's place of employment are briefly mentioned in 'Fresh Tarts, Apple' in the Lesbian Sex category.

Percy Goodwin, the manager of the gym on the ground floor of 3 Alliance Square is briefly mentioned in '2 Alliance Square' in the Lesbian Sex category.

Dr. Pruitt is a character introduced in 'Paint It Black' in the Incest/Taboo category.

James McCall, the disgraced minister of the Holy Church Of Bethlehem is a character introduced in 'Admirable Faith' in the Mature category. In that story, he is disgraced, exposed as a fraud. But Mr. McCall has discovered, there are those that gladly believe and will financially support someone who tells them what they want to hear.

And 'Miss Steaks' instead of 'mistakes' in the Disclaimer was an intentional flub. Some people just ain't happy unless they're unhappy. So, you are most welcome.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Second chances.. that's what life is all about

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stella and Diane are same to same, both fussy bitches

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cute story. Good fast read

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 1 year ago

I found it humorous and good reading! So JimBob44’s pleasure is my enjoyment. Enjoyable reading time was achieved all requirements checked.

Please do keep writing for your pleasure and I will keep reading for my enjoyment!

HragsHragsalmost 2 years ago

I liked your story. Write some more !!!!

Xabrian39Xabrian39almost 2 years ago

First story I have read from JB I didn't like. Normally enjoy his stories, but this time, no matter how you doin it, or end it, he straight up raped that girl. She tried multiple times to stop it, and he pushed through. Not enjoyable in the least.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

A little abrupt and sudden but enjoyable.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzaralmost 2 years ago

JimBob knows some people. 5*

Hiram325Hiram325almost 2 years ago

I do like your stories, they usually leave me wanting more. A good sign, I think...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great well written. Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Another great JimBob44 story!

You know I always hear older women complaining about older men dating/marrying younger women. Well, typically the reason is because younger women still like having sex even with older men.

Men are visual beings. We like women, especially naked women who still want to have sex. When a man tells you he thinks your beautiful and that he loves every inch of you body (regardless of what body type you think you have and whether you like your body) who are you to argue with him. If your husband loves to see you naked, can't keep his hands of you and wants to have bedroom gymnastics with you all the time how could that ever be an issue.

Its like what the character Steve said in the TV program "Coupling": " Look, I like naked women! I'm a bloke! I'm supposed to like them! We're born like that. We like naked women as soon as we're pulled out of one. Halfway down the birth canal, we're already enjoying the view."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

If is indeed a swole day when JB drops a story. He write about realness. In fact, for anyone in the south Louisiana/Texas where most of his stories take place, you know how real he is, right down to the vernacular. 5/5 well deserved stars, and always look forward to more.

Dewey Cheatham

johntcookseyjohntcookseyalmost 2 years ago

A smile inducing story. My day is all better now. Most appreciated.

tangledweedtangledweedalmost 2 years ago

It's always a swole day when a JimBob44 story drops. I think I just enjoy the fact that the man knows what he likes and just goes with it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Top effort, well done!

IjustcantstopIjustcantstopalmost 2 years ago

Sorry I Missed the Steaks, Loved the story!

mordbrandmordbrandalmost 2 years ago

Quality story, ★★★★★

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