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A chance encounter at an onsen inn turns into a wild 3some.
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Part 1

Yufuin has a special place in Reina's heart. It is where she spent her honeymoon, not her real honeymoon, that was Italy, but the Italian trip was so busy with sightseeing and shopping and eating everything in sight, by the time they returned to their hotel room each night she and Brad were too exhausted to for any real sexual intimacy, definitely not the type of sex that brings a couple deeper erotic synergy. That all happened the following month when they stayed for two nights at an old fashioned Japanese inn in the quiet village of Yufuin, on the island of Kyushu, Southern Japan.

Yufuin is nestled in the shadow of long dormant Mount Yufu. The volcano is both a source of magnificent scenery and a barrier that keeps the town isolated from the rest of Japan. The residual heat provides an abundance of natural hot water for the dozens of little hot spring resorts, famous for their traditional ambiance and excellent hospitality, attracting visitor from all over Japan willing to make the journey. These "ryokans" consist of just a few rooms each, all in traditional Japanese style, a number of baths, mostly outdoors, of various sizes and temperatures. Most of the onsens are segregated by gender, but there is usually one or more where couples can be together. Of course, sex in any of the baths would be strictly forbidden, but that didn't stop Reina and Brad from breaking the rules, many times.

Their marriage hadn't lasted long, and wiser observers might have said it was doomed from the start. Reina was only 18 and still a virgin when she met Brad, and only 20 years old when she married him. He was 26. She thought she was in love, and perhaps by the standards of a twenty year old she was, but as she grew to discover herself they grew apart. The divorce was amicable.

Now at 24 years old she was still a young and desirable Japanese woman, she had kept her hair long and married life had not affected her curvaceous figure at all. Neither was she at all sour on ideas of men and dating. In fact, Reina jumped back into the dating game almost right away. She dating Asian guys, white guys, black guys. She thought they were all nice, but she realized that one attribute of Brad's that had really gotten her excited and made her cum like crazy. It was his big pink circumcised gaijin cock. He had been her first, and she hadn't known that men could be so different. For her, nothing else could satisfy in the same way. She even kept pictures she had taken of his cock when fully erect, and looked at them when she masturbated. It was then she decided any guy who wanted to date her would have to measure up, both literally and figuratively. She was not shy about asking the men who wanted to ask her out to whip out the package for her inspection, and for the most part, the guys were very willing to comply. If they didn't pass muster she was very complimentary of the tool, but would manage to be unavailable until they gave up on her. However, if his cock made the grade she would sleep with the guy soon and often.

She became a voracious sex partner. Reina loved the sensation of a large cock pushing against her cervix, and she rode her guys pretty hard. She kept pushing her lovers to last longer, fuck her harder, make her cum more often. It became like an addiction. It got to the point where she wasn't being satisfied, and most guys gave up on her in frustration. They ended up blowing their loads too soon and she would chastise them. Their egos couldn't take it and they left. She was beginning to feel that sex was never going to be as earth shattering again, but then she met Alex.

Reina met Alex at a Democrats Abroad meeting. Alex went because he was a bit of a social justice warrior. Reina went because of all the white cock that hung out there. They went for a drink after the meeting. When he asked her to go out again she took him into the ladies room and told him to drop his drawers. He looked into her eyes for a moment trying to judge if this girl was nuts, but he thought she was so beautiful it would be worth a bit of nuttiness. Her serious expression and bold intention ignited a desire in him and he felt himself getting hard. He took her hand and slid it down his pants. It was more than she could get her fingers around. The look on her face told him that this girl was impressed. He took her home that night, and by the break of day they had been in every position either of them could think of. Reina woke up with an aching pussy and knew she had found her guy.

Three months later when they thought they had reached a place in their romance when they wanted to go away together the logical choice for Reina was Yufuin. A plane, a train, and a taxi later they arrived at the very inn where Reina had spent her sexual honeymoon with the only other cock she had been in love with.

As soon as the taxi pulled up to the beautifully landscaped entrance an attractive young woman dressed in a flowered yukata emerged from the sliding door to greet them. Reina guessed she couldn't have been over twenty years old, and she was just a bit shorter than her. She had black, shoulder length hair that curled inward at the base of her long neck; she had a dark complexion as if she had spent her youth under the sun. She noticed the girl wasn't wearing any make-up at all, and it suited her natural beauty well.

"Good morning," she said in polite Japanese, and gave them a small bow. "My name is Aiko. I'll be taking care of you while you stay with us. Please follow me." She turned and headed back inside. Alex couldn't help noticing her very round lovely ass stretching the back of her yukata. It was much more prominent than the typical Japanese female posterior. He turned to Reina and noticed she was also charmed by the shapeliness of their hostess.

"She's going to take care of us," Alex said to Reina with a naughty smile on his face.

"Is your mind constantly focused on sex?" Reina chided him.

"Only when I'm inspired, sweetheart, so anytime I'm around you."

"Oh cut the bull. I saw you ogling her ass."

"I was inspired."

"Just get the bags, pervert, and let's go."

"I am so going to fuck you when we get to our room."

"You are such a child." She turned and left him standing there.

"With a big cock," he added, pretending to be offended.

Alex picked up their bags where the taxi driver had left them and followed Reina into the lobby. They removed their shoes. Aiko brought them slippers and instructed them to sit down in the armchairs by the large window that looked out onto the Japanese garden. She served them tea silently and gracefully. Reina observed their hostess was not only quite pretty, but had a very athletic physique under her yukata. For a moment Reina tried to imagine how she looked naked and thought her body must be very charming. Alex had been doing that since she had come out to greet them.

"I'd like to go over your reservation and show you around the grounds if that is ok," Aiko said, "I'm sure you are tired, but this will only take a minute."

"That's quite alright. We're very excited to be here," Reina said.

"Thank you. You are staying for two nights?" the hostess asked

"That's right."

"Breakfast is in the dining hall, but you can have dinner in the dining hall or served in your room."

"I think in our room tonight. We'll decide about tomorrow later. Is that ok?" turning to Alex.

"That fits with my plans perfectly," he replied, agreeing just to be agreeable.

"Very good. What time would you like me to bring dinner?"

"Eight o'clock."

"Eight o'clock."

"Eight o'clock." they each said in turn.

"Very good. Now let me show you around the grounds." The all stood up. "Leave your bags here and the boy will take them to your room." Just then Reina notice a handsome young Japanese, somewhere between a man and a boy, standing motionless next to the passageway, watching them patiently. As they passed by him Reina heard him say quietly to Aiko in playful voice, "the boy?" and they exchanged a cute smile. It was obvious to Reina there was something going on between these two and she made a mental note to find out all about it.

Aiko led them out the big glass doors and into the garden. The path of stones wound through thick, well manicured bushes, providing a sense of privacy at every turn. Alex thought it was like a maze, and wondered if a Minotaur might be lurking about. After a few more turns Reina thought she might never be able to make it back without a trail of bread crumbs. Finally, the path ended in a small clearing with an entryway tucked between large stones and trees.

"These are the outdoor onsens, men's and women's," she gestured with her hands, "There are towels available, so you don't need to bring anything from your room."

"So we can just come here naked," Alex remarked in English, counting on not being understood by their hostess. Reina had gotten used to ignoring Alex's sarcasm, but she did notice a little smile come across Aiko's face.

She guided them a little farther through the grounds, "These are the indoor baths. All the hot springs are open from 5 am to midnight. You are free to use them as you like. I have one more to show you, then I will take you to your room." She took them through a few more twists and turns. "These are the family baths. You can use them if they are free. You can see it's blue, that means it's available. Turn the lock on the inside and you can see it's red. That means it is being used. Now I will show you to your room."

They were walking away, Alex asked Reina, "Do we qualify as family?"

"Do you mean like humans and apes are family?"

"Thank you for thinking so highly of me."

Aiko led them back to the main building and to their room. She opened the door and let them in. The room was in the austere Japanese style typical of onsen resorts. It was one large room with lots of exposed wood, tatami flooring and not much furniture. The one room serves as living, dining and bedrooms with a quick alteration by the staff, like a stage crew changing scenery in a play. In the middle of the room was a low table with zabuton chairs on either side. On the table there was a tea service. On the balcony there were two arm chairs and a small table between them. Apart from some art work, that was it. Their bags had been placed near the closet.

"Please sit down," Their hostess guided them. The young couple complied. She poured their tea and placed some small Japanese sweets next to the cups. Reina and Alex watched silently as Aiko went through these well rehearsed motions. As she leaned over the table to place Alex's tea the top of her yukata drooped down just enough to give Alex a quick view of the top her breasts. Reina noticed his gaze and the naughty little smirk that came over his face. Aiko finished serving the tea and then took two yukatas, exactly like hers from the closet and placed them on the floor.

"You are welcome to wear these anywhere on the property," she said.

"Yours is very lovely, and you wear it so well," Alex said, "could you show me how to put it on?"

Both girls, taken aback, looked at Alex. Aiko gave a little smile and Reina gave a little scowl.

"I'm sure your wife can show you how to put it on," Aiko said.

When Alex replied, "Oh, she's not my wife," it earned him a hard slap on the shoulder from Reina.

"I will leave you two to get comfortable. If there is anything else you need please don't hesitate to call. I'll come back before eight to prepare your room for dinner." With that Aiko left the room.

As soon as the door shut behind her Reina jumped over the table, pinned her boyfriend's shoulders to the tatami mat and sat on his chest. Before he could react Alex was trapped under her weight, his arms pinned under her knees.

"You pervert!" she said playfully, "I saw you."

"Whaaaat?!" Alex tried to react, but knew he had no defense.

"You were looking down her top."

"Well, yes. Yes, I was, but I couldn't help it. How could I look away when such an opportunity presents itself?"

"Uh-huh. Well, did you like what you saw?"

"I didn't see much, but she does have a very distinct tan line across the top of breasts. Her original color is very pale. It was actually very provocative."

"You pig. You definitely need to be punished." Reina slid forward on his chest until her crotch covered his face. She lifted her skirt hem over his head and pressed her panty covered pussy onto his mouth and nose, and began to grind her hips. Alex couldn't breath and had to take a drastic step to rescue himself. He opened his mouth as wide as he could under the circumstances and bit her pussy causing her to yelp and pull back. This gave Alex the opening he needed to turn the tables. He freed his arms and flipped Reina onto her back and assumed the dominant position, holding her wrists above her head.

"A-ha, you shouldn't start fights you can't finish, young lady. You will just get into trouble."

"Am I in trouble?" She asked, pretending to be sweet and innocent.

"Oh yeah, you are in big big trouble," he said softly. Alex slid his hips down until he was lying flat on Reina. She pretended to struggle. Alex planted his lips on hers and forced her mouth open with his tongue. He released her wrists, their arms wrapped around each other in a passionate embrace. Their hands began to roam over each others' bodies. After a minute they came up for air.

"That really hurt when you bit me, you know," Reina said.

"Poor baby, I'm so sorry, but you were trying to kill me."

"Just a little."

"Should I kiss it and make it better."

"I think that's the only way we are going to get past this."

Alex slid his body down to her waist and lifted her skirt. He could see a couple of teeth marks in her panties. He hadn't realized that in his desperation to breath he had bitten her so hard. He kissed her panties several times and then pulled them down to her knees. Alex loved Reina's pussy. It was the prettiest pussy he had ever seen in real life. She kept herself completely shaved, there wasn't even any sign of stubble. Her vulva was puffy and slightly pink, and deepened to a pinkish brown around the folds of her labia. Inside her hole it was just pink and yummy. She always seemed to be wet. Alex loved licking between her legs, and would often spend too much time on his hobby when Reina, getting impatient, was clearly ready for his cock to be inside her.

As he moved his tongue and lips all around and inside her pussy he felt his cock straining against the confines of his khakis. It had been a long day of travel and her natural perfume was driving Alex into a fit of arousal. He was dying to be free from the constraints of his pants.

"What do you say we try on our yukatas?" he suggested. He let Reina get up off the floor and instinctively she grabbed onto his cock. His condition was very evident even through the thick fabric; when a cock that large gets hard it's impossible to hide. While she kissed his mouth she unfastened his pants and pushed them to the floor. His cock was projecting out the bottom of his underwear. Reina felt the urge to take him into her mouth. She got down on her knees and struggled to pull his underwear past the erect barrier. She placed one hand on his shaft and the other under his scrotum. She gently squeezed his balls as she licked up and down his magnificent pole. Alex could hardly contain his pleasure, he let out a big moan that surprised himself as much as Reina, and thought he would cum is she kept this up for long.

"Let's continue this at the family onsen," Alex proposed, hoping to delay the inevitable.

Reina saw through his veiled attempt to preserve himself, but also knew it was in her best interest for him not to spill the beans yet. "You had better not cum, young man. I want you to fuck me tonight."

They removed the rest of their clothes and stood face to face. They both had the same thought; they were made to fuck each other. Alex thought Reina's body was a work of art, her pale, smooth skin curved around her body like a sculpture. Reina thought her guy was a model of manliness. They were each like a drug to the other. Their sex was always intoxicating.

"So you are going to show me how to put this thing on, or should I call Aiko?" Alex asked, picking up his yukata.

"I thought you wanted to walk around naked."

"Sure, but not in this condition," referring to his erect penis.

Alex put on the robe and tried to wrap it around himself. His erection created a tent in the thin cotton fabric that would have make Barnum & Bailey proud. Reina began to laugh at his predicament.

"Here, let me help you." She took the long obi and tied one end around the base of his cock. Then pushed his cock flat against his leg and wrapped the obi around his leg, strapping his cock against his leg. She led the obi between his legs, up the crack of his ass and tied it back around his cock.

"There you go. Nobody will ever notice," she said, feeling proud of her ingenuity. She took out her phone and took a picture.

"Great, but how do I keep my yukata closed."

"Just hold it with your hand."

"I feel ridiculous."

"You are ridiculous. Come on, let's go. I need to get fucked." Reina put on her yukata and the led the way out of the room. To Alex's relief they found their way to the family onsen encountering no one, and to Reina's relief Alex was still hard when they arrived. The one on the right was occupied but the other was free. They locked the door and Reina freed Alex from his bondage. They hung their garments in the dressing area and went into the pool enclosure.

The area was the size of a small back yard, completely open to the sky, encircled by a 2 meter high bamboo fence and some landscaping that provided complete privacy. The hot spring itself was an oval, about four meters, with large black stones projecting through concrete and tile, some strategically placed for sitting and larger ones to create an effect of being in a Japanese rock garden. The depth of the pool was about 60 centimeters, so that while sitting one's head was well above the surface. It was early March and the air was still quite cool, even this far south, steam was rising from the surface and quickly dissipating into the air. They got goose bumps traversing the short distance. They both eased into the hot spring water with little oohs and aahs as it sent waves of cozy warmth through their bodies. Alex felt his erection stiffen under the comforting sensation.

They glided towards each other through the water and embraced. Instantly Alex's hand found its way between Reina's thighs. He gently caressed her pussy, his fingers finding easy access into her deeper places. They kissed passionately as Alex rubbed her clit and labia, moving his hand down to her ass, his fingers exploring both holes. Reina willingly allowed him admission to go as deep he wanted and he took full advantage. She took pleasure in the full trust she gave her lover. She began grinding on his fingers, softly moaning, she worked herself into a fervor, eager for something more substantial inside her.

"Come over here," Alex said, "lean back on this rock."

Alex guided her to a tall black stone built into the edge of the pool. He splashed it down with water so it wouldn't be a cold shock on Reina's back. He led her onto the stone. Her spine was bent back along the curve of the stone with her hips forced out, as if she were lying on a giant ball. Her legs were forced apart by the width of the stone, exposing her pussy very nicely. Alex couldn't resist this fabulously sexy pose. He dropped to his knees and tongue first, pressed his face firmly into her snatch and began licking her pussy with impulsive delight.

"Don't spend too much time down there, baby, you know I want that thing inside me," she said.

"Your satisfaction means the world to me, you know that."

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