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Zen and the art of loving a HotWife

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I caught my wife cheating, it was the best thing ever.
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My wife June slipped into bed next to me, softly, quietly, and moved into the "big spoon" position; her arm wrapped around me, one of her smooth soft legs between mine. I felt her bare tits pressed warmly against the skin of my back. I welcomed the familiar feeling of her hard nipples, her soft hair, her warm breath on my neck. I stirred just enough to get comfortable, but continued in my feigned sleep. This felt good, and after so long, I missed this simple, tender touch.

I had just caught her cheating. She didn't know I knew.

I was preparing in my mind to confront her, to yell, scream, accuse, show her the video, and then kick her out. I mean, that's what a man is supposed to do, right? No tolerance for human failings, dishonesty, or weakness. But now, here, I realized that if I did, this would be the last moment of love and tender contact we'd ever have. Or, I would, at least. Separation, conflict, drama, lawyers, courts, divorce. Not to mention our son was only weeks away from graduation and was starting to hear from colleges and recruiters, and an ugly family drama might derail his college opportunities. I mean, we are here because we'd sacrificed and worked these long years to get him those opportunities, to provide him a future. I involuntarily sighed.

"Are you awake, sweetheart?" she whispered, softly. I could smell the pungent scent of his semen on her breath, still. I grunted sleepily, not ready to face her, despite everything, not willing to break this tender contact yet. Was this her first time? How many times, how many men? Should I leave her? Was she going to leave me? Why...

Well. I knew why.

Once our son Jake started high school, he showed a real aptitude for sports as well as academics. But, as any parent knows, that's an expensive and time consuming commitment these days. Not only equipment, league fees, coaching, but we had to drive him to matches and tournaments all over the state, and when he won, to nearby states in the region or division. June quit her job to shuttle him and a few team mates to each game, coordinate team fund raisers and other "volunteer" school activities, as well as making sure his studies were kept up. Surrounded by virile young men in a constant cloud of testosterone, yea that too. I worked extra hours, and took on more work, including travel, to make ends meet. Over Jake's junior and senior years, especially, June and I rarely had any time to ourselves. We hadn't been intimate in over 18 months.

June would use any spare time she had by going to the gym, even at away games or overnights, she'd become obsessed with working out. It showed, at almost 40, she had the lithe physique of a young gymnast. She was tall, like 5'11", it was one of the things that attracted me to her, that statuesque form, so feminine, so powerful. She was blond, like me, people joked that we descended from Vikings.

Tonight, I arrived home early, even as the other parents were picking up their sons and driving off. It was after 11pm, typically June drove Jake and any of this friends that needed a ride, then parents would swing by our house to pick them up again. The driveway was busy with cars coming and going, and I knew a few boys would be staying over with Jake, as it was a Friday night, so I parked up the street and walked home. I looked forward to hearing how his game went, before going to bed. As I approached the house, the last car left, leaving only our minivan in the driveway. I thought for a moment about turning around and getting my car, but then said "fuck it" to myself, and continued on foot. The house seemed quiet, now, but as I approached I saw the garage light click on. We had converted the garage to a gym, so I thought maybe Jake and his friends were taking advantage of it? Even this late and after a game, they were that dedicated. I crept around to the side the house, and peeked in through the half-closed blinds. That's when I saw her. Them.

June was sitting on my weight bench, Cliff, the young assistant coach, was standing in front of her, between her legs. She tugged down his sweatpants, and quickly swallowed his semi hard dick, her tongue snaked out and teased his hairless balls. His dick wasn't big, by any means, but it got hard instantly and she devoured it hungrily. There was no hesitation, they had clearly done this before. He reached over and started playing with her breasts, even as she licked and sucked on his dick, it was quickly covered in saliva, splashing on her face and dripping down her shirt. Her full lips sliding up and down his shaft, until he started to piston his hips fucking her mouth eagerly. She pulled his sweats down fully, grabbing his bare muscular ass with both hands (one still sporting her wedding ring, I noted) and pulling his cock in deeper. It didn't take long for Cliff to blow, June pulled him in deep and I could hear him grunt, then watched as she swallowed and swallowed. June gagged on a mouthful and his cock sprang free, shooting several ropes of thick white cum over her face, before she got it back into her mouth, and sucked him dry. He fell back slightly, his still-hard cock bouncing, thick drips of saliva and semen flew off in several directions. June laughed, before removing shirt to clean the young man's cum off her face and neck, then tossing it into the hamper. Cliff pulled up his sweats quickly and rushed out, not before tuning and blowing my wife a kiss. June smiled, then retrieved a spare shirt from her gym bag, quickly surveying the area for any signs of their tryst.

I heard his scooter start up and made sure I was hidden as I watched him ride away. Stunned. I wandered back to my car, not sure what to do. Eventually, I started the engine and drove into the driveway, as if I'd just arrived. June was more affectionate than usual, but I disengaged and went to the basement to chat with Jake and his friends. Shortly after, I showered and fell into bed, trying to make sense of the day.

"Sweetheart?" she whispered again, softly. She snaked her free hand across my pecs, lingering on my nipple, before tracing it across my abs and then slipping her hand under my waistband, cupping my balls gently. At this, I rolled over slightly and asked "What are you doing?" in real surprise. June started tugging at my cock. "Oh, Bob, we haven't had any time to ourselves in weeks, but the house is quiet, and Jake is sound asleep." My dick was thinking for me, getting hard almost immediately. June took that as a sign and straddled me, pulling her panties aside and slipping my cock into her very wet pussy in a smooth motion, allowing herself to sink down onto me slowly. She gasped, as I felt her hot, wet pussy engulf my cock. "Oh, baby, it's been too long!" she whimpered, starting to ride me in earnest. Even as my mind was a jumble of emotions, my body knew how to respond and I thrust my hips up to match her hips, until she closed her eyes and let a tiny squeal escape her lips, her body shuddering, her head tossed back. I felt my own orgasm nearing, my hips thrust up and my cock exploded into her. Grunting like a bull, I held her hips tightly while I filled her up with hot jets of my seed, until I felt spent and exhausted. June fell forward, hugging me, kissing my face and neck, then tracing kisses down my chest until she reached my dripping cock, where she licked and sucked it completely clean of semen and pussy. She'd never done that before, June was not a fan of giving head, or in fact of dealing with the aftermath of lovemaking, to the point where she had asked me to wear a condom just "to keep the mess down". I wasn't complaining, but this was new. Then, she snuggled up to me, nuzzling my neck, and whispering "Thank you, lover." before falling asleep. Even as my mind was racing, confused and hurt, my body was exhausted, and I passed out quickly after.

The next morning, I slowly regained consciousness, helped my the welcome scent of hot coffee and bacon. I quickly showered and on entering the kitchen, found my breakfast still hot, and June pouring me a fresh cup of coffee. "We have the house to ourselves for a while!" she explained, grinning. In the 20 years we'd been married, she's never made me coffee, or breakfast. I decided to just enjoy it, and sat down. She talked excitedly about Jake's college prospects, and our lives after he's safely in a dorm. She talked about home improvements, travel, the two of us taking a class together, maybe her returning to work, so I could cut back and stay home more often. She was bubbly and animated, and I felt myself getting caught up in her energy, somehow trying to convince myself that catching her blowing the assistant coach was a dream.

A few days later Jake had another away game, Cliff stopped by to help with gear and brought his college friend Craig with him. I wasn't sure what to do, if I confronted him then Jane would know I caught her, and a fight would certainly derail Jake's game. Cliff came over and shook my hand, talking about what a great kid Jake was, and how hard he was working, Jake ran up and high-fived Cliff, they were obviously close and talked about the upcoming game, and how excited they were that I could attend. In honesty, it was very disarming, as I was ready for some kind of innuendo, or sly smile between Cliff and June, but nothing like that happened. June and I loaded the minivan with gear and as many of Jake's friends as would fit, and we were off.

The game was great, Jake was the star, and Cliff got us great seats where I could film my son, and to my surprise even pointed out a couple of college scouts in the stands, making sure Jake was visible and at his best. As much as I wanted an excuse to pound Cliff into the dirt, he was working overtime to help Jake shine, as well as the team. He was really hard to hate. After the game, we arrived at home late, Jake left to stay at a friends house, June and I were alone. She came up behind me, grabbing my ass and whispered "Just let me get my things from the car, and we can shower together... A long, hot shower." I confessed, despite my fatigue from driving and the game, I was eager for a repeat of the other night. "I'll get your stuff, and meet you there!" I told her, eagerly, and watched as she bounced sexily off to the bedroom.

I opened the driver's door to get her gym bag, and noticed the dash cam was blinking, a tiny light that I'd missed in the bright sun, but was obvious now that it was dark. It was a signal that the memory card was full. Typically, it overwrote continuously and never filled up, unless the car was hit or bumped as in a fender bender; Then the video was preserved. "Odd" I thought, We must have been hit in the parking lot?" I made a mental note to check the van for dents later. I took the tiny memory card out, dropping it off at my desk before jumping in the shower with June.

In the shower, June was on fire: She did a sexy dance while soaping up, then dropped to her knees and ran soap up my legs, giving special attention to my balls and ass. I'm not much for ass play, but her soapy slick fingertips circling my virgin entrance under the hot water was incredibly erotic, she took the head of my cock in her mouth and teased it with her tongue. I pinched her nipples and played with her fabulous tits, even a little rougher than I ever had before and she encouraged me to be even rougher. I held her face and fucked her mouth, she sucked my smooth balls, we played until the water turned cold, then dried each other off and jumped into bed. She was on fire with lust and her sexual energy was contagious. June spread her legs and pulled me in, my cock easily slipped into her hot waiting cunt, then she wrapped her legs around me and squeezed, pulling us together. She bit my nipples, nibbled my neck before kissing me like a horny prom date, all tongue and teeth and lips, it was wild! I started to fuck her, hard and fast, if only to keep her teeth off me, I held her down and pounded her with everything I had, making her scream and moan, and beg for more. It was like were were teenagers again, I'd forgotten what real unleashed passion felt like! She screamed "Fuck me! Harder! Give me your big cock, stud!" over and over, her hot breath on my chest and her nails digging into my back. The pain and pleasure mixed together and I felt dizzy with sexual energy. We changed positions a few times, I tossed her onto all fours like a rag doll, fucked her until she was panting and gasping for air, then pushed her down and pulled her legs apart, fucking her helpless body as she cried out with passion. I was covered in sweat, my breathing labored, and after a while I rolled off and we both just lay there panting and sweating. Then she rose up and straddled my head, rubbing her dripping wet cunt all over my face. I was about to protest when she swallowed my dick completely, and started sucking me off in a sixty-nine. The combined feeling of my tongue making her whole body squirm with every stroke against her clit, or each nibble of her labia, almost feeding her cock sucking talents, was making me dizzy, it was so intense. I felt myself dribbling pre cum and she swallowed each tiny squirt greedily. Finally, I forced her back on the bed and mounted her missionary, pounding away instantly. June cried out and we climaxed together, a simultaneous orgasm, that seemed to last and last. When I finished ejaculating, I literally felt empty. I rolled over and we snuggled together, June grinned at me while we caught our breath, whispering "I love you!". I kissed her, and go up to get her a towel, but when I returned she had dozed off. Gently I covered her up, and thought to get myself a shot of whiskey before I joined her in bed.

I sat at my desk, my robe flopped open, savoring the cold sting and spice of my second shot of whiskey, "A hot fuck and a cold whiskey.." I thought, amused. Then, I noticed the memory card from my dash cam, and curious, plugged it in. The video started with what looked like June's arm bumping the camera. It's funny how we have so many cameras pointed at us these days, we barely notice them anymore. I watched as she continued to remove her team jersey, then unsnapped her sports bra, leaving her tits to swing free. She quickly checked her hair in the rear-view mirror, then I heard Cliff's voice saying "Perfect timing!" and June, her tits still out and exposed, opened the door for him. Instead of joining her in the van, he stood in the doorway, his crotch now at her eye level. June wasted no time, tugging down his shorts and sliding his jock to the side, freeing his already hard cock. She started licking it from his balls to the tip, nuzzling her face against it before swallowing it down in one motion, balls bouncing against her chin. She started sucking him off urgently, her lips sliding down his saliva slicked shaft, drool escaping the sides of her mouth.

A moment later I head a second voice, saying "Just in time I see!" It was Craig. As he moved into the camera's view, I could see he already had his dick out, he was stroking it while he moved in. His dick was similar in size to Cliff's, a little smaller than average, but rock hard and uncut. He moved in next to Cliff, and Cliff made room for him at the door. Craig was stroking, his thick foreskin sliding back off the head, precum already dripping. He watched June suck his buddy, and suddenly I know this was not his first time either. It didn't take long for Cliff to climax, his body tensed up and he used his free hand to pull June's head in close, before grunting and unloading his young spunk down her throat. I could see her swallow, 4, 5, 6 times, before she reluctantly pulled off his throbbing cock. Without skipping a beat, she pulled Craig in and swallowed his dick, starting to bob and suck immediately. Now it was Cliff's turn to stroke his meat while watching June work Craig's dick with her lips and tongue. He reached down and played with her tits, then Craig did the same, pawing at then, pinching her hard nipples, gently squeezing them. June moaned with pleasure, but didn't stop her sucking. Craig didn't last any longer than Cliff, and started to rock his hips, driving his dick into my wife's mouth. He climaxed, and again June locked her lips around his shaft and swallowed every drop.

Cliff was still hard, and must have been close from stroking, but June checked her watch and said "Later!" before hurriedly getting dressed. I drank the last of my whiskey in one gulp, feeling the burn run down my throat.

I looked in the background, my minivan was parked in the same spot I'd left, it, in full view of the stands. How were they not seen? How did they get away, right under my nose?

I copied the file onto my secret encrypted drive for safe keeping, and erased the memory card. I was rock hard again. I jacked off while re-watching the video.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity, Jake got offered a full ride scholarship, his team won the state championship, and he was graduating. The uni coach wanted him to start practice almost immediately, so we planned a graduation party for the day of graduation, then literally had to pack him off to his dorm the following day. With everything else happening, I didn't have time to think too much, dealing with June's cheating would have to wait. In fact, with Jake's graduation, I started feeling like a prisoner nearing release; these past two-or-three years, my time was not my own, I worked, shuttled Jake to games, and tried to keep up with the house and bills and taxes and car repair and on and on. It was almost over.

As we got ready for the party, I collected the laundry from our home gym. I found June's cum-covered t-shirt from the time I caught them, then digging deeper I found towels, and ever her hoodie with obvious stains of dried semen. How long has this been going on?

That night, the house was full of people; Jake's teammates, his friends, Cliff, the other assistant coach Craig and other college friends of theirs, Zack and Adam, who would be on the same team as Jake would be, and assorted parents and neighbors. While it was a new beginning for Jake and his class, it felt like the end of a marathon for me, and I honestly felt months of tension and pressure just lift off my shoulders. June was the perfect hostess, as well as being as attentive and sexy as ever. I looked forward to Cliff and his friends returning to college, never to be seen around here again.

I spend the evening making sure I knew where June was at all times, never leaving her side. She wore her workout clothes, team sweat pants and an old hoodie, but to me it looked as sexy as anything. She was beautiful. It wasn't hard, in fact I enjoyed hosting along side of her, meeting the other parents, and team mates of Jake's, celebrating and just living the day. As night fell, people started drifting away, the house got quieter. Jake stopped me in the kitchen, they had gotten into the beer, but one of the boys had more than he could handle and was staggering around threatening to drive himself home. Jake asked if we could get him home? I looked around, no sign of Cliff and his friends, June was in the kitchen talking to Beverly, our neighbor, so I took the kid and Jake and we piled in our minivan.

It took almost 20 mins round trip, we got the kid home and returned, realized a car was blocking the driveway, so I parked down the street. Jake was falling asleep even before we arrived, I walked him up to the front door, and watched as he stumbled off to his room. The house was quiet, empty, I wondered where June was? I quickly checked the bedroom, our bed was empty but still made.

I wandered down to the gym, off the kitchen, and heard a noise. Stealthily, I approached the door. I kind of prepared myself for what I might see, but was shocked to my core at what I did see. The door was cracked, I eased it open a little wider, and peeked inside.


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