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Zero Tolerance

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High School Principal dominates Mom and daughter.
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"Come in," Ms Veronica Campbell, Principal of Casey Jones High, looked up from her paperwork and waited for the door to open.

Her PA appeared, "Peri Price and her Mom are here."

Strictly speaking they were late, which Veronica felt was typical of the entitlement of the older Price; she hadn't changed since they had been teenagers at this very school -- still thinking the world ran around her, her daughter was the same, even facing expulsion they hadn't the wit or grace to turn up on time. Not that it mattered, Veronica had no intention of seeing them at the allotted time either. She glanced at the clock and then back to her PA, "Tell them I need to finish something urgently, they can wait in reception."

"Of course Ms Campbell."

The PA made to close the door, but Veronica stopped her, "Has everyone left?"

"Yes, Mr Robson has checked all the classrooms and made sure they're locked and Mrs Watson came in to tell me she's locked the library and computer labs for the night," the PA responded.

Veronica smiled, "There's no need for you to stay, I may be a while. I can show Mrs Price in on my own."

"Thank you," the PA smiled at her in gratitude as she retreated and closed the door. She thought that the Principal's questions were about checking the school was secure and her letting her go early was about being a good manager. Both of those were reasons, but they weren't the main ones why the Principal wanted her PA gone and the prices on their own. Veronica smiled to herself and returned to the keyboard in front of her, the report she was writing for the board wasn't urgent - it wasn't due for another couple of weeks and she wasn't a slow typer, but she was quite happy to let the teen cheerleader and her bitch Mom stew a bit; even if their being late had caused no harm it was still an irritation and so she left them for a bit longer than she had originally planned before saving the document.

Standing she walked over to the full length mirror in the corner of her large office and smoothed down her suit. As she did so she checked her reflection, her ebony skin was flawless and smooth and her hair lustrous and dark, it was hard to believe she would be fifty later this year, time had been good to her, though she also made sure she ate well, exercised often and got plenty of sleep -- and fucked lots of lesbian teens for exercise. She took out a tube of gloss and put just a hint more on her lips, it wasn't a completion with Cherry Price; it never could be, at school Cherry had been a cheerleader and the sluttiest girl in senior year, who if she even noticed studious bookworms like Veronica, it was only to tease them for their glasses and braces. But the braces had corrected her teeth and her she hadn't needed glasses since she'd had laser eye surgery over twenty five years before. She was a vastly successful Principal, well paid and respected, a member of the local country club and vice-captain of the women's golf team -- Cherry was a divorcee with an eighteen year-old daughter on the edge of being kicked out. There was no competition any more, even if Cherry didn't know it.

She opened the door and walked out into the reception. Cherry was sitting next to her daughter and it was easy to see the relationship, not just because both were slender petite blondes, though Cherry had a few more wrinkles than her daughter and her make-up was a trifle more thickly applied, but both were wearing short skirts and tight tops which exposed their stomachs (with near matching belly-button rings) and were playing with their phones with the same bored and irritated expression.

"Mrs Price," Veronica said, "Come in, you too Peri."

"Oh Veronica, its lovely to see you again," Cherry stood up, flaunting her body, though it was nowhere as flat and firm as her daughter's, or Veronica's for that matter, "Did you know Peri, me and your Principal were great friends at school?"

Veronica neither corrected the grammar nor challenged the other woman's recollections, though they weren't memories of their times together. Instead she led them into her office without a word, closed the door and moved behind her desk. She put her fingers together and posed in her best stern teacher's posture. "You know why you're here?"

"A small amount of pot in Peri's locker," smiled Cherry. If Veronica hadn't known her she'd have thought in charming, but it was the same smile Cherry had been using since she was fourteen to get her way and it meant nothing. She kept the smile up as she continued, "It wasn't even hers and it wasn't a large amount, hardly anything at all, and we all did it when we were at school, I can remember the parties."

"I didn't. I went to different parties," Veronica replied, though in truth she hadn't been to many parties since they stopped doing pass the parcel and musical chair until she'd gone to college and discovered herself. "However the amount is immaterial, as is the previous owner. We have a zero tolerance policy for drugs of any sort in Casey Jones."

"But it..." Cherry started again, though her smile looked a little strained as if she was suddenly realising that when you hit fifty charm is no longer enough.

"Zero tolerance," Veronica cut her off. She paused for a second to show she was in control of the conversation, "I expelled James Parker, a month ago, after he was found with drugs in his bag and he was a straight A-Student, Tansy Weisel before that and she was our best swimmer, some thought she was good enough for the nationals. The rules are clear and for everybody, get caught with drugs you're out."

Cherry blanched as the full impact of what was being said hit home and even Peri looked a little worried, as she realised her life of ruling the roost amongst her fellow seniors with parties, some pot smoking and very little actual school work was going to be coming to end sooner than she planned -- and before she'd had the chance to show everyone how hot she was in a prom dress as well. Veronica smiled inwardly as she looked at the teen, imagining her horror and thinking it some revenge for all the nerds and geeks and weirdoes the cheerleader had slighted, bullied and snubbed on her way to the top.

"But if she's expelled where can she go?" Cherry asked, her smile now gone and only fear on her face, like Veronica she knew that post-High School was tough on teens with no leaving certificate and few smarts, at least if they didn't want to go into porn and/or stripping.

"There are some good private schools around they'll take her, if you can afford them," Veronica knew that the other woman couldn't, she'd got the house in the divorce but little else and her ex-husband already had a new set of children and wouldn't be keen to suddenly have to pay the fees of his eldest daughter on top of that. The Principal paused to check the reaction of Cherry, waiting until the small shake of the head until she drove in the knife, "Alternatively we can arrange her transfer to William McDougal High." It was named after a mid-ranking and only moderately successful general who'd been born in the town, it was also the school which covered the down-town ghettos and slums, and its educational record wasn't even high for its intake. Its drug policy was a lot less zero tolerance than Casey Jones's as was its tolerance for gangs, teenage pregnancy, knife crime and bullying of blonde cheerleaders. Veronica paused waiting a few seconds for the sharp intake of breath and almost glowed with satisfaction when it came.

"Surely there's something we can do, something to change your mind," the eighteen year-old pleaded, looking across at her daughter and snapping "Peri, sit up straight."

The teen did as her Mom said, surprisingly quickly, though it confirmed Veronica's view that the teen was basically a clone of her Mom who aped her in all things.

"Like what?" Veronica asked. There was the obvious, but she wondered how long it would take Cherry to go there, not long she expected.

The other woman paused for a moment, "What about she goes on a drug awareness course? Find out about all the dangers."

"We already have these as part of our curriculum, it seems your daughter wasn't taking them in then, it seems too late now," replied Veronica, "Do you have a better offer for me?" There was just a trace of a hint there, enough to move the conversation in the right direction, she didn't think Cherry Price was the most intelligent woman in town, but she did think she knew when she was being offered a chance to use her charms.

She was right. Immediately Cherry crossed her legs so her skirt rolled up her thigh and gave a small toss of her head, letting her blonde curls fall over her shoulder. Her lips pursed and then crept upwards in a sensual smile, which years ago would have melted teenage lesbian Veronica's heart if she'd ever been so graced with it. "Perhaps we can discuss it over dinner, I've certainly felt lonely since my divorce. Or perhaps you could round to my place for a meal, we could get to know each other then... I always admired at school how you were out as a lesbian, I experimented with some of the other cheerleaders, but I wasn't courageous enough to commit."

"You're a lesbian then?" Veronica smiled, it lacked the fake charm of Cherry's, though it showed her white teeth -- like a shark.

"I've dabbled," giggled Cherry, tossing her hair coquettishly.

"I heard at High School Mr Denvers took you in the ass to up your final grade to a C," Veronica said conversationally.

Cherry froze and blushed, "I...I..."

"Let's not beat around the bush with dinner dates or me getting to know a lonely divorcee, you're offering sex for me not to expel Peri," Veronica pressed on.

Cherry was as red as her name implied, turning to look at her daughter, who was also reddening and fidgeting. The older woman was beetroot coloured as she turned back to the Principal and forced herself into a small laugh, "Normally, people aren't as straight-forward, but if you want to put it like that, yes."

"So was it true about Mr Denvers?" Veronica asked the blushing woman again, happily turning the screw into her.

"It was just a blowjob," Cherry couldn't quiet meet her old classmates eyes.

"That's not a surprise, you always were good at blowjobs from what I heard -- you and Mandy Blaze sucked off the entire football team didn't you, to see who was the top cheerleader; who won by the way?"

"I did," Cherry was so red that the heat was almost coming off her.

Veronica smiled, turning her gaze towards the daughter, "Don't look so surprised and innocent Price, you think as Principal I haven't heard about the lipstick party the cheer squad had with the footballers, I hear Peri pink was a popular colour."

The blonde teen turned the same shade as her Mom as she stammered, "I...I...I..."

"Save it Peri, you'll be pleased to know that your Saturday night suckathons are no business of mine as long as they're not on school property, we're here about you having drugs in your locker, which is very much on school grounds," Veronica smiled as she spoke. She turned back to Cherry, who was blushing deeply and looking at the floor, looking for all the world like a rag doll that had been punched against a wall, "I'm disappointed to hear about Mr Denvers, I bet he missed a treat. You know as a lesbian there's little I like more than pounding some dyke ass with a large strap-on, especially straight dykes who only dabble."

"I've done anal before, it'd be on the table," blushed Cherry, "If you wanted it."

"Lesbian anal?" Veronica smiled cattily.

"With guys," Cherry said.

"Rumours were you were a complete backdoor addict," Veronica said. She looked at the blonde teen, who tried to avert her gaze, but couldn't quiet manage it, "Did you know that Peri? Your Mom was a total butt-slut in senior year, I heard she couldn't see a cock, and she saw a lot, without sticking it in her ass. I suspect you're the same, like mother, like daughter in these things in my experience." The teen reddened so much that Veronica suspected she wasn't far from the truth. "So Cherry, I guess you kept going with your anal adventures -- I bet the college football team enjoyed it, you're nodding so yes, and your husband, is that why he married you? Or was he using another hole for a change and you'd forgotten your pill? I can't imagine you've been anally celibate since your divorce as well, when was the last cock up there?"

Cherry was so defeated she answered straight away, "Last week, the guy I went on a date with."

Peri looked a little shocked. "First date was it?" asked Veronica and Cherry nodded limply.

The Principal stood up and walked round the desk, leaning against the front of it and looking at Cherry and her daughter, "So what are you offering to stop Peri being expelled, though I don't know why you worry, a pretty girl like her will easily find some gang members to protect her at William McDougal."

"I'll let you fuck me however you want, even in the bottom," Cherry wasn't talking to her, but to the floor.

Veronica laughed, "Fuck, no," she replied. It felt so good to say those words and Peri's face turn from embarrassment to horror as Cherry's head shot up, her mouth open in shock. The Principal grinned widely, allowing herself a moment to savour the sweet taste of revenge against Cherry 'bitch' Price, the meanest girl of the senior year. But it was only a moment before she got out her metaphorical salt to pour into the woman's wounds, "You think I want to fuck a raddled slut like you, who's been whoring her ass all over town, you've probably more diseased than Typhoid Mary. Thirty years ago, yes, I'd have enjoyed that tight blonde bitch butt of yours, but now it's been so used you probably fit a football up there, in fact I bet you have. Why do you think I want your fat, sagging old body with your makeup trying to hide your wrinkles and your hair as dry as grass and greasy as pork..." Strictly speaking it wasn't true, as Cherry was still not bad for a fifty year old, even if that was outside Veronica's age range, but she enjoyed seeing the woman's shock and hear her sob. "Just in case you're too dumb to get it, I'm not going to fuck your ass or anywhere else, and we still have a zero tolerance policy for drugs."

"I'm going to be expelled!" wailed Peri, who looked like she was about to burst into tears, "They'll all hate me at MD."

"I'm sure you'll be very popular, if very sore, whores are as popular there as anywhere," smiled Veronica. She straightened up and stopped leaning against the desk, walking slowly behind Cherry and Peri. "If you want to stay here what are you willing to do?"

"What, you said...?" Cherry didn't finish the question as Veronica put her hands lightly on her daughter's shoulders. Instead she turned to her front, as if that would absolve her from any guilt as the Principal ran her hands over the teen and down her arms.

"What do you want me to do?" there was a slight tremble in the teen's voice, knowing that there was a deal on offer, but also starting to realise what the price was.

Veronica didn't doubt, however, the teen would be willing to pay it, she was that type, just like her Mom. "What do are you saying you'll do?" she smiled like a cat playing with a mouse, glancing at Cherry who was staring straight ahead and pretending she could hear nor see nothing. "Drug taking is especially serious."

"Um, lesbian stuff, with you," the teen said faltering, "That's what you're asking right?"

Veronica slid her hands down the velvet skin of the teen's arms, "It wouldn't be appropriate for me to ask for anything, you're saying what you're offering to stop you being expelled." She carried on down, pressing herself at the teen's back, her full breasts squashing at her and leaving little doubt that despite the words there was only one thing that the teen could do.

"Lesbian stuff then," Peri nodded.

"What? Like making out in the back of my car?" Veronica was expecting more than that, but she enjoyed getting Peri's hopes up, the girl was a dumb a bitch as her Mom had been and was nodding eagerly. Veronica grinned and said brutally, "For drugs in your locker, that's not an offer, that's an insult."

The blonde teen let out an audible gulp and looked at her Mom for support or advice. Cherry knew which way this was going and was deciding she was Pontius Pilate, staring ahead and ignoring the conversation beside her as if it was nothing she need be concerned about. Veronica took advantage of the lull in the conversation to slide her hands round and squeeze at the teen's petite tits, each a handful, but no more. There was a squeak from the teen and for a second she looked like she was going to try to struggle free, but then she realised the Principal held all the cards as tightly as she holding the breasts and stopped. "Um, what about I come over to your place, some evening and, er, you know, I could stay the night."

"Doing what?" Veronica glanced at the stone-like Cherry as she spoke; the older woman was as good as prostituting out her daughter, they deserved each other.

"Doing what, what?" Peri said, making Veronica doubt that even the teen's poor grades were deserved.

"If you stayed the night what then? I don't need to remind you the seriousness of your offence and if all you're planning to do is sleep the night on my couch I don't think I can help you," Veronica said sternly. She knew what the teen meant of course, she wasn't stupid even if Peri was, but she wanted to hear her say in front of her Mom, to rub it in the older slut's face and get revenge for all the slights in High School that Cherry and her ilk gave those brighter and poorer than themselves.

"We could have sex," Peri blushed as she spoke, "I could do butt stuff as well if you liked?"

"You'd let that tiny white ass of yours be invaded by the big strap-on cock of a dominant older black woman, then?" smirked Veronica, "We'd be like girlfriends for the night and you could call me your sexy hot chocolate bear and I could call you sexy baby, as I rammed open that tight hole of yours."

A tremble reached Cherry's lips, at the words, but she kept her composure and silence, as her daughter managed to be both pale and red-faced at the same time. She nodded trying to sound eager, "Yes."

"No deal," Veronica said with a smirk.

There was a gasp from Peri and Cherry broke her silence with a shocked "What?" turning her head and looking at Veronica as the Principal continued to fondle her daughter's tits, as if she hadn't a care in the world.

"I need to do a report for the Board this evening, so they can look at it tomorrow and accept my recommendation," Veronica said, "If I said that I recommended that you'd learnt your lesson and a couple of weeks suspension would be adequate, I could hardly go back and recommend full expulsion if you didn't hold your side of the bargain."

"You want to fuck me now?" Peri said, perhaps she wasn't dumb like Veronica thought, at least not quite as dumb, "I can do that, we can go now to your house."

"I need to write the report here, on my computer," that was a lie, she could do it as easily at home, but the blonde and her Mom didn't know that and even if they did, neither was in a place to challenge her.

For a moment Peri paused as she digested the latest comment, Veronica could almost hear the whirr off her brain as she thought through what was being said before coming to the correct answer, "You want to have sex now, in your office?"

"Is that what you're offering so that I recommend you don't get thrown out?" Veronica squeezed the teenage tits again.

"Yes," nodded Peri looking at her Mom.

The older woman made to stand, not commenting on her daughter's decision to either stop it or encourage it, "I'll wait outside," she said.

"No, I've one more condition," Veronica grinned evilly, she had waited over thirty years to get one over on Cherry, to humiliate her and get her revenge; it tasted so delicious, but she knew she could make it sweeter, "Your Mom needs to stay and watch."


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