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Zorro's Girl Ch. 02

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Emily and the woman behind the mask come closer.
12.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/03/2021
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Yes, in spite of the title, this is a story of a lesbian relationship. Reading the shorter, chapter one is essential in understanding what transpires in this longer, chapter two. Please vote and leave comments on either or both of these stories. Thank you.


The tall blonde had just been asked if she had fun at the Mardi Gras party. She turned around to Emily who saw the squarish jaw and sensuous lips. Her eyes held Emily's as she nodded with a tiny grin and said, "Yeah." She paused a few seconds before going on, "Yeah, I had a great time."

Emily was absolutely stunned. It was her! She was Zorro! Emily had been seduced by a woman pretending to be Zorro! Before she could react, the tall blonde walked towards Em on the way to the door. Just as the woman came close, Emily could have sworn she heard the whispered words, "Hola, Señorita."

Emily stood there speechless and unable to move but her mind was racing a million miles an hour. The dinging of the little bell at the door penetrated her consciousness enough for her to decide she needed to talk with the blonde.

"Here, I'll be right back," she said to Carol as she dropped her gown on the counter and raced out the door.

The blonde was walking away rather quickly so Emily shouted out, "Uh, Megan, wait up."

The woman stopped and slowly turned back to face Emily. "How'd you know my name?" she asked as she slid her hands in her sweatshirt pockets.

"Uh, Carol used your name in there and uh..."

"Oh, yeah, right. What's up?"

"Uh, I believe we met before, you know, the other night..."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about," she lied.

"And you just spoke to me in Spanish there in the shop!"

"How could I? I'm not Latina and don't speak Spanish."

"You were Zorro on Halloween! I know it. I recognize your voice and your face."

"You must be mistaken. I was Charlie Chaplin."

"No, you weren't. Here. I can prove it."


"Show me your hands, dammit."

"How will that prove anything?"

"You've got calluses, that's how. And Zorro had calluses."

"I'm sorry, but you've got the wrong person," she answered as she turned away. Emily reached out, grabbed one arm, pulled the hand free and forced it into a palm-up position.

"See?! I knew it. You were Zorro at the big party the other night."

Megan slowly looked at Emily and finally smiled a tiny bit. "OK. Guilty as charged. Now may I go?"

"No! I wanna talk first. Wait here. Please. I'll be right back." Emily raced into the store, checked in the gown and ran back to see, much to her relief, that Megan still standing there.

"So, why'd you do it? You know..."

Megan looked at her for a long time, pursed her lips and eventually nodded her head as if she had made a decision. "Well, as you can probably determine, I'm a lesbian. I went to the party dressed as a guy, you know, Zorro, just for a change of pace. And when I was there, I saw the perfect girl. She was beautiful and was dressed as a flamenco dancer. And I decided I wanted to have her. The rest, as they say, was history."

"So, do you randomly pick up straight chicks and seduce them?"

"No, that was the only time. No, really. Honest. I've never done it before."

"Why then?"

"I told you. You're beautiful. Your dress, your hair, the makeup, all of you was perfect. I wanted you in the worst way, but I figured you'd run for it if you knew I was a, well, if I was female."

"I see."

"You seemed to enjoy yourself..."

"You have no fuckin' idea. Don't let it go to your head, but those were the best orgasms of my life."

"Well, thank you, I guess."

"But you didn't get to have one..."

"Oh, I did, too. I replayed it all in my mind many times as I used my favorite vibe not more than ten minutes later."

"So, you must live here on campus?"

"Nope, I'm in a mother-in-law cabin behind one of the prof's houses just a block from The Drag."

"So, uh, where does that leave us?"

"Nowhere. We had a hook-up, you had fun and I enjoyed making you come. End of story."

"That doesn't seem right. Didn't you feel anything while we were dancing? I felt like I would melt in your arms."

"No, you felt like you'd melt in Zorro's arms, not some chick's arms. You're straight, aren't you?"

"I've always thought so, yeah."

"So, then you must be. And that means you wouldn't be interested in the queer lifestyle, now, would you?"

"I've never thought about it. I've never done anything with a girl, well, except for some kissing when I played Truth or Dare in high school."

"Like it?"

"What? Truth or Dare?"

"No, Señorita, the kissing."

"Uh, it was OK, kinda nice, not gross. They were just... kisses. By the way, I'm Emily."

"OK. Hi, Emily, nice to meet you."

Emily started to laugh. "You sound like we just met! After Saturday night, I think we can forget with any formalities."

"Uh, hey, look, I really need to run. I have a training session at the climbing gym in ten minutes and if I don't show, they still charge me, so I gotta go."

"Uh, could we get together sometime? You know, as friends?"

"Are you sure that's such a good idea? I mean, little straight girl hanging out with the lesbian?"

"I don't give a shit what people think. You're interesting and nice and I'd like to get to know you better."

"OooKaay. But remember one thing. What happened the other night will not be repeated. Got that?"

"Yeah, I do. But I'd still like to maybe get a coffee some time and just talk."

"Alright. But nothing more. Open your phone and I'll put in my number." Once she had done that, Megan said goodbye, turned and jogged off towards the climbing gym.


On her way back to her room Emily's mind was racing with thousands of thoughts. She still couldn't believe it. Zorro was a she. That fantastic tongue, well it wasn't a guy's. Maybe that explained why it had been so good; sometimes a girl really knows what a girl needs.

She quietly opened the door to her room and breathed a sigh of relief. Ashley was not there. Emily didn't know how Ash would react or even if she should be told. After flopping down on the bed, she closed her eyes and relived that wonderful time with Megan. Megan kisses were to die for. And the boob stimulation! Emily had never orgasmed from breast stimulation alone, yet Megan achieved that in no time at all.

But the final series of O's from her tongue and fingers attacking Emily's pussy was like nothing she had ever experienced. Just lying there and thinking about it got her excited again. She could feel herself get turned on as her mind relived the exquisite torture that Megan had performed that night. Emily recalled the series of orgasms that never seemed to end and how she was simultaneously pulling Megan's head harder into her pussy while at the same time begging for her to stop.

Emily could feel her nipples tighten and her moisture flow freely. She glanced over at her clock and saw that Ashley would be back fairly soon, leaving too little time to play sexual solitaire. So instead of masturbating, she closed her eyes again and relived the wildest experience of her life.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Ashley as she came through the door, startling and rousing Emily from a half-dream/half-wake state.

"Oh, I was just thinking about the party again."

"Girl, we're gonna have to find that Zorro. Otherwise, you'll be a puddle of melted jelly for the rest of the term."

"Uh, Ash? Can you keep a secret?"

"Sure, you know I can."

"No! This is a colossal secret. I just need to tell someone, but it absolutely can't go anywhere."

"Uh, sure."

"Promise? Pinkie-swear?"

"Yeah, I promise. Pinkie-swear."

"OK," said Emily as she sat up and took in a deep breath, "I met Zorro!"

"You're kidding, right? Zorro?"

"Yeah, Zorro. I met Zorro."


"At the party shop. Right when I got there, Zorro was turning in the costume."

"Great! Now you know who he is and you can go after him. Wait, why does that news require absolute secrecy? Was it a prof?"

"Uh, no. No prof. Definitely a student. Now, promise me again: you'll not ever tell anyone about this, right?"

"Yeah, right. Promise. Cross my heart, yada, yada, yada."

"Well, here goes: Zorro has blonde hair, is tall, muscular and is a rock jock. That explains the calluses."

"Rock jock's a climber. Right? OK. Why is that such a secret. Wait, who is it?"

"Zorro's real name is Megan."

"Megan? Odd name for a... Wait a sec! Zorro was a girl?" Emily silently nodded her head. "You slept with a girl?"

"Uh, yeah, well, I guess I had oral sex from a girl, if that's what you mean."

"Holy shit, I can't believe it! Oooh, I need to tell Rowena you were tricked by a lesbian." Rowena was a lesbian living on their floor and who made no secret of her desire for Ashley.

"Don't you dare. You promised!"

"Ooh, man, shit! Now I gotta keep that secret? Fuck. A perfect story and I can't tell it."

"You promised!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know I did. And as hard as it will be, I'll never tell a soul, promise."

"Thanks, Ash."

"Well, tell me more about her."

"I've already described her. Kinda attractive. I like the way she does her hair in a unisex kind of cut. She doesn't come across real dykey, if that's a word, but she's not all girly, either."

"So, what'd she say?"

"Once I confronted her with the evidence, her fingers, that is, she admitted it. And she was nice. She told me she had never done anything like that before, you know, seduce a straight chick."

"What're you gonna do now?"

"I don't know. She was really nice and unassuming. She didn't talk down to me. We've agreed to have coffee together sometime."

"Really? You have a date with a lesbian?"

"Well, not a date date, just a coffee date."

"Em's gotta date with a lesbian, Em's gotta date with a lesbian!" sang Ashley in a child's voice.

"Oh, shit, Ash, I never shoulda told you."

"Oh, honestly, Em, I won't tell your secret. I'm just teasing you about this Megan gal 'cause you're so easy to tease."

"Thanks, Ash, I really appreciate it."

"Now, seriously, you're going to have coffee with her? Is that a good idea?"

"I don't know, but she's nice and just because we're having coffee together doesn't mean I'm crossing over or anything."


The next day Emily decided to invite Megan out for coffee by text.

hi, M here still want coffee?


campus starbucks tomorrow. four?

y ttfn

Suddenly Emily realized she'd just made a date with a lesbian. And she also realized she was just fine with it.

She arrived about ten minutes early and grabbed a corner table in the nearly empty coffee shop. She played with her smart phone while waiting for Megan and looked up just in time to see her coming through the door. They greeted each other, agreed to split a scone and went for their drinks.

After they got their coffees and the scone, they sat back down at the table and began to talk. They shared a bit about their backgrounds. Emily was in general studies with the plan to go to graduate school in Physical Therapy. She came from a nearby community and a middle-class home. There were no siblings. Megan was in the business school and wanted to be an accountant. She had two sisters and one brother. Her family was quite religious.

"Are you out to them?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"How'd that go?"

"Not very well at first. My mom was really upset and wanted to know if I was 'sure' about it. Dad was not upset at me but was concerned that I'd face all kinds of hassles in my life because of it. He finally convinced Mom that I was still the same ol' me and I was still her daughter. We get along a lot better now."

"Has she ever met one of your girlfriends?"

"Uh, no, she hasn't. I think before I do that it had better be 'the one' and not just some casual girlfriend."

"Yeah, makes sense."

"What about you? Any boyfriends?"

"No, none lately. That's why I went to the party. I was actually looking for a hook-up," Emily giggled.

"Glad I could accommodate your needs," smiled Megan.

After they got up and left the coffee shop, Emily asked, "Tell me about your climbing. How'd you get into it?"

"Funny thing. My brother got into it through his scout troop. I watched him one time at a climbing gym and thought I'd like to try it. Turns out I'm pretty good at it and now it's a great workout for me. You should try it sometime."

"Me? Are you kidding?"

"No, seriously, it's fun. And all the rock jocks are supportive and encouraging. It's a nice little community there at the gym."

"Any nice guys there? I might just take you up on it, if there are."

"Sure, there are some there. I don't know if they're hot enough for you, though."

"Hmm. Maybe, well, maybe I might take you up on it."

"Great. I'll get you a visitor's pass good for two sessions and we can go together, that is unless you think I might scare off all those hot guys."

"Oh, don't worry about me. If I go, it will be to try a new sport and I won't be chasing the guys. OK?"

"Sure. How about Saturday morning around ten am?"

"Sure. Is it ok if I wear a t-shirt and my yoga pants?"

"Yeah, perfect. You can rent some of their climbing shoes. Meet you there, OK?"

"Good. And Megan? Thanks for asking."

"No prob. Take it easy," she said as she took off towards her apartment.

"She's nice," thought Emily. "So easy going, friendly. Maybe we can be just friends."

Later that evening Ashley came bursting into their room. "Well, how was your hot date?"

"Ash, it wasn't a hot date. We had coffee. Got to know each other, you know." Emily went on describing what they had talked about and the climbing. "She's invited me to try it, even!"

"Well, are you?"

"Sure. Sounds fun. We're planning on this Saturday."

"You've got another date? Em, I'm beginning to wonder about you," she teased.

"Look, she invited me to try it. Sounds fun. Maybe I can meet some guys and get some exercise, as well."

"OK, but remember, she was clearly into you."

"Oh, gimme a break. We're just friends."


Saturday dawned bright and sunny. For a second Emily wanted to just curl under the blanket and sleep in until she remembered her climbing appointment at ten. Once showered, she pulled her hair into a ponytail and tucked it through her cap and put on a sports bra, a tight T-shirt and yoga pants. When she looked in the mirror, she felt she looked pretty good. "Maybe I can get some guy to pay attention to me," she thought. After a quick breakfast, she walked over to the gym.

Megan was there and talking to some of her climbing buddies. She introduced Emily as 'a friend' to them and took her inside for the shoe rental. Once she was set up with the right equipment, Megan took her to a bouldering wall explaining that ropes weren't needed with bouldering. There was a very soft and very thick cushion around the base of that section. Anyone falling would simply sink down into the foam mattresses. She chose the simplest route to start Emily on.

"So, here, look at this section. All the blue handholds are the easy ones. They're the biggest, easy to grab and you can literally stand on them. Think like you are climbing a ladder, but move one limb at a time."


"Yeah, now."

"I'm kinda nervous."

"Here, I'll help you get started," Megan responded as she pointed Emily to the wall. "Relax," she said as she placed her hands on Emily's waist. "Now just take a step here." For the first few moves she kept her hands loosely on Emily's waist before letting her go.

"Oh, shit," screamed Emily as she fell, landing on the soft foam, then she starting laughing. "Hey, that didn't hurt at all!"

"I told you. Now that you've fallen, you should relax some more," she said as she offered Emily a hand to get up. They then went back to the wall and Megan again held Emily by the waist until she was part way up the wall. Megan offered words of encouragement and advised her how to handle each step of the way.

Suddenly, Emily was on top. She celebrated with a loud 'Yahoo!' and looked down at Megan. Megan's smile was genuine and pleasant.

"See there, you did it. Your first climb. Congrats!"

"Yay me, but how do I get down?"

"Jump for it."

"OK, here goes." Once she was back down on the mattress Megan grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Emily was so excited that she quickly hugged Megan before she turned back to the wall. "What now?"

"This section of the boulder is the basic section. You can try any of the routes, but we call them pitches. It's ok to mix up the colors but we try to stick to one color at a time. That way we can see how we do, compared to others in the club."

"Cool. I want to try yellow, next." For the next half hour Emily rapidly became comfortable with the climbing. After her third or fourth try, Megan no longer held Emily's waist at the beginning of a pitch. And Emily found herself missing that contact, fleeting as it was.

"Now, it's time for big girl climbing on the high wall," announced Megan. "Come over here. You need a harness for belaying. Try this one." The device was a series of straps that went around the waist and upper legs and ended with a connecting carabiner for the rope. "Here, raise up this leg. Now this one. And let's pull it up." As Megan raised the harness up her legs, Emily felt a tiny twinge of something as Megan's hands brushed her legs.

"What was that?" Emily thought to herself before asking questions about belaying and how it was done.

"I will hold the other end of the rope while you climb. I'll keep it fairly taut so if you fall, you won't drop very far. If you feel yourself falling, it's ok to shout out. Actually, I want you to, if you start to fall. And, if you are getting too tired to go up or down, just let me know and I'll let you down slowly. Ready?"

"Yeah," came the shaky voice. "Do I do the thing with the colored handholds?"

"Yep. Try the green ones. Oh, and don't look down except to make sure your feet are on the pieces. I've got you safe for the whole way."

Emily quickly shot up the first set and once she was down, demanded a celebratory hug. After each successful climb she got a quick hug. And she found she enjoyed them more than just a friendly hug might feel. Finally, she got tired and suggested Megan do some climbing. Megan was a phenomenal climber. On the bouldering unit she was able to climb horizontally under an overhang and then reach up and finish the final vertical section.

"Wow! You did it. That was so cool! Now you get a congrats hug."

Megan seemed embarrassed and simply said, "Thanks. Now for the big wall. I'll get someone to belay me." On the tall sections Megan seemed like a human fly, easily climbing up sections with the tiniest of handholds. Not once did she fall.

Around noon they decided to wrap things up and Emily paid for Megan's lunch. "It's the least I can do to thank you."

They split a submarine sandwich and each had a sports drink. Emily peppered her friend with questions about climbing, equipment and clothing.

"Sounds like you may be interested."

"Yeah, this was so fun. And I bet it helps keep you in shape."

"Wanna join?" asked Megan tentatively.

"I'd love to. Maybe we can do this together again, but I don't want to hold you back."

"We can do it like today, you know, I'll help you then I'll go do my own thing."

"Or I can go bouldering while you do your high wall climbs."

On the way home as the two parted, they gave each other a nice little hug, something that made Emily feel even better. They made arrangements for another climbing date in a few days and Emily was in great spirits for the rest of the day. That evening Ashley was out on a date and Emily had their room to herself. She had some nice music on in the background and stretched out on her bed. Her mind went back to Megan again and again.

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