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Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 15


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The same images of the two political leaders and the scrolling programs were still running.

"I'm just showing an interest in the elections. There's no law against that," he said.

"Really? Go under the desk and look at the USB hub," I nodded.

Tristan suddenly looked more worried and slowly dropped down under his desk.

"Third slot from the left, top row," I said.

"You little bitch," he swore. "What is this?"

He came back up with the data stick in his hand.

"Do I have your attention now?" I smiled smugly.

"This is invasion of privacy and trespassing to name but a few crimes. I'm calling the police."

He reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out, but I snatched it away and pushed him back into his desk chair.

"The police? Really? I doubt that," I said. "It's more likely that you'll be calling your Russian friend, Stanislav."

His face became one of shock as he realised how much we really did know.

"Who the hell are you people? How do you know about that?"

"Like I said, we know a lot about you," said Nat.

"I'm not saying another word until I get a lawyer," he said, folding his arms again like a spoiled child.

"In that case I'll do the talking and you can fill in the blanks," I replied. "You're working with the Russians to rig the elections in favour of Wilson. I'm guessing that Stanislav has threatened or blackmailed you into doing it, but we don't know why."

He stared straight ahead not wanting to look at me. He was weighing up his options, so I thought I'd give him some.

"We can protect you," I said. "From the Russians, but you need to tell us what's going on."

Still nothing but silence.

"Did he threaten your business?"

No reaction.

"Did he threaten your family?"


"Did he threaten to expose you to the media?"

"The media? What for?"

"Incest with your daughter?" added Nat.

"Woah... wait a minute there... how did you... it's not like that..."

"It is from where I'm sitting, you sick fuck," I said. "She's only eighteen-years-old for fuck sake. She's your own flesh and blood. Not only are you sticking it inside her, but you actually encouraged your twisted sons to have a go with her too."

"She was consenting," he spat.

"Oh... well... that makes it perfectly normal then," I said sarcastically. "You've fucking ruined her. She's turned into a slut, just like me and Natalie."

He went quiet again trying to find a way to talk his way out of it.

"Tell us what we need to know and we'll deal with the Russians," said Natalie calmly.

He let out a big sigh.

"It's not as clear cut as you're making out," he said. "You've got it all wrong."

"Why don't you explain it to us then?"

"Ok... can I have a drink first?" he nodded at the drinks globe.

"Natalie, get the pervert a whiskey, babe," I said to her.

I didn't want Tristan moving from behind his desk. I'd seen enough movies to know that the villain probably had a weapon hidden in there somewhere. She poured him a drink and handed it to him. He took a huge slug and virtually downed it.

He was sweating and going red thanks to the mental pressure we'd applied.

"Yes, I'm rigging the elections for Wilson to win," he admitted, with his head held low. "But it's not for the Russians."

"Why are you doing it then?"

"He's a very old friend. We used to go to the G-Spot Exclusive club together and share girls. We had similar tastes and fetishes."

This wasn't what I was expecting.

"And?" pushed Natalie.

"When his election campaign started, he asked me to use my influence on social media software to promote him and destroy the opposition."

"And what did he promise you in return?"

"He said that if I got him into power, he would make sure Isaac and Singen were given a glowing political career when they left university," he hung his head in shame.

"The rich looking after the rich?" I spat. "Elitism and corruption at its finest."

"I'd do anything for my children," he said looking me in the eye.

"Including fucking one of them," I scoffed.

He gave me a sarcastic smile.

"The boys met Wilson last night and went home with him. He's gotten to know them pretty well and has agreed to take them into his cabinet once he's in power."

"Fucking hell," gasped Natalie.

"The next generation of corruption rising through the ranks," I shook my head.

"Wilson has some great policies and he's doing what this country needs. I want my boys to be part of that when he shapes out a new world order for this once great country. Brexit is just the beginning," he replied.

"And the Russians?" asked Nat. "Where do they fit in?"

"They are very dangerous people," he replied, looking scared. "I didn't know how bad they were until it was too late."

"They're threatening you?"

He nodded, not wanting to admit it out loud.


"Stanislav has threatened to have Pippa kidnapped and sex trafficked to Russia. After his men have had fun with her first," he said looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"Why?" I asked again.

He let out another long sigh.

"Because I've been a greedy idiot. I should have known better than to try and deceive these people."

Natalie looked at me with utter confusion on her face, but I'd figured it out this morning.

Natalie told me that her dream about a young girl had ended with her playing for both teams and now I understood it's significance.

"You promised Stanislav the same thing as Wilson, didn't you? He wants Hugh's to win," I stated.

He nodded.

"He approached me with a business proposal, but it was just an excuse to meet with me," he leaned back in his chair with a look of despair on his face. "He offered me ten-million pounds to promote Hugh's' campaign on my software."

"And you took it?"

"Reluctantly yes. I didn't really know who he was. I thought I could take the money and then tell him that public opinion was out of my control. I was already promoting Wilson."

"You played both sides," said Natalie, as she realised what I had this morning. "You stupid mother fucker."

"I told him I'd give him his money back," he said. "But Stanislav said it was too late for that."

"You fucking idiot," I said. "No wonder they wanted us out of the way."


"We were attacked by four of his goons a couple of weeks ago. They must have thought we were getting in the way of it all."

"That was you?"


"Oh, my lord. You killed four Russian hitmen in that apartment block?" he seemed amazed.

"It was us or them."

"I understand that. It was me who allowed it onto social media. I hoped it would scare them off, but it made it worse."

"I thought you had something to do with it being all over Facebook," I smiled. "Who else would allow something like that to go out."

"What happened after it was put online?"

"Stanislav wanted another meeting with me. I went to Russia to show him I was serious about it all. I thought I could talk my way out of it, but he threatened my family instead. He showed me pictures of what he'd done to girls in Chechnya and said Pippa would end up the same, unless Hughs wins," he burst into tears.

I didn't comfort him; he didn't deserve it. His greed for power and money had brought him to this point and he needed to dwell on it.

"Hughs will lose," stated Nat. "Your social media campaign has worked wonderfully."

"You reap what you sow," I added.

"Can you help me?" he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"Maybe," I shrugged. "What are you going to do for me in return?"

"Anything, money, cars, houses, anything you desire. Just please don't let them take my Pippa."

I let it hang in the room for a while before I answered.

"We can offer you protection, but you need to tell me everything you know about The Generals."


"Don't bullshit me, Tristan. We know all about your little organisation."

"How... when... who the fuck are you people?"

"Your best friends or your worst nightmares," I said. "The choice is yours."

"I can't. They'll kill me," he said, wide-eyed in fear.

"So will the Russians. It depends whether you want your daughter to be raped or not. Pick a side," spat Natalie.

"How do you know about The Generals?" he said wiping his eyes.

"Because I've killed some of them before."

His mouth dropped open.

"Does the name DI Clifford mean anything to you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"That was you?" he gasped.

I sucked my lips in and nodded smugly.

"Jesus Christ."

"Do you want our protection or not? And let me tell you this, the only reason I'm helping you, is because of Pippa. I'd leave you to the Russians if it were up to me," I said.

"Ok. I'll tell you all about them, but you need to get us to a safe location until the Russians are out of the picture. I'm not saying a word until we're all safe."

"Do you have to bring your bitch of a wife with you?" I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm afraid so," he smiled.

"It's a deal, but if you go back on this and don't tell me what I need to know, you'll find your picture all over the internet and newspapers telling the world what an incestuous pervert you are. Do you understand?"

"Yes... yes... I just want them to be safe."

"We'll need to make some calls and get our things. Go and join the rest of your family and we'll come and get you shortly," I said.

Natalie and I left the study and made our way back upstairs. We'd left our phones in our rooms and we needed to call Lexa to arrange a safe house.

"I had no idea he was playing both sides," said Nat. "Well done for figuring that out."

"Well done for having dirty dreams," I laughed.

"No wonder the Russians are pissed off with him. They've paid him ten-million and he's taken the money and done the opposite of what they've asked."

"He had no idea who he was dealing with. A man in his position is used to getting everything he asks for. He wanted the money and the power, but his little bubble world has finally burst."

We ascended the fairytale staircase and made it back to our rooms. On the beds were our bike leathers and our boots were on the floor at the foot of the bed. I guessed Helen had instructed Robert to put them there as a further hint that we should leave.

I picked up my phone first and checked the screen. I had two notifications from the camera system. It meant that one of the cameras had been triggered twice. The first one was Tristan arriving back from the spa. The second was the twins being brought home.

"The cameras are working well," I said to Natalie. "Let's get changed and I'll ring lexa. We're going to have to leave on the bikes even if it is pissing it down with rain."

"Oh joy," she replied.

I dialled Lexa's number and put her on speaker so I could change into my leathers. There was no problem with anyone overhearing us now that our cover was blown.

She picked up in the third ring as always.

"Becca, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine. We need a safe house or protection for the Kingsleys," I replied taking my T-shirt off.

"What's happened?"

"It appears that we were right about the election rigging, but the bastard was playing both sides. Now the Russians are after him and have threatened his family."

"He was playing both sides? What an idiot. Let me guess; he wanted paying by both of them."

"In a way, yes. The Russians paid him ten-million to get Hughs into power, but he'd already made a deal with Wilson. Wilson offered the twins prestigious careers in politics if he gets him in," I said, pulling my jeans off.

"That's nice work if you can get it. What about The Generals?"

"He's refusing to talk about them until he knows his family are safe. I don't know if they've contacted him since he visited Stanislav in Russia, but he's certainly worried."

"I can be with you with a team in about an hour. We'll discuss the options and see how to play it. It looks like we'll have to pay Stanislav a visit in order to bring this to a close. Have all the security people left?"

I pulled my leather trousers on and slipped my black vest top over my head. My boobs looked amazing as I adjusted them into a comfortable position.

"Yes, they left last night. I think that's why Tristan is now worried. He's too stupid to employ his own bodyguards and now he's realised how serious the Russians are, he's feeling exposed."

"When will these wankers start living in the real world?" she laughed. "How was the fuck-fest?"

"It was a lot of fun, but other than Wilson nearly fucking me to death, it was uneventful as far as intel goes," I replied.

"Wilson was actually there? Fuck me."

"Yes, that's what the extra security was for," I replied, pulling my biker boots on.

"Well, looking at the latest polls, it's no wonder Tristan's shitting himself. The election is as good as over. Hughs is still denying his affairs, but it doesn't matter. People won't vote for an adulterous pervert," she said. "The Russians will know that Tristan's fucked them over and they'll carry out their threats without a doubt."

"I know. Hurry up and get here. We'll see you soon."

"No problem. See you soon."

The line went dead.

I stood in the sudden silence as Natalie appeared in the adjoining doorway. She was dressed in identical clothing to me and looked sexy as hell.

I was about to say something to her when I heard two loud bangs in the distance.

Boom... boom.

I looked at Natalie.

She looked at me.

"What the fuck was that?" she asked.

"Check the cameras, I'll check the windows," I said, running over to the curtains and drawing them back.

It was still raining and misty to the rear of the house, but I could clearly see four men approaching in the darkness. They were dressed in black body armour and were carrying automatic weapons. They moved fast and in formation with their weapons raised.

"FUCK, THEY'RE HERE," I shouted to Natalie.

"I know, there's three black four-by fours pulling up at the front of the house and the gatehouse is on fire," she shouted back frantically.

She was seeing it play out on the cameras and I was watching it in real life out of the back window.


We knew were the shotguns were. They were the only weapons in the house as far as we knew. I planned the route in my head at light speed. It seemed so far away, but it was our only chance.

We ran out of our room towards the landing.

"How many of them are there?" I asked.

"Let's assume four in each vehicle, plus the four at the rear," she replied.

As we got to the landing, I heard more explosions as the front door was blown off its hinges. The pressure wave and splintered wood was like a gust of wind blasting into the reception hall and dissipating up the stairs.

Our theory about them attacking from the front had been right, but they'd also put men at the rear of the building in a two-pronged attack. Men in black streamed through the door and fanned out into defensive positions. Gun fire rattled from below us as the weapons opened up on full auto.




They were spraying bullets in all directions. They weren't interested in hitting anything, this was purely a show of power to subdue the enemy before they had a chance to think.

We kept running, keeping low through the smoke and dust.

We had to get to the library.

Nothing else mattered.




The chaos below continued as we passed overhead. We could hear shouts in Russian and screams from Pippa and Helen. There was nothing we could do for them until we were armed.

We made it halfway down the landing with our total focus on what we were doing. I knew the men would spread out and sweep the building looking for their targets. Once they had Tristan and the rest of the family, they would keep them in one room, before carrying out their threats. Maybe Stanislav was among them.

I hoped that they wouldn't be expecting us to be there. My mind flashed back to horse riding with Pippa and the photographer we'd seen down the lane. I had been right; he was doing a close target recce on the Manor House. He must have been part of the team and he'd used his photos to plan the attack.

They weren't amateurs that was for sure.

Boom... boom.

More explosions went off below us. I could only imagine how terrifying it must have been for them.

As we got level with Isaac's room, I heard a noise from the room opposite. Someone was climbing up the spiral staircase which led to the library. Our path to salvation was blocked. Natalie heard it too. We had to make a split-second decision before whoever was in there, came through the door and shot us.

"Hide in Isaac's room," she whispered.

I was one step ahead of her and darted inside before the door to the staircase burst open.

We stood stock still in the bedroom, not wanting to make a sound. I heard footsteps along the corridor moving slowly. My heart was beating like a jackhammer and sweat was pouring off of me. My fight-or-flight response filled me with so much adrenaline my hands were shaking. The adjoining door to Singen's room was open and I motioned for Nat to move into it. She moved in a crouch and peaked around the corner at a low level.

She quickly withdrew, making a gesture with her hand. She pointed to her eyes, held up one finger and then pointed in the direction of Singen's room. It told me that one guy had crossed the corridor and entered the room. He was sweeping through the house, apparently alone.

I glanced around the room looking for anything I could use as a weapon. There were clothes and shoes on the floor, but I looked higher. I found what I was looking for hanging on the wall above my head.

Isaac's crossbow.

My subconscious had remembered it was there, as it went into survival mode. I pointed above my head to show Natalie what I'd found and she gave me the thumbs up.

The guy in the next room was searching the wardrobe by the sound of things, so I reached up and took the crossbow off the wall. It was lighter than I thought and had a laser-dot sight on the top. Wherever the dot shone, the bolt would hit. The only problem was, there was only one bolt. This was going to be a one-shot chance.

I crept over to where Natalie was crouched, behind the adjoining door and gently placed the head of the crossbow on the floor. I put my foot into the stirrup and drew the string back. It took some effort but I managed to get it into the latch.

The enemy was still banging about next door as I dropped the bolt into the groove and pulled the stock into my shoulder. I was ready, but my hands were still shaking uncontrollably. I took a deep breath and remembered my yogic breathing. Even in a desperate situation like this one, you had to slow yourself down. Slow was smooth and smooth was fast.

The footsteps drew closer.

I saw his shadow in the doorway as he looked left and right. He stepped into the room sweeping all around with his weapon. I followed him with the crossbow waiting until he came into view.

He took another step and I saw that his body armour was protecting his chest and back, this was going to have to be a throat shot.

He took another step, but I felt guilty about shooting a man in the back so I decided to warn him.

"Hey asshole," I whispered.

He spun around to see where the voice had come from, but we were crouched down low and it took a split second for him to see us.

In that split second my red laser-dot appeared under his chin and I squeezed the trigger.

Click... twang... thwack.

The bolt hit him straight in the neck and continued its path until it hit his brain stem. Instant death hit him before he even knew what had happened. He fell backwards like a fallen tree and hit the floor with a thud.

"Get his weapon," I said with a degree of relief and urgency in my voice.

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