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Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 15


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He walked behind Singen and Isaac as I watched on Nat's phone. He pulled out his Makarov and held it to Singen's head.

"Stand up," he ordered.

Singen got up from his knees with his hands on his head.

"Your sister is very sexy, don't you think?" sneered Sasha.

"Leave her alone. Don't you dare touch her," said Singen through gritted teeth.

"Me? I'm not going to do anything to her," he replied. "But you are."


"Go over there and fuck your little sister or I'll put a bullet in the back of your head," Sasha backed away to an arms-length with his gun pressed against Singen's head.

The other guards laughed and jeered in Russian. I imagined these sick cunts doing this sort of thing during their rampage through Chechnya. Stanislav's file had said they had been raping and pillaging during the conflicts and it looked like they hadn't stopped even though the war was over.

Singen put on a good act. He appeared reluctant, but that may have been for his mother's benefit as well as the Russians.

"Fuck her," he said again, pushing him forwards.

Sasha thought that this would be worse for them than watching him rape her, but he couldn't have been more wrong. Suddenly incest within the family didn't seem such a bad thing after all. It wouldn't be a punishment for anyone except Helen who was now crying uncontrollably.

Singen slowly approached his sister, with a fake look of disgust on his face.

"You don't have to do this," he said to Sasha. "What do you want?"

"Shut up and pull her panties down."

The other guards rubbed their hands together and spoke lewd comments in Russian. Singen tugged his teenaged sister's underwear down to her ankles and she kicked them to the side. One of the guards who was nearest to them picked them up and held them to his nose to smell her young pussy-scent.

He said something in Russian with a surprised look on his face and passed them to Sasha.

"My, my. It looks like your little girl is feeling horny," he smiled. "Her panties are soaked."

He showed them to Helen, who screwed her face up and turned away as Singen stood still behind Pippa.

"Let's see if this has turned you on as much as your sister," Sasha said to him. "Get your cock out and let's see if you're hard for her."

He obeyed for fear of being shot and stood with his trousers and shorts around his knees. His cock was like a rod of steel and ready for action.

"Fucking hell, it looks like your offspring are as perverted as you are, Tristan. Your boy's got a decent cock on him too, he must like seeing his sister stripped naked."

"Leave them alone. I've told Stanislav I'll pay him the money back. Just don't make them do this," Tristan begged.

It looked like acting was another skill that ran in the Kingsley blood, alongside being a sexual deviant.

"It's too late for that," said Sasha. "You were told what would happen to you if you didn't do as you were told. After we've had our fun and games here, your lovely little daughter will be coming with us. We have many clients in Russia who can't wait to fuck a posh English girl. She will fetch a good price."

"No, please... let her go," he begged.

Sasha ignored him and turned back to Singen.

"FUCK HER," he bellowed so loud, that everyone jumped.

"Please don't," pleaded Helen.

"FUCK HER," he shouted again.

Singen reached down and parted Pippa's ass cheeks as she spread her legs for her brother. He pushed in slowly and deeply trying to look like he wasn't enjoying the tight warm hole of his sister.

"That's it. Fuck her nice and slow," letched Sasha. "It's nice to see love within the family."

The others laughed and watched on.

"You've gone very quiet," said Sasha into the radio. "Are you watching this?"

I didn't answer.

"We should move," said Natalie. "They're distracted."

"I agree. Pippa can take a fucking from her brother, no problem. Let's go."

Unfortunately, Sasha's men weren't the only ones who had been distracted. Whilst we'd been watching the forced-incest show we hadn't been watching the house. His men had taken up positions and had pinpointed us in the woods from the glow of Natalie's phone screen. As we started to move, we heard all hell break loose in front of us.




Sasha's men had regrouped and were now firing at us into the tree line. We both hit the dirt and hugged the ground, as bullets spat through the low hanging branches and foliage and split the bark of the trees. Mud and wooden splinters flew all around us as they gave us several bursts of sustained fire.

"Crawl right," I said to Nat. "Get further into the woods.

We slid through the mud like snakes not even raising our heads to see where we were going. We made some distance without being seen as more bullets stitched into the trees and the earth where we'd been lying. They were followed by two huge explosions as they through grenades in, to finish us off.

Then it fell silent.

Nat and I froze to keep the noise and movement down. We heard shouts in Russian as they barked tactical instructions to each other.

"How many are there?" asked Nat.

I dared myself a quick glance towards the house and saw more than I wanted to.

"Shit, there's five of them," I whispered. "Two covering and three coming our way."

It was a good tactic to leave two men covering the other three, as they advanced. They were switched on and had their weapons raised as they came towards the tree line to make sure we were dead.

"Crawl further into the woods," I whispered. "Find some cover."

She did as I asked, as I dipped into my pocket and took my phone out. I laid it on the ground face up and followed Natalie. After crawling for around twenty metres, we found a long, fallen tree and hid behind it. It would stop a nine-millimetre round, but not a grenade. It was the best we could do under the circumstances.

"Go to the left-hand side of the log and I'll go to the right," I said. "It will spread their arc of fire."


"When you get there call my phone."

"They'll hear it," she said.

"I want them to hear it. I left it on the floor where we just were. When they come to investigate, we'll take them down. You take the front man and I'll take the one at the back. Then we'll both go for the last man."

I saw her smile in the darkness. She obviously liked the plan.

As she crawled off, I made my way to the far right-hand side of the log and checked my equipment. Everything was clipped to my body armour and was close to hand. I crouched on one knee and bought my weapon up into the aim and waited.

All I could hear was water dripping off the trees and my own heavy breathing. I was caked in mud and leaf litter and must have looked like a wild man of the forest.

I glanced over at Natalie as she dialled my number. She was twenty meters away from me.

Ring-ring. Ring-ring.

My phone sounded deafening in the woods and it had the desired affect. I soon saw three men approaching cautiously, whispering commands to each other. One of them would move whilst the other two covered and then they'd leap frog past each other.

They had good tactics, but curiosity was going to be their downfall. I knew how the brain worked and they wouldn't be able to resist a ringing phone.

Ring-ring. Ring-ring.

They were now so close; I could hear them breathing and see steam coming from their mouths. I aimed at the guy at the back of the group and I knew that Natalie was doing the same with the guy nearest to her. We'd done practice drills like this at the facility, but this was now a life or death situation. This was for real.

Natalie shot first.



I followed suit before they reacted.



I fired two controlled bursts into the enemy and watched him drop. I wasn't sure if I'd hit him or if he'd dropped for cover. I looked for the other two men, but they were now out of sight.

I saw a muzzle flash a split second later as they returned fire onto our position.



I ducked back down behind the tree as rounds stitched into the log I was hiding behind. I moved a few metres to the left and then sprang back up and returned fire on full auto.


I then ducked back down and went back to my original position. More shouts in Russian echoed through the woods and more gun fire ensued. My hand dropped onto my vest and grasped the spherical object about the size of a small orange. I pulled the pin out and threw it in their direction.

Clink... lob... boom.


The grenade exploded a few feet short of where the first guy was firing from. There was a cry of pain and he stopped firing. I then emptied the rest of the magazine into the same area and moved again.

Fire and manoeuvre techniques made it difficult for the enemy to pinpoint us, especially in the dark. Natalie was doing the same thing and after a fierce exchange of fire, we all fell silent.

"At least one down," I whispered. "Changing mags."

"One down too," she replied. "I'm not sure about the guy in the middle."

I pressed the magazine release and the long black oblong fell onto the floor. I slammed a second magazine into place and pulled the cocking lever.

"Back in," I said, to signify I was ready to fire.

"Changing mag," she copied me.

I heard her reload the Uzi and tell me she was back in. We needed to be sure they were all dead, but I sure as hell wasn't going to go and take a look. I pulled the pin from another grenade and prepared to throw it.

"Ready?" I asked.

Natalie got into her firing position and prepared to fire on anyone moving.


I heard the grenade hit the dirt and instantly a guy got to his feet and ran away from the danger. It was a natural reaction, but Natalie was expecting it and put three rounds into him as he ran.


He dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.


The grenade exploded in a shower of mud and smoke.

"Moving onto target," said Natalie, staying low with her weapon in her shoulder.

I followed in an identical pose, but twenty meters to her right. We had to check that they were dead before advancing on the house. We also needed their ammunition and grenades to make sure we didn't run out.

As we approached with caution, I virtually tripped over the first guy in the dark undergrowth. His body was steaming from the red-hot shrapnel that had killed him. He was in such a mess that I didn't need to check his pulse to see if he was dead. It was obvious. I took his spare magazines and grenades and pushed on.

Natalie was at the second guy who she'd just shot. He was dead too and she stripped him of anything useful.

"Where's the third one?" I whispered.

"Over to the right," she said, moving on.

I followed her and we soon found, or rather heard him bleeding out next to a tree. His breathing was shallow and raspy and blood was oozing from his mouth and neck. Natalie put a round into his head to put him out of his misery, took his ammunition. I retrieved my phone from the forest floor and we regrouped back at the fallen tree.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Pumped up on adrenaline and the thrill of the fight," I said excitably.

I was genuinely enjoying every minute of it. I'd taken my fear and pushed it deep into my belly, feeling nothing more than a will to win.

"Seven left," I said, sharing out the ammunition and grenades.

"The ones in the study won't be easy, we can't risk killing a hostage," she said.

"I know, check the cameras again."

Nat got her phone out whilst I kept watch for the two guys at the rear of the house, in case they were going to come and find out what had happened to their friends. The fact that they hadn't come after us yet, told me they were probably under orders to stay out of the woods and guard the house.

"Jesus, things are hotting up in the study," said Nat.

I shuffled over and glanced at her phone screen. Pippa was being fucked by Singen and she now had Isaac's cock in her mouth. The Russians were enjoying the degradation of the Kingsley family, but had no idea that this was a normal sexy night for the twins and their sister.

"Pippa seems to be enjoying herself," I tittered.

"So are the boys," she laughed.

Laughing and joking at such a dreadful situation would seem alien and sick to most people, but it was a way of relieving our stress. Laughing in the face of adversity always worked for us.

"That's it, spit roast your little sister," laughed Sasha as we watched and listened. "Those bitches hiding out there will be next when my men get hold of them."

I decided to goad him based on that comment.

"I wouldn't count on it, dip-shit," I said into the radio.

"Ah, hang on, the slut's back on the line," he said to no one in particular. "You should come and join the party. Your little friend likes being fucked by her brothers."

"Fuck you," spat Pippa, sounding pretty convincing.

"No, I'll leave that until your brothers have finished with you, then it will be my turn," he said in a menacing tone. "And after that, my men will all have a go on you."

"We can't let them gang-rape her," I said to Natalie.

"What's the plan?" she shrugged.

"We need to draw them out."

I glanced at the house and saw the two Russians waiting for us to appear from the tree line. I formulated a rapid plan in my head and pressed the talk button on the radio.

"Nine of your men are dead," I said into the radio.

There was a long pause and I watched his reaction on the screen. He was thinking hard.

"That leaves seven of you," I continued.

He looked over at the twins fucking their sister and decided to up the ante. He wanted us to rush our assault and lure us in for a botched rescue. To do that he needed us to be worried about their safety, especially Pippa's.

"Swap over," he said to them. "Let her taste her cunt from her brother's cock."

"Why don't you come out here and find a real woman to fuck," I goaded him. "It must take a real man to rape an eighteen-year-old."

"I haven't even started yet," he replied.

"You like easy targets. That shows me how weak you truly are. Why don't you come out into the woods and I'll hand myself over to you?"

"It's no fun if you're willing," he laughed.

"I'm not willing. I'm just wondering why you pick on little girls. Can't you handle a real woman."

"If you think I'm going to rise to your bait, you're wrong. I'm not stupid," he replied. "If you want to kill me, you'll have to come and get me."

He brought his weapon up and approached Isaac who now had his dick buried in Pippa's teenaged snatch. He pointed his gun at Isaacs head, pressing the muzzle into his temple.

"Fuck her asshole," he ordered.

"What? No... I can't," spluttered Isaac.

"Either you fuck her asshole, or I will," said Sasha. "And I can assure you, I won't be gentle with the little bitch."

Isaac thought for a moment and then resigned himself to the fact that he had no choice.

"Sorry sis," he apologised, pulling his cock out of her wet hole and spitting on her butt-hole.

"You people are fucking twisted," hissed Pippa. "What do you want from us?"

"Go on, stick it in her shitter," demanded Sasha, licking his lips. "She'll love it."

I watched it all unfold on Natalie's phone as Isaac pushed his cock into his sister's starfish. I watched her face as she breathed out and relaxed into it.

"It looks like this afternoon's anal training session came at just the right time," gasped Natalie. "Her ass should still be pretty well lubed."

"Plus, Isaac now thinks he's taken her anal virginity," I laughed. "Look at her face, she's finding it hard to look upset. The dirty slut loves it."

I hoped Sasha didn't notice the look of pure pleasure on her face as she enjoyed her first real taste of anal.

Seeing his sister take her brother's cock in her ass was too much for Singen. She was sucking him like a pro and was rewarded with her siblings warm cum filling her eager mouth.

"Oh wow, look lads, big brother's cumming in his sister's mouth," Sasha joked. "Swallow it down honey, there's a good girl."


"Don't worry mummy, you're next," laughed Sasha.

I watched Pippa gulp down her brothers load for the second night in a row and wipe her chin. The Russians cheered and joked with each other as their game started to get more disgusting.

"How's your sister's ass?" Sasha asked Isaac. "Is she nice and tight?"

He didn't answer, he just tried to look ashamed.

"I hope you're enjoying the show, whores," said Sasha into the radio. "It's only going to get worse for her, until you turn yourselves in."

"It's only going to get worse for you, if you don't stop this and surrender," I said through gritted teeth.

"Hmmmm, let me think about my options," he mused, sarcastically. "Shall I stay here and rape a young girl or shall I lay down my arms and surrender to a pair of sluts? Decisions... decisions."

"In that case, I'll see you really soon," I replied.

I picked up the shotgun and slung it over my shoulder again.

"Let's stay in the tree line and head for the front of the building," I said to Natalie. "They'll be expecting us to take out the two at the rear."

"Ok, but what do we do when we get there?"

"I think we should even the odds in the study. He thinks he's untouchable in there, but he's going to learn the hard way."

I led us along the tree line, staying low to avoid detection from the remaining two guards near the pool. We paralleled the house until we came to the rear corner next to the gravel path. We were out of sight of the guards so we just made a quick dash from the woods and headed down the side of the house.

"What now?" asked Natalie. "Tell me the plan."

"We'll get to the window of the study and get a better view," I explained.

"You just want to see her get fucked, don't you?" she giggled. "You're a dirty bitch, Becca."

"I am and I can't say that it's not making me wet, seeing her get abused by her brothers, but that's not why I want to see in."

"If I'm honest, my cunts dripping like a tap too," she admitted. "I'll follow your lead."

We made it to the front of the building and checked around the corner. The three four-by-fours were parked randomly at the main entrance, but there was no sign of any Russians. We moved cautiously past them and approached the study window.

"We need to make this fucker realise what he's up against," I said. "We'll pick an easy target each and on the count of three we'll shoot them through the glass."

"Ok, but pick two that are in the open," she replied. "If there's no clear shot, we'll have to rethink it."

I nodded.

I was going to let basic physics help us out. Looking into a brightly lit room from outside was easier than looking out into darkness from a room with its lights on. From inside the study, they would only see their own reflections in the glass which gave us a tactical advantage.

We moved slowly into the open and looked through the window from about ten metres away. We could clearly see Isaac fucking his sister up the ass, but another body had now joined the party.

"Is that Tristan?" I asked feeling a little surprised.

"Yeah. It looks like Sasha's upped his game a bit. Pippa's got daddy's cock in her mouth."

She was right. Isaac continued to fuck his sister whilst she sucked off her father. Sasha was standing close to the action and we didn't have a clear shot. One guy was guarding Singen and Helen, another was on guard next to the door of the room and the other two were enjoying the show.

In fact, they were doing a lot more than just enjoying the show. As I looked closer and my eyes adjusted, I saw that they were wanking themselves off at the spectacle in front of them.

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