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Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 15


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"Have they got their cocks out?" gasped Nat.

"They certainly have. I think we've just found our next targets," I smiled. "I'll take the one on the right, you take the one on the left."

"Roger that," she replied, bringing her weapon into her shoulder.

We were both crouched on one knee, to provide a more stable firing platform and we took aim. I focused on the iron-sights of the weapon and aligned them with the guys' head.



"On three. One, two,"



There was a sound of breaking glass as the bullets shattered the window and found their fleshy targets beyond.

Both guys dropped like liquid with their cocks still in their hands.

"Move left, back to the main entrance," I ordered. "Fast and low."

We ran to where the vehicles were parked, having just taken out two more of the Russians right in front of Sasha. The psychological effect it would be having on him would be overwhelming. I heard automatic gunfire from the study and the shattering of glass as his men opened up through the window, hoping we'd still be there. Unfortunately for them, we'd evaporated like ghosts.

I heard panicked chatter in my ear piece as Sasha called in reinforcements from the rear. It was in Russian, but it was obvious that's what he was doing, he had no one else he could talk to.

"The two at the back of the house will be coming down the rear corridor which comes from the pool," said Natalie, realising the same thing as me.

"We'll ambush them at the bottom of the stairs," I suggested.


We checked the reception hall and saw the three dead men lying at peculiar angles from the blast wave. The hall itself, looked like a hurricane had blown through it. There were fragments of wood, which used to be the doors, strewn all over the floor. There were muddy footprints on the floor and leaves had blown in from outside. The three grenades we'd dropped had also added to the devastation all around us. We made it to the fairytale staircase and ran back up to the landing area.

The remaining Russians would be expecting us to be on the ground-floor as that was their last known point of contact. By moving up to the first-floor we had regained the element of surprise. Battles are often won against overwhelming odds, simply by fighting with your mind rather than with firepower. It had been our greatest weapon so far and I hoped our luck would continue.

I heard controlled footsteps below us. They were moving as a pair, one at a time. We both knew they would appear any second from the rear corridor so that's where we aimed our weapons. I was on the right and Natalie was on the left and we'd automatically take the corresponding targets as they appeared.

We waited.

The two guys peeked around the door frame and then flicked back behind it. They knew it was probably going to be an ambush. They poked their heads out again glancing left and right and then up, to check the stairwell.

They were too fast and saw us before we could fire a shot. They retreated back and opened fire from behind the door way.



Bullets splintered into the balustrade and floorboards causing us to roll backwards from the edge of the landing. I ended up on my back looking like a stranded turtle, weighted down with gear.

I heard a clink and then a tinkling sound next to me and then I saw an almighty white flash, followed by a deafening explosion.

At first, I thought it was a grenade and that I was surely injured, but I realised it was a flash-bang. My head spun and my ears rang as I tried to fight the confusion. I rolled onto my front and tried to focus on my weapon. Nothing seemed to be working properly. I saw starbursts and felt dizzy as though I was having an earth-shattering orgasm.



Gunfire rang out next to me as Natalie opened fire at the blurry figures coming up the stairs. She was further away from the stun grenade than I was and was less effected by it. She still seemed to be firing wildly rather than aiming properly.

Bullets hit the wooden panel behind me, showering me in splinters. I shook my head and got onto one knee so I could return fire as the enemies heads came into view. It all seemed to be happening in slow motion.

I got the Uzi in my shoulder and squeezed the trigger in the direction of the stairs, hoping to hit one of them.


Suddenly, I felt like I'd been hit by a bus and I was thrown backwards against the wall fighting for breath. My chest felt like someone had hit me with a sledge hammer and the wind had been knocked out of my lungs.

"BECCA... NOOOOOOO," screamed Natalie.

I clutched my chest and realised I'd been hit with a random bullet from the approaching Russians. From the feel of it, I'd been hit in the centre of my chest. I tugged at the straps to remove the vest and see if the round had gone through. As I did that Natalie changed mags, stood up and advanced on the enemy screaming like a banshee.



She emptied the magazine, dropped to her knees and rolled a grenade down the stairs.


I felt the shock wave as I clawed at my chest trying to breathe in. I couldn't feel any blood and as I finally took a breath, Natalie appeared by my side.

"I'm hit, I'm hit," I squeaked.

Natalie quickly checked me over and patted my body with a concerned look on her face.

"I can't see anything, just breathe Becca. Breathe slowly."

She picked up my discarded body armour and looked at the chest area.

"The vest saved you," she said. "You're fine. It didn't go through," she sounded elated.

I started to giggle with relief.

"Really? I'm not hit?" I smiled.

"No. The body armour saved your life."

She pulled me in and hugged me, kissing my forehead like a mother does to a fallen child.

"Shit... I thought they'd shot me," I gasped, getting my breath back.

"They did," she laughed. "But you were lucky. Put the vest back on and let's go and finish the job."

As I got up and sorted myself out, Natalie checked to make sure there were no more Russians around and then stripped the dead men of their ammunition.

I got to my feet and she handed me a couple of spare mags for the Uzi.

"There's only two of the fuckers left, plus Sasha," said Nat. "Let me check the cameras again."

She quickly got her phone out and opened the camera app. The study looked different now. The incest had stopped and Sasha had moved the four hostages in front of the window. The glass was broken from where the Russians had sprayed bullets out into the darkness, hoping to hit one of us.

Putting the hostages in front of the window was a good plan from his point of view. It meant we only had one possible point of entry; the study door from the corridor.

"This isn't going to be easy," I said. "He's only giving us one option."

"I know, and that looks like suicide."

I looked at her screen again. The two guys left, were standing with their guns trained at the door. They could quite easily shoot us through the door before we even opened it, if they heard us approaching. I knew that bullets could pass through a wooden door with no problem at all.

"What other options do we have?" asked Natalie. "I don't think he's going to surrender."

"Let's ask him," I replied.

I pressed the talk-button on my collar.

"Have you had enough yet, asshole?" I said into the radio.

I watched on the screen as he stood behind the hostages. The other two men didn't move.

"Have you?" he asked.

"I'm coming for you. Call your boyfriend, Stanislav and tell him you've failed. You're not going to leave here alive."

"Come and get me, bitch."

He got behind Pippa and reached around to fondle her naked boobs. She tried to shrug him off, but he gripped her tighter and kissed her neck, pushing his hand between her legs.

"She smells delicious," he said to me. "Once you're dead, I'm going to rape her in front of her family. She's got a nice wet pussy just for me."

"Good luck with that," I scoffed.

He let her go and looked outside. He was trying to see where we were. He still had no idea how we could see him as the camera in the study was almost invisible.

"You're right," I said to Natalie. "He's not going to surrender. He's under orders to bring Pippa back, no matter what."

"Well then... windows or door?" she shrugged.

"He's expecting us at the door. So, let's not keep him waiting. Keep your phone out so we can see them, but we need to move silently."

"What's the plan? If they hear us approaching, they'll shoot us through the door before we even get into the room.

"Not if we shoot them first. The Kingsleys are nowhere near the door and the path of the bullets from the door to the guards will be nowhere near them. That stupid fucker, Sasha didn't think it through when he put them in front of the window," I smiled. "We'll shoot the guards through the door, kick the door in and throw a flash bang. Then we'll take out Sasha."

"Maybe we should try and keep him alive. He could lead us to Stanislav."

"Maybe, but a cunt like him isn't likely to tell us anything. He's a hardliner devoted to his boss. I'd rather shoot the fucker to be honest. Let's go."

We both racked the top slides of the Uzi's and headed down the stairs. We climbed over the two dead guys halfway down and turned down the east wing corridor.

It had gone very quiet all around us after the ferocious noise of grenades and gunfire had ceased. Even Sasha had stopped talking to me on the radio.

This was the end game.

We crept along the centre of the corridor as it was carpeted with a runner. It masked our footsteps as we slowly approached the study.

You could hear a pin drop.

Each step we took was now deliberate as were all of our movements. We concentrated on being silent as our lives depended on it.

We got to the study door and I motioned for Nat to check her phone again. She already had it in her hand and brought it up to her face to see the screen. I was standing next to her and we could clearly see the two men standing less than three feet away from us on the other side of the dark wooden door. Sasha was still standing behind Pippa, looking outside.

They were close enough to hear the slightest of sounds. We dropped into a crouch as Natalie put her phone on the floor so we could see it handsfree. I unclipped the flash-bang and gently placed it at my feet for quick access.

We pulled the stock of the Uzi's into our shoulders and adjusted our aim in a slightly upward direction. This meant we would be aiming at their heads, but it also meant that if we missed, the bullets would end their flight in the ceiling, rather than in one of the Kingsleys.

We nodded at each other and I held out my hand with three fingers extended. I bounced my hand and withdrew a finger with each bounce.








We both fired two, three-round bursts into the door and watched the phone screen to make sure we'd hit our targets.

Both men jolted backwards in a shower of pulsing blood and Natalie stood up and kicked the door open. I pulled the pin out of the stun-grenade and hurled it inside before we both moved sideways for cover.

Flash.... bang.

As the shock wave dissipated, we burst into the room looking for our last target - Sasha.

The room was filled with screams and shouts from the hostages and I just caught sight of Sasha jumping out of the window. He fired blindly behind him hitting nothing but wooden panelling and brickwork.

"Is everyone ok?" I shouted.

"Yes, I think so," whimpered Tristan.


I spun on my heels to see Natalie putting two rounds into one of the guards. He hadn't been killed by our initial attack, but he was certainly dead now.

"We need to get after Sasha," I said. "He can't be allowed to get back to Stanislav. Are you sure you're all ok?"

"Yes, yes, go," shouted Singen. "Thank you, thank you."

I cautiously looked out into the darkness to see where Sasha had gone. In his confused state he'd headed for the garage rather than the vehicles at the front of the house.

"It looks like his going to steal a car and make a run for it," I said, climbing out of the broken window.

"I'm right behind you," said Nat. "Run."

We raced towards the garage just in time to see Pippa's white Porsche scream out of the garage and slide across the gravel.

I dropped to my knees and fired a full magazine at the speeding car, emptying the magazine in less than four seconds. A mini-Uzi has a fire rate of nine-hundred rounds per minute so even a forty round magazine doesn't last long at that rate of fire.

"Get to the bikes, he's out of range," shouted Natalie, sprinting past me.

I followed, as the Porsche made it to the tarmac driveway and sped off. We were now in panic mode and needed to catch up with him before he made it to the road. That gave us two miles to catch him.

Natalie threw her helmet on and fired up the Ducati.

"Get on the back," she shouted.

I found my helmet, slipped it on and changed mags.

Click... drop... slam... click-click.

The weapon was fully loaded and I literally jumped onto the back of the bike with and Uzi in one hand and a shotgun slung over my back. Natalie sped after him knowing that her bike was a lot faster than Pippa's Porsche.

The fierce acceleration was difficult to control on the wet road as she gunned the throttle. I now knew how Pippa must have felt when she'd ridden on the back of my bike. My life was in Natalie's hands and I was glad she was such a good rider.

We watched the tail lights of the Porsche crest the hill and disappear out of sight. Natalie changed gear and sped up with me holding on for my life. We crested the hill and felt weightless for a split second as the bike left the road by a couple of inches and landed with a bump. We had closed in on the Porsche and we were now on a straighter section of the driveway.

I kept one arm wrapped around Natalie and pulled the Uzi up with the other.

"Keep it steady," I said to Natalie through the helmet comms.

I squeezed off a couple of bursts at Pippa's car one-handed and saw the back-window smash, but the car kept going.

"Hold on, there's a bend coming up," said Natalie.

The white Porsche disappeared around the corner, hidden by the trees. As I watched the headlights of the car we were chasing, it seemed to slew out of control and become chaotic, but we kept going. We had to catch him.

We rounded the corner and suddenly realised why the Porsche's lights had bounced and swung wildly. It had hit a deer.

One of the Kingsley's deer was lying in the middle of the road. The Porsche had hit and killed it before veering off and rolling across the grass before hitting a tree.

The dear was right in our path and there was no avoiding it. Natalie hit the rear brake a little too hard and the back of the bike slid from under me. I ended up skidding down the road on my ass, but Natalie had her leg trapped under the bike, which was sliding on its side.

I watched in horror as the bike hit the deer, flipping the bike upright, causing Natalie to fly eight feet into the air and land hard on the tarmac head-first.

"NAT... NOOOOO," I screamed.

She lay motionless on the road as I got up and ran towards her. She'd been thrown a good twenty feet past the deer, but as I got closer, I was forced to hit the deck again.



Sasha had gotten out of the wrecked Porsche and was firing his Uzi at me like a man possessed. I hid behind the deer and waited for him to reload.

All I wanted to do was get to Natalie, but I had to sort this asshole out first. I swung my Uzi up and pulled the trigger.

Thud... click.


It fired one round and stopped; the magazine was empty. I dropped the weapon and pulled my Makarov from my vest. Without hesitation I fired a full clip at Sasha, but missed him with every round. Aiming a pistol in the dark from that distance wasn't easy.

My follow up was immediate. I had to take this guy out before he reloaded. I pulled the shotgun off my shoulder and fired one shot at his centre mass.


The shotgun pellets hit him making him lurch backwards and land on his ass. His Uzi flew from his hands and he ended up sitting on the muddy grass in a state of shock.

I ran over towards him, full of rage and vengeance at what had happened to Natalie. I had no interest in what this guy had to say; he was going to die.

As I got within range, I kicked him in the face as hard as I could, knocking him onto his back. I put my foot on his chest as he looked up at me in fear and shock. A twelve-gauge round to the chest will have that effect on you. I pumped another round into the breach.


There it was; that terrifying sound cutting into the still night air. The sound of imminent death and he was on the receiving end of it. I watched him squirm as the realisation of his demise washed over him.

"No.... wait..." he spluttered. "Who are you?"

All he could see was a slender girl dressed in black, towering over him wearing a crash-helmet, as he stared down the wrong end of a shotgun barrel.

I held the shotgun in his face with one hand and took my helmet off with the other. I let it drop to the floor and shook my wet hair out. I'm sure I looked like shit, but my face was going to be the last thing he saw.

"I'm Becca," I said. "Lights out mother fucker."

"No... no... please... I'm sorry, don't kill m....."


His life ended with a splat of red and grey brain matter all over the lawn.

It was over.

I pumped the shotgun one last time and then ran over to Natalie. She hadn't moved from where she'd landed. She was lying on her back and looked like she was asleep.

My heart was breaking as I got to her. I just wanted her to get up and call me a bitch or come out with some other sarcastic comment, but it wasn't to be.

She lay still.

"NAT... NO... NAT... WAKE UP," I begged her.

I crouched next to her on the wet tarmac feeling the water soak into my leathers. I was trained in first aid, but I wasn't a medic. She needed a lot more help than I'd given Helen when she'd fell over from being too pissed.

There was no response from her and I felt helpless and useless. The rain poured from the sky and tears poured from my eyes.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

nice story

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Shhhhhhiiiitttttt 😬😬😬

Dammmmm not what I.waa.expecting at all, soooo.good may this.series.never end.

tkarddetkarddeover 3 years ago
Total agreement

I feel like the others and just have to say, Well Done!! You have outdone yourself with this one. This was so sexy, hot and chock full of the action and drama we have come to love about Becca's missions. You really kept us on the edge of our seats right up to the end and left us there! I think I speak for us all when I say that we will be standing by hoping for the next release ASAP and yes, this story line could go on for another 15 chapters and we would be right there with you! Love you and your work, thank you for your gifts to us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Becca is my spirit animal

Lic2pleaseLic2pleaseover 3 years ago

Oh My.........I agree with Cindy, and what a cliff hanger you've left us with...All my descriptive adjatives are becoming repetitive. You keep bringing us up higher levels in each chapter. Actually I can keep reading this story as long as you write.

Thank You

Kiss Kiss Lic Lic

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