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Beth's Disgrace Pt. 05


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But peeing in the bushes was another matter. This was a disgusting and lewd act and Mrs. Johnson was pissed. If Beth got caught naked by her family it would be embarrassing for her but after some good natured laughing life would go on. But what kind of sick pervert pisses naked in their front yard in broad daylight? If she got caught doing this, Mr. Johnson and Amy would be legitimately alarmed. And as we know by now, Mrs. Johnson didn't like her daughter even making smart remarks that could jeopardize their cushy living situation under Mr. Johnson's roof. The video of Beth pissing in the garden got her spitting mad. Of course there was no way she was going to confront Beth in front of Amy, but she decided to observe Beth a little more before asking some questions.

Poor Beth was already a nervous wreck over the films she was forced to create on her computer camera and cell phone. But between the hidden cameras in her room, not knowing that she actually had three blackmailers and her step-sister was one of them, and her mother's now watchful eye, Beth had no idea that there was actually very little of her time that wasn't under surveillance.

"Beth honey, what are you up to on this Friday night?" Mrs. Johnson asked, trying to make casual conversation while trying to get more information about Beth's off the wall actions this morning.

Beth: Nothing really. Going to sit in my room and read.

Mrs. J: Really? One of the last Friday nights of your senior year? You should be out with friends living your life. You seem to be always in your room reading lately

Mrs. Johnson saw the look on Amy's face and regretted what she said immediately. It was a mix of anger and sadness.

Amy: Yeah Beth. That's what I would be doing if I were you. But I am me and I'm stuck under house arrest my senior year. Such bullshit!

Mrs J: Amy, I'm sorry I brought it up. But you know this was your father's decision. I was on your side, but he is your father. I know you won't look back upon this fondly, but there is less than two weeks left of school and your punishment is over. You will get on with your life and enjoy this last summer before college to the fullest. This unpleasantness will be nothing but a distant memory, you'll see.

Amy: I will never get over this as long as I live. And I will never forgive this injustice of my senior year ruined. If I could make someone pay for this, I would make them pay a horrible price!

Beth: Whatever, I've had enough of this conversation.

Beth started to clear plates and bring them into the kitchen. She turned on the sink and started to wash the dishes. With her back to her mother and Amy, she felt like both eyes were burning a hole in her for some reason. Amy's words jarred her a little. Beth told herself that she was being paranoid but since she was 100% guilty of getting Amy into the trouble that got her grounded until the end of the school year she couldn't help but feel those words directed at her. Although she was sure there was no way Amy knew that, the anger in her voice startled her.

Up until yesterday Beth had always managed to compartmentalize her perverted thoughts to time she spent in her room at the end of the day. But the last two days had changed that drastically. Yes Beth was being blackmailed to do things outside of her room, but feeling the trembling fear of risking real life public humiliation for the first time opened up her eyes and her legs! Even when she wasn't being pushed by her blackmailer she found herself much more easily aroused than she ever used to be and her mind started to wander in ways it never had before while conducting her daily life.

As she stood there washing dishes with her back to her mother and Amy, her mind started to stir. She dwelled on Amy's angry words and imagined they were directed at her, as if she lived in a world where Amy and her mother found out that Beth had set the girls up on that fateful night. Although it was only her feet that were bare at the moment, her thoughts brought her to a place where she was now naked while doing her house chores because she was being punished for getting her sister and her friends in trouble.

Her pussy started to dampen some more as she thought of the laughter coming from her sister as every imperfection on her ass, legs, and back were pointed out. Her mother wasn't helping at all in her thoughts, saying this is what I deserve for acting like an ungrateful bitch for getting Amy in so much trouble. She imagined them finding out why. Then she thought back to how angry Amy sounded just now and her pussy started to heat up at all of the vengeful things Amy would do to a naked Beth given carte blanche by her own mother.

"Oh god" she whispered as she felt her wet lips dampen her panties. She still hadn't gotten over how sensitive she now was down there after shaving her pubic hair. When she was horny, like she was starting to get right now, every move that brought contact with the fabric of her underwear felt like a lover gently caressing her lower lips. At least that is what she imagined what that felt like since she never allowed any boy she went out with to do that to her. Her usual self love was not all that gentle, especially lately!

Amy: Sure Beth. You need to hurry so you can get upstairs and read. You seem to do a lot of that lately!

Amy's voice snapped Beth out of her trance as she finished up with the dishes. She was still a little paranoid about Amy knowing about the sexual deviance that went on in her room, but she didn't think anything of it and responded the only way she knew how.

Beth: You should try picking up a book sometime too! You certainly have a lot of time on your hands these days!

Beth walked out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom as she noticed Amy's scowl out of the corner of her eye. She didn't look at her mom but she didn't have to. No doubt her usual look of disappointment was on her face. Beth's mom could be heard trying to comfort Amy and doing damage control as usual after one of Beth's sharp remarks to her hated step-sister. Beth shucked her clothes,peed and continued to sit on the toilet afterwards, waiting to make her move. As she sat there the cold tile on her bare feet served as a squirming reminder that this was yet another bathroom she had now walked in without the protection of shoes or socks. And she shook her head at how she entered a bathroom and automatically stripped without thinking. "What is happening to me?" she pondered.

After a while she heard the sounds of footsteps clearing the kitchen and dining room and decided to make her move. She figured that her mom was in the living room and she heard Amy head upstairs. Beth had thought ahead a bit and wisely chose a hoodie with a front pouch pocket. Although her mom was cool with a drink here and there, she had never been one to bring a whole bottle to her room so the pocket would help her smuggle it.

Beth cleaned up and walked out of the bathroom. While most of the vast collection of wine her step-dad had was in the cellar, there was a rack of 20 or so bottles in a small room on this end of the hall. She gingerly tip-toed her bare feet into the room and grabbed a cheaper bottle that she liked. She tucked the bottle into her sweatshirt and was about to creep back down the hall when she stopped dead in her tracks.

"The corkscrew!" She thought. She remembered MistressK's orders that she wouldn't be wearing any clothes for the rest of the night and if she forgot anything she would be making all return trips naked. Her pussy gushed a little bit at the thought of that. Just the thought of being told she couldn't wear clothes for a period of time pushed her depraved buttons. She had read stories about girls being forced to spend the whole weekend naked no matter what she had to do and she sucked in a deep breath at the thought of someone knocking on the front door to visit her and she was forbidden to dress. She was glad that wouldn't happen as she didn't have too many friends, but after her recent awakening a little bit of her secretly imagined being forced to do it!

Beth grabbed the corkscrew and put it in her pocket. She had purposely left out a glass of water and she grabbed that to use for the wine and up the stairs she went. She got into her room and realized she was already very horny. She thought about what MistressK said earlier. About how they were going to party tonight, let their hair down and have some fun. She considered her already horny state and the bottle of wine in her hand, and was scared and more than a little excited at what lay ahead of her tonight.

She set down the glass, wine bottle, and corkscrew on a table by the door and stood there for a second with a twinge of fear that rippled from her aching nipples to her clit. "Here goes my clothes until tomorrow" she said to herself, realizing that there had been no promise of clothes tomorrow either. She pulled her sweatshirt and t-shirt off together and dropped her sweat pants in a hurry and cast them aside. When she pulled her sports bra over her head her D-cups bounced free in an unsubtle way like normal. Although she hated having her large breasts unrestrained, she started to really look forward to the feeling she got when they were set free from her constricting bras.

She felt the urge to touch her tits as if they had been neglected and in a way they were. She had never allowed any of the few boys she had fooled around with the pleasure of touching them more than glancing contact through clothes. Yet now her rosy red nipples were fully engorged and aching to be touched. She stood in her doorway wearing only a pair of panties with a darkening patch in the crotch as she fondled herself. She reached under her massive globes and rubbed the undersides which made her moan audibly with pleasure. She quickly dropped her panties and noticed a strand of liquid pulling away from her leaking pussy as they were pulled away from her crotch and down her legs. Here she was, naked again thanks to her own stupidity.

Beth once again was making her now familiar voyage naked across the room to her computer to start another night with her tormentor. As usual she saw her naked reflection staring back at her and she gasped a little more in shame. She made her way to her computer chair for another night of depraved stupidity. The chair felt sticky on her naked ass cheeks and legs. She thought of all she had done in that chair and how she had not yet had time to clean it and cried in frustration as her exposed skin pressed against such filth, even though that filth was her own.

As Beth's pussy flooded with more arousal from the shame of yet another unexpected humiliation, she closed her eyes in fear of what she was becoming. Because the fucked up part here is for that the first time she was actually looking forward a little to being tormented tonight!

  • -

Amy, Kim, and Jenna sat in their respective bedrooms as they once again watched a live feed of their prey starting to unknowingly humiliate herself for their amusement. Instead of being all dressed up for a night out with their friends they were in comfortable sweatpants and t-shirts and stuck at home thanks to Beth. Well, two of the girls were dressed that way. Jenna had beaten Beth to the punch and found herself completely naked before Beth even appeared on the screen before them. This was how she was choosing to watch the show tonight and maybe every night from now on!

Kim: Ok. Is everyone ready for some fun tonight?

Amy: Fuck yeah. But can you explain to me again what we are doing here? I know why we are going to have fun with that slag as she struts her fat ass around her room. But why is SHE having fun tonight? I never want her to have fun again and she seems to be having a lot of it, sick fuck that she is!

Jenna: Hang on. To be fair, I saw with my own eyes in class today that at least at that time she was not having any fun at all. And since that stupid teacher still thinks she needs to impress the cool kids I am sure I can up the ante a bit over the last week and a half of high school!

Amy: Well good for you. We didn't get to see it. I still see her walking around school like the queen bitch that she is in school because she seems to be enjoying this shit. And she still has no problem telling me to fuck off around here! So why are we being nice to her tonight? I was so pissed after dinner that I wanted to pull up one of her naked "look at me, look at me, I'm so humiliated" masturbation videos up on the flat screen for her mom to see! She's such a fucking cunt! I hate her!

Kim: Ok, first. Good job today Jenna. I love your ideas here and I don't think it will hurt a thing if you ratchet up the pressure in your art class. You only have a few of them left anyway. And second, we are NOT being nice to her. Just like everything else, tonight is part of the game. And part of that game is to disarm her so she lets her guard down and gives us more. Tonight is going to be a big step for our plan. If things go according to plan she will look back on things she says and does tonight with sickening remorse. So far this crazy cunt is nothing but predictable once you wrap your head around all of the off the wall things that get her off and I have no doubt she will play into our hands yet again.

Amy: And what exactly is our hand? Have a nice girls night with her?

Kim: Yes. Have a nice girls night with her. Make her comfortable. Make her laugh. Get her drunk. Get her horny. Make her reveal more things to us on camera and in text. This shit lives forever. Tonight we will make her say, admit, and agree to things that will set up some real humiliation. To do this we will let her have fun while we get her completely wasted. And once she is completely hammered and has been on the edge of cumming all night, she is going to put herself on camera begging to make things worse and it will all look like this is her idea. And then we can begin to really start to see some revenge take place outside of her cozy little bedroom. I told you, the goal is complete public humiliation beyond what even her sick fantasies are capable of imagining.

Amy: Yeah but when? I agree everything is working like you said and I love your sick plan to ruin this sick slut. But tonight she seemed to rub my face in what she had done to me. And although she doesn't know what we know, it hurt to be reminded of what she took from us.. I am sick of her only making a fool of herself only when we can see her on these little screens! When can we have more?

Kim: Well, tomorrow silly! I want this as bad as you do. And after we get this cunt wasted tonight, she is going to hate it when she starts the day tomorrow and realizes what she has done to herself. Her nasty twat already acts as a truth serum when she is horny for us. Pair that with the inebriated state I plan on getting her tonight and she will have no control over what her sick mind reveals about herself. Her level of self hate will increase sharply, starting tomorrow! We will see how much her horny twat likes it then. I expect she will still get off on the humiliation because her compulsively depraved mind can't help it, but she will feel like she is losing her grip on a lot of things this weekend and into Monday. You have both been very patient and that patience is about to pay off a little! I promise you!

Jenna: OMG. This sounds great, but do you think we should be getting her drunk and fucking with her? I mean, she is already clearly out of control with lust with what we are making her do. Getting her completely drunk and fucking with her seems like picking on the handicapped!

Kim: Well, let me just say this. If you have any ethical reservations about the methods in which we get our revenge on this miserable bitch, may I remind you that the reason that you are home in your room tonight is because this manipulative slut purposely ruined your senior years so she could masturbate like a freak in her room to internet porn! But if you want me to back off I will...

Jenna: Fuck her. Bottoms up!

Amy: Fuck yeah. Make her shove that bottle up her fat ass!

Kim: That's what I thought. I hope you all managed to score some booze for your rooms as well. I want your inhibitions a little loser as well tonight. I want US to have fun. And when it comes time where I ask you for suggestions, don't hold back. Even the really fucked up things, if they don't work for now they may fit what we have our stupid cunt doing a few months from now. And a drunk angry mind is a creative mind!

Beth sat there in her normal position; naked in front of her computer with her legs parted as to not obstructed the view to her bare sex as she awaited her instructions.

Mistressk: Hello slut, welcome to the party! Nice to see all of you as usual.

Beth: Yes mistress. Hello. What kind of party are we having?

MistressK: A girls night silly! It's been a week for both of us. For you, parading those massive tits and bouncing ass of yours around for me while that bald pussy screams to the world how horny you are. And for me, I never had a naked plaything to control how I see fit, and I have mixed feelings about it. I bet you are really struggling with your feelings too, aren't you?

Beth: Yes mistress. I am so scared I am going to get caught doing all of these crazy things.

MistressK: Of course, honey. But we both know what we saw out of you today. And you can't tell me you didn't enjoy a little of it. Right?

Beth sat there for a second as she stared at her screen. She clearly enjoyed herself and played along with this game a little too much, especially when she was in the heat of the moment at the end of the day and begged to embarrass herself more than she had to. But it would surely be foolish to admit to this stranger that was blackmailing her that she enjoyed herself today. No possible good outcome could come of her admitting how alive she felt as she pleasured herself while naked in a public bathroom at her school today. Of course not. But Beth had been horny ever since she started imagining her sister ridiculing her naked body as she acted like a naked maid in front of her while she washed the dishes.... so.......

Beth: Yes mistress. I enjoyed myself today despite not wanting to do any of it.

MistressK: Of course you did honey. After all, you are a born exhibitionist and you can't help it. Now, let's open that wine and pour a glass. I am having a glass too. What kind of wine are you drinking there?

Beth pushed the corkscrew down and went to work opening the bottle. She was kind of taken off guard by MistressK's change in tone. It seemed like for the first time since this nightmare began she was making small talk and getting to know her. She gulped down the water that was in her glass to make room for the wine. Beth poured a nice tall glass and took a drink from it. Red wine had a way of sending a warm euphoric sensation over her body. Pair that with her perpetual state of arousal and Beth felt pretty damn good.

Beth: Cabernet.

MistressK: Is that what you usually drink?

Beth: Yes.

How often do you drink?

Beth: Not a whole lot. A glass or two maybe twice a month. Usually with dinner, or watching a movie with my mom on the weekends. She's cool about it.


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