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Beth's Disgrace Pt. 05


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So she walked forward. She groaned inwardly at the show that the entirety of her pale ass cheeks were putting on with each step, jiggling in all directions as they pushed against the opposing cheek with each step. She desperately wished she could cover up with her hands. She really wished she was dressed. And home. She was sure MistressK was laughing at her jiggles which brought more heat between her legs. She felt drops start to trickle down her thighs as they rubbed against each other with each step. Once again the cool breeze on her shaven leaky snatch nearly made her knees buckle. Her body was on fire right now and this was likely only the beginning.

She finally reached the garbage can after stepping on numerous uncomfortable objects with her bare feet and dumped the shoe into the garbage. Her clit pulsed as she let go of it and watched it tumble to the bottom of the can that was filled with various nasty garbage. Never to be worn again. She turned and made her way back to the car, equally mortified by the show that her swaying tits and glistening pussy were putting on for the camera.

She reached the car and knew what was coming next; the other shoe. She attacked this one more aggressively than the first. Not only was her pussy telling her how much she was into this moment, but the faster she finished this ridiculous errand the better off she would be and the sooner she could get dressed and go home. She hoped.

Soon enough she was making another naked journey to the garbage can. This trip was no easier on her than the first as she fought the urge to cover her ample charms. The only difference now was that she was even hornier than the first trip and she didn't think that was possible. Her sick mind was hoping that if she was ordered to touch herself again while naked in a public place, she was given permission to cum, because she was sure she couldn't hold out for long, she was so far gone with arousal.

Once again her pussy and nipples pused as she dropped the second shoe and made it back on shaky legs for more instructions. The next one was obvious. Socks. She grabbed them both and the phone chimed.

MistressK: Uh uh uh.. You will do every item individually just like the shoes. You are lucky I don't punish you for trying to make this go faster, slut.

Beth: Do I get to keep any clothes? I can't just go home naked. Please?

MistressK: Don't worry, slut. What fun would that be if you got caught naked on the first day of wearing your favorite outfit in public: nothing! You won't get in trouble, so long as you hurry up before someone gets to the park, slut!

Beth: Yes mistress.

So she destroyed each sock and walked them to the garbage one by one. Making so many trips while carrying next to nothing while wearing nothing made her feel ridiculous which only added to her arousal. After the second sock was deposited in the can and she made the trip back as her pussy leakage had reached her knees on her inner leg. She was ready to hump a picnic table now and was almost eager for the next instruction.

MistressK: Ok slut, now pick up your jeans. Relax, you aren't going to destroy them. At least not all of them. You are going to cut them into a nice pair of jean shorts. Now I know you hate shorts, and showing off your legs, feet, blah blah blah. I have heard all of your whining. So here is the deal. You may cut them at knee length if you wish, but only if you don't want to cum. If you have no desire to masturbate while naked in a public park, then cut them at knee length and we will move on. But if you would like to be given permission to masturbate while naked in this park like my proud little exhibitionist slut, then you need to cut off a little more. But before you make this decision, why don't you give me a good edging like a good slut.

Beth moaned like a wanton slut at this decision. She needed to cum and this cruel bitch was going to make her beg to cum in public like this and make her clothes more slutty to be given the honor of publicly humiliating herself. This was so unfair. And she fucking loved it and all of its unfairness. She started to rub herself while naked in the parking lot and soon was calling out to the recording phone.

"Please, I need to cum. I will cut the shorts above the knee. Whatever you want, just let me cum please. Please!" moaned Beth.

MistressK: Ok slut. Give them a cut. But keep in mind that you need to be shorter than the knee, but not too slutty. I have seen what you did to that robe of yours! You should know this my slut, you will be wearing these shorts to school on Monday. Now start cutting, then throw the scraps in the garbage. When you return, hold them up to your body and I will tell you if I am happy. Oh, and let's have another smear of those juices to your face for good measure.

Beth cried out loud as she fought from cumming the moment her hand hit her pussy to collect more of her sticky fluids. She smeared her face well and even licked her palm a little before she grabbed the scissors and went to work. Her mind was blown by this one. She needed to cum so she needed to cut. But she had to temper her own self-humiliating tendencies because she needed to wear these things to school. She would never wear shorts to school and now she had to restrain herself from cutting the shortest daisy dukes in history.

She held up the pants and had to fight off her demons. She was so horny from the humiliation, prolonged public nudity, and her recent orgasm denial that she envisioned cutting off the waistband of the jeans so they rode low and couldn' button and then cutting them even with the crotch so they barely covered her pussy and less than half of her ass! But the thought of wearing them to school made her want to cut no higher than knee level. And she would hate even doing that much. She didn't want any of her long pale legs on display to those assholes she went to school with!

Beth was driven wild by this predicament. While she was struggling at cutting anything off of those jeans, she couldn't help but admire the brilliant cruelty of MistressK: She couldn't help but laugh a little that she needed to learn to shut up because she was obviously giving up what made her tick. And right now she was ticking

Beth couldn't let herself agonize any longer over this decision since she was completely naked in public and desperate to go home. And even more desperate to cum. She made a split second decision to compromise between her knee and mid thigh and went to work. Not scandalous but Beth would be extremely uncomfortable wearing this all day at school. She knew it and didn't care. She was horny and hoped this met MistressK's approval. She made her cuts and started walking again as her mesmerizing ass danced for the camera. She walked back quickly, not caring as much about the motion of her tits as she was on a mission to cum. She checked the phone.

MistressK: Not bad, slut. A long way off from your true exhibitionist calling but a good start. Now you must cut your shirt in order to cum. Remember, you will be wearing this to school on Monday. I promise, you can cum after you cut that shirt. What you cut is totally up to you.

"Mmmpphhhh" Beth moaned. All she cared about was cumming so she grabbed the shirt and scissors. She was able to restrain her sick mind and not sabotage herself completely, but she still was going to hate her decision come Monday. But today was Saturday and on Saturday she needed to cum right now!

Beth quickly snipped the sleeves off the t-shirt, leaving her entire arms bare. Beth hadn't even thought of wearing a tank top since her early years of high school when she cared about what other people wore and before her body had fully grown. But now she will be going without sleeves on Monday. Beth unexpectedly held up the shirt to her body and marked with her thumb and forefinger where the shirt met the top of her hip, then cut the remaining material from the bottom. Again, nothing scandalous with this move but it would give her shirt no overlap with her pants and she would expose a little midriff if she raised her arms. Again, way out of character for Beth. It won't be noticed by hardly anyone but she will hate herself all day. The girls were laughing with anticipation as Beth cut pieces off her school outfit because she was chasing an orgasm.

Beth quickly walked the shirt scraps to the garbage and was ready to cum. But first there was one more command.

MistressK: Not bad, slut. Something to start with. You will one day look back at these clothes as conservative, but in due time. For now, you need to make one more decision. This is not for Monday, but for right now. You can cum before you destroy them, but you must decide right now what to destroy for the ride back home. Can you live without your panties or your bra. Answer now then you may cum.

Beth was so horny now she didn't even think before she blurted out.

Beth: If I destroy both may I cum again when I get in my room?

MistressK: Wow. Impressive. I didn't think you had it in you. Deal, but you can't shower until after lunch. Now cum for me.

Beth didn't need to be told twice as she started to working her fingers in and out of her hole as her other hand worked her clit like a machine. After less than 30 seconds she exploded in another mind blowing orgasm. She had to cover her mouth with her filth covered hand as she rubbed herself continuously until the orgasms conclusion. After another few minutes she started to cry at what she had just done. She had just cum like a maniac while naked in public without care of consequence. Anyone could have been watching her. And this new shae made her start to feel... well, you know. Her vicious cycle.

MistressK: Ok slut. Make quick work of the bra, then panties. Remember, one by one. Then get dressed in what little you have left. Your flip flops are your new footwear unless I say so, but since you aren't used to driving with them on, that could be dangerous, so drive home barefoot, you can put them on to walk into your house. . Feel free to cum when you get inside your room.You are free for the rest of the day unless I change my mind and get bored.

Beth cursed herself through tears as she cut up her bra. She made another naked walk and it wasn't fun this time. While she was still a little horny at her self-degrading decisions, she was just plain scared now and needed this to be over. She walked briskly back to the care and shredded her panties before walking to the garbage for the final time. Her pussy twinged once again when she dumped yet another piece of clothing to be gone forever. Just then she heard some voices talking. She spotted a couple walking and they would be at her in no time.

Beth ran as fast as she could to her car. Her tits were practically bouncing off her face and made a slapping sound as they hit her chest. Her bare feet were in pain with every rough step she made at full speed. She grabbed her clothes and phone off the car and got in the car. She started the car and drove out of the parking lot towards the other side of the park.

Beth's heart was beating through her chest as she made her getway. She was certain that no one knew the driver of that car driving away was naked. Which made her say out loud.


Beth started to freak out again. What if she got pulled over. Was she even supposed to be driving in this part of the park? She needed to get dressed. Fast. By now the car's heat was firing it's exhaust directly on Beth's naked sweaty skin. Her bare ass and pussy felt deliciously nasty on her hot leather car seats as her moisture started to seep out of her and onto the seats. The seat heater was boring into her cunt and driving her wild again despite her recent orgasm. Her bare feet against the pedals drove home her vulnerability and gave her an unneeded reminder that she was in fact still completely naked. She pulled into another empty parking lot behind some trees and put it in park. Then she broke down crying with her head on her steering wheel.

Beth took stock in her situation and it didn't look good. She was naked in her car with minimal clothes to put on, which strangely she hadn't done yet. Probably because she was horny and wanted to cum again. And this was all the result of her own dumb decisions. I can't get myself off anyway else, so I did this to myself" she resigned to herself with shame.

She looked at the time and it was still not yet 7. Good chance that she could get home before anyone got up and she could lock herself in her room. And cum again. Yes, she earned another orgasm and needed to cum again, which is what her warped mind was prioritizing at this point. She grabbed her shorts and pulled them up her naked legs and under her dampened ass cheeks. She gasped when she looked down. Now that they were on her body and not help up against it they were a bit shorter than she intended, and what she intended was far too short for her taste but she was horny for fucks sake. There were a lot of inches of skin on display above her knee. Not quite to mid thigh but close.

"Fuck. Oh well, not now. I need to get home." She said. She put her altered top on and groaned some more. Her bare arms were staring at her and she could tell that she was going to be tugging this shirt down all day. But the most jarring was the sight of her erect nipples obscenely poking at the material of her shirt. "Oh my god" she thought. "I look like a fucking slut!" She envisioned herself going to school without a bra on Monday and the entire school laughing at her nipples trying to poke holes in her shirt and she felt more arousal which created another problem; her shorts were dampening with her pussy juices. She had no panties to absorb her arousal like normal and she could feel the denim get damp. The rough feeling of the denim on her bald sensitive sex almost pulled an orgasm right out of her! She had to get home!

Beth drove home as best she could with her erogenous zones experiencing the feeling of being covered only by outerwear only for the first time and she had a hard time concentrating. She was a nervous wreck until she pulled into her driveway safely. She managed to look down and it was even worse. Her light blue t-shirt was now damp with sweat and was clingy to her sweaty tits from the blasting heater in the car. Her whole body was covered in another nasty sheen of sweat on top of the drying cum and arousal. She cried in despair as she stepped out of the car and put the cheap sandals on. This only guarded her feet from the hot driveway but in no way made her feel better about her exposure. She grabbed her stuff, and covered her erect nipples with her arm and made her way to the house.

Beth felt a sigh of relief to be in her garage and hoped it was still too early for anyone to be up. As she walked across the garage the flip-flops echoed loudly with each step. She groaned and kicked them off again. Now she was willingly barefoot in this dirty garage. She picked them up and poked her head into the kitchen. She saw that the coast was clear and rushed quietly up the stairs and into her room.

She closed the door behind her and threw off her two remaining articles of clothes. She stood in the middle of her room, naked as the day she was born and watched herself masturbate like a horny freak. She thought about the clothes she just took off. Two items. She had left the house this morning with 8 items of clothing if you counted them individually. Now 6 of those items were destroyed and thrown in the garbage. The remaining two items were in total less than half the size that they were when she left. And as her mind fixated on these facts, on top of all of the time she had just spent naked in public, her body exploded as she started her naked self masturbating in the mirror with a look of lust and disgust. .

This was it. She had just had a small experience of the humiliating ordeals that were endured by her favorite characters in her favorite stories. The feeling was indescribable. She felt lower than she had felt was ever possible and her body exploded with a sexual release that had left her unable to see for a minute. She fell to her knees and kept working her pussy as hard as she could. She was openly crying again, but this time about how high her ecstasy had brought her, now how low she had just sunk.

And that is what she did. She knelt on the floor as she watched herself cry as she came. The orgasm once again flooded out of her and onto the floor and around her bare legs. She kept going, like she was pushing herself harder, and the orgasm continued. She had no idea if she had one long one, or three in a row but the euphoria went on forever until she was too sensitive down there to touch her pussy any more.

She collapsed to the floor in her own filth for about ten minutes. She laughed a little when she remembered that she couldn't take a shower until after lunch as she sunk further into the sticky mess that she created. This was on top of the sweat and cum from last night and this morning. The sticky feeling on her body made her feel strangely good, like a good little filthy slut, even though she couldn't wait to take a shower. She would be ashamed if someone saw her, and unfortunately for her, shame was some sort of fucked up good feeling for Beth.

Beth managed to get up and walk to her bed. She took another look at herself in the mirror and groaned at the sight. She looked like a thoroughly fucked whore, but she had only fucked herslef over and over again. She couldn't even say she had been fucked over and over again, she just masturbated her way for hours to achieve this dishevled look!

She crawled into her bed and fell asleep. A few hours later there was a knock at the door that woke her up. She rubbed her eyes to see what the hell was going on for the second time this morning and heard a voice.

"Beth honey, if you are up, I think we need to talk."

"Shit. It is my mom" she thought. "I can't let her in here. I can't talk to her naked, I will get in trouble for getting dressed, and it stinks like sex in here. Plus the fucking wine bottles. Ugh" she creamed internally.

"Um. Hi mom. Yeah, just getting up. Can I take a shower and meet you downstairs?" Beth said.

After a moment's hesitation, her mom replied "I suppose. But let's do it soon. We really need to talk about something."

"This is it" Beth thought. " I am fucked." Somebody saw me naked today. Probably masturbating too. Someone called her. I am so screwed."

"Ok. I will be down in 30 minutes." said Beth, reluctantly.

"Ok, honey." said Beth's mom.

Beth waited until she heard her mom go downstairs and snuck naked down the hall to the bathroom per her rules. And with that, she ended this chapter the way she began it: crying in the shower and fearing her demise.

That's it. And onto another chapter, hopefully sooner than later. To those that are tired of all of the dialogue describing scenarios and not enough real action, that dynamic should be reversed going forward. More real exposure and humiliation, not just the imagined scenarios. As always, thanks for reading. Drazenpet23.

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Submissive_LindaSubmissive_Linda4 months ago

LOVING WHERE THIS IS GOING. Loved her drunk revelations of her deepest fantasies and desires. The public bathroom shaving and the deposit of her clothes. How low can you go. You go girl!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


subkinksubkinkover 1 year ago

you mentioned story, My Story by an Author named Les. Can you please shared the link?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

thank you finally some good news now lets prey its get processed asap

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope the next chapter is as awesome as everything else. Thank you. Hopefully the rush put on you will not take too much away from it. This has been my favorite story series here for a long time.

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