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Beth's Disgrace Pt. 05


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MistressK: NIce. I bet that feels good. Now lets begin. First I want to talk about your last two orgasms. You look hot when you cum that hard btw! But before each of those orgasms you actually asked me to let you make things worse for you. They differed in styles. At school you begged me to make your task worse for you. And tonight you begged me to punish you later if you could just cum at that moment. I want to talk about that. It seems like something is missing here. Like there is a rule missing. Am I right?

Beth: I'm not sure if that is exactly what I would call it.

MistressK: Well then what is it? That clearly came from somewhere. And I feel like it goes deeper than your past fantasies about being forced to make every rule worse.

Beth: Yes Mistress.

MistressK: What is it? Don't be shy. We are just playing but it also helps me learn about you. Yes I am playing with you for my personal amusement but I want you to get off on this. I really do. And I want to keep you safe. Let me make this easier on you. If there is a rule that you want added to your list, I'm sure you would probably feel foolish to ask for such a thing. But please don't. This is new for me too. If I am missing something or not being hard enough on you to push your buttons. Please tell me so we can both get the most out of this!

That seemed to press a nerve right on Beth's clit. A favorite story of hers involved a girl who was torn by how much her blackmailer was humiliating her, and how much worse she really wanted it. The girl found herself complaining that her blackmailer wasn't being hard enough on her when she was really aroused and her sick mind took over. Right now all Beth could think about was being that girl tonight!

Beth: You are right, Mistress.

MistressK: Ok then. Tell me then. What was about asking me to make you do more than what was required to get those orgasms?

Beth: Because every orgasm should come with a price. Besides following all of these rules and earning permission to cum, every single orgasm should be transactional. If I want to cum, on top of having to humiliate myself to earn permission, I should be made to have a humiliating orgasm.. That doesn't mean a new rule or new set of tasks or anything, but something to drive home that every orgasm should be a humiliation.

MistressK: Give me an example?

Beth: Well, like the bathroom. I had to do what you wanted all day to cum. But the act of cumming,me suggesting I run around the bathroom naked and cum with the stall door open. Actually, your idea to make me walk out the door to the shower as my orgasm was still subsiding was brilliant. It was miserably humiliating to walk naked down the hall while my pussy was still spasming and gushing.

MistressK: So you are saying humiliate you to earn the orgasm, and humiliate you during the orgasm.

Beth: Yes. It doesn't have to be as risky as that all of the time. But something. Before you cum, write slut on your forehead, you can only cum while crawling, lick your tits, or walk to the window. Something.. Doesn't always have to be extreme, but that doesn't mean it can't be. But thinking about rules like that always made me hot. And I guess I got caught up in the moment.

MistressK: Ok. I think I get it. Now, I wasn't going to give you another rule tonight since I just gave you one about no more towels. But I said we were here to have fun and I will say what you can't bring yourself to ask me. Do you want this as a rule?

Beth: Yes mistress. Every orgasm has to be humiliating. .

Even though Beth was pretty buzzed she couldn't believe what she typed. What was she thinking? Asking for another rule that could be interpreted a lot of different ways. But her buttons were being pushed and her entire body felt like it was being rubbed with vibrators.

MistressK: Ok Bethy. Consider it a rule. But keep that in mind when you are wanting to cum tonight, unless you don't want to cum tonight?

Beth: Noooo. Please let me cum tonight. And make me pay for it!

MistressK: Ok. A little later perhaps. For now, let's get into these rules. We know what you already have. We know you also are into being forced to make everything worse. Let's talk about some new ones. Give me a new one. Remember, just for fun. I want to really nail down your filth. Tell me a rule.

Beth didn't need much prodding here, she had thought about this kind of stuff for a while. She had a long list of things she had thought of over the years from the tame to the completely nuts. And in her drunk and horny state she was more than happy to share.

Beth: Wardrobe control.

MistressK: You mean controlling what you wear? I already control what you wear right now, which is nothing!

Beth: Yes, but it is more than that. It is such a humiliating turn for me for someone to lose control of her clothing in every situation. And not only control of what she wears, but what clothes she is allowed to own. And this can be modified and used over and over again. Hemlines get shorter, underwear disappears, tops get shearer, buttons disappear. Certain clothing is allowed only in certain places. The possibilities are endless. The same rule can be revised a million times for punishment. I hate to give specifics because the best part is the surprise. To be shocked when a clothing rule is beyond my own limits. You could fuck with this one endlessly.

MistressK: Wow Interesting. I can see how the possibilities can be endless. Could start with something small but humiliating. Like for you, only allowing sandals as footwear. That could be fun!

Beth started to pant more. "No it would not be fun!" she thought. But her fear brought more intensity between her legs. She was still mindlessly rubbing her tits. Why? Because she hadn't been told to stop, and it felt fucking great.

MistressK: Good! Now it's my turn. What about something like losing the curtains in your room?

Beth: Oh, that is a good one. Would be hot to pair it with my other rules. Naked in my room and drying off after showers in front of that fan which is by a window! Other possibilities too!

MistressK: Right? Isn't this fun? Now your turn.

Beth had to admit, she was having fun. She was drunk and drinking made her stupid. And she was stupidly having fun with her naked legs open while describing the proper playbook to be used to torment her to the maximum effect.

Beth: Always carry scissors.

MistressK: Huh?

Beth: Always carry scissors. So the possibility of modifying clothing is possible anywhere. Ties back into the wardrobe control rule!

MistressK: Good thinking! Ok. How about a piece of clothing must get smaller every time it comes off. Ties in with the wardrobe rule and the scissors rule. Say you have to get naked every time you use a bathroom (which you do!) you have to cut something off every article of clothing that was removed before it gets put back on. This could be a little or a lot.

Beth: Oh wow. I never thought of that! That could get tricky if someone had a lot of coffee.

MistressK: If YOU had a lot of coffee. After all, isn't it you we are imagining doing all this stuff?

Beth: Yes mistress. It could get tricky for me if I drank a lot of coffee and had to pee many times all day. Would mean a lot of cuts and a lot of skin! Don't know what you would do with cutting shoes though.

MistressK: Me neither. But I am sure I can think of something. Your turn.

Beth: Reduce the number of articles of clothing I can wear in the house. I know this keeps going back to the clothing rule so you can guess that is what gets me off. But beyond the nudity upstairs, when downstairs with my mom and cunt sister I would be required to wear one less article of clothing than I was allowed at school or wherever during the day.

MistressK: Interesting.. Ok. My turn. You seem to really like masturbating without being allowed to cum. How about an "edge timer" that would dictate how many times you had to do that during the day no matter where. Wouldn't it be great being horny all day while not having any control over what you wear?

Beth's hand started to circle her clit faster, and she moaned out loud so she could be clearly heard.

Beth: Oh yes mistress! Ok, my turn. How bout requiring me to sit unlady like. Kind of like I am now. But all the time in public. Would really drive home what a slut I am!

MistressK: Good one. And how bout having to bend at the waist at all times. Would go well with short skirts!

Beth: Oh yes. I love it. This is so hot. I would be so humiliated but I would want to cum all day! Oh god I wish I could get away with doing some of this stuff mistress but I just couldn't. It would be too obvious but I fucking love it!

MistressK: I know right. But for right now this is just for fun. We are pretending you live in your littly sluttly world of endless humiliation. Ok, your turn.

Beth: Ok, but I really have to pee. Can we pause for a second please?

MistressK: Ok slut, but first, drink up. Finish that glass of wine.

Beth didn't hesitate, she was feeling pretty good and buzzing pretty hard now. She was already beyond caring that she was naked, spread, masturbating, and baring her twisted soul on camera. And the night was young.

MistressK: Ok slut, is the bottle empty?

Beth: Yes.

MistressK: Ok then, Time for some more. I want you to stand at the doorway again and finger fuck your sloppy puss for 30 seconds. No cumming. Then I want you to go downstairs and get another bottle of wine. Then you can sneak back up stairs, pee, then come back in. Remember, no clothes no matter what for the rest of the night!

Beth yelped out loud in fear and arousal. 5% of her felt the fear of being caught, the other 95% was all in on how hot this sounded. She was up in a second and masturbating like a crazy person in front of her door. Before she knew it the 30 seconds was up and she opened the door with her slimy hand and tiptoed naked into the hallway. She had heard Amy's door close earlier so she figured she was safe from being caught by her downstairs. Of course she could be caught naked upstairs but that was already settled law right now. Beth was now in jeopardy of that every day for the foreseeable future.

Beth tiptoed down the stairs as naked as can be once again. Something she would never have dreamed of doing in a million years but now she wouldn't trade anything for how incredibly aroused this act of exhibitionism made her feel. Her skin was tingling and she had to fight herself from sitting down on the stairs and cumming right then and there.

Beth figured she only had to worry about her mother downstairs. She checked the time before leaving her room and thought of her mom's routine on a Friday night when her stepdad wasn't home. Her mom usually watched a movie on the couch by herself until about 10. When Beth was younger and they were closer she would join her a lot of the time but it had been a while since she had done so.

Beth creeped down the stairs quietly and her suspicions were confirmed. The TV was on and she could see her mom's feet dangling off the edge of the couch. Beth was good to make her move and she went for it. As she padded her bare feet along she felt her massive tits sway with every step. The awful feeling of having no control over her dangling breasts only increased her euphoria as her buzz further set in. She could only imagine what a wonderfully humiliating sight she was with her tits bouncing and her sloppy pussy leaking down her legs and now on prominent display with her pubic hair gone. She slipped down the hall undetected as her pale naked curves jiggled along undetected.

When she got to the wine rack she had the urge to touch her nipples that were standing tall and huge, ready to explode. She moaned as she caressed them and couldn't stop herself from rubbing them as they throbbed in heat. She barely suppressed a moan as she started to breathe heavily.

What she didn't know was that Amy had gone upstairs earlier and made sure she shut the door hard so Beth heard it clearly. But this was a decoy meant to give her a false sense of security. Amy had turned around and quietly doubled back downstairs to lie in wait, knowing that Kim would be sending a naked, drunk, and horny Beth back down to get another bottle.

So as Beth stood in front of her paren't wine rack in a horny daydream while rubbing her naked tits like a horny slut, Amy was 5 feet away in the shadows of her dad's dark office watching the whole thing live. She was recording with her phone as she suppressed her laughter of the whole thing.

"This could be it" Amy thought as she watched her hated stepsister debase herself in front of her own eyes. "I could ruin her right now!" But she didn't. She was now all in on Kim's plan for Beth's demise and she learned to live with her front row seat being consolation enough right now. She was close enough to hear Beth breath heavily in lust. And she could smell her; a mix of wine and sex. Amy was laughing as hard as she ever had inside but continued to play it cool.

Soon enough Beth grabbed a bottle and snuck back down the hall and up the stairs. Amy took a final look at a naked set of swinging tits and jiggling ass cheeks before Beth was out of sight. Beth almost bolted into her room to celebrate not being caught but remembered the discomfort between her legs and scurried to the bathroom. She once again sat peeing while bare ass naked in a bathroom but at least this one was her own. She was still grossed out by the cold feeling over the tile bathroom floor against her bare soles. She finished, washed up, and snuck back into her room.

She stood on the other side of her closed door and started to audibly breathe heavily while she whimpered a little. She once again couldn't believe what she had just done and was terrified and grateful she wasn't caught. She looked at herself in the mirror and moaned in arousal. She was lightly sweating and her pale naked skin contrasted with the deep red shade of her nipples and bald pussy which was completely saturated. She thought of how hot it would have been to be caught looking like this. Horrible, delicious humiliation and degradation. She walked back to the computer, purposely staring at the movements of her naked ass in the mirror. Yes she was ashamed of it, and right now damn it, yes she wanted those full naked cheeks to be seen by a hundred people just to know how hot it could make her, to realize a level of humiliation that she had only dreamt of.

Beth sat back down, spread her legs and started to lightly caress her pussy without being asked. She was being careful with her touches because right now her clit was all nerves and she was afraid she would cum without permission. Part of her wanted to do it anyway. She needed to cum and wanted to see how she would be punished, but she kept herself in check for now. Well, sort of. She started to smear her juices all over her inner thighs and face without realizing it between tending to her sensitive twat. Her kinky libido mixed with the wine was pushing her towards autopilot which was always a dangerous place for Beth to be.

MistressK: Very good slut. I see you enjoyed your little task. Those nipples don't lie. I can almost smell that soaking cunt of yours through the computer! How did it feel?

Beth: Oh My God! I was so nervous about being caught. I wasn't worried about being caught with the wine, but what if my mom caught me naked. And looking like a horny naked slut who is stealing a bottle of wine!

MitressK: Yes slut, you clearly look ridiculous. But how did you feel?

Beth: In a fucked up way it felt amazing. I think I felt my pussy drip on the floor. I was so hot and bothered. It would have been so degrading if I was caught. I almost came right there!

MistressK: I bet you did drip your nasty slime on the floor. Look what you are doing to that chair! How does that feel on your naked ass?

Beth: It is soaking wet, cold, nasty, and wonderful. A fucking mess.

MistressK: Before we play some more, I want you to open that bottle and pour yourself a glass and take a drink.

Beth: Yes mistress.

Beth did as she was told and poured the glass. She had never drank more than one bottle before, and the one time she did that, she was pretty drunk. She didn't care at that point and took another healthy swig of wine.

MistressK: There. I'm sure it tastes good. Speaking of tastes good, you look like you need to cum, or am I wrong?

Beth: Oh no, mistress. Please, let me cum. I beg you.

MistressK: Ok but remember your new rule. It has a cost. I'm not sure if we were supposed to let you pick or me, so this is what we will do. Either you pick two things to do, or you let me pick one. Yours will probably be milder than mine, so that is why you must think of two. But if you let me pick, there is no negotiation. You do it, or you don't cum. And if you cum without permission there will be hell to pay, I don't care if we are letting our hair down or not. Understand?

Beth: Yes mistress.

MistressK: Ok then, which is it?

Beth had read about predicaments like this before and a fresh wave of arousal washed over her as her overloaded pussy started to twitch a little. Of course she knew that she shouldn't even be considering these choices but she was too far gone and she was deep into this game. She knew if she had to choose, which would be easier. But she didn't want it easy. She knew how filthy she was, but she didn't know what MistressK was made of. She wanted to see, and she got off on the unknown aspect of what MistressK would have her do!

Beth: You pick please, mistress.

MistressK: Wow slut, so much for taking it easy. Ok, here we go. If you want to cum, you will get down on your knees facing the chair with your big ass facing the computer. You must lick that nasty seat of yours for a full minute while you play with yourself. I want you lapping up as much of your nasty slime as you can. After a minute you may cum. If any of your cum drips to the floor, you will lick that up too. Once you have finished, you will down that glass of wine and pour a new one. Understand me slut?

Beth let out a strange sounding cry upon reading that order. She was sickened about what she now needed to do, and leaking like a faucet into the chair she needed to lick just thinking about doing it. Although she had errantly tasted herself when she was rubbing her juices on her tits and face while in the heat of the moment, she had never gone out of her way to taste her own pussy, or any pussy, and was not of the mindset to ever do so. But she had read about it plenty and it always got her off; girls that had to routinely taste themselves or lick up sexual fluids. Before she knew it she was typing.

Beth: Yes mistress.

Beth got to her knees as she cried a little. Her right hand had never really left her clit and she was circling it softly. She looked at her glistening chair staring back at her. Since it was a mesh office chair there were no pools of liquid as it was absorbed by the fabric. But it was still soaked and nasty. In her buzzed state of hyper-arousal she didn't really hesitate before she lowered her face to her chair where her sopping wet pussy and bare ass have been grinding into for days.


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