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Gracie's Three Punishments Ch. 05


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"When we were implementing the protocols for your procedure we consulted with people from a variety of fields. Of course, doctors and engineers could help us make it safe and could explain how to make the equipment, but others also contributed."

Gracie wondered where this was going. There had to be a reason Mary was telling her this.

"Surprisingly, although maybe not when you think about it, people from the kink community were very helpful. They were very aware of safety and knew what levels of electricity were enough to cause pain but not injure you in the long term. They were also insightful as to how to increase mental stress which is very helpful since we had to be aware of physical limits in order to keep the procedure to low risk levels."

"Oh, that's why she was telling me this." Gracie's heartrate increased as she realized what was going on. Even the preparation for her punishment was meant to raise her fears as she waited for the actual procedure. Even if the shocks weren't so bad, the process was going to build it up so much that it would feel much more intense. She looked at Mary, who had been quite nice and informative so far, and realized she should be suspicious of everything that she said and did.

"But let me digress, the first thing that is going to happen is the search. You can get undressed behind the curtain. When you've removed all your clothing, you can fold it and bring it back for me to search. Then you will have to submit to an examination from me. I'm checking for a couple of things. Most places care mostly about contraband but that isn't so important here because I am going to be with you the whole time and you won't be able to use anything you are trying to sneak in."

Gracie was prepared for this. She had been cavity searched twice now and she expected Mary to be much gentler than the man who had searched her last week. He had taken some liberties that ultimately led her to being punished at this Punishment Center rather than the one in her home city.

Mary hadn't stopped talking, "I will, of course, find any contraband but I'm more interested in making sure nothing will endanger the efficacy of the procedure. We found one girl try to sneak a gel that was meant to insulate her vagina from the electricity. That didn't end well for her. I trust you're not trying to do anything like that?"

Gracie shook her head. She wouldn't be so stupid as break any rules, but she suspected that reminding her of what was soon to happen was just meant to scare her. "I bet that didn't even happen."

"I'm also going to check that you followed grooming instructions. It is especially important because of the nature of the punishment. Hair and electricity don't mix."

The strategy was working. Gracie was worried if she had been thorough when she shaved this morning. "Would they give me a chance to shave it closer? Would they give me an enhancement for not following directions?"

Mary continued her monologue as Gracie's anxiety grew, "When I'm satisfied, then you can actually put your underwear and shoes back on. We will go into the next room so that we can complete your threshold testing. The doctor and I will record your vital signs when you are engaged in physical activity while you jog on a treadmill for fifteen minutes. We do this so that we can better monitor you during your procedure."

That answered Gracie's question about why they suggested specific clothes for the day. She was glad that they seemed to take her safety seriously though she wasn't looking forward to jogging in her underwear. "I hope the doctor is a woman, too. And I'm so out of shape," she realized.

"When you are done you will have to take your clothes off again and submit to a medical exam from the doctor. Again, this is to be certain that the procedure can be carried out safely.

"After all that is complete, the doctor and I will take you into the last room," Mary said before pausing.

Gracie thought that the pause must be for dramatic effect and she couldn't deny it was working. Her anticipation was rising, and she didn't like it. She tried to tell herself to calm down, "Kelsey's theory was right! They're just trying to scare you. Don't let them. Relax!"

She focused on taking deep, controlled breaths as she listened to her liaison, "There, we will secure you to the punishment chair."

"Chair," the word struck Gracie like a hammer. Visions of a wooden chair with leather straps had haunted her the past week but she had convinced herself that that was unlikely. Though it didn't seem like the Punishment Center's style, which seemed more metallic and sanitized, Gracie's imagination couldn't shake the terrifying idea. Hearing Mary confirm she would be strapped to a chair brought it all rushing back.

"First, I will attach electrode pads to your buttocks, then you will have to sit onto two electrodes that will enter your vagina and your anus. You can help me and you by sitting on them yourself. You don't want me to have to call for backup to put you in the chair, do you?"

Gracie wasn't going to disobey like she had last week when the guard goaded her into disobeying him. It had earned her time with nipple clamps and, besides, Mary wasn't being mean to her. "No, ma'am. I'll do whatever you ask."

"Good, the electrodes are covered in a gel that ensures even conduction, which is something you want. After you are down, then I will strap you to the chair so that you can't escape, but also so you don't hurt yourself flailing around during the procedure."

This was getting worse and worse for Gracie, "It's bad enough that I'd be flailing around?"

"Once you are secured to the chair, then I will attach electrode pads to your vulva and various places on your legs."

Gracie wondered why they were only attached to her legs. She had been imagining them across her body, not thinking that the Center could help but shock her breasts, at the very least. She started to blurt out the question but remembered she would get to ask questions at the end.

"After that," Mary continued, "I will attach monitoring devices so we can ensure your safety. If your vitals are too far outside the normal range, then the procedure will be stopped."

Gracie wondered what would happen if it stopped early. "Does it restart after they check me? Do I have to come back another day?" she wondered, adding more questions for Mary to answer soon.

"When all that is over, I will put a gag in your mouth that will prevent you from biting your tongue and then I will blindfold you before the Punishment Technician comes into the room. They will check behind my work and then plug in all of the wires to the punishment apparatus."

The whole time that Gracie had been listening to the description, she had concentrated on sitting in stony silence. Part of it was trying to accept what was to come, just like Kelsey suggested, but she also didn't like to show fear to the guard. Especially now that she thought inflicting terror was part of the process, she wanted to appear serene and not give Mary any satisfaction. However, inside, she was becoming a mess.

Her stomach was in knots and she tried to resist shaking as adrenaline pumped through her telling her to run. She could comprehend being caned or spanked. She'd even practiced being spanked, however tamely, but today was completely alien and unnerving. Unfortunately, hearing it spelled out made it even worse.

She realized how absurd this all was. Gracie almost understood the logic behind the public punishments. They could be warnings to the crowd, but this was just vengeful. It didn't seem right, but she couldn't escape it now. She tried to catch herself from going down the rabbit hole of anger and despair, "Relax, relax! They're trying to scare you. We talked about this last night!"

Mary was almost done, "Then the technician engages the machine and five minutes later it's all done."

Gracie hated that she just skipped over those five minutes. She's spelled out everything else but spent one sentence on the worst part of the day, "Can I ask questions now?"

"One last thing. There is another medical checkup and an observation period as we make sure there are no lasting side effects. Then you'll be allowed to get dressed and discharged. Now you can ask any questions. I'll answer them the best I can."

"Ok, but what happens if something happens and the, um, procedure stops early?"

"That's a case by case basis. It depends on the reason it stopped and how far along the procedure had progressed. I've never seen a J45 get stopped early."

Gracie wasn't sure if that made her feel better or worse. Instinctively she'd hoped that it could end early, but that would mean something had gone wrong and there was no guarantee that would spare her. She decided to change the subject. She wanted to ask why the electricity was all on her lower body, but not wanting to seem too curious, she was embarrassed to ask it so directly, "Where are the electrodes, again?"

Mary smirked. Gracie wondered if everybody in her predicament got curious or if she was weird. Gracie knew that some people liked stuff like this, "Is that what Mary thinks of me? Does she know I got wet last week? Is that in my file?" Gracie was paranoid but tried to push it out of her mind as Mary answered.

"There are two electrodes mounted onto the chair that will go into your vagina and anus and there are pads that are sticky and conduct electricity. Four are on your vulva, four are on your buttocks and two each on your thighs and calves."

While informative, that really wasn't what Gracie was asking. She decided to just be more straightforward, "Why aren't they in other places. I was imagining you would shock me everywhere."

"It's for your safety," Mary answered patiently, "We don't want electricity passing through your chest or near other vital organs."

Gracie nodded, deciding that that was good news, at least. This place seemed like they cared about her health, though her privates seemed like vital organs to her.

There was one more question she had but didn't know how to ask it. It wasn't like Mary could tell her how it would feel, and maybe she didn't want to know anyway. Deciding to not risk it, Gracie put on a brave face, "Clothes now?"

"If you don't have any more questions."

Gracie shook her head and stood, looking at the white curtain that shielded one corner of the room from the rest. She was glad to have the privacy, even if it seemed unnecessary. She'd shown her body to at least a thousand people, adding Mary to the list didn't seem like much and she was going to have to come out from behind the curtain to be searched anyway.

Gracie stepped across the room and went behind the curtain. It was cramped in the corner. Serving as a shelf, there was a small metal slab that jutted out from the wall that took up much of the space. The fabric only fell partially down her calves, so she wasn't totally obscured from the guard.

"Fold your clothes and leave them on the shelf. Leave them their and come out when you're done," Mary called behind her.

Gracie furrowed her brow and took a deep breath. She pushed the sole of her tennis shoe against the heel of the other and stepped out before repeating the motion with the other. Then she rolled her socks off her ankles before placing them on the metal slab.

As she stood barefoot on the hard-tiled floor, her fingers went to the buttons on her tight jeans. Soon they were undone, and she slid them down her thighs and bent down and slid them off her feet. After folding them and tossing them on top of her socks, she pulled off her oversized maroon sweater and undershirt.

"No big deal. This is the third time now," she told herself as she unzipped the front of her new sports bar, allowing her perky breasts to pop out. "Nice to have them out of that thing anyway," she tried to convince herself as she deposited the bra in the growing pile of her clothes.

Gracie thought back to last week and the satisfaction she got from the crowd as they admired her. She wished she could recapture that feeling, but as she slipped out of her panties, she couldn't summon the feeling. "It's not the same with just one, I guess."

Her job done, she attempted to steady her breath before revealing herself to Mary. Putting one hand over her mound to maintain some hint of modesty, she pushed the curtain aside.

Gracie was average height. Brown hair hung down to her shoulders and she was naturally tan. Old boyfriends had always told her that her breasts were her best feature. They were large but, luckily, they had never sagged, and they were topped with puffy, brown nipples, darker than her skin. Though Kelsey and AJ had been helping her through her insecurities, she was less confident with the rest of her body. She hated that she could see her ribs through her skin and she'd often described herself as having bird legs. Standing in front of Mary, even though the woman had done nothing to indicate she was judging her, made Gracie's uncertainties bubble to the surface and she felt herself blush.

"Sit back where you were," Mary ordered.

As Gracie returned to her seat, Mary collected the pile of clothes and laid them on the table between them.

"I'm conducting the search of your belongings. Am I going to find anything?"

"Just my ID in my jeans," Gracie answered, as she covered herself the best she could.

Mary nodded with an affirmative grunt and rummaged through the clothes, turning each inside out and going through the pockets. She glared at Gracie when she found that her white camisole was still lodged inside of her sweater, but she didn't say anything. As she sorted through the pile, Mary separated her panties, bra, socks, and tennis shoes onto one corner and the rest on to another corner of the table.

When she was satisfied, she spoke indicating the heap of underwear and shoes, "You can have this pile back in a moment." Mary extracted a familiar plastic bag from the filing cabinet against the wall and pushed the rest of the clothes into it.

"Stand up, put your hands against the wall. I'm going to start the body search."

Gracie stood up, resigned to the beginning of her ordeal. She walked to the side of the table and turned to the wall, pointing her ass toward the guard. She felt Mary's breath on the back of her neck as the woman's hands touched her waist.

Gracie closed her eyes and tried to distract herself as the guard patted up and down her body. Mary was thorough, taking her time to run her hands up and down her legs and arms before reaching around and groping her breasts, lifting them up to check underneath.

In the back of her mind, Gracie had thought she might get turned on again and that it wouldn't be so bad and that it might distract her at least. As Mary's hands brushed over her, the thought returned but she felt no stirring of desire within herself. Not all hope was lost, she decided, there would be lots of attention on her today, after all, but for now anxiety over the punishment was overwhelming.

"Turn around," Mary ordered. As Gracie obeyed, a flashlight was shined into her face causing her to wince. "Keep your eyes open! I'm checking that they respond to stimuli."

Gracie's eyes watered as she was subjected to the light. After a moment, Mary moved away from her and rummaged through the filing cabinet again. Gracie took the opportunity to cover herself, crossing one arm over her breasts and one hand over her mound.

When the liaison returned with gloved hands and a wooden tongue depressor, she didn't seem to mind Gracie's attempts. "Open your mouth, Gracie."

Gracie obeyed but was struck by the discomfort of hearing her name said aloud. It felt so personal. She thought back to her other trips to the Punishment Center. Had they used her first name like that? She couldn't remember, but she didn't like it, suspecting that it was another way to increase her anxiety. "Or maybe Mary just talks like that. Relax!"

In a moment, Mary was done searching her mouth. She retreated back to the filing cabinet and was putting on new gloves, "Sit on the table and lay back. Time for the cavity search and inspection."

Gracie knew it was coming, but her stomach still dropped. She walked to the short side of the table and pushed herself up onto the edge and laid back, so her legs hung off the end. For now, she kept her legs closed, crossing her ankles and kept a hand over her crotch. She was going to make Mary ask before showing her vagina to her.

Mary walked around in front of the naked woman and raised her eyebrows, expectantly. Gracie decided to make her say it aloud. Mary stood there in silence as Gracie refused to look her in the eye, not wanting to challenge her like she had the guard last week.

After what felt like ages, Gracie, fearful of Mary's power to make her punishment worse, broke. Her hand retreated from her mound and each hand cupped a breast. She slowly opened her legs, showing her womanhood to the stranger standing over her.

Her vulva was another part of her body that Gracie didn't like, though hanging out with Kelsey and AJ had helped with that. Her lips were brown, darker than the rest of her skin and her inner lips poked through unevenly. The regulations about grooming made it worse. She hated that it was shaved. Before her punishments started, she hadn't shaved since college and much preferred it hidden behind her bush. Now she tried to push down her shame. "The crowd last week seemed to like it," she reminded herself.

"It seems like your hair removal is satisfactory. I'm going to begin the search of your external genitalia, now."

Gracie hated the medical terminology. She just preferred vagina, even if it wasn't exactly correct. It seemed like a good midground between vulgarity and medical-ese.

The pony-tailed woman stood a little to the side and her hand cupped Gracie's crotch and started to rub over it. After a few strokes, she petted over Gracie's mound then pressed a finger on her perineum. "Good, I don't feel any hair. I'm going to search between your labia now."

Using two hands, Mary separated the prisoner's outer lips and craned her neck down toward Gracie's crotch, examining it. Just like when she patted her down, the guard took her time. She used one hand to spread one lip away from the others and the other to systematically search for any contraband.

Gracie was still angry but was determined to not resist as she had last week. She still thought that, surely, they could just look and see she wasn't hiding anything or even take her history of good behavior into account and go easy on her. Though, she suspected, that after being given an enhancement because of her behavior during the search she didn't have a record of good behavior as far as the Punishment Center was concerned. She just fumed as she felt this part of the search come to an end as Mary ran a finger in the space between her entrance and her clit.

"I'm going to start the cavity search now. I'm sorry that I can't apply the normal lubrication because it interferes with the gel used during the punishment. Just don't resist and I'll go as easy as I can."

"Damn, this is just getting better," Gracie thought, exasperation growing, "I'll be fine, just relax."

Mary knelt between her legs and placed a finger at her entrance. Slowly it went in as Gracie squirmed trying to make it match the angle of her vagina. Mary reached in as far as she could, and Gracie felt her finger twisting inside of her. Again, Mary was patient during the search, swiping over every square centimeter as Gracie cursed the lack of wetness between her legs. That would have been another upside of recapturing her feelings from last week.

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