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Gracie's Three Punishments Ch. 05


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"Alright, you can sit down. Guide the electrodes in, it's pretty straight forward."

Gracie was almost looking forward to this. Somehow, she had thought her way into horniness, and it felt right to have something in her pussy. She brought her hands off her head and spread her lips as she slowly sat down.

The first couple inches were heavenly. She was so ready for something to be between her legs and it was just like a dildo anyway. Gracie closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. Half of her hoped that going slowly made her audience think that she was scared or embarrassed, but the other half didn't care what Mary and Leah thought of her.

However, when her bottom touched the anal insert Gracie was brought out of reverie. She'd practiced this last night, but she still didn't like it. She reached back and spread her cheeks as much as she could without touching the pads and started working the prong into her ass. Though she moved gingerly, it didn't take long for the round top to enter her, it was well lubricated, after all. Finally, she sat back all the way on the chair and put her arms on the cushioned arm rests.

Mary quickly attached Gracie's wrists to leather cuffs on the ends of the chair and then pulled her ankles apart and secured them into cuffs at the bottom of the chair legs. If the guard noticed her arousal, she didn't say anything.

Gracie looked down as Mary secured the leather straps over her abdomen and across her shoulders. She could feel her body begin to get used to the intruders between her legs and she was surprised her excitement survived the anal probe. She felt the urge to touch herself but couldn't since she was bound and had to resist the desire to squirm with the prongs inside of her.

Mary then moved down to Gracie's legs, crossing a broad strap across her thighs and pulling it tight, "Try to raise up. It's ok if you come loose now, but you can be punished worse if you come out during the punishment."

Gracie tried, attempting to push herself up. She really wanted the feeling of them going in and out of her, but she couldn't. Mary had strapped her in tight the first time. "I can't," she replied.

"Ok, I'm going to continue to apply the pads to your skin."

Gracie nodded and watched as the guard revealed the sticky side of the torture devices and pressed them onto her skin. There were eight large square ones that were like the ones on her butt attached to her skinny legs. There were two on each of her calves and two on each of her thighs. Once they were attached, Mary inserted wires into them, connecting them to the box under the chair.

The prisoner knew what was next. Four pads were going to be attached to her labia. The time it had taken Mary to attach the pads to her legs had dulled her arousal but having Mary's fingers poking between her legs brought it back.

These pads were smaller and circular rather than square. Two were placed high on her outer lips near her mound on either side of her clit, which threatened to poke as her excitement reignited. The pressing and tapping that Mary did to ensure that they wouldn't fall off wasn't what Gracie wanted to do herself, but it did the job. The other two were lower and Mary had to work to get them where they were meant to be on either side of her opening. Attaching them wasn't as stimulating as the ones nearer her clit, but they did take longer to stick so the guard's fingers rubbed around her hole for a while.

When the guard was done attaching the last four pads to the box, Gracie knew the best part was over. She'd probably have to keep herself going with fantasies and she didn't like the idea of being blindfolded. She wanted to watch the people watching her. She didn't know what would happen when the shocks started, but she was going to pass the time until then as well as she could.

Mary moved onto to attaching a heartrate monitor above Gracie's left breast and then she wrapped a blood pressure cuff around her bicep. Gracie noticed that Leah started to look at the tablet she had brought with her from the previous room. "Is it receiving the signals?" Mary asked.

Leah was silent for a moment still staring into the screen. After a few seconds the tablet must have synced with the monitors as Leah replied, "Yep, I'm reading."

"We are almost done," Mary said, "The technician will be here in two minutes, so I have to blindfold you and give you the gag. Is there anything you have left to ask?"

Realizing that Mary wasn't adding any vital information, Gracie just wanted to get back to her fantasies, "No, I'm good."

"Alright, good. A lot of prisoners calm down when they're blindfolded. Some freak out, though. Don't be one of them."

It sounded like a warning, but Gracie knew it was a suggestion. While the guard had been prodding between her legs, Gracie had almost forgot Mary was the enemy trying to terrify her.

Gracie heard zippers as Mary walked behind the chair and extracted her equipment from her belt, "Open your mouth."

Gracie complied and saw a black gag that looked like a horse bit coming toward her. She bit down on it, knowing that was the drill. It was sort of hard, but it had enough give that she wasn't going to crack her teeth if she bit down. The taste reminded her of cleaning chemicals, and she realized it was because it had been sanitized. "Not even a new one," she thought.

After Gracie felt the gag being tied behind her head, she heard more zippers being opened as the guard pulled out the blindfold. She couldn't remember ever being blindfolded. Mary had succeeded in scaring her. She was suddenly aware that she knew she was safe if she could see. Now that was about to be taken away from her, "I won't even see them flip the switch. Is there even a switch?"

She felt her heart rate pick up as her eyes darted around the room trying to fill in her mental image of the room. In what felt like an instant, the large black blindfold was over her eyes and she was blind. She started to panic and tested her bonds, which, of course, she couldn't escape.

"Just calm down, Gracie. It will start soon."

"That's what I'm afraid of," she screamed internally. She felt her breasts heave in front of her as she pulled in quick gulps of air. She knew what was happening. Mary had laid a suggestion that the blindfold was scary and then it became scary. But knowing what happened didn't help her control herself.

She tried to recapture her fantasy, but it didn't work. It relied on her being able to see people looking at her and her feeling sexy. That's how she felt with AJ and Kelsey last night and it was even how she felt tied into the gyno chair last week. Now she just felt exposed and with increasingly uncomfortable probes in the holes between her legs. This was much closer to how she felt at Bradford Park in front of the hundreds of jeering onlookers. She just wanted to escape, but she knew a terrible five minutes was between her and the exit.

A man, the technician spoke, "Everything look good?" Gracie hadn't even heard him come in through the heavy door. She imagined that the technician must be dressed like the other techs she had seen. He was probably in medical scrubs, but not in a mask, like the others had been. He had no reason to hide his identity if he wasn't in public.

"Everything went well," Mary answered, "She should be ready to go."

"Ok, I'll do a quick check then."

Gracie tried to get a hold of herself and listen to the technician's movements across the room. She heard footsteps approach her and she felt his breath on her knee as he must have kneeled in front of her. She wished what she was showing him was more explicit, but she knew her bits were mostly hidden by the chair and the wires. "I'm sure he likes what he sees. My boobs are out at least," she told herself, although it didn't help much.

Also, to Gracie's dismay, he never touched her. That would have been something, at least. She felt movement down to her right and she heard him doing something with the box under her chair for a while.

Eventually, Gracie heard him get up and move back toward the desk where Mary and Leah must be waiting. Still taking in ragged breaths, she assumed that means that it was about to start.

There was no countdown or warning. For a split second she heard a hum, before her calf muscles cramped. She squealed and instinctively tried to kick her legs away from the chair, but the cuffs bit into her skin holding her in place and the pads were attached to her skin, anyway.

Then her thighs lit up as electricity flowed between the pads. If she was standing, she would have collapsed, unable to control her muscles. As the shocks ended in her thighs, they began on her butt. The pain was hard to describe. It wasn't hot, like she had imagined. Instead it was prickly pain like when your foot goes to sleep but the sensation was deeper in her flesh.

To Gracie, it seemed like there was a pause between zapping her ass and whatever was next. She could guess where it was going next and felt like they were teasing her.

"My vagina can take it. It can take it." She yelped in surprise when the current went through her calves again. Like before it migrated to her thighs and then her bottom. She felt like she was already spent. She felt sweat on her face and chest.

Then the electrodes on her labia came to life. Gracie screamed for the first time as current arced through her privates. This pain was different than it had been before, much more on the surface and over a smaller area. Unfortunately, that small area was her clit and her opening. She fought against her wrist bindings, wanting to sooth herself and rip off the torturous devices.

Finally, what she had been dreading the most occurred. Both the probes invading her orifices turned on. The length of both the electrodes unloaded shocks into her vagina and ass. She tried to stand up to escape, but the strap across her lap held her down.

When the shocks returned to her calves, it had become a relief. She didn't know how long it had been, but it wasn't nearly long enough as it just kept going. The next cycle was the same as before: calves, thighs, buttocks, lips, and then her insides. The time in between the shocks was always changing. Sometimes she would get a few seconds respite but others it seemed like one flowed into the next.

Whoever programmed the punishment routine knew what they were doing. The rest of her punishment was physically grueling and mentally exhausting. Just when she thought she knew the pattern, the system would zap another place. It would build from her calves to her bottom and she would prepare herself only for the current to return to her legs and just when she thought she could relax, her cunt would explode in pain. Sometimes it would pause for many long seconds, and just when Gracie thought the five minutes might be over, it would deliver more agony to her exhausted body.

She couldn't tune it out or focus on her fantasies and the shocks were always surprising her. She could only scream as best she could and bite into her gag.

Of course, like the finale of a fireworks display, the last shock was all the electrodes and pads being engaged at once. Electricity ran through from electrode to electrode for many long seconds. When it ended, she took deep breaths, preparing herself for the next round. Slowly she realized the hum that inaugurated her punishment had dissipated.

It was over! The chair was hard and unyielding, but in her mind, Gracie laid back in relief. She had a jittery feeling through her legs and her vagina and anus still screamed, but it was over!

She felt somebody, she supposed the technician, move down to her right to turn off the box under the chair and then the door opened and closed as he left.

Shortly the blindfold was lifted from her eyes. Mary was standing behind the chair and loosening the gag and a smiling Leah stared into Gracie's face checking her eyes with a flashlight.

"You did well. All the metrics say you were never in any danger," Leah told her.

Gracie was still in a daze and her eyes were adjusting to the light, she muttered, "I guess that's good."

"It is," Leah smiled, as she pressed a stethoscope over her heart.

As she recovered, Gracie wanted to get out from the chair and she really wanted the electrodes out of her holes. However, she remembered, from what felt like so long ago, Mary tell her that there was an observation period that she had to undergo. When Leah was done listening to her heart and lungs, Mary handed her the oxygen machine that she had used after running on the treadmill. It helped and as she came back to her senses, she felt the urge to find Kelsey and AJ. She had so much to tell them.

"Please, I need to get to my friends," she told the guard and the doctor. She spoke quietly. Her voice was hoarse from the screaming.

"Ok, I'm going to help you up and into the next room. I still need to watch you for just a little longer and do a quick exam."

Mary pulled the pads from the prisoner's skin and started to release Gracie from the straps. Gracie looked down and saw a wide imprint of the lap belt as it was removed. She had tried hard to stand up and the red marks from her straining against the cuffs proved it. When all the straps and cuffs were released she needed help to stand up and off the electrodes that exited her vagina and ass.

She could have struggled to walk on her own as sensation returned to her legs, but Leah helped her walk back to the medical exam room, where she sat on the gynecological chair and laid back with her legs hanging off.

"Here, keep using the oxygen," Leah instructed as Mary walked into the room and returned it to her. Gracie didn't remember putting it down, but she must have before she left the chair.

Leah continued, "You don't have to put your legs up, but I need to look at your vulva."

Gracie wasn't really in a state to disagree as she recovered, besides she wanted to get out of here as quick as she could. She slowly brought her knees up and then opened them for the doctor.

Leah pulled on gloves and examined her, gingerly. Her touch didn't hurt. The lasting sensation wasn't pain, but it was an odd tingling that made her very sensitive. Spreading her lips, she shined her light around looking. "I don't see any extreme burning. It has some redness which is expected. I'm going to give you some soothing ointment that protects from any infection. That's unlikely, but better to have it."

"Hold that position," Leah told her, as she changed gloves. When she returned she touched tenderly around Gracie's bottom hole, spreading it slightly. "I don't see anything there, either. Do you feel any sharp pains? A spot that hurts worse than the rest?"

"No. Thanks, but can I go now?"

"Soon. Would you like me to apply the ointment now?"

"No, I just want to see my friends," Gracie answered, closing her legs.

"Just sit there for a few minutes longer and use the oxygen."

Gracie laid on the chair, still naked, as she recovered. Now that she could put her thoughts together, she was upset with herself from losing her battle with her fear. She knew what Mary had been trying to do and it worked at the very last second. She had been turned on and, even if the punishment left her no chance to keep her building arousal, she hated that she lost it just from being blindfolded.

The longer she recovered the more she tried to forgive herself. "These guys are experts. Don't be mad at yourself. It's over. Be happy. One more thing to tell the girls."

Finally, Leah spoke up. "Ok, let me see the oxygen pump," Leah looked at the readings on the display panel, "You seem to be getting enough oxygen. Try to walk."

With some effort, Gracie staggered off the chair and was able to walk a couple laps around the room, satisfying Leah.

Mary, who had been tapping on the tablet at the desk, pulled out the plastic bag full of Gracie's clothes that she had tucked into a drawer. "You can have these, unless you like being naked."

Gracie produced a forced chuckle, "No, I'll get dressed." She fished her pink panties out of the bag and pulled them up her legs. When they were in place, she realized how wet she was from the lubrication on the electrodes. They left a stain that darkened the fabric. She was beyond caring about that and soon she was fully dressed in her maroon sweater and blue jeans.

"Hands behind your back," Mary said.

Gracie must have looked at her plaintively because the guard added, "Last time, rules are rules."

Gracie complied and was about to leave when Leah slipped a tube of the ointment that she had mentioned in the bound woman's pocket. Then they were off, and they left the squat building where she had suffered her last punishment. It had cleared up and the sky was blue after being very gray when Gracie had entered.

As they walked past the courtyard filled with punishment stations, Gracie kept her eyes down. She didn't want to see that, but quickly they exited the courtyard and were on the outside of the rectangle of buildings. They walked down toward the building where she had first entered and been detained.

Kelsey and AJ must have seen her coming because as Mary removed the cuffs, they were already approaching and offering their friend a giant three-person hug. Gracie melted into their long embrace and started to cry.

"What's wrong?" Kelsey asked.

"Nothing. It's just over and I found you two."

They walked to the car and Gracie climbed into the backseat and laid down, exhausted from her ordeal.

When Kelsey and AJ were ready to leave, Kelsey started to laugh, "You have to sit up?"


"Because I'll get the ticket if you don't buckle up and I don't need this happening again."

AJ caught on to the joke, "Yeah, we've met enough friends stripped naked in a park."

The three friends laughed as they left the parking lot.

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Gym52Gym52about 3 years ago

An excellent series.

This work has made for some very interesting reading and has set my imagination running wild, as you wrote of the girls meeting up between the punishment sessions can I suggest that you write a further chapter based approximately a week after the last session when the girl again meet up socially and discuss the whole punishment package.

Thank you for posting this story and long may you continue. Sorry that I was unable to give you a higher rating than the five stars for each chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Fantastic series!

These stories are almost exactly what I often fantasize about. Intimate punishments instead of prison sentences. Please, please, keep writing.

reddbunnzreddbunnzalmost 5 years ago
Great Series!

This is a great series for those of us who love reading about lesbian kink. I hope this is not the end. I see many possibilities for future sequels. Maybe even getting Gracie involved with the last Punishment Coordinator, who observed her horny reaction to her punishment.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodlealmost 5 years ago
electrical shocks don’t feel like a timgling

They’re like a force travelling through your body in a way you can’t describe. It’s burning and pushing at the same time and it comes to the point that you won’t even be able to speak because your throat muscles are locked up.

Also, it’s not the colts that’ll kill you, it’s the amps, so how many were they using?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Nothing changed, you just didn't read closely enough. The gel they used there was electro-conductive. The normal lubricant would have interfered with that.

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