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Gracie's Three Punishments Ch. 05


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As she extracted her finger, Mary asked, "Would you like to be on your front or your back?"

Gracie contemplated the option before, wordlessly, rolling over onto her front. She didn't make the decision for any reason about the comfort of having a finger in her ass, but because her feet were falling asleep from hanging off the floor and her back was sore. As she turned her feet found the floor and she bent over the table. Still fearful of Mary's power over her, she spread her legs as far as she could, lowering her breasts onto the cold table and lifting her butt up as much as she could.

As Gracie repositioned herself, Mary had been changing her gloves before returning to her position, "Ok, thank you. Here we go. Relax the best you can."

Gracie rested her chin on the table and grasped the sides of the table. She exhaled as Mary's finger pressed around her puckered hole and tried to will her muscles to allow an easy entrance. After some pushing, it finally broke through its resistance. Gracie winced as Mary worked it up to her knuckle and started to wiggle it around.

"Come on, just relax. You did this last night. You're ok," Gracie told herself. Realizing she'd been holding her breath, she inhaled. She felt better as the oxygen refreshed her and soon Mary pulled her finger out.

"You can get dressed now. Thank you for making that easy."

Gracie pushed herself up and leaned against the table, putting her back to Mary who had returned to the filing cabinet. After catching her breath, she pulled the pile of clothes toward her and quickly stepped into her panties, thankful for the respite. More reluctantly she enclosed her breasts back into the neon pink bra and zipped it closed before pulling on her socks and lacing her tennis shoes.

Gracie looked at Mary expectantly but was ignored. The punishment liaison was paying attention to the door from which they had entered the room. There was a clunk as the door was unlocked from the outside and another woman, the doctor Gracie surmised, entered the room. "Thank god it's a woman."

The woman, Gracie guessed, was late twenties. She had on a uniform just like Mary's and a matching baseball cap with a red cross indicating she was medical personnel. She was pale with black hair that was mostly tucked into her hat so that only a few wisps escaped. After greeting Mary, she looked Gracie up and down and introduced herself as Leah.

"Alright, let's go," Mary said, as she crossed the room and unlocked the next door.

Gracie walked into the room with Leah close behind. The room was the same gray interior as the first room but was perhaps a little larger. To her chagrin, there was a padded gynecological chair to her right. There was also a desk and two chairs, that Gracie decided must be for the liaison and the doctor. Not unsurprisingly, since she'd been told what happened in this room, was a treadmill wedged into the corner on the back-left corner of the room. Hanging from the wall, next to the treadmill, was some equipment that Gracie couldn't identify, but she figured it was some kind of monitoring gear. "This room would have been so confusing if it hadn't been explained to me," she thought to herself, though she didn't know if it was worth the anxiety that been building since Mary laid out the day's plans.

Mary motioned her into the center of the room and locked the door behind them. The audible clicking of the lock made Gracie shudder as she realized she was getting closer to the electric chair. "Relax," she told herself, "Remember they're trying to scare you."

Still, it was hard to push back the rising claustrophobia as she was hemmed in toward the final room.

Leah sat at the desk and flipped through a clipboard that she pulled from one of the drawers as Gracie waited, standing in the middle of the room.

Gracie expected for Leah to lead the threshold testing but instead Mary ordered her to stand on the treadmill.

"Here, clip this to your panties," Mary said after Gracie was on the track, "It's the key so if you fall it turns off automatically.

"Hands on your head while I connect the monitors," Mary continued after Gracie complied, "This is a fifteen-minute test. I'm going to increase the speed in five-minute intervals from a brisk walk up to a fast run. We are checking how healthy your heart and lungs are as well as giving ourselves a sense of what your vitals look like under heavy stress so we can better monitor you during the punishment."

As she spoke, Mary connected sticky pads to the prisoner's chest and finally a blood pressure cuff to her left bicep, which was nearer the wall. Gracie couldn't figure out if it was better to score high or low in fitness. Maybe if it was high it meant they would be crueler during the electrocution but if it was too low maybe they would call it off and she'd have to return another day. "No this ends today. I'll probably be in the middle anyway," she told herself.

"Alright, are you ready?"

"Yeah," Gracie nodded as Mary pressed buttons on the treadmill and the track started to move underneath her. The first speed setting wasn't challenging. It was like she was speed walking through her old office building to a meeting.

Gracie knew she was out of shape. She hadn't been to a gym in a couple years since she was always too busy, but she ate healthily and was naturally thin except for her chest. By the time Mary increased the speed a film of sweat had developed on her face and shoulders.

Now she had to pick her feet up and started to pump her arms. She was glad that she was told to bring tennis shoes and a sport's bra. "This would have sucked barefoot and my boobs going everywhere."

Gracie wished they would have been more explicit, though. She would have worn compression shorts, rather than the thin cotton panties she wore now. She could feel them getting sweaty and they didn't do much to stop her thighs from rubbing together.

She was starting to suck in breath when Mary increased the speed to the final setting. Gracie found herself struggling for the last five minutes of the test. Her calves and thighs ached and burned, and she felt time slow down as each stride became more difficult. Just when she thought she couldn't continue, Mary turned off the treadmill. The track underneath her feet slowed and eventually allowed her to stop and put her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath.

After a moment of recovery, Mary ordered her to put her hands on her head so that she could remove the monitors. Gracie wondered how she had done and was somewhat pleased with herself for being able to do it. It went faster than she'd imagined.

"Has it been a minute?" Mary asked the doctor.


"Here breath into this," Mary pushed a mask with some more sensors connected to it toward Gracie, "It measures how well your lungs are operating."

Still huffing and puffing, Gracie breathed into the mask for a few seconds. Mary fiddled with some more controls and there was the sound of an air compressor, "Now it's going to deliver oxygen. Breathe deeply."

It was invigorating and Gracie took breath after breath from the machine. Mary and Leah spoke together at the desk. Gracie wished that the monitoring results had been fed to a screen on the wall like she saw on television, but it must have been fed to the tablet that Leah was currently holding.

After a moment they stood. "Congratulations, I guess," Leah said, "You're fit enough to continue. Remove your clothes and sit on the chair. You don't need to put your feet up."

Gracie didn't waste time kicking off her shoes and slipping out of her sweaty underwear. The last few weeks had mostly inured her to nudity and she still hoped for some spark of exhibitionism to get her through the day. Mary collected the clothing and put it in the same bag as the rest of her clothes as Gracie sat on the edge of the chair, pushing the intimidating stirrups to the side.

"How, um, thorough is this exam?" she asked.

Leah carried the desk chair across the room so she could sit near Gracie, "It depends on how you answer the questions and if I need to check anything. The mandatory medical checks have already been performed on the treadmill. Just answer the questions honestly."

"Ok," Gracie answered. That made her nervous. Certain answers could mean a more invasive exam.

"I've read the medical survey that you entered a few weeks ago. Is there anything on there that needs to be changed?"

"No," Gracie didn't actually know if that was true. The law firm had submitted the forms and she had never seen them, but there was no reason to admit that now.

"Ok, any recent illnesses?"


"Stuffy nose, sore throat?"


"Any shortness of breath? When not engaged in surprise exercise, of course," Leah asked, adding the last caveat.

Gracie added a polite laugh at Leah's joke about the present situation before answering negatively.

"When was the last time you were sexually active?"

"Um, define that?"

"With a partner."

"Three months." He was a coworker that she hadn't seen since her arrest and expected to never see again after what she'd done.

"Any chance of pregnancy?"

"No, I'm on birth control."

Leah's fingers moved over the tablet, "Hmmm, I see it's a method that could eliminate your period. Have you had it since then?"

"Um, no," Gracie answered. She knew this wasn't good. The doctor was going to want to double check and that probably meant using the chair for its intended purpose.

Leah nodded and broke the bad news, "I'm going to have to do a quick pelvic exam. I have a responsibility for your health because of the nature of your punishment. I'm sorry."

Gracie wished she could have avoided it, but she understood, and she nodded to the doctor.

"Are you on any other medication?"


Leah looked at her pointedly, "Any painkillers? Prescription or otherwise?"

Gracie knew those were expressly against the rules and hadn't taken any, but even if she had why would she admit it? "No, ma'am."

"Do you have any specific concerns about your health that I should be aware of?"

"No, let's just get this over with."

"I will. I'm sorry, there is just too much downside to not be sure."

Gracie really did understand. There would be a massive scandal if something like this happened to a pregnant woman, but it still sucked because she was certain that she wasn't pregnant. She also appreciated how much they seemed to care about her health.

As Leah snapped on medical gloves and got her equipment ready, she spoke, "I'm going to very quickly do a manual exam of your cervix. I'll be able to tell my its position and its hardness and texture if it's possible you are pregnant. If I see any evidence then we will do a pregnancy test by letting you pee in a cup, but otherwise we will proceed."

"Ok," Gracie sniffed nervously.

"One more thing. I see from your file that you have pictures on file in case you need to make a complaint after your procedure. Would you like more pictures to be added today?"

"Would they help? It looks the same as last week."

"It is up to you. I have to ask."

Gracie though about it and couldn't think of a reason to do it other than to put off her punishment a couple minutes longer. She was feeling a lot of pressure to finish up quickly. She knew the longer she sat here the more scared she would get, which she'd already decided (or at least tried to convince herself) was the main part of the punishment, plus Kelsey and AJ were waiting outside for her. "No, I'll skip those."

"Suit yourself. Sit back on the chair." Leah spun the stirrups back into their usual position and locked them in place, "Legs up and scoot your bottom down to the end."

Gracie complied. She spread her legs and put them in position and slid to the end, so the chair wasn't in between the doctor and her vagina.

The last time she was in this position she was tied down in front of a couple hundred strangers being spanked on her vulva. She had kind of liked it, not the pain, but their adoration. She closed her eyes and thought about being there again, like she had last night when she'd masturbated in the hotel room.

Leah got to work between her legs. Delicately, she poked through her uneven lips with her fingers. "On quick inspection, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. You look good and healthy on the outside."

Gracie felt a tingle when she said that she looked good. Maybe it was just this position, being splayed out in front of other people that got her going. She felt a tinge of embarrassment about feeling the stirrings of readiness and guilt about involving Leah in her fantasy, but she didn't ask for this exam. It was forced upon her after all.

"Sorry, I'm not allowed to use lubrication. I'm going to insert my finger. If I can reach your cervix, then I won't use a speculum."

Leah's finger pushed into her hole, palm facing the ceiling. It didn't hurt as it entered but it was a tight fit and Gracie focused on relaxing herself. She had reached in most of the length of her finger, when Gracie felt her hit her mark. It was sensitive but Gracie got used to it. She knew from experience that a lover rubbing her cervix could feel great, but that it took some warmup and a lot of trust.

The doctor's finger poked it and felt around it in circles for perhaps a minute before she withdrew it. "Ok, I don't think your pregnant," she turned to Mary, who had been sitting in her seat ignoring the medical exam, and said, "I think we can continue."

As Gracie got up from her seat, butterflies started dancing in her stomach again, knowing that she was about to move into the final room. She tried to hold on to the faint feeling of euphoria she'd developed with her legs spread for the doctor, fantasizing about all the people watching her. It wasn't the strongest feeling, but anything helped, she decided.

Mary unlocked the door and motioned for Gracie to enter first. The walls were just like all the others in the trailer. There were two white plastic chairs against the wall to Gracie's right and, next to them, a heavy metal desk like those in the other rooms with a more luxurious chair in front of it.

However, Gracie was focused on the most important piece of furniture in the room, the punishment chair. It was bolted to the floor so that it was against the back wall, facing the door. It looked heavy but it seemed like the frame was made of plastic. She was surprised since she'd been imagining metal or wood, but she guessed that the plastic was nonconductive and probably safer than metal and more comfortable than wood.

Its most striking features were of course the two probes standing up on the seat. The one closer to her, the electrode that would enter her vagina, was perhaps an inch or two longer and slightly larger diameter than the other that sat behind it. They were made of black plastic and more bulbous at their tops and had shiny metal plates running vertically on their length.

While the seat had no padding on it, the armrests, back and headrest had black cushions. There were cuffs on the armrests and the feet, as well as leather straps hanging from the seat and the back. Underneath the chair was a box, also bolted to the floor with many wires resting on the top and one heavy wire extending to the wall.

"Sit in one of the chairs against the wall while I doublecheck everything and do the last bits of preparation," Mary ordered.

When Gracie sat, Mary walked over and attached one loop of a handcuff to her left wrist and the other to the heavy metal desk, "I know you've been good, but rules are rules when I have my back turned."

"It's ok," Gracie answered. Her feelings were all out of whack. Her adrenaline was pumping again and telling her to run. She knew it would be of no help, even if she could get her hand out of the restraint then she'd be behind three locked doors and she'd probably just be wrestled down by Mary and she would still get electrocuted. That should make her angry, but she was telling herself that she could survive this just like she had last week's punishment and that would just have to get through this and then she'd be done. "Be Zen. Be like Kelsey. It's going to happen just accept it."

Mary got down on all fours in front of the punishment chair and started to go through the wires that sat on top of the box. Gracie at first covered her chest with her free hand and kept her legs closed, but then she remembered the feeling of being open for the doctor. She took a deep breath and opened her thighs slightly letting air reach her vagina and uncovered her breasts, laying her arm on the armrest. "I guess this is my version of accepting it," she thought with some embarrassment, "Just accept that I like being looked at." Leah, who was standing by the door, caught Gracie's eye as she adjusted herself and the two of them shrugged their shoulders at each other. Perhaps the doctor had noticed the beginnings of wetness as she examined her, but Gracie didn't care.

Mary had organized the wires so that some were laying out to the sides and front of the chair. She got up from the floor and rifled through a drawer in the desk, placing a small white cardboard box on the desk and then pulled on medical gloves. From the box, she extracted what Gracie guessed must be the conductive pads and counted out the requisite amount.

Gracie sensed that doing this in front of her was just another way to scare her and she focused on ignoring the fear and focusing on her slowly growing fantasy. She almost wanted the Punishment Technician who would come in after she was blindfolded to be a man who would admire her naked body.

Mary then extracted a squirt bottle from the white box and proceeded to liberally apply a clear gel to the two probes standing erect from the chair seat. Gracie was glad for the lubrication, but also that she had practiced inserting an object in her ass the previous night, "I should just trust Kelsey in everything. I guess it's almost time."

Mary confirmed her speculation as she stood in front of Gracie, "Would you like me to apply lubrication to your body?"

Gracie froze, wondering if she had worked up her own wetness the last few minutes and if she was willing to risk Mary finding out. "Um," she hesitated, buying time, "I . . . yeah." She realized that Mary's fingers were already covered in the substance and wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"Ok, slide to the end of the seat and spread your legs."

Gracie complied and her build continued. She tried to resist a shudder, but the only thing better would have been if a man was between her legs. As Mary deposited the thick gel around both of her openings, Gracie realized that she would also love Kelsey or AJ between her legs. She'd have to think about that feeling more later, they were a decade younger than her and she didn't identify as being into women, but for now it was something to hold on to, distracting her from her plight.

Mary released Gracie from her cuff and motioned her head toward the chair. Fear rose again but she tried to battle it down with her exhibitionist fantasy as she walked to the chair.

"Stand in front of it with your hands on your head, while I attach some pads to you bottom."

Gracie watched as the guard peeled off paper covering electrode pads, revealing adhesive that shined in the light. Mary pressed them onto Gracie's bottom with her palm and then ran fingers around the edges making sure they weren't going to come loose. On each buttock, there were two pads, one on the fattiest spot right in the middle and one lower where it started to transition into her leg. Then Mary attached a wire that ran to the box under the chair to a connecter that was built into each pad. "Here we go, I'll be fine," she told herself.

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