The Silver Guardian Updates:
6/10/18: Chapters 8-12 have been submitted and are awaiting approval and publishing. More chapters to follow in the next few days. All edits from the early chapters that were published raw have been accepted and are up and posted now too!
Hello and welcome to my little Bio section. I've decided to use this section to do a few things. One is to share a bit about myself, and two is to share some author's notes and thoughts on my current story The Silver Guardian. I will start with a bit about me, and also how it relates to my writing (at least in this first story series I have penned) on Lit here.
I am a hopeless romantic and endlessly in love and devoted to my wife. It is very cliché to many and seems like it belongs more in the realm of romance novels, but it can and does happen in real life (no matter the rarity of it) and I happen to be lucky enough to have a marriage like that. We have been together for nearly 10 years and are even more in love and devoted today than when we first met. I met my wife and proposed to her after just 2 days. Two weeks later we were living together, and less than 10 months after that we were married on horseback at the top of a mountain in Estes Park, CO (Breakfast Hill on Elkhorn Mtn.) and all of it sounds quite a bit like a fairytale I've been told. In many ways yes I do have what others would call a fairytale romance, but it is also a real relationship and has the same challenges and pitfalls as any other and we have to work on it and struggle with it daily to keep it healthy, loving and strong. I mention all of this because in Silver Guardian this is very much the relationship and mindset that both Lily and Dante have. They come together fast, change dramatically (and quickly), and fall in love nearly instantly, are hopelessly devoted and loyal to each other and their world's revolve around each other. No it is NOT common and almost never works out in real life. I am happy to report that it isn't impossible though and isn't simply fantasy, its just rare enough to sound like it. I was able to write my story so quickly and easily because I was writing about something that was similar and normal to me, so it wasn't a stretch or fantasy but rather a fiction based in my experiences. I am a very lucky and very fortunate man and will never forget it.
I also live in a constant state of pain. I have 4 serious medical conditions, most of which are genetic and auto-immune diseases that are extremely painful and have a dramatic impact on my day to day life. So when I write about living with pain and how it affects your mind and the mindset that Dante has early on (and comes out at times throughout the story), it is from personal experience. Others may experience these things differently, but what you read is what I have dealt with any my own experiences and thoughts on it. It is a poison and it changes and shapes you. I also subscribe to the belief that you can't change anything about it, so deal with it and move on. It is what it is, move forward with purpose and learn to smile and just be.
The purpose of my story was initially just for me. I have never written anything more than a shorty story for an assignment in High School. 30 years and this is my first ever attempt. I am sure I have made the same mistakes and fallen into the same traps as many novice writers. But I am reading, learning, and using a lot of the Literotica resources to try to improve so my second book in the series is a (hopefully) vast improvement over the first. It is not meant to be a deep and meaningful story, it's not meant to be complex and life changing. It is simply meant to be an easy, fun, and enjoyable story that entertains people and suspends reality for a while. That's all, really. I'm sure compared to many stories here that the characters are a bit more one dimensional (working on that, really really) and that some of the feel of the story is clichéd and over used. I know that I really do, its part of why I chose to write such a story as it would be an easy and fun place for me to start instead of trying to write an epic masterpiece that was unique and deep for my very first time. I knew it would be destined to fail if I tried that, so I went with something that, while maybe not all that unique, was still popular and an easy and fun read.
All that being said, I hope you enjoy the story!