
Please read my username/pseudonym as "Leeny's Man". Leeny was my wife's nickname, and she died in December 2014. I'm 60, looking to recover my life, my joy, my confidence, after some bad years before Leeny died. Literotica, or porn in general, isn't something she would have enjoyed, but now I can.

EBooks of my stories are available for sale on numerous sites, under the pseudonym M.R. Leenysman - A full list of books and the relevant retailer links can be found at my blog: / Or just search for Leenysman at your favorite retailer. Note that my incest works will only be found at Smashwords and Streetlib and a few sites internationally which accept it.

I'm also on Twitter as and have an author page on Facebook as M.R. Leenysman. You can also find me on Pinterest, Instagram and MeWe. I've also added Patreon and Ko-Fi, if you wish to support me that way.

June 28, 2022: I just realized that I had not yet posted here that my website now sells my ebooks (epub format). If you want to support my writing, buying the books you've liked here is an excellent way to do it!

M.R. Leenysman


N. California



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8 Years AgoMember Since
Last YearUpdated
17My Favorites
342My Comments
13Series Published

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