I write stories I like to read and publish them here in hope someone else might enjoy them too. Comments are much appreciated.
English is not my first language, so go easy on my mistakes.
I’m also writing under a second penname with the wonderful AwkwardMD.
AwkwardMD's author page:
Our collaborative author page (AwkwardApple415):
In addition to stories, our collaborative profile now holds curated lists of stories where trans people are portrayed as people. In my story lists you’ll find listings of stories posted for my annual event for women-centric erotica, Pink Orchid.
Chronological order for Laura's and Tom's story:
"Laura's Fire", Romance
"Being Free Together", Lesbian Sex
"Love Thy Neighbor", Exhibitionist and Voyeurism
"Breaking Up And Making Up", Romance
"Constructions", Romance
"Surrogate Experiences", Gay Male
"Forever Is a Long Time", Romance
It is not really a series, all the parts can be read as individual stories, but they feature the same characters. All the rest of my stories are standalones.
Please note that I explicitly deny any and all requests in advance to reproduce, continue, pick up or extend any of my published stories or characters without my explicit permission. There is no reasonable time limit after which this request will expire and failure to respond to any request to override should be considered a denial. Thank you for respecting the time, work and creativity that went into developing these original stories and characters.