First came the nightmare and then the doubt.
The story of Silas Stevenson and the egg money.
Heart break leads to true love.
Wife want's a fling with a co-worker before settling down.
H 4.54 326.8k 559 596 831
A fighter awakens to the facts of his life
A bit of Hitchcock, a bit of history, and a slut.
A loving wife walks home.
A wife sharing story just a little late.
Steve walks into a trap and Jimmy avoids one.
Steven goes to Lynda and Simone has problems in the Congo.
Part two of the story and the storm.
A story with an unfaithful wife and a sloop for Black Rand.
Susan tries to get her Husband back, but others plan murder.
Jimmy knows who has the file, and Susan learns the truth.
Chapter Seven, Susan takes action and Steven is followed.
When his unfaithful wife disappears, a lawyer is suspected.
H 4.62 131.4k 203 197 293
Lynda changes Jobs and Steven faces an old issue.
Susan has boyfriend trouble.
Steven encounters a new opponent, and Susan gains a rival.
A priest dies and Susan gets a proposal.
How Steven won the Hamilton case.
The back story for the original Crime and Punishment story.
Unfaithful wife returns, but things have changed.
She was the best of women but not the best spouse.
1Husband discovers he was not her only love.
3Sometimes love does the choosing.
Has her infidelity driven her husband mad or is she mad?
A bit of fun between the sexes.
The continuation of the love story "When".
What will he do when he discovers her past?
An unfaithful wife and a dead lover. Did the Husband do it?
H 4.58 291.5k 406 563 584
Just another simple cuckold story?
H 4.52 567.7k 870 1k 1.2k
1She arrests him but he gets away.
2Who is hunting who, and where does the truth come in.
She wants a wedding but he thinks no.
Sequel to Jail Breaking. He is out but can he stay free?
The sad tale of a man who learned too much.
H 4.56 261.3k 354 497 471
1He was a good man until her cheating turned him bad.
H 4.61 328.5k 334 194 493
2Laura's side and her response.
H 4.58 202.1k 150 183 212
3The harder you fight the farther you fall.
4The conclusion: One man's rise is another's fall.