Status Bar:
"Pranked 2: Build-a-Barbie" 65%
Owned (Series) "Owner" - first draft complete
"Descent (Inferno)" - 10%
"Under Her Wing" 25% (busy, no meaningful progress since last time)
"Dree" 25%
"Barbarian" 5%
"Insomnia" - published
"Get Too Close" - outlining
Writing Group Secret Project: Three stories outlined
A writing group is a group of writers who get together to Help each other write. This particular group is devoted to fiction writing. There are several people in the group who write nonfiction (including Rocco, published here) but the focus of the group is on fiction, mostly short fiction. We read each others' work and comment on it. We share ideas. We support each other and remind each other to actually write stuff down. (Daydreaming is easy. Turning dreams into words sometimes requires pushing.) The Group is a place for people with a common interest to just hang out and be friends.
We were talking about love and sex in stories at a workshop, and that conversation carried over to the pub. It turns out that at least four of us like to read erotic stories, and had a vague idea of writing erotica ourselves "someday". We made "someday" into, "Let's start a Literotica account and post some stuff, using pseudonyms." So we are.
We're hoping that you readers will help us out. We aren't currently asking for money, but we'd really appreciate your comments and criticism and even (if we earn it) praise. For each story, we're planning to post a sort of director's commentary in the Literotica Forum for feedback. Respond there and we will be grateful.
With multiple people writing, and some of those deliberately changing things up every story or two, don't expect all the contributions to be in the same category or genre or style. They won't be. While we certainly hope you enjoy our stories, in the end all this is a writing exercise.
Right now, four writers are publishing using this account: Annie, Eddie, Rocco, and Billie. (None of those are our real names.) We've used up the already written stories, so expect them as we finish them.
No, you can't join the Writing Group. We will absolutely not be revealing anything about our location, real names, the actual name of our group, where we meet, etc. Anonymous is the name of the game. You can still participate in the workshopping process, though, by commenting in the forum.
We hope you enjoy the stories.
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