
I have to apologize to anyone who wants a sequel to any of my stories (or is waiting for anything at all new to come out of me). I am usually really slow when it comes to writing. I will submit new material as soon as it is finished, but right now I am just coming out of a dry spell (I'm always in a dry spell) and have about a dozen stories that I am trying to finish as soon as possible.

I did a file count once, and I have over 60 unfinished stories in the works. Now, I could probably throw a good 20 of those files in the garbage and not worry one bit about it, but 40 open stories is still a lot to think about when trying to finish anything. I need more focus.

Over The Sink is still in the works. I am partway through the next chapter with a fifth planned as well. I might split a couple of characters out of the series and start a new one with them under a new title as well. we'll see how that goes.

I am getting back to the Britney/Tentacle story line, even though it isn't that well reviewed. I have a giant story arch I want to finish in that universe, and I would like to see it completed some day, even if I am the only person who likes it. If anyone has suggestions for celebrities to be abused, I would like to hear it, even though I have most of them picked out already.

I am also getting back to my Ghost sequels (there should be three in total). I think I have settled on a plot line that I find acceptable. The original was told with passion, and care, and I couldn't seem to find that in my intended destinations for the characters. It kept coming up cheap. But don't worry, I think I have it worked out in my head now, and am working on it diligently.


Northern New Jersey USA

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1Series Published

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Big Tits, Tentacle Monsters, Surprise Consensual Light Bondage

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