An incurable romantic who is in many ways a throwback to the 50s and, at the same time, is also controlling.
The photo in my profile reads, "Evaluation Center for Disturbed Women." It's nailed to a palm tree on one of the side streets here in the northern fringes of the Conch Republic.
I ran into an old friend the other day, and as us old-timers do, we asked each other so what are you doing now? You've been retired for a while. I responded I write porn since the producers of my favorite type of videos won't cast me.
The old saws that the stories guides I've posted here are to err is human, to edit divine. Another is the reality that writing is ten percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.
To answer a question I've been asked, I'm in the second half of my 60s and a retired chef.
On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange how many people choose to be stupid.
The northern providences of the Conch RepublicGender