A great imagination is more powerful than an thing else.
I've always had a high sex drive and it doesn't help suffering from somatic symptom disorder (SSD) which is a fear of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This leads to frequent doctor visits every time I have a new partner. When I was married I didn't have to worry about STDs. However, my ex-wife was asexual. Sounds like a story but sadly this is true. Now Literotica is my escape.
Some hobbies are: outdoor sports such as running (cross country running and skiing at uni and a few marathons), rock climbing, mountain biking, backcountry backpacking, scuba diving (certified master diver), and surfing as well as travel. Been to over two dozen countries in the last 10 years including living in Germany and Poland.
Some fetishes are: Loving Wives, Teasing, Incest, Dares, Group Sex and a few others.