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I've been a Literotica reader for a long time and i enjoy it. I'm good in proof reading and grammar as well as story build up. I'm bilingual (English & French)....

Ich helfe gern bei deinen Texten, wenn du magst. German girl likes to help you if you want

German Man is ready to help you developing your story. Helfe auch gern bei deutschen Texten mit der Rechtschreibung

I hate it when I'm reading through a great story and suddenly a spelling mistake pops up. I always feel the need to correct it.

Occasional editing on English/German language stories when I have time. Into (in descending order of liking): - breeding and pregnancy, - monstergirls (but n...

I enjoy reading stories on literotica immensely and am almost not able to stop. Although I don’t have much experience in editing and English is not my mother lang...

I love to read stories and wish to help with editing. English is not my first language so my help will be more with format, story and consistancy. In French I c...

Language teacher. For translation to turkish or editing turkish stories...

TrebZzaj4 Stories
1 Series
updated 12/12/2021
Lasst mich euch helfen, wenn ihr Hilfe braucht. Ich bin zwar nicht perfekt was die Kommasetzung angeht, aber inhaltlich kann ich euch sicher behilflich sein.

Majolara12 Stories
2 Series
updated 06/17/2021
Als ein langjähriger Leser von Literoica habe ich dieses Jahr begonnen, eigene Geschichten zu schreiben. Kostet ein wenig Überwindung sie zu veröffentlichen, aber...

I am not an editor, just a tester! I am not an editor, just a tester!I am not an editor, just a tester!I am not an editor, just a tester!I am not an editor, just ...

I love reading and have experience proofreading/editing work from my days in college. I'd love to be a part of making your story come alive and will give good and...

ich bin ich und ich bin gefühlvoll und herzlich

Jackthewolf18 Stories
3 Series
updated 08/14/2020
Ich werde am Inhalt nicht rumschrauben, aber den Ausdruck und den Satzbau werde ich verändern. Wiederholungen werde ich ändern. Slangs werde ich auch nicht dulden...

My skills as an editor are mostly based on my studies, as I regularly have to write essays of 20 pages or more for my masters program, which is in middle eastern ...
The Literotica Editors program exists to help Literotica Authors improve their writing. Do not use this free service to edit work intended for publication outside of Literotica. It is against the rules to use this program to advertise services, products, or other websites. Doing so will result in account suspension.