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Comments for Christmas

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Make Literotica writers happy for Christmas!
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Comments for Christmas
With apologies to the ghost of Benjamin Zephaniah

Be nice to your authors this Christmas
Cos' on Lit, they just write for fun.
Some write threesomes, and some write mesomes,
And some about taking it up the bum.

Be nice to us writers this Christmas,
Don't skip on, read right to the end,
And after you've voted, be sure you have noted
Your views on the story, my friend.

I got lots of friends who are writers
And all of them crave just one thing,
To hear you enjoyed it, so comment below it,
Something nice, something sweet, anything!

Yeah, I got lots of friends who are authors,
They work and work through the night,
In order to please you, or perhaps to tease you,
So go share your thoughts on what they write.

So please leave a comment for bi_cathy
Say something nice to lovely HelenL
Write a sweet note for sweet PennyThompson
There's no better way to ring Areala-chan's bell.

Writers just love getting comments
They honestly want your praise
Be it short, sexy or simple,
A comment has us floating for days!

Many a , asking,
"So few comments: why's that, do you reckon?"
If people will spend hours on reading
Why not leave a comment, it just takes a second?"

I said, "I don't know, beats me.
I always comment after I've read.
But some maybe don't have a hand free
To comment, when reading in bed."

Yes be nice to your writers this Christmas:
After you have disposed of the tissues,
Return to the keys, let your feelings free,
And tell the writer your thoughts on the issues.

So give comments to authors this Christmas
But spare them the cut of the knife
Trolls take a hike, be on your bike,
Be constructive, and you'll have a friend for life!

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RomanceLivesRomanceLives2 months ago

I often find myself deeply moved by the stories I read, and I wish I could express my thoughts and feelings about them more effectively.

There are times when a story resonates with me on such a profound level, and I feel a strong urge to share my reflections. However, I struggle to find the right words to convey what I truly feel. Simply saying "I liked it" feels so inadequate and doesnโ€™t capture the depth of my experience.

Therefore, I often resort to my tried-and-true FFF: Five stars, Favorite, and Follow. Itโ€™s my way of showing appreciation, even if it doesnโ€™t fully express how much a story means to me.

P.S. I needed a lot of AI assistance just to write this short note! Thank you for taking the time to read it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I like the stories I read here -

They are a great pass time for me.

Your Writers write well - casting their spell

And the cool thing - it's all free!

Happy New Year, Writers



DressToTheLeftDressToTheLeft3 months ago

Sweetly observed! I'd write more but my hands need to be somewhere else right now.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Laying here on the couch naked with a stiff one and my wife far away I get all these great thoughts. I just need to lick and indulge in sweet and sweaty pussy

Norway_1705Norway_17053 months ago

Giving is better than Receiving, wise men say...

LeCoeurBombardeLeCoeurBombarde3 months ago

What an excellent way to address commenting (and funny too lmao!) Your words didn't fall on (my) dear ears!

LissyWLissyW3 months ago

So very true. Merry Christmas. x

proseinagardenproseinagarden3 months ago

You are way too cute! ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ‘

20/10 darling! โ™ฅ๏ธ

THBGatoTHBGato3 months agoAuthor

Thanks everyone for all the lovely comments. Please do go check out and comment on the work of (the) other writers - and not just those I link to. Penny is on the money as usual - honestly, don't get too hung up on what to write in a comment. One of my favourites I've received just simply says "WOW"! Three letters, but it said a lot!

(That said, I did really appreciate those commenters below who replied in verse to this! Well played people, well played!)

Happy holidays everyone x

PennyThompsonPennyThompson3 months ago

To Tomtrah and Minstrel and anyone else who feels like it's not your place to comment on a story you enjoyed:

Personally, I deeply appreciate and love comments that are detailed or clever or provide substantive feedback. But I ALSO appreciate and love the short little comments that just say things like "That was hot," or "That made me laugh," or "I can't wait for more!"

Writing is like magic! It's a magic spell that connects minds across time and space. It puts a reader into a writer's head for a moment, or into a shared hallucination of a world and characters that aren't real but feel real, sometimes realer than real.

Getting to see views and ratings and likes are great, I can glean a lot from those. But just a short little comment from another human mind, telling me that they liked something that my mind created? That's magic โ˜บ๏ธ

Lew_PLew_P3 months ago

I enjoyed this, verses 8 & 9 had me laughing.

SafewordmustcontainSafewordmustcontain3 months ago

Very cute. And you're right - I just got my first comment on my first story, and it was the best part of my day. Happy Holidays!

Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrel3 months ago


Be sure to also check out the work of Benjamin Zephaniah. He was a dub poet and professor of poetry. He passed away a while back, but his poetry lives on.

used2bjustjused2bjustj3 months ago

I'm going to have to check out those other authors now. Thanks for the poem.

Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrel3 months ago

<quote "tomtrah">

"rather than spoil it with a comment that wonโ€™t do the story justice - not all of us have the right words handy just after a good read, some may actually doubt itโ€™s our place to comment"


Yeah, what tomtrah said, and with better words than I used.

These talented writers, they have no idea the pressures we readers face when trying to leave a comment. :-)

tomtrahtomtrah3 months ago

the sweetest nudge ever !

but see : the wandering minstrel has a point : rather than spoil it with a comment that wonโ€™t do the story justice - not all of us have the right words handy just after a good read, some may actually doubt itโ€™s our place to comment - we just vote, add a story or a writer to our favorites โ€ฆ and come back for more !!!

you are right though, a nice appreciative comment does wonders, so thank you for yourโ€™s

and while we are at it : your stories, we canโ€™t get enough of them !

thank you

Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrel3 months ago

Beautifully written and aimed at the conscience of the reader. I believe Benjamin Zephaniah would approve.

I will say that for some of us, our failure to comment is not because we don't wish to take a moment to respond, but, perhaps, because our words will seem an inadequate reflection of what we have just read.

Having made this confession, it will be among my New Year's resolutions to comment on more stories and poetry in 2025.

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