Welcome reader! I appreciate you checking my profile out. The majority of my stories are slow burn Lesbian Romances, with the focus very much on character and relationship building. You can start with any tale - all the stories are self-contained. However, some characters reappear. So, if you want to avoid spoilers/keep characters fresh in your mind here's a suggested reading order:
I have seen love (3,400 words)
I have touched love (3,400 words)
I have made love (6,200 words)
Twenty (19,800 words)
Thirty* (14,000 words)
Forty* (81,800 words)
The Third Date 1* & 2 (27,000 words)
Coda (750 words)
Love is a Place 1, 2 & 3 (24,300 words)
The Hardest Step (1,900 words)
Eve & Lucy 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5* (87,400 words)
Look at me (750 words)
Desire and Duende 1, 2* & 3* (27,200 words)
Pygmalion 3.0 (9,700 words)
On a Wing and a Prayer 1 & 2 (32,600 words) & The Parting Glass (2,600 words) don't have characters that overlap with any other stories. Stories with an asterisk had a stint at number one on the Lesbian Sex top list.
ALSO: Playlists! Yes, if you want to enjoy some musical accompaniment as you read, I've made playlists of the music I was listening to/inspired me when I wrote the following:
On a Wing and a Prayer - />Thirty - /
Forty - />The Third Date & Coda - />Eve & Lucy - /
Desire and Duende - />
If you've read everything of mine that you fancy, please explore my lists if you haven't already: there are amazing authors and wonderful stories in there. I'm trying to turn them into a one-stop-shop for readers of Lesbian Romance. Let me know if there are any you think I've missed who should be in my lists.
Meanwhile, here's a preview of what's in my "work in progress" folder, though it's all going to take a while:
Love is a Place 4 & 5: a salutary lesson in being careful what we wish for and why we all need allies.
Ngaahika Ndeenda (I Will Marry When I Want): a story set in Kenya in which Lucy may find redemption and Suzy may find the relationship of her dreams. Maybe.
Happiness: Liz's radio interview with Ms Nadine will change at least two people's lives forever.
One body problem: just your average US college roommate lesbian drama involving ice hockey playing twins. With a twist.
Dream a little dream of me: My final story and my tribute to Literotica.
If you hit that follow button you'll get a notification on your home page when new stories come out. In the meantime, happy reading! Comments and feedback are always welcome, and many thanks to all those lovely readers who make a point to do so regularly. You help make this site a better and more encouraging place, and it's very much appreciated. T x