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Man or woman, do I have to choose
In a world so focused on binaries
But I am not defined by who I love
Or the gender of the person I choose to be with

I am a free spirit, a being of light
Floating in a sea of endless possibilities
Why must I conform to society's norms
When my heart knows no boundaries

I have loved a man, with his strong arms
And gentle touch that set my soul on fire
But I have also loved a woman, with her soft lips
And fierce passion that ignited my desire

Why must I label myself, limit my potential
To fit into a box that feels too confining
I am not just a man or a woman, I am a kaleidoscope
Of emotions and desires that ebb and flow like the tide

Society tells me I must choose
But I refuse to be bound by their expectations
I will love who I love, regardless of gender
And let my heart lead me where it may

I am not defined by the gender of my partner
But by the depth of my love and the strength of my spirit
I am proud to be bisexual, to embrace all facets of myself
And to walk boldly in a world that seeks to confine me

So man or woman, do I have to choose
I choose neither, I choose freedom
To love without boundaries, to love without fear
To be true to myself, and let my heart steer

For I am not just a man or a woman
I am a beautiful blend of both, a masterpiece of love
And I will not be silenced or shamed
For being true to myself, for being unashamed

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Satyr61Satyr6128 days ago

Powerful. I love this A LOT.

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