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~*~*~Forgive Me~*~*~

Forgive me once if I stop to stare,
At moonlit strands of midnight hair
Borne on wintry tides of air.

Forgive me twice if I linger awhile,
To maybe catch that smallest smile
That somehow makes the day worthwhile

Forgive me thrice, no more no less,
For my visions of you in that little black dress
Nam pulcherrima et dulcissima tuus es.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 minutes ago

Interesting. I knew you had the voice, but to hear it sing. Thank you

YSpammerYSpammerabout 1 month ago

Very nice. The first two stanzas are very poetic and flow beautifully (if you read it as "lingera - while" the rhytm can be kept) but the third one falls somewhat short of their merit. The "little black" might be descriptive and evocative of the immortal fashion (alike Audrey Hepburn), but kill the flow that would have been kept if cut out and I am unable to vocalize the latin to fit the meter either...

A solid 4* all in all. Hope you keep on writing kinky stories or beautiful poerry ;)

123noproblem123noproblemalmost 4 years ago
Nice Poem

Nam pulcherrima et dulcissima tuus es.

For you are beautiful and delectable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The Latin

It’s latin for “Now, You are the most Beautiful and Sweetest”

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