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The Throne of Desire

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A celebration of the joys of cuckolding.
153 words
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Beneath the velvet shroud of night,
A flame ignites, a secret rite,
Her laughter spills like molten gold,
A tale of trust, so boldly told.

His heart, a drum, beats soft and low,
Watching shadows twist and grow,
She moves with grace, a queen unchained,
Her power blooms, his pride restrained.

Oh, sweet surrender, tender sting,
The gift she takes, the song they sing,
Her lips, a rose, on foreign skin,
He finds his fire deep within.

The air is thick with whispered vows,
A dance of want, the here and now,
She reigns supreme, her will unfurled,
He worships her, his widened world.

No jealousy, no bitter cage,
Just love rewritten on this stage,
Her pleasure his eternal aim,
If found with others, there’s no shame.

For in her gaze, he’s not undone,
But forged anew, their souls as one,
The virtue lies in letting go,
A deeper bond begins to grow.

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IwatchedherIwatchedher13 days ago

Hi Beccy - glad to find another fan of this wonderful piece, i love your profile btw…

BeccybeccyBeccybeccy16 days ago

I like this, but Iwatchedher is right. You may not know what this poem is about if you didn’t read the info. I love this line the most: ‘He worships her, his widened world’.

ProdiverProdiver16 days agoAuthor

Thanks for both comments. I think Iwatchedher is right that maybe this poem is a bit oblique. And I agree Carl - there is always shame in being cuckolded…

IwatchedherIwatchedher18 days ago

Very good... a little elusive on first reading making it all the more powerful as I delve deeper...and I so much agree with the sentiment it so deliciously conveys...

JadesCarlJadesCarl19 days ago

Nice try. There is shame…

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