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When I Dream

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for those of you in love for the first time
128 words
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This poem has been written for some special people. To Pixie and Evie, thank you.

When I Dream

When I dream,
I dream of you,
with fairy wings and angel dust,
of colours bright,
that light the sky,
of rainbows,
and all things that are right.
I dream of us when we are as one,
where time has no meaning and all our thoughts are of each other.
When you come to me when I close my eyes,
I dream sweet dreams where I kiss your smile,
I see you eyes all sparkling and clear,
of tender skin,
the sweet voices carry me through the night,
I feel your touch,
I hear you breath,
the pounding of your heart on mine.
When I dream,
I dream of you.

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GayKatGayKatover 2 years ago

Wow That Is Beautiful!

Your poetry is beautiful... Thank-You..

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 3 years ago

I adore this, thank you so much my darling xxxx

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