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You are a friend of mine

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I had a bad dream last night
And I called to hear your voice
Comforting me

You were dying to see this movie
So I got you tickets and took you to a wine bar
To talk about it

I need to write my stories and my poems
Alone in a darkened room with a hot cup of tea
You are the one to bring the tea
And sit beside me quietly

Your pc broke down and it's almost midnight
I'll be there in a flash to fix it for you
And discuss todays' news in between

You are my best friend
But there's a secret floating around us
A cloud that gets in our way
A knot in my mind and a knot in my stomach
And a bigger one in my heart

The tender touch in your hand
I've been meaning to give you
But always, always
Put my hands in my pockets

The nights and mornings
I want to wrench your sheets with sweat
And hug you ridiculously tight
While we sleep
And go all over again

The sweet words I want to dress you with
While we talk about our dreams
And not, not your girlfriends' desires
Her birthday or the way she kisses
But I'll talk about her if you need me to

Cause, you know, you're my best friend
And that knot in my head, my stomach
And my heart
Is my problem and the only one
I won't share
With you.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
That was superb my friend

That was really really good...I'm a writer myself, come check me out please:


Thank you.

TranslucentGirlTranslucentGirlover 9 years agoAuthor
You are right!

My dear 'Anonymous' you are right; my mistake to never check my poems, as they are always written on the road! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Did you mean "wrench" or "drench"

Great words, you can feel the love and the pain. I think perhaps spell check was not your friend on the word wrench in line 2 of verse 7.

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