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25yo Wife and Her Father In Law

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Can he possibly meet her sexual demands for the 10 days?
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Chapter 1

No father should ever admit to thinking his son's wife is drop dead gorgeous and as sexy as ....

Well you get the picture. Jackie is one of those people who lights up the room wherever she goes. Yes she does have a fantastic body and while not classically pretty is extremely attractive. You might have formed the impression that she is some sort of bimbo trophy wife, wrong. At 25 she is marketing director of a good-sized company that specializes in events management and promotions. My son has also done very well for himself. Just turned 30 his senior role in a company responsible for investing huge sums of money for rich clients requires him to travel all over the country and also regularly abroad. There are no worries financially for this couple although I do worry that they stretch themselves too far with risk taking investments.

No one particularly a father knows what really goes on behind closed doors, particularly closed bedroom doors. What anyone knowing John and Jackie would suspect is that there is lots of whatever is going on behind those doors going on. I have never met a woman who exudes sexuality and sexual passion in the way Jackie does. When I first met her I thought it was an act, an act that I was not very comfortable with. John confided in me that Jackie's sexual drive and interest was no act, her libido was off the charts. He admitted that he struggled at times to meet all of her sexual needs when his work took him away and also tired him out.

As for me at 50 (well I had been 50 for 5 years now) I was semi-retired and comfortably off. My wife and mother to both my sons had died when they were teenagers. There have been women in my life but none that could ever replace her. My family was a great comfort to me. My other son who is older than John was married to a lovely girl with two small children. Both sons lived within walking distance of me something that I have always loved.

It was not long after John and Jackie's wedding when my John asked me to go for a drink with him, as he had a favor to ask me. This was far from unheard of but a little formal. After settling down to our second pint he clearly wanted to raise something but appeared uncomfortable. He told me he was required to be away abroad on business for ten days and was concerned about Jackie. I obviously didn't get the drift of where this conversation until he said,

"How can I put this delicately? Here goes. You know that Jackie has as a huge sex drive and me being away for that long is a real problem for her. She admits that masturbation is much better than nothing but finds it is also deeply frustrating. She receives plenty of attention from work colleagues and customers and is concerned that her frustration could weaken her resolve."

"If it would help I could try and keep an eye on her for you. If it helps she can always come and stay at my house. That might help her resist temptation if she knows that I am expecting her to stay at my house."

"That is an interesting take on things. Let me be very blunt with you, the idea of her staying at your house is a very good one. As to it helping her resist temptation it is extremely floored. Surely you realize that Jackie, your daughter in law, thinks you are in her words 'very hot". That is the censored version dad. If she stayed at your place she would want to be sharing your bed and ..... "

He stopped mid sentence when I choked on a mouthful of beer.

"My god you know I find Jackie gorgeous but she is you wife. Are you warning me off or are you suggesting ... I can't even say it."

"I will say it then. I am asking you to look after my wife. Look after her sexually; make sure that she doesn't stray. She doesn't want to stray and thinks that if she sleeps with you it is at least keeping it in the family. Dad you would have my blessing and we would both appreciate it."

The proposal stunned me, shocked me but boy did it intrigue and excite me.

"John let me just check this isn't just a very funny but cruel joke. It is a very strange thought that you might appreciate me sharing my bed with your wife."

"I promise you that I am not joking about this. I would be asking you to do so much more than sharing your bed."

When he started to laugh I knew that it was no joke and that I would be doing my very best to look after all the needs of my beautiful daughter in law.

"I can only promise to do my best son. There is only one small request I have. You go away tomorrow and I want to be completely sure that Jackie really wants this. If she does she needs to ask me personally. Please ring her and say we will be there in a quarter of an hour and she needs to confirm that she wants to stay at my house while you are away."

Once he had made the phone call I could not down the remainder of my beer quick enough. John opened the door to his house less than ten minutes later. When we went into the lounge a bright eyed but slightly subdued Jackie stood up. As always her eyes were bright but there was a question or questions in them. Her voice was not her usual confident one as she quietly said

"Daddy please tell me that you have promised John to fuck me every day while he is away?"

This was not how I was used to seeing or hearing Jackie. True she had called me dad for a long time but daddy was completely different. My reply

"I will fuck you as much as you want while my son is away."

"That's even better than promising to fuck me once a day. I do have a request though. Will you call me 'J' it is my submissive auto ego? I want you to demand me to be submissive."

With this she pulled the one garment she had on over her head. I knew she had a great body but the shock of her displaying it, as she was, took my breath away. She is tall with a full body with the merest hint of fat around her stomach. Her boobs are full and very firm with large dark nipples that pointed heavenwards. From in front of her I could not see her bottom but I had always loved how shapely and slightly on the large size it was. I have no idea when she finds the time to keep herself so fit but it certainly pays off. I was acutely aware that how things progressed in the next few minutes would have a significant bearing on the next ten days. If she wanted me to be dominated who was I to argue?

"J turn round, kneel down, spread your legs and masturbate."

I had obviously read the situation perfectly as she smiled at John before turning around, getting on her knees and spreading her legs. The view from where we stood was breathtaking as her hands spread her pussy wide as her other hand found her clit. It looked as if she had been fucked for hours, as her pussy was puffy bright red and almost dripping.

"Daddy are you going to fuck now?"

"No J I will never fuck you while your husband is here to do so. You are however to ask him to spank your very naughty bottom hard before you ask him very nicely to take his pleasure."

It took all my willpower to give my son a hug, wish him good luck for his trip and walk out through the door. I think the first explosion landed on her bottom before the door closed behind me.

Chapter 2

I received a phone call at lunchtime the next day from Jackie to say that she would be home from work early, by six o'clock and was keen to show me the results of the spanking John had administered. I had spent a troubled night resisting the urge to relieve the sexual tension that I was feeling. It was clear that J was as keen as I was to start the ten days as she intended it to go on.

She let herself into my house before six but I had been waiting impatiently for her for some time. I have never had erectile problems but I was a little worried. I was not worried about not getting an erection but was worried that I might find my beautiful daughter in law too much excitement. She was a very strange sight when she walked through the door. Her clothing was that of a strong power dressed executive but she had dropped into her submissive J persona. Her tailored jacket was quickly hung up and she said

"I will go and get into something a little more casual."

"No you won't J you are going to take each garment off in front of me until I decide which you are allowed to wear for the time being. If I am not mistaken you are wearing stockings and a suspender belt. I am very partial to stockings and suspenders and would rather enjoy seeing you wearing them and very little else."

She was instantly into full submissive mode as she replied she said.

"Yes Daddy, thank you daddy."

I sat down and indicated that J should stand in front of me and start to undress. She might not be a professional striptease artist but the slow removal of her white blouse to reveal a white lacy bra that just managed to contain her erect nipples was erotic. She went to remove her bra but I indicated that she should remove her long figure hugging pencil skirt. This was not the easiest garment to remove elegantly but her struggle was still very erotic to me. I was delighted to see that the struggle had caused one of her beautiful large rubbery nipples to escape out of the top of her bra. She asked me with her eyes whether she should return her nipple to her bra but I declined. Somehow this just made her look wanton as well as very sexy. This left her wearing her high heeled shoes, stockings, suspender belt, a pair of gorgeously brief panties and her white lacy bra. Her shoes were next to be removed before she stood in front of me again looking for orders.

"J are your panties wet?"

"I am sorry daddy yes they are very wet."

"You don't need to apologize but you must explain to me why they are very wet."

"Ever since you left me masturbating on the floor last night I cannot think of anything other than you fucking me in exactly the position you left me in."

"Did your husband not spank you hard and then fuck you?"

"Yes but even then I could not get the thoughts of you dominating me and fucking me out of my head. He said he had never seen me cum so much. It was beautiful. The bastard refused to fuck me before he left this morning. It has been such a long day at work."

"Well you are home now and we have all night. Be kind enough to hand me your panties so I can see just how wet they are."

She had not been exaggerating when she had said they were very wet. Almost all of the brief panties were wet even towards the area that had covered her bottom. I had not smelled a sweeter aroma of womanhood for years, if ever. She seemed surprisingly embarrassed as I examined the flimsy garment. She was now standing much closer to me and when I told her to bend forward I was able to release her other nipple from her bra. I ensured that both bullet-like erect nipples were going to remain fully visible as I rolled them both between fingers and thumbs. Bent as she was I could hear every change in her breathing that indicated the effects my fingers were having.

"Do you like that J? I think I will explore your pussy next. The aroma it is giving off is quite intoxicating. Stand up and move towards me. That's right straddle my leg so that you pussy is fully available to me. Oh that is lovely. I hope it has not been this swollen and wet all day. It must have been very distracting if it was."

Her only answer was another cranking up of the excitement in her breathing and her eyes glazing over. I had hardly touched her and she looked flushed and sounded extremely aroused. I knew then that I wanted to dominate this vision of pure sexuality and tease her until she begged me to allow her to cum. John had told me in the past that Jackie could climax over and over when she was fully aroused and had cum once. I couldn't wait to see if I could push all of the right buttons for her. There was however one huge problem with this plan. I was just as desperate to fuck her as she was to be fucked. The teasing would have to wait.

I stood up to allow Jackie to undress me. Although there was great urgency in her actions the fact that she was dressed as she was made it hugely exciting. Her nipples were catching on the bra that was not able to recapture them. Somehow this made her boobs look even more naked than if the bra was not there. The stockings and belt framed her pussy from the front and even more so her magnificent ass from the rear. I was almost disappointed when I was fully undressed. I was delighted that Jackie seemed very happy as she said

"Oh I am delighted that John's proportions are genetic."

Either Jackie had been unlucky with the "proportions" of her previous lovers or she knew how to make a man feel good. At best I am little more than average but I am sure that my erection was presenting itself as favorably as possible.

"Are you going to spank me before you fuck me?"

"Why should I punish you? You have done little or nothing wrong yet."

"Yes but I am hoping and expecting to be very naughty. I am expecting to be very naughty lot of times. Does that not earn me a spanking?"

"I will spank you when and how I wish. Right now you need to be on your knees exactly as you were last night. Tonight I will not be walking out on you."

She didn't need asking twice. The view was even better than the night before. There was possibly a slight pinkness to her cheeks from the night before but what was wonderful was the stockings and suspenders that framed the view as she stretched her legs very wide apart. What was similar to the night before was how excited her pussy appeared. I wanted to tease her but having used my prick to tease her clit a handful of times I capitulated and eased into her very ready pussy. I didn't have to use great force as her swollen and wet pussy welcomed me into her very warm body. Within a couple of thrusts I was totally buried. I held myself briefly as deep inside her as possible.

She let out a long moan before pulling forwards a little then thrusting back with considerable force. She repeated this while urging me to fuck her hard. There was urgency that verged on desperation. It was wonderful to watch and listen to her need. I did not comply with her urgent requests but instead held her enough to ensure that she progressed towards her obvious goal.

She came in less than a minute commentating graphically about how fantastic she felt. Her thrusting finally subsided until her hips settled while her pussy carried on having small spasms that I was not sure were voluntary. As excited as I had been throughout, the brevity of proceedings had not given me the chance to cum myself. I was shocked I had never experienced a woman cumming so quickly let alone so violently. Every woman that I had been with needed a break after experiencing an orgasm - Jackie however was not every woman. She told me to fuck her and find her clit. I was soon fucking her and she was racing towards another climax as I played with her swollen clit. As her excitement grew I had a wonderful view of her anus as it tensed and relaxed in time to the thrusting. I love anus's and this one was pretty, this one needed to be fucked and I was going to fuck it. There was no protest as my cock stretched her sphincter and her bottom welcomed me in. I fucked her firmly knowing that I was close to cumming and hoping that Jackie would orgasm again with me. In fact it was her orgasm that triggered mine. In the throes of her climax my cock was squeezed so hard it stopped me being able to release my cum. This did nothing to reduce power or pleasure of my experience. I collapsed down on top of her as my wilting cock slipped out of her ass.

"Fuck that was so good it was almost worth waiting for. You really did a pretty good job for an old man."

I laughed, pinned her to the floor and spanked her hard once on each cheek.

"So that is what I need to do to make you spank me is it? With John I have to make up stories about how sexy the young men at the gym look. If that doesn't goad him into action I have to develop the stories further saying exactly how I want these hunks to fuck me. That really gets him into a dominant spanking mood. Nothing I like better than to be taken forcefully after a heavy spanking. Just the thought of it is already getting me all revved up again. But I really must not put pressure on an old man like you to perform again so soon."

This was all said in a fully teasing mode even though her one hand was now between her legs.

"Nice try to get me to spank you. This old man will spank you when he wants to. As for taking you forcefully there is a time and a place for everything. I suggest the place right now is the restaurant I have booked for us to have dinner."

"Oh am I understanding you right? Do you mean that the right time to spank me is now and the right place is the restaurant? That sounds wonderful but won't it disturb the other diners? That is unless you know a restaurant that would encourage such behavior."

"You are outrageous J. Go and get changed and we can get there nice and early so that we have plenty of evening left for an old man to see whether he is up to ...... well up to anything more."

I turned down her offer to join her in the shower. I was sure we would not get to the restaurant at all if I had joined her.

Chapter 3

When she joined me in the lounge we nearly didn't make it out of the house. I had not thought how she might dress to go out to a nice restaurant. I was certain that her shoes were two out of only three items she was wearing. The other was a close fitting knee length summer dress. If she was wearing anything underneath it I couldn't make it out. The front was low cut with buttons down the front. The lack of bra was confirmed when I saw that the back plunged very low. If it had plunged further I would be able to see whether I was right about her lack of panties. She was a vision, a vision of sexiness. Even with her light coat on the taxi drivers eyes nearly popped out of his head.

He was not the only male to notice my daughter in law. We had a table at the far end of the restaurant and very few males didn't track J's walk across the room. What surprised me was that as many women seemed to be just as interested. A young girl, possibly as young as 18, introduced herself as Glenda, our waitress for the evening and took our drinks order. We agreed to share a bottle of red wine. J sat forward and in a conspiratorial voice asked me what I made of our waitress. Trying not to sound too much like a dirty old man I said she looked very young but very attractive.

"So you didn't notice that she was gay then?"

I asked her if she knew the girl but with a smile she said no but she was certain that she was gay or at least bi. J told me to watch how the waitress looks at her when she offers her a view that would include a nipple. By the time Glenda returned J had undone another button and even from where I was it would have taken little for me to see a nipple. Glenda offered for me to taste the wine but I said that J would do so. J held her glass in one hand and fiddled with the collar of dress in the other. The poor young girl was totally unable to look away from J or more specifically J's boobs as J made a big thing of sipping the wine three times before confirming she was happy with it. From where I was I could see one very erect nipple and Glenda's view must have been even clearer. Our waitress was hooked on the view but also highly embarrassed by it. This was made much worse when J said

"Oh I am so sorry Daddy I hadn't noticed that I was rather exposing myself. He is so protective of me when I am around pretty young women, aren't you Daddy?"

The look that J gave me invited me to play along with the game she was playing with the pretty waitress.

"Well yes I need to be. The last one, Jill, was gorgeous but she was barely 18, far too young for you."

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