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Click hereGlenda's face was bright red as she mumbled something about being sorry that she had looked. She quickly filled my glass before returning to fill J's. Even then she seemed unable to keep her eyes away from J's cleavage. We didn't laugh until the teenager was out of sight. I scolded J about her outrageous behavior. Still laughing she
"I was right though wasn't I? If you have any doubt set me the challenge of getting her out of her panties before we leave the restaurant. If you win the bet you get to spank me."
Ignoring the completely daft subject of the bet I asked her what she got if she won the bet. With a huge smile she said that I had to spank her twice. Still laughing at each other we studied the menu agreeing to share two different main courses. Glenda had recovered her composure by the time she returned. As I ordered what we had agreed J seemed to be trying to write on her napkin. When the order was finally confirmed J handed the gorgeous teenager the napkin saying
"I am so sorry, eh Glenda, but this seems to be a little dirty would you be kind enough to bring me a clean one?"
Glenda opened the napkin she had been handed and seemed to be reading something written on it.
"It will be my pleasure. I will bring it to you straight away."
When I questioned J she just poured me some more wine and said "curiosity killed the cat". For one of the first times in the evening we did talk about something other than sex while we waited for our starter. I was interested to hear about her work, which I knew very little about. The conversation drifted towards the subject of sexual harassment in the work place. She admitted that some of her male colleagues were rather pushy but admitted that she could handle herself and even enjoyed some of the outrageous banter.
Glenda soon returned with a new napkin. I was surprised when J opened it and clearly found something to read on it. I was fascinated by this but decided not to ask the obvious question. J seemed happy not to comment. Our starters were delivered with no great dramas. J did disappear to the ladies before the plates were removed. I could not resist checking the napkin out while she was gone. There was a telephone number a kiss and the letter G. Well I couldn't resist quizzing my DIL when she returned. She laughed saying she knew I would not be able to resist looking. She admitted that she had written half of her telephone number on the napkin she had sent back. She had requested Glenda's number in return with the promise of the other half of her number later. Clearly Glenda was very interested in receiving the remaining numbers.
After our main courses, which were excellent I took the chance to go to the gents. On my return to the table Glenda seemed very agitated as she removed the plates and tidied the table. J had obviously said something but was in no hurry to share it with me. She was however very keen to discuss how long it had been since I had spanked a female's bottom. When I confirmed it had been years she seemed delighted. She pressed me asking me if the lucky lady had been aroused by it. I admitted that it brought back memories of years ago as well as those of J's bottom looking very ready to be spanked the previous night.
I could not read what was going on between J and Glenda as we were brought our sweets and coffees. It was strange when I paid the bill and Glenda handed J a small bag saying that it was the doggy bag as promised. At this J handed Glenda her the napkin that I know had the other half of her telephone number on. When we were settled in the back of the taxi J told me to close my eyes. Something covered my nose and J told my to draw in a deep breath through my nose before adding
"You owe me two hard spankings. That is not so much a doggy bag more a pussy bag."
The aroma was subtle but unmistakable. J had acquired the young waitresses panties and I was drinking in her aroma. The aroma was less subtle when J told me to keep my eyes closed as she removed the panties from the bag and smeared them across my nose. The smell was now pungent, but reflected the fact that they had been worn for many hours.
"I told her not to bring them to me until she had masturbated in them and soaked them in her sexual excitement. When she brought them to me she said she had experienced the fastest most exciting climax of her life. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you you can open them."
Within a minute she had removed enough of my clothing below the waist and had my embarrassingly hard cock deep in her mouth. My fears from 24 hours early were realized as I exploded in her mouth totally unable to resist.
"I hope when you spank me tonight you will still be able to become as excited as I am sure I will be."
Was this the J who claimed to want to be submissive? I was not feeling dominant sitting in the back of a taxi with a limp dick and a clearly highly randy gorgeous young woman sitting next to me. It was not until we arrived at my home that she allowed me to open my eyes. When I offered the taxi driver a generous tip he did something no taxi driver had ever done to me when he handed me a card and said I don't want your tip but I would love it if you book me again when you have the young lady with you.
Chapter 4
I was determined to be totally dominant with J once we walked through my front door. This was not going to be easy, as J had won the bet not to be spanked but to be spanked twice. J clearly did not want to make it difficult for me to take control of her, switching effortlessly into he J persona as the door closed. I knew she wanted me to spank her but much more I wanted to spank her. She was beautiful, she was cheeky, she was challenging but most of all she was spankable. I wanted to spank her and I wanted to do it in the classic over the knee position. I didn't need to take a single garment off her, all I needed to do was put her across my lap and pull the dress above her waist. Her bottom was more ready to be spanked than any I had seen before. Before I started to spank her she pulled the top of her dress done so that her boobs were freed.
I spanked her hard at least a dozen times before giving her any respite. I think this surprised her but there was no complaint. After the briefest of pauses I attacked her defenseless full round bottom again. After another similar number of spanks I explored between her legs. It was no surprise that she was awash with arousal. The noises she was making were only confirming this arousal. I wanted to arouse her but not to let her orgasm yet.
The third group of spanks were the hardest and didn't stop until I was certain J was close to orgasm. She complained bitterly when I slid her off my lap turned her face down with her head near the ground and spread her legs either side of my body. I was able to hold her a bit like a wheelbarrow. Her bottom was perfectly presented both visually and to enable me to spank her cherry red bottom. This position had one other major advantage and that was I was able to slip my hard cock into her dripping pussy before resuming the spanking. She swore at me calling me all sorts of names but these were mixed in amongst many appreciative sounds. I hit her harder than I would have expected in response to her growing arousal and her constant goading. I was desperate to slip a finger or anything into her rectum but decided that the spanking was what was really exciting her. The downside of this position was that my balls were rather crushed and it was not easy to get much movement in and out. This meant that I was not likely to cum. This certainly did not seem to worry J whose decibel level was through the roof. It was completely impossible to distinguish whether the wailing was sexual arousal or pain. Whichever it was when I twice paused this met with frustrated complaints. This was a clear signal that pain or arousal was being welcomed in equal measure.
After the second pause she seemed to go into overdrive. I was positive that almost immediately she was experiencing a violent orgasm. I carried on spanking her just as hard waiting for signs of her orgasm to run its course. I had obviously been mistaken as her buttocks carried on tensing and relaxing just as violently and her noise levels didn't dim. I was beginning to get worried that I would do permanent damage if I carried on the spanking much longer. As if she sensed my quandary she ordered me not only not to stop but also to hit her harder. I did carry on but certainly did not hit her harder. Her cheeks were now deep red and threatening to become purple in places. The experience of the perfect view and the sounds of animal sexual desperation is something I will never forget. It seemed to go on for five minutes but it cannot have been. Finally it was me that stopped although this didn't bring an end to either her thrusting or the noise she was making. Suddenly she rolled off me onto the floor, turned onto her back and opened her legs wide with her knees bent.
"Fuck me hard fuck, me now and grind my ass into the carpet. I am sure there is one last painful climax in me. Do it, do it now."
If this was J being submissive I would be interested to see her being dominant. My balls were delighted to be freed and my cock was delighted to be able to thrust deep into her molten pussy. I didn't crush her ass into the carpet but used my hands to the same effect. Clearly the pain and sexual stimulation had morphed into one for this remarkable woman. She now focused her comments on demanding me to fuck her harder. I did my best and exploded within a couple of beautiful minutes.
When I came to my senses the first thing I did was to apologize profusely. Her exhausted laugh was followed by her quietly saying
"No one has ever spanked me so perfectly. They always stop just when I get to the point where I cannot stop having orgasm after orgasm. It is the wonderful pain that I need to get to that totally orgasmic state. Thank you that was sensational."
It was only then that I realized that I had been right: her first orgasm had occurred straight after the final pause. She seemed to be having an orgasm or orgasms for minutes. It wasn't the first time that a lover had been appreciative of my efforts but it was certainly the most wonderful thanks I had received.
We cuddled as we dozed until we became cold. The hot shower that we shared burned her very sore bottom. Even after everything she spent far too long "washing" my tired cock before I persuaded that it was time for sleep not more sex. She was asleep the minute her head hit the pillow. The shower the next morning was a different matter. She showed me how she wanted me to use two fingers inside her pussy such that my hand could apply lots of pressure to her pussy, her clit and up towards her belly button. My other hand was required to be behind her to help this pressure to be maintained. She then explained that she had a very full bladder and loved to try and pee and orgasm at the same time. The prospect excited my rested prick.
She was already wet when my fingers found their target. She confirmed that I had found her g-spot (something I had always been sure didn't exist) and that I should masturbate her ensuring that my hand and even my arm put lots of pressure on her clit and bladder while not moving the fingers inside her. I tried my best and was rewarded as she started to gyrate pushing herself against me. She briefly stopped thrusting and an explosion or pee sprayed all over the place from between her legs. This stopped as she resumed gyrating. After the third similar explosion she clearly had a short orgasm immediately followed by more pee. The gyrations now turned more to convulsions, spraying pee everywhere. Cumming and peeing now merged into one and I had to work hard to keep up. Finally, it was J who removed my hand from her pussy and squatted lower letting a continuous powerful stream of pee empty her bladder. When this did finally dry up she bent lower to take my erect cock in her mouth. As excited as I was I whispered "later". Her smile was wicked as she said, "oh I do hope so but there is no time like the present." Her hands soon helped her bring me to a surprisingly strong orgasm. After a quick wash she left the shower.
The transformation to senior executive took her only a few minutes. As she left she kissed me fondly and said, "Later - you promised". I was in a daze as I drunk my coffee reflecting that there were still nine and a half days left before my son's return. Could my stamina last out, could my heart last out but most importantly could my cock hold its end up?
I generally don't write series any more. If there are enough readers who leave comments interested in more chapters about Jackie and her father in law I will write about the remainder of the ten days.
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Good storyline, perhaps a little different from most other in-family hook-ups, and more enjoyable for it. Thank you, and I hope my vote tips the balance and gets the story added to.......
Very exciting story, please continue. I for one would like to hear about the rest of there time together.