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30 Days And One Hot Night

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A simple bet had now become a test of wills.
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Backstory: It had been a month since Faye and Georgia had seen each other last. As the clock struck twelve both women were at wits end. A simple bet on who could keep their desires in check the longest had now become a test of wills to see who would surrender to their desires first.

In the confines of a moonlit room both Faye and Georgia sat at the edge of their bed engaging in yet another bout of playful banter as to what one would do to the other were either one of them to decide to surrender.

Mind you this had been going on for the last month over the phone and in many a heated email.

Yet, this night was to be different. It may have been the fire of desire or the urge to win but whatever it was Georgia could see it in Faye's eyes.

The strength and ferocity of that gaze spoke volumes of Faye's intentions as they sat there in each others presence .

Now it was Georgia's turn to be caught in the grasp of her impending urges as she slid her hand along the side of the bed until it reached Faye's and slightly grazed against it.

In that instance Faye's defenses took hold and she pulled her hand away. As much as she wanted that moment to happen she could not deny her urge to be the victor in this sensuous battle and revel in the spoils of her victory in conquering Georgia into submission.

Yet, Faye's resistance had not dissuaded Georgia. Quiet the contrary!

Faye's resistance only seemed to fuel Georgia's desire onward. As her hand made its way up Faye's arm they both felt a surge of heat they could not ignore.

In futile hopes of controlling Georgia's ever growing advances she placed a hand upon Georgia's chest as if that were an effective blockade for her ardent advances.

It was in that instant when she felt Georgia's rapidly pounding heartbeat beneath her hand and the look of pure hunger in her eyes that she realized the mistake she had made because that is when Georgia pounced upon Faye with such stealth that even Faye had not seen her coming till they were face to face and with Georgia's body upon hers . With a wicked smile Faye exclaimed in delight, "so I guess this means I win"! to which Georgia retorts with a wicked smile of her own as she replies, "not by a long shot! By the time I'm through with you you'll be begging me to have my way with you!"

(So it began)

Georgia grabbed both of Faye's arms which had been at her side and proceeded to pin them above her head. Seeing the impending doom of her conquest Faye tried her hardest to escape Georgia's unwavering grasp but to no avail. For the more she fought to free herself the tighter Georgia's grip became. It was as if her need was creating a surge of brute strength Faye had not seen before. Georgia then leaned in closer to Faye's ear and nibbled on her earlobe and to add insult to injury she ran her lips along the contour of Faye's ear to which her body could only respond with a shudder.

In an attempt to even out the battlefield Faye leaned in to Georgia's exposed and succulent neck which was glimmering in the moonlight and sank her teeth slightly upon it. She then began to nibble and suck on it until she heard the tell tale moan that emanated from Georgia. In an even further attempt to break Georgia's now weakening will Faye began whispering words dripping with desire so close to Georgia's ear that the slight touch of Faye's lips against it brought forth a pronounced wetness from her core. As a counter measure to further push Faye into surrender Georgia loosened her grip of Faye's hand above her head to grab her arm and pulled her till she was laying on her side with her back to Georgia .

Georgia then pulled Faye to her until there was no distance between them and the contours of their bodies melded into one another . Georgia's desire was intense as she took her free hand and began to trace a blazing trail along the curves of Faye's skin until she reached the edge of her skirt. With the slithery movement of a snake her hand slid into the confines of Faye's panties to which she says, "I'm feeling my win coming!" once more with a wicked whisper to Faye's now warm to the touch ear" Georgia says teasingly, "what makes you think I'm going to go inside you? Like I said before, by the time I'm done with you you'll beg me to have you!"

All Faye could do at that moment was close her eyes and bite her lips . It was all she could manage to keep the languid growl building within her from escaping. Yet her body pushing itself into Georgia's was a dead giveaway . With every tender openhanded caress that Georgia placed on Faye's heated mound was becoming torturous to both of them because the more Faye writhed her lithe body against Georgia's the more Georgia wanted to lose herself in the heated cavern that was moistening her hand.

At that moment it was more than they could take and For a moment they lost control of their battle tactics and gave in to the wave of desire that had been building that month long. Georgia traced her nose along the back of Faye's neck to distract her and the instant Faye took a deep breath and leaned in to Georgia's body that is when Georgia took her hand which had been teasingly caressing Faye's fiery mound and then slid a finger slowly into the engulfing warmth awaiting within. The feeling was so intense that they both gasped with a slight moan and with that a rhythmic stroking began a slow and sensuous in and out tempo that enflamed them both until Faye could no longer take this slow climb to blissful consummation.

She turned till she was nose to nose with Georgia and as they gazed hungrily into each others eyes she took both her hands and reached down and began to unbutton Georgia's pants. Faye then slowly pulled the zipper down and then with an open hand she slid it down into Georgia's moist raven mound and began thrusting in and out of her at a frenzied pace with each dive into Georgia's core Faye's need to posses grew her objective was to hear her cry out in ecstasy.

Georgia could feel the tension building and she could no longer take the confining of their bodies in their clothes so she took Faye by the arms and sat her up which at first Faye didn't appreciate due to the interruption in her pleasure quest yet when she saw Georgia reach for the skirt of her dress and felt her delicately slide it up her body until it was over her head and thrown to the side on the floor in a mound that was to be quickly joined by Georgia's pants her shirt a silken pink bra and a now moistened pink panty only to be topped by the last article of clothing which was Faye's also moistened sky blue bikini bottom.

Now that both were officially free to explore each others body it became a free for all In which Georgia lay atop Faye's silken body grinding against her skin and all the while nibbling and sucking her lower lip. Faye on the other hand had a hand behind Georgia's head gripping her hair firmly and pulling Georgia further into her as she used her free hand to grip Georgia's butt in an attempt to elicit a more fervent thrust from her.

Eyes met eyes at that moment and Georgia dove in for a deep kiss in which their tongues playfully danced to a heated tune and then Georgia's hand slid down slowly to the refuge of Faye's need and once again she began her sensual task of eliciting pleasure from her love and as she thrust in and out of her with tender desire she felt Faye's body rise to the occasion and with each penetrating thrust within she could hear the growing moans along with Faye's counter thrusts as if the more Georgia dove in the more Faye wanted her deeper.

In the moment that Georgia dove in for a kiss mid thrust that's when she felt the violent shudder beneath her as Faye's body went limp. For a moment she smiled down at Faye reveling in the moment knowing full and well that it was not over because it was now Faye's intent to reciprocate.

Faye proceeded to kiss the tip of Georgia's nose and smiled a wicked red hair vixens smile and then forcibly laid Georgia on her back on the bed .

She then began a kissing assault that started at Georgia's forehead then made its way to her earlobe ,then made its way it bit further down to her neck.

Faye then stopped for a moment to slowly lick and kiss Georgia's chest to give much needed attention to each nipple with a nibble and a bite to cement their pertness .when she was down she slowly and teasingly licked a trail from the middle of Georgia's chest all the way down to her belly button taking a moment to lick her name across Georgia's now goose bumped stomach.

At this point Georgia was wild with desire and no matter what Faye had in store for her she just wanted to be taken. Sensing her eagerness Faye began to slow her steps to reaching Georgia's now steaming hot mound for every slow lick downward she countered with a lick upward as if intentionally trying to drive Georgia wild with need. When Faye was but a mere breath away from Georgia's moist center .Georgia lost control and reached with both hand towards the back of Faye's head and pulled her forcefully to her and then clenched her in place with her thighs as she forcefully writhed her swollen clit against Faye's hungry mouth who was only happy to oblige her lover by taking her tongue and tracing it along every part of her wet center taking a moment to suckle her clit and trace the silken wet contours with her tongue.

When Faye felt Georgia's body rise to meet her mouth that's when she thrust her tongue inside her In an in and out movement that increased in pace as the desire grew .With every taste of nectar Faye's thrusts grew harder and more pronounced and Georgia's counter thrusts became more intense until Faye thrust one last time with all her might and in that instant Georgia's body tensed as she took a deep breath then like a jolt of lightning had hit her she bucked like a wild stallion and sat up then as quickly as she had sat up that's as quickly as it took her to close her eyes and fall limp and drained upon the bed.

In the midst of heaving breaths and oh my gods being uttered by Georgia , Faye crawls slowly back up Georgia's sweat soaked body till they are face and with a victorious smile Faye she says, " so I guess this means I win!" to which Georgia smiles back and kisses her nose and retorts with, "how do you figure when I made you cum first?"

With a cute little pout on her lips she kisses the edge of Georgia's lips and says, "that's not fare you touched me first though!" with that that we see the faint glimpse of daylight as we look towards the window yet in the background the sounds of laughter and Faye telling Georgia, "why can't you admit I won? "to which Georgia replies playfully because for me to admit that you'd won you'd have to actually win ,which you didn't by the way!" finally all that is heard is the slight mumble of Faye saying , bitch to which Georgia replies jokingly , "love you too!"


inspired by Faye Reagan and Georgia Jones( THANKS LADIES!)

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