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6 Pills Changed Everything Ch. 01

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A chance meeting gave me everything I ever hoped for.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 06/02/2024
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Shouts of, "you made it!" Reverberated across the beautifully landscaped backyard as my wife, Leah, and I arrived. Leah is notoriously late for everything, so we were the last to join our neighbors at the cookout. With potato salad and brownies in tow, we arrived for our monthly get together with our best friends.

"Now the party can begin," I announced jokingly to soften the embarrassment of our late arrival. The three other couples sitting around the pool were our best friends and neighbors. We've lived in the same neighborhood together for years. Tom and Jeni were the first to move here about 10 years ago, followed by Aaron and Danielle, who goes by "Dani." Then we moved in about the same time as Cindy and Ron four years ago.

It's a beautiful neighborhood in a golf community. The streets are lined with mature Maples that make it feel like "Mayberry." It's very secluded and since our properties do not connect with a golf fairway, our properties are private. Three of us, except for Aaron and Dani, have swimming pools that are well landscaped and hidden from the view of those around us. Tom and Jeni have a hot tub we've all enjoyed from time to time as well.

We're all at the same life stage, empty nesters with adult children who are recently on their own. A couple of us have young grandkids as well. Leah and I have one daughter, Jessica, who is 21 years old and a senior at the university about 30 minutes away. She comes home a couple of weekends each month. With all of us in our early-50's, we're enjoying life together. We hang out at somebody's house once a month to eat and drink the night away. We've gone on a few vacations together as well, which were very memorable and often the topic of our conversation when we gather. We share everything. The four guys are good friends, and we play golf regularly, while the wives hang out around someone's pool or hot tub and gossip about what's happening in our marriages, each of their families and the neighborhood. We get along amazingly and can't imagine being apart from each other.

As one could guess, we know everything there is to know about each other. While the guys typically talk about work, our poor golf performance, the weather or how to perfect our lawns, the wives usually keep us informed about how the four marriages are doing.

Through Leah I know that Aaron and Dani are struggling with conflict a little bit in their marriage, but they'll weather this storm just fine. Tom and Jeni are a great couple, but Jeni has confessed to the girls she's struggling with desiring sex less than she used to and Tom is starting to notice. Ron is having health issues and is on medication causing him to be unable to perform sexually for his wife, Cindy. She has admitted to the girls her sex drive is strong, but her husband is unable to deliver. It's causing some real friction between the two. We feel bad for them and wish we could help.

Leah and I have a decent sex life, but we are not intimate at the frequency I desire nor is she as curious as I'd like. While I would love to have sex a couple of days a week, Leah is content with a couple of times a month. That does not really sit well with me. We've discussed it several times, but it doesn't seem to change much. Not only that, but she becomes uncomfortable with anything outside the missionary position in the dark. I'm far more playful and it causes us to struggle some when I suggest doing different things.

However, when the eight of us get together, it is always a raucous night. We drink and laugh, we update each other on our kids, and we talk about politics and sports. The more the drinks flow, the more we joke about sex and the more the wives flirt with their husbands. Occasionally, there will be the sexual innuendo from a wife to another husband, but it's all in fun.

Three of the wives do not work. They can stay home while their husbands have good jobs. Cindy is the only one employed, which makes her jealous of the other women. My wife, Leah, volunteers at the animal shelter three days a week, taking her out of the house. It is an outlet that brings her great joy.

While the other three husbands have jobs that force them to go to their offices in town, I am fortunate to work remotely from home. My office windows face out the front of the house and I see neighbors, including the other three women taking their daily walks or runs along our secluded "Willow Lane." When They see me in my office they typically wave. Sometimes I take a break and go out to chat with them for a moment or two.

I often feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I have three great friends, a great wife and three beautiful female friends who take amazing care of themselves. They are in excellent shape, always look fantastic in whatever they're wearing and work hard to look good around others. Until that night at the bar, I did not think it could get any better.

I was on a business trip for a few nights in a neighboring state when I went into a small local restaurant recommended with five stars on my phone app. It was dimly lit but inviting. The music was nice, and the staff were friendly. I sat at the bar alone to watch the Monday night football game on the big screen, eat dinner, and have some drinks when I struck up a conversation with the bartender. He was about 6 foot tall with a thick, but neatly trimmed black beard. He resembled what I would describe as a "mountain man" in his blue jeans and flannel shirt.

"Are you here on business?" He asked kindly in a deep voice.

"Yeah," I replied. "I come here two or three times a year."

"Well, welcome. Glad to have ya. My name is Joe. Nice to meet you," as he extended his hand for a shake.

"I'm James, but my friends call me Jay," as I gripped his burly hand.

"What'll ya have, Jay?" He asked.

As I enjoyed a drink with my newly discovered friend, we began to talk about local restaurants, bars, and tourist traps. After a while, he began to ask about my family and where I was from. I began to notice he was asking a lot about my personal life. I was trying to be reserved about giving too much personal detail, since I didn't know him. I also noticed, as I looked around, that I was the only one sitting at the bar. The patrons from earlier had since left.

Toward the end of the football game, Joe approached me again and quietly slid a small clear pouch across the countertop to me. In it I saw six yellow pills.

With a confused look on my face, I asked, "what are these?"

"If you are willing to receive them, they will change your life," He replied with a serious, but confident tone.

Of course, I immediately began to chuckle, assuming he was making some kind of joke. "What do you mean by that?" I asked without touching the pouch. I was certainly not the type to take drugs and most definitely not from a bartender.

"These pills will give you the ability to control the minds of six different people in your world," he said matter-of-factly.

After letting his statement process for a moment I asked, "You know that sounds completely ridiculous, right?" Trying not to laugh out loud or be offensive to this nice guy I just met.

With a slight smirk, he said, "Yes, I've heard that before," as he chuckled with me.

"What do you mean, 'before?'" I replied.

"I have offered these pills to other men and women in the past similar to you, and they experienced exactly what I promised."

"Explain more," I said, inviting him to clarify, as I became reservedly curious.

"Whoever you would like to have control over will need to take one of these yellow pills. It will dissolve in liquid easily and once taken, you must speak directly to them within 48 hours after having taken it. This is the important part, you will need to look them directly in the eye and make this statement, 'November is the sunniest month of the year.' We chose to use trigger phrases that would not normally come up in conversation to not cause potential difficulty for you. The only thing this pill can't do is cause someone to harm themselves. We've discovered it doesn't work that way. On some level, deep down, they must be willing to follow your commands and If they are willing, they will obey."

"Who is 'we'"? I continued probing.

"That doesn't matter," he said, brushing aside my inquiry.

"Once you have looked directly into their eyes and verbalized that statement, you will have the ability to control their minds and behavior, similar to hypnotism. They will do as you ask or command. To end the spell, you will need to look directly into their eyes again and say this exact phrase, "January is the warmest month of the year."

"While in this 'Mind-Void,' as we refer to it, you will have control over their thoughts and actions. Once you release them from their mind-void, they will have no recollection of anything that happened five minutes prior, during the mind-void, and up to five minutes after. In addition, we have found they will not be concerned about the time that was lost. They will assume they were busy doing other things and simply lost track of time."

Again, I asked, "who is 'we' and how do you know these things?" Becoming more inquisitive.

"My business partners and I discovered a chemical compound several years ago, by accident really, that modifies behavior. We've been testing and refining it through people like you for the last two years. I would like for you to be another test case for us. As you can imagine, discretion is crucial."

"Are there any dangerous side effects?" I asked as I tried to wrap my head around what he was suggesting.

"After two years, we have seen none," he replied.

"Wow, two years?! Have you discovered how long the effects last?"

"After two years of research, the effects of most of our subjects are still ongoing. We are unsure how long it lasts up to this point, but we've learned it's at least that long so far."

"How many 'test subjects' have you worked with?" holding my fingers up in air quotes, growing more intrigued by the minute.

"You are the fifth person we have asked. The other four have received six pills and distributed them as they saw fit. So far, so good. It's equally effectively on men and women," he shared as if discussing a clinical research paper.

Of course, my mind was blown, but I had no further questions about the pill.

"Why would you choose me for this trial?" I asked inquisitively.

Joe paused for a moment and then replied, "I could tell by how reserved you were when sharing details about your personal life while I was asking earlier, that you are the type of person that understands discretion."

"There's more," he continued. "If you want to implant permanent behaviors into the recipient's subconscious, you can do that too. While in a mind-void, looking them directly in the eye, you must say, "A dream within a dream." Once they hear that, you will be able to suggest specific behaviors they will act upon after the mind-void has ended. However, we've discovered you cannot implant more than three behaviors at one time. To end this suggestive window of time, you will look them in the eye and say, "the dream is over." At that time, your suggestions will now be permanently embedded behaviors the person will act upon. Of course, at any time you can implant a new command if you want to or replace an existing one."

Are you getting all of this Jay?" The bartender asked.

I must have had a befuddled look on my face. "I think so. Is that everything?" I asked.

"Nope. One last thing. As I said, the person won't remember a thing once their mind-void has ended. However, if you want them to recall parts of it, not as a memory, but as a fantasy, or a dream, you can. Once again, while in their mind-void look them in the eye and say, "the moon is bright in July." When they hear this, what follows can be recalled by them as a fantasy that they believe they dreamt about, but never actually experienced. Then, you can end the fantasy window by looking them in the eye and say, "the moon is dark in August."

"That's about it," Joe finally said as he appeared to go through his mental checklist.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"It's time for me to head out. Have a great night, Jay. Oh, one more thing - we learned that it doesn't work on those under age 18. I know that may sound strange, but we believe it has something to do with their incomplete brain development." And with that he disappeared into the back room.

All of it sounded like lunacy! It was hard to believe any of it. I honestly wondered if I was being punked by my golf buddies. I decided to pocket the pill bag, finish my drink and the football game and head to my hotel room, my mind swimming with trying to understand all Joe told me.

The next morning, I decided to head back to the restaurant and thank Joe for his gift and ask more questions, but after describing his name and features to the manager, I was told no one had ever worked there by that description.

That afternoon I flew home and was greeted by my beautiful wife as I walked in the front door.

After a lovely welcome home kiss, we had dinner and a glass of wine and chatted about what had happened at the animal shelter the last three days and how my trip went. I decided not to tell her about my interaction with Bartender Joe. As she stepped away to take our empty plates to the kitchen, I decided Leah would be my first candidate for a yellow pill.

I quickly fished it from my pocket and dropped it in her wine glass. It dissolved almost immediately. When Leah returned, we talked more as she finished her wine and then we went to bed exhausted from a long day.

The next morning, as I laid in bed a little longer trying to work up the nerve to make the first statement, Leah came out of the bathroom dressed and ready to leave for work. I knew this was the moment of truth. Either it would work, or she would think I was crazy. If my new friend, Joe, was making it all up, I would have to think quickly about how to cover my tracks.

"Leah," I said to get her attention. She looked at me and I said nervously, "November is the sunniest month of the year,"

When I finished that phrase, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was clear she was immediately under a trance of some kind. She stood motionless just staring at me.

"What can I do for you, my love?" She said.

I quickly followed her question by looking directly at her and saying, "a dream within a dream," which was the 3-command phrase Joe taught me.

Again, Leah replied, "What can I do for you?"

Nervous and excited, I began to talk. "First, I would like for you to desire to have sex with me 2 times a week. Second, I would also like you to desire to be experimental with me in bed, willing and open to trying new things. And last, I would like you to be more verbal with me about what you enjoy in our sex life, what you are enjoying while we are having sex and what you want me to do to and for you."

"I understand," she replied.

While looking into her eyes I said, "Leah, the dream is over." And she smiled back at me.

In less than a minute I noticed her demeanor returned to normal even though she was still under my mind-void influence since I hadn't used the release phrase yet.

To test its power, I asked, "Leah, why don't you come back to bed with me so we can fool around? You can get to work a little late today." Normally she would never have agreed to that request, so this was a good test.

She looked at me with a growing grin, took off her clothes in a matter of seconds and jumped into bed with me.

My wife is beautiful with an amazing body. Her best feature is her perfect tits. With large aureola's, her boobs sag at the perfect angle. But the most wonderful part is her hard, large, protruding nipples. They have always had a difficult time hiding inside her bra. I know our friends have seen them poking through a sweater or bikini on a cold day. I've seen the other wives take notice and the husbands try not to stare. I'm very lucky to have them for myself.

Her bush is a bit thicker than I would desire, but who am I to complain? In the past I was just happy to get it. I'll need to remember to suggest she trim it a bit in the future.

She pulled the covers back exposing my naked body, straddled me from above, leaned down and began to kiss me passionately. Her tongue was searching for my tongue as she rubbed her tits against my chest and I could feel the heat emanating from between her hips below. My dick quickly began to swell. Since I always sleep naked, I was ready for her.

She looked beautiful above me. After kissing for a minute, she pulled away from our kiss, sat upright and smiled. I soaked in her naked beauty as her chest heaved up and down from breathing deeply in anticipation of what we were about to do. Her long, dark, curly hair cascaded around her face, reaching almost down to her nipples. I massaged her breasts while she ran her fingers through the hair on my chest. She was clearly horny and ready to fuck.

As if she just thought of something, a mischievous smile broke across her face.

"I want you to lick my pussy while I suck your cock. Is that ok?" She asked innocently. This was definitely something new.

My heart melted. I haven't heard her say those words in many years and it brought me joy to hear her ask what was on her mind. She was fun in bed in the early years of our marriage, but had grown colder as time passed. Today she sounded like the wife I remembered those many years ago.

"Absolutely," I replied. "Turn around on top of me so I can put my tongue in you." In a flash, I was staring into her hairy, wet pussy. She rarely let me see her like this, but it had always been one my favorite position with her. With only a second to admire her, I felt her warm mouth engulf my hard cock and I was instantly in heaven.

As I began to lick her, I could hear her moaning around my shaft. She would pause occasionally and tell me how it felt.

"Oh my god, Jay. That is so good. Yes, right there. Lick that. Yes, yes, yes. That's it. Suck on my clit, baby."

I was loving all of it when I began to realize I was already getting close to cumming but wasn't ready for it to end in this position. Maybe another time, but not today. I reluctantly pulled my dick from her warm mouth and spun her onto her back. I hopped off the bed and came around to stand at the edge of the bed. I pulled her hips to the edge, pressed the back of her legs to my chest and heels onto my shoulders. As I looked down, I noticed just how wet her pussy looked through her matted pubic hair and how erect her nipples were. Rarely did I get to see her like this in the daylight. This caused me to harden more and my mushroom head to redden as I pushed aggressively into her wet sleeve.

"Oh Jay. That feel so good. So tight. Push harder. I love it. Don't stop," she proclaimed as we fucked.

Our thighs were slapping loudly against each other as I pounded into her. Her tits were bouncing in every direction and her nipples looked like rocks.

I grabbed her large boobs and squeezed her nipples hard as I thrust into her over and over again. By now we were both moaning as we verbalized our mutual ecstasy.

"Your pussy feels so good."

"Your cock is so hard. Keep going."

"I'm getting close, Leah."

"Me too. Keep squeezing my nipples. That's it, that's it, I'm cuuummmmiiinnnggg." She shouted as her whole body shook.

At that point, I couldn't take any more as her vagina flexed from her orgasm around my dick and I began to shoot stream after stream into my wife's pussy, filling her to the point of overflowing. All my senses were firing at once as we climaxed together.

After a moment I let her legs down to relax and gently fell on top of her for a few minutes as we regained our breath. My cock eventually softened and slipped from her hot snatch. My cum followed closely behind, dribbling down the inside of her thigh.


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