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A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 26


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Between bites of ham sandwiches, we discussion what chores had to be done and when. I asked about dinner plans. The girls assumed we'd expect them to cook. I asked Jim how he felt about us treating them to burgers in town.

Lynn too eagerly said, "If you're buying, I'm driving." Gales of laughter followed when Beth managed a straight face and said, "Do you think we should dress before our folks get home tomorrow?"

Actually we did consider how long we could safety run this nudist colony. It seemed likely our honeymoon could last until Sunday night, but we decided to have fresh clothes that we could rapidly jump into all ready just in case.

Lynn had the bright idea to tie their big ol Irish Setter, Bonkers, out front under their huge white oak because he barked when anyone got within a quarter mile of the house. No one could think of a soul that might stop by unannounced, still... So we planned what we'd do if anyone did.

Our deliberations were interrupted when a big blob of ketchup dripped out of Lynn's sandwich. It landed squarely on her right nipple. Three teens began laughing uncontrollably, soon all four of us were. Lynn, with tears in her eyes, said, "Well, here's an advantage to dining in the nude. No stains."

With perfect timing Jim got a shriek of laughter from Lynn. "Yep, and it's so much easier to clean up too!" So saying, he dove at her breast, sucking it clean. We were dying.

Turning to Beth with a leer I said, "I've got to know!"

Great chick that she was, Beth thrust her bouncy teats at me in a manner that said "cool, go for it."

Grabbing the bottle of ketchup, I dripped some onto each nipple. The bottle had come from the fridge. Beth made an "oooohh" sound as each nipple got a cool dollop.

Putting the bottle down, I glanced across the table. Jim was still 'cleaning' Lynn. She had her eyes closed while holding Jim's head to her breast. Hearing Beth, she opened her eyes part way to see what we were up to. A soft, gentle smile came to her serene face before her eyes closed again as I bent to the task of tidying up the mess I'd made.

During the brief moments I'd looked away, Beth's nipples had responded to the chilly condiments I'd applied, and probably to the sight of her brother happily nursing on her older sister's breast. Something about Beth's long nipples tapped directly into my pleasure centers, every time I got near them my body responded.

During the short interval that spanned aiming the first dollop of ketchup at her closest nipple, to sucking that teat into my mouth, I'd become steely hard. Ooooh, I really, really loved Beth's breasts. Presently I was as much worshipping each magnificent breast as I was suckling it.

It was easy to lose all track of time during my love affair with Beth's chest. It was awkward on the bench, not much room to maneuver between it and the table. I needed one hand to keep from falling over, but the other one merrily explored her divine mammary glands.

I'd somewhat had this opportunity before, but this was the first time I'd really been turned loose. No rules, no guidelines, I was free to make love to a pair of teats I'd dreamed about many a night. In reality, they were far more desirable than I'd imagined. When God invented breasts to attract men, I wonder if he chuckled and thought, "Now this model is perfect. Boy I bet these'll drive Larry nuts someday!"

All traces of ketchup had long ago been thoroughly removed. To any observer it would be clear that my initial playful demeanor had evolved into pure passion. I was overcome by desire, desire that Beth felt as my mouth stimulated her flesh. Reaching a plateau that surprised me, I was soon little more than a lust driven animal; aware of how and what I felt, but so aroused I possessed little conscious thought. I couldn't speak. Hell, I could barely breath. Fact was, I wouldn't have known what to say if I could have.

Looking up into Beth's face, her eyes bored into mine. She showed no expression at all. Yet we made contact. In the blink of an eye we exchanged reams of data. We understood the moment with a rare clarity. Never breaking our eye contact, Beth slid off the bench, pulling me to my feet.

Still peering into my eyes, she turned us around so she could sit again. Beth leaned back length-wise until she was propped up on one elbow. Reaching over to the bottle, she ran a finger around the rim, spread her legs, then slowly transferred ketchup onto her engorged clitoris. Using the huskiest voice I'd ever heard from Beth, she said, "You missed a spot. Please take care of it."

Our unblinking eyes remained locked for another 10 seconds while our inner selves communicated volumes, then wheeled and twisted around each other like leaves in a whirlwind. Beth felt me tell her that I needed her, that I had to make love to her then and there, no delays. Unspoken, she told me if I wasn't inside her soon she'd scream.

With a thud, I dropped to my knees. Burying my face between hers legs, I ate her sweet pussy with all the fiery passion I had within me. Both legs went over my shoulders so she could press herself into my ravenous mouth. As soon as I felt she was drenched and ready I arose. Leaning across her, I slid a cushion from the far corner under her neck, then planted a hand on either side of her head.

Her legs were bent back, the undersides against my chest. Her hand found my penis, guiding me into her body. I drove my full length inside her with my first thrust. My hips rotated, making my glans swirl within her depths. Only then did Beth close her eyes. She emitted a long husky, groan that sent shivers from my head to toes.

My hips continued their circular rotations as I slowly withdrew 4", then screwed myself back down. I repeated these motions a dozen times. I felt my tip stirring around everywhere inside her. I savored the many thrills I felt.

With my shaft less than half hidden in her passage, I slid her hips into the ideal position before I withdrew for the final assault. Hard as a nail, I was ready to hammer away at her raised pussy. I was going to ride her hard, and not stop until I'd pumped every drop of sperm I could into my seductive female partner.

Our eyes met for the last time before our climax. My eyes warned "I'm going to screw your brains out!" Her eyes said, "Yes, please, I'm ready."

My hips launched into a jack hammer frenzy. Slapping sounds abounded. My groin slapped her groin. My balls slapped her ass; her ass slapped the bench. As she tried to breathe, Beth emitted an "un, un, un, un, un, un." sound that betrayed the intensity of the pounding I was administering.

My orgasm began building from my first hard stroke into Beth, but my pace was so fast it had trouble catching up to me. I was going to come inside of beautiful Beth, but I was too emotionally into her to give my orgasm any thought. There were no thoughts in my head; some part of my primal brain directed my hips, while completely overriding my rational brain.

Running on automatic, dull-witted, I absorbed the panorama beneath my glazed eyes. I watched my penis, piston like, ramming at hummingbird speed. I saw Beth's breasts slosh back and forth, her nipples a blur. My eyes confirmed for my brain what my penis had been saying all along, I was in a great place to release my sperm.

My ejaculation into Beth commenced. I felt the pleasure, and I didn't. I continued to hammer Beth, my thick, white emissions were churned into a bubbly froth, some of which was being forced out of her. My violent thrusts continued until somewhere within me a switch was thrown.

Abruptly I stopped. I was buried in her warmth, immobile barring an infrequent spastic stroke. Panting, sweating, I lost the strength to suspend myself. Slowly I sank until I melted onto Beth. Close to passing out, dimly I began to feel her hips sway gently, followed by spasms sucking at my resting penis. I lay quietly, cheek to cheek as I fought to re-oxygenate my overtaxed system.

Beth put her arms around me, holding me tightly as I recovered. A few times Beth asked "Are you alive in there?" When she eventually got a lucid response from me Beth suggested we take a quick shower.

Arising, I glanced across the table. Lynn was much the way I remembered seeing her, how long ago was it? Head back, eyes closed, with Jim sucking and fondling her breasts. Then I noticed Lynn was fondling a respectable erection, and Jim was working a finger or two inside of Lynn. Beth took my hand. Gently, quietly, she led me upstairs for a shower.

As we hit the warm spray, Beth slipped into my arms to give me a long, affectionate kiss. "Wow, you were an animal. Tonight we'll have to discuss where THAT came from." Grinning. Beth gave me a nice French lesson before rinsing off.

I felt better, but my sluggish thinking reminded me of trying to run in waist high water. Warm hands guided me out of the stall, then dried me off. Beth, saying, "I don't want to miss anything." led me downstairs. We walked into the kitchen just in time to see Jim carrying Lynn out the other door towards the Living Room.

Reaching the big sofa, Jim laid Lynn out. He stood over her a moment, perhaps simply enjoying what he saw. Lynn opened her eyes, smiled his way, then pulled her knees back giving a universal sign of welcome. Climbing between her legs, Jim gave his glans the grand tour of her slippery slit. He'd dip himself into her like a pen into an inkwell, then run circuits around Lynn's slot with his coated tip. Everyone in the room was soon ready for Jim to enter Lynn. There were four sighs loosed when his penis first disappeared between Lynn's wide-open vaginal lips.

Jim began a lazy rhythm. Beth whispered, "Let's get comfortable, Stud. I think this show may last a while."

I still felt more like Mongo the Cro-Magnon than myself. Naturally I was a bit distracted by the scene on the sofa. My mind drifted back to the middle of last night. Is that how she and I looked when we made love? Lynn's face wore a sleepy, contended expression that I found intoxicating. I was too spent from banging Beth to feel jealous; nonetheless, a part of me wished I was making love to that gorgeous creature.

Beth led me to the small settee that, together with the sofa, formed an "L". After a couple tries, we ended up with me in back, lying so we both had a view up the sofa's length. Reaching over Beth I mostly fondled her nipples, but I could travel down to caress her pussy as well. We were slightly curled. Beth draped my penis across her thigh, she was able to toy with my cock and rub herself as she pleased. We both had a clear view of Jim's shiny, wet penis as it stroked in and out of Lynn.

Lynn soon met Jim halfway on each stroke. Her hips making a casual oval as they rose. When groin met groin, it struck me, the way her pussy seemed to kiss the base of Jim's penis.

Beth gripped me so only my knob showed above her fist. We shifted slightly so she could rub me around her pussy. Having her firm ass pressed against my pelvic region, plus watching two people I'd known forever having sex, resulted in my penis ballooning to a semi-aroused girth, giving Beth something to play with.

Adopting the rhythm observed before her, my glans, still above her fist, was being popped into and out of her moist opening. Judging by how easily I slid in and out of Beth, I gathered that one or both of us was oozing lubricant.

I was able to move my hand onto Beth's clit without interfering with her fondling me. She plugged my glans into her opening, then let go. Beth covered my hand, showing me what she wanted me to do for her. When she was happy with my stimulation, Beth resumed her grip on my shaft, continuing to help me fuck her with my knob. I heard her whisper, "I didn't come on the bench, please don't stop until I get off."

"Would you like me to eat you until you come?" I asked.

"Ooooohhh, yes!" she replied. Beth sat up until I got out from behind her. Reclining again, she scooted her hips almost off the settee with her legs spread; I knelt between them. Her buns looked like a tray serving me my afternoon treat. Wasting no more time, I dove into her pussy, determined to help her find release ASAP. Sliding two fingers into her wet channel, I tried to hold them in a good position for her as she began to rotate her hips around them.

My mouth and tongue attacked her clit. I listened for clues that a lick here or a suck there worked better for her. Guessing Beth was nearing the point of no return, I sucked her conspicuous clit into my mouth. Gently I massaged her with my lips and tongue.

Pushing my fingers into her past the third knuckle, I held them still while she ground her pussy onto my hand. Inner muscles griped my fingers. A deep groan, coupled with a long series of continuous spasms inside her, assured me her torment had ended. Beth was enjoying a sweet release. Her motions were strong, but regular. She seemed to be having a slow, protracted climax.

Her scent in my nostrils and her taste in my mouth had finally aroused me completely. Raising up on my knees, it only took a second to ease forward, replacing withdrawn fingers with my erection. Beth made a gratifying "Mmmmmmmm" sound as I sank into her. Her rhythm didn't change, she rocked her hips, her pussy gripped and sucked at my shaft.

"Look." Beth said.

Following her gaze to the sofa, I saw Lynn was having Jim lie on his back so she could ride him for a while. I got harder and began a steady thrusting into Beth as I saw Lynn straddle her brother's waist, then guide his penis into her. Beth wasn't blind, she understood that Lynn mounting Jim excited me. "Lay down, Larry. I'll do the same for you." her voice said invitingly.

Soon I was reclined, watching, fascinated, as Beth placed a leg on either side of me. Her breasts danced like Jell-O; her long nipples waved near my lips begging my attention. She reached between us, gripped low on my shaft and pumped me as she bent to initiate a long, loving French kiss. Before the kiss ended we were breathing more heavily into each other's mouth. My hands slid up and around both breasts allowing me to actively fondle them as we kissed. Gradually I progressed to pumping both nipples as if they were being milked. Our bodies were exciting each other tremendously. Beth was nearly ready for penetration.

As she leaned back, Beth softly told me "Watch as I put you inside me." I felt her eyes on me as I accepted her invitation. She worked my tip all around her slit. Beth knew she was turning me on, so she drew the moment out until her own excitement demanded to feel the content of her hand inside of her.

At last her hips slid forward, then firmly impaled herself on my penis. Liquid warmth flooded over my cock, I groaned as I tried to push up into Beth. She was sitting on me, my thrusts evolved into a steady grinding against pussy.

Beth looked over to our neighbors; soon she had perfectly matched her hip movements to Lynn's. It was amazingly erotic feeling exactly what Jim must be experiencing, feeling Beth slide down my pole as I saw Lynn sink onto Jim's. There was definitely something in my wiring that loved to watch Lynn's ass move.

Beth leaned far forward, her breasts dangled before me; her extended nipples drew me like a moth to flame. Once I could reach them, I grabbed a butt cheek in each hand. My mouth moved into position for a juicy looking nipple to slip in far enough so I could keep it there by suction alone.

My fingers thrilled to the feel of muscles working as Beth rose and fell on me. Beth cradled my head, running her fingers though my hair as I suckled one breast for a spell, then the other. Needing more air, I released her.

Looking between us, I sensed Beth liked it when I'd stare at the sight of my penis reappearing, then disappearing into her body as she rode me towards Nature's ultimate reward.

At some point Beth closed her eyes and allowed a powerful orgasm wash over her. The rapid-fire action of her hips triggered my release. Sperm coursing through my cock on its way into beautiful Beth was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

* * * * *

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Lovan69Lovan69over 9 years ago

I have read alot of really good submissions but this one leaves me panting for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Made me hard

Jacked it twice!

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