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A Bad Bet

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A tale of futadom, exercise, and cheating at games of honor.
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This had been a bad idea, and it was only half over.

The treadmill rolled steadily under Nelson's feet, it was the last remaining older model in the gym, the kind that made a sort of pathetic whine as it rolled. It was smaller than the other treadmills, only adding to the mildly pathetic atmosphere of it. But it worked and it fit his diminutive size better than the others and it was away in a corner, where he was less likely to be noticed. It was already the wee small hours of the morning, but he went the extra mile to remain invisible in the gym. Even in the best of circumstances, he was not a social butterfly. These were not the best of circumstances.


"Hey roomie, look what I got for you!"

Nelson turned, it was early in the morning, too early for Sammy to be pushing fetish gear. He almost choked on his coffee.

"What is that??"

Sammy loomed in the doorway. She was fresh back from a night at work, not even changed out of her uniform. The sex shop logo on the front used a cock and balls in the place of a lowercase b. It was the kind of tackiness that only the depraved could get away with. That must have been where she had gotten the... thing in her hand.

Sammy pranced over and set the device on the bed next to Nelson. "We just got em in, guess somebody told them that they should start making gear for futas."

"That somebody being you?"

Sammy sat on the bed next to him, she towered over him enough to make him look like a kid next to her, despite him being two years older than her. Life as a male was a life of looking up at your futa partners. They weren't partners, though Sammy did her best to make it seem that way. She set a giant hand on his thigh, making butterflies flap in his stomach.

"What can I say cutie? You make it hard to think about anything else at work."

He pushed her hand away, then lifted the metal thing. It was a cage shaped like... well a cock. Nelson had seen chastity gear before, lots of guys wore ones with nametags, to show who they belonged to.

"If this is your plan to get me on my back for you, you can forget it."

She giggled, deep and low in her chest. "Oh of course not, I know how big and independent you are."

The bulge in her jeans told him that was not the way she was looking at him.

"Then what? You think if you buy me enough sex toys I'll let you claim my ass?"

She chuckled again, much higher and more girly. "I thought you might like to play a little game, I know how much you like to gamble."

"I'm not betting my ass, you know that."

She feigned indignation, "I would never. At least, not without a decent counterbalance."

"Not interested."

"What about if you win, I'll pay your rent for the next six months."

He winced, money was the one place she could really hurt him. He was... between jobs. Around the time his last boss had told him to start wearing an apron and nothing else while she watched him cook, he had gone elsewhere. Unfortunately, elsewhere currently meant two months late on his share of the rent. Sammy made enough money to cover, but she was starting to come up with no shortage of ways he could "make it up to her". Most of them involved even less clothing than an apron.

"What are the terms?" He grimaced out.

"How about one round of Street Fighter? Loser wears the cage for a week?"

"Firstly, I thought this was about rent. You wearing the cage does nothing for me. Secondly, I don't think that will fit you. Thirdly, I don't bet games anymore after you tried to grope me mid-match last time."

"That's why I got one for me!" Sammy exclaimed, producing a much larger cage.

"That only answers one-third of my concerns."

Sammy frowned. "That is trueeee~"

Sammy wasn't dumb so much as she was... well, a futa. She had a great big rod of meat between her legs that dominated most of the blood flow in her body most of the time. It was hard for her to think about one thing for too long, especially if some boymeat was in close vicinity. Living with her was not ideal, as it put meat in very close vicinity indeed. It didn't help that Sammy was uh... big for her type. Nelson had seen it, whether he wanted to or not, plenty at this point. It was impressive, sure, but as soon as he let her use it in any sort of way on him, his life as a free man was over. He still had things he wanted to get done, things that being a brainless bottom would not work alongside. That didn't stop Sammy from thinking with her cock, hell, he didn't even necessarily blame her for it. However, there might be ways to make the facts work for him.

"I have an idea."

"What's that Nelly?" She cooed.

"How about this, both of us wear the cage for a month. Either of us unlocks it or... otherwise relieves ourselves before the month is up, the other gets whatever they want."

Her face twisted in protest, but not enough to say she wasn't considering it. "That's meeeeean!"

"And unfair," He nodded, "But if you win, whatever you want from me."

Her face twisted more, her eyes darting from him to the cage in her hand.

"But I usually..."

"Yes, twice a day, I know. These walls are not thick."

Sam giggled, "You realize when I win, it's your ass."

"IF you win."

Sam offered her hand, despite his own best interests, Nelson shook it. Sam stood up and dropped her pants casually, sliding her half-erect arm of a cock into the cage and managing to seal it with a grimace. She insisted on watching Nelson put his on, an act that made precum come oozing out of the plastic slit in her cage.

Easy money.


The next two weeks had been as difficult on Sam as he could physically make them. Each kept the other's key for release on their person, each constantly teasing the other with it. Of course, Nelson teased her with more than that. At first, it had been a little brush here and there, lingering a little longer than he needed to when passing her. That had made her seethe, staining the front of her pants through her cage. Then he'd pushed it farther, walking around wearing less, talking about all of the passes other women would make at him. Sam had a few buttons to press, as good as visual stimulus worked, poking her territorial side worked better.

"You're so meeeeeeeeeeean!~"

Sam protested when things reached their logical extreme, Nelson walking around after his shower without even a towel, flashing his plump little ass at her. She would grind her teeth, grunt, howl, breath hot down his neck, but there was nothing she could do without giving up the fight. There had to be a limit of her conscious mind against her horny brain. But, eventually, it seemed like she grew used to the teasing and the stains on her sheets and pants. It was almost suspicious, she had either found a way to take the edge off, or found some way to secretly relieve herself. It was insane. Even Nelson, with about one one-thousandths of the sex drive, was starting to have a little trouble focusing on day-to-day life. There had to be a breaking point.


Two weeks, a shockingly short period under most circumstances, a shockingly long time when you were waiting for your opponent to either beg for mercy or blow a gasket.

Nelson's life hadn't changed much in the cage. He lived in the constant awareness that he was never more than a single sexual encounter from being a glorified pet. It had a tendency to make one... prudish. Some males made it their whole lives without being marked. Most did not. The cage made it so that he couldn't relieve himself, but he had never been as... frequent as Sammy before.

It was hard to fight biology, but it could be done. Of course, Nelson had his moments of self-relief to make it easier, insisting on keeping it away from his back door. That was a dangerous slope, one that likely ended on a leash or a personalized cage with the nearest girl's name on it. Biology was to find the taller figures of the females attractive, to like being towered over, to know that mating was a two-way street that involved a lot of pounding that he would receive the majority of. He could resist that. He couldn't resist the sexual drive altogether, but it had never been bad enough to risk losing one's autonomy. Of course, there were always ads online of girls who had no intention of doing the pounding, and that would let pent-up males have their way. But those ads were also a coinflip. Once a futa got into the heat of it, and all of that blood was elsewhere, rationality and goodwill fought a losing battle.

Nelson shook his head, he didn't usually find the notion of being on the receiving end alluring, but today was different, for whatever reason. He was having a hard time thinking about much else. He had never really gone this long without... relief... Perhaps biology was saving its cruelest hooks for when he was the most desperate. Or perhaps it worked the other way around, and these thoughts always existed, but now he was needy enough for them to seem cruel.

Either way, he wasn't going to lose, especially not when Sammy looked ready to blow a gasket or burst out of her cage, whichever came first.

He hadn't seen Sammy in a day or two actually, both a blessing and a curse. He didn't need to see her to know that she was still having the rougher go of it. The laundry supplies were still arriving in bulk, but it did make him a little leary. Sammy didn't usually disappear, not when she could be eyefucking him instead.

As if on cue, the door jingled; Nelson's head shot up. Across the gym, three girls came walking in through the front door. Sammy and two friends of hers. Sammy's face was locked on him from the moment she stepped in, making the faux surprise on her face all the more obviously an act.

"Heeeeeeey roomie! Fancy running into you here!" She giggled, showing a little of her creepy predator smile.

The girls on either side of her giggled. The tallest one was on the right, probably twice Nelson's size. Dark skinned and with her hair tied in shaggy dreadlocks. She had a scrappy t-shirt on, one that hung with some room around her muscular form. She kicked off a pair of baggy shorts as she stepped in, revealing a pair of skintight highlighter-green gym shorts that were doing their best to hide the bugle between her legs. The shortest on the left was curvier, tank top straining against a large chest and yoga pants straining against her crotch. More futas, all easily big enough to overpower him on their own. They stood between him and the door. He was suddenly very aware of the fact that there wasn't much protecting him legally from them.

"Hey Sammy," He squeaked, "Who uhh... who are your friends?"

Sammy tossed her bag to the ground, throwing the baggy jacket off of her shoulders and showing her skintight tracksuit. He could see the outline of her cage through her pants, they probably couldn't see his, but knowing Sammy, they knew.

"This is Annie," She gestured to the shorter one. "And this is Peggy." She gestured to the taller one.

Nelson offered a short wave. Peggy smiled, Annie just sort of looked him up and down hungrily.

"I-I've never seen you hit the gym before, Sammy." Nelson tried to make small talk, they were approaching him.

"I don't, but I was just in the area with Peggy."

"And she told us about how much stress she's been under, especially while caged up." Annie purred.

"I offered to show her a good stretching routine," Peggy growled.

"There's nothing quite like stretching to relieve stress." Annie chimed.

"Especially when you know the right thing to stretch."

They threw him off by disappearing into the locker room, giving him a moment to sigh in relief. He immediately went to the door to duck out into the night but found it had been locked behind them. He fumbled with the keys for a second while he heard the locker door opening behind him.

"Hey! Where are you going, Nelly?~" Sammy's voice came almost tauntingly.

He felt a massive hand on his back and Peggy lifted him effortlessly by his scruff. "Sorry bud, I closed it for the night, don't want anybody disturbing our workout."

He could feel the blood rushing through his cheeks directly below his waist. He was softly leaking out of his cage despite his intentions not to.

"T-this wasn't part of the bet!" He squeaked at Sammy angrily.

She grinned, not hiding her fangs, "Sorry roomie, but you started it."

Peggy sat him down on one of the bench presses, "Come on little man, show us how strong you are."

He protested but Peggy pushed him back effortlessly and set his arms onto a bar. One too heavy for him to lift usually. Before he could protest again, she lifted it up and set it into his control, pushing his arms down onto his chest.

"Oh geez Nelly, can't you even lift the bar?" A voice came from beside him.

He groaned and tried to push it off of him, but before long a mass of neon green plopped down onto his face, covering his eyes and filling his nose with musk.


It was hard to make his voice heard over the barely constricted meat that one of them pressed onto his face. His arms wobbled, still trying to lift the bar.

"Come on, I'll spot you!"

The smell of girlcock punching through the skintight gym clothes she was wearing made it hard to think. She rested the soft meat of her crotch down, covering his entire face. His vision was filled with highlighter green gym shorts straining to hold the futa's package. He tried to wiggle his head away, but her muscular thighs held him in place, forcing him to gasp deep breaths of the moist darkness between her legs.

She giggled. "Come on and lift it! Your breath tickles!"

He tried to kick his legs, wiggle free, but all that accomplished was getting a pair of hands holding his ankles to the bench. One of them set a soft hand against his stomach, pressing down with controlling and firm consistency.

"Come on Nelly! That's bad form!" One of them taunted from outside the prison of leg muscle.

He could feel the bar slowly lowering back toward his chest as the smell of girlcock overrode his senses. He could feel his cock filling out in his cage, trying to expand but being squeezed in place by the confines of it. He could feel his mind going fuzzy. He didn't want to be getting hard, not here and not now, but the feeling of a soft hand stroking his stomach while holding him in place was making excited heat flit through his veins. To say nothing of the smell and heat of cock in his face.

Peggy lifted her cock from his face, allowing him to gasp for air for a second and blink in the light of the gym. All three of them were looming over him, seeming to reach up to the ceiling. He had a second to see Peggy reaching into her green gym shorts before he started trying to squirm free. Of course, he didn't get anywhere, and seconds later a long dark rod slapped down onto his face.

"Aw cutie, if you can't even lift this much, how did you expect to fight all three of us off?" Its owner rumbled at him.

The smell through the shorts hadn't compared to the smell with it resting on his face. He felt his hips being lifted and had a moment to process his loose shorts being ripped down around his ankles. Whoever had done it let his ass drop to the bench again, before lifting his legs back and up into the air. He felt a pair of giant fingers rubbing around the little pink cage that held his now desperately straining cock. His body and his instincts were betraying him fast, it was the cage's mercy that he didn't show it as bad as he felt it. The fingers teased over all of the skin the cage didn't cover, bounced the cage a few times, then crept down and teased circles around his ass.

"This wasn't part of the bet!" He yelped.

Opening his mouth had been a bad idea, it gave Peggy time to slide the head of her large cock into it. The salty taste of sweat mixed with the pineapple tang of the precum that was dripping from the tip. Any further protests were muffled by meat pushing into his throat, forcing it open wide as his yelps made it vibrate around Peggy's cock. She put her head back, whimpering slightly. With a single hand, she lifted the bar off of his chest and tossed it to the ground with an earth-shaking clatter, then pulled his hands up and together like he was being hogtied. He had to lean his head back to open his throat, she was too big to fit otherwise. He heard a bottle crack open, he felt a cold and slimy drop of fluid hit him bullseye in the center of his asshole, followed by a probing finger that made his brain go numb.

"Sorry roomie, but you knew I was a cheater when I took it."

Peggy pulled out, slapping her slick cock against his face. It may as well have been an arm. He managed to angle his eyes down, seeing Sammy slide across the bench to straddle him. Her long legs pressing his to his chest. She had taken off her gym clothes, showing off her pierced nipples but, more importantly, her still-caged cock. Between her legs, he could see his own caged cock, as well as Annie, sliding her yoga pants down, slapping her semi-hard cock against her hand before slathering more lubrication onto them and slipping two of her massive fingers inside.

"See this?" Sammy gestured at her cage. "You've been making it hard to keep honest, walking around in those shorts all the time. But now I want you to watch. My girls are going to make you lose fair and square, then I'm gonna celebrate my victory by taking this thing off and claiming the shit out of you, roomie."

The pressure against his cage was immense, made worse by Annie sliding her fingers out of his ass and pressing the head of her cock against him. She was a lot smaller in the body than Peggy, but her cock was seemingly just as massive. He wasn't ashamed of his cock, but compared to what a futa carried around, a regular man couldn't compete. All he could do was brace for his ass to be split open.

"I live for moments like these," Annie sighed as she pressed with greater and greater force against his ass. It didn't take much for the slick hole to allow even the massive intruder in.

Being penetrated for the first time wasn't anything like he would have thought. Even with a gigantic member inside of him, it didn't feel good or bad. It just sort of felt... filling? Intense? He felt his knees shaking under Sammy, his whole lower body consumed by a weird electrical shock. He quivered and shook on the bench. He could look down and see himself getting fucked, caged little cock quivering and bouncing as Annie played with his cage while piping him full of girlcock. He could look up and see Peggy stroking herself above him, looking down hungrily and waiting for him to give her another chance to abuse his throat. Or he could watch Sammy leer down at him, licking her lips as precum dripped out of the slit in her cage. Her bulbous head was an almost angry red.

"How is this remotely fair-?" He got out before his mouth was stuffed again.

Peggy had set her hand under his chin and pulled his head back, making it hang down over the edge of the bench. She thrust her cock back into his throat with little resistance. Wrapping a hand around his windpipe to feel her thrusts bulging his throat. He gasped for air when he could, inhaling musky pheromones the rest of the time. Between his legs he could feel Annie slap her balls against his ass a few times, bottoming out before starting to pump his ass rhythmically.

The intense full feeling started to mutate, indescribable heat spreading from his asshole while little shocks shook through his lower body. While she stretched and worked his ass, her cock would slam and grind against spots in his body that made him feel like his cock was trying to push something out of him. He could feel a soft little trickle of precum leaking out of his cage with her thrusts, the feeling of being taken by a futa for the first time making his brain roll with panic and excitement.


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