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A Big Change

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From a typical housewife to a new more confident woman.
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I looked like the typical housewife, two kids that I loved, and a husband, but a husband in name only. The sex had been gone for well over a year and my fingers were the only action I was getting.

I got married young and my husband was the only one I have had sex with. Everything I knew about sex I either learned from my husband early on in the marriage, watched the occasional amateur pornographic movie in the past couple of years or reading the 50 Shades Book, but I am only 5 chapters in.

I was taught that oral sex was something a wife only did to her partner to get him hard and ready for penetration, but having a cock in my mouth was something I loved. I only wished my husband would let me finish him off with my mouth just so I could taste semen and to see how erotic it was to make a man explode in my mouth.

My husband could finger me to orgasm only through the help of my hand and his tongue would never venture further south than my breasts. There were many times when my husband was on top of me that I laid there, legs spread, as he thrust inside of me and found myself thinking of mundane things, hoping that he'd cum quickly.

After talks with some other moms from school about the lack of sex life, I convinced my husband to watch some porn together. I had anticipated my husband learning some new techniques, but he did not see porn as erotic.

Of the videos we watched, I became interested in anal sex, but my husband was not into that -- even to penetrate my bum with a finger was off limits to him -- it was a dirty place.

One video had domination in it. The power that the woman had in that video was extremely powerful and I wanted to be able to feel that, but I felt I was destined to live with a boring lover. I knew that I only had one life and I made a mental note that if this is what life has dealt me sexually and I am not happy with it, I needed to change and I needed to change quickly.

I had gotten to know a married man from the gym where our kids were registered. Our kids would spend their time learning the various activities and we would sit and chat with the other parents. A couple of times the discussion turned "blue" and the man from the gym was not timid to voice his opinion or share a joke of that nature.

The thing I liked about the man from the gym was that he was not afraid to speak his mind. Topics that were generally off the table in mixed company -- like sex were talked about or mentioned. Sure I did not agree to some of his opinions about politics or religion, but to listen to him talk about sex was liberating.

As we got to know each other more, he told me about this one time he sent a very sexual message intended for his wife to his mother-in-law. I was surprised when he showed it to me asking if I would be offended if I received the message by mistake.

The message was something I had never seen before I watched that domination video. He wanted his wife to take control of him and that surprised me, as the persona he had was quite authoritative, but not in a threatening manner. It was this point the "relationship" I had with him changed from a casual friendship with some risqué discussion to one that opened the door to my sexuality.

I found myself asking the man from the gym questions about sex, getting to know the male mind. What did he like doing in the bedroom and what did he enjoy having done in the bedroom. I started out with simple broad questions, but he always told me that I could ask him anything and he would answer. The questions became more personal and he told me that he loved licking his wife's pussy and I in turn told him I wanted my husband to cum in my mouth.

He was not shy about what he told me -- everything was on the table from his perspective as long as both partners agreed. As experienced as he sounded the ironic part was that he had only had sex with his wife.

He would ask me questions about my life and I opened up about my marriage or lack of one. Was I trying to find a replacement for what I did not have -- no. I did not know exactly what I was doing, but I do know that when I talked to that man from the gym, there were times that my panties became moist.

One day during the summer training season he mentioned that the previous weekend he had been to the beach. This in itself was nothing unusual, what was unusual was that it was the local beach where it was clothing optional. The other moms around the table grinned and asked him if he participated and with a sly grin replied "when in Rome".

I had always wanted to visit a beach where I could take all my clothes off, but never had the courage to do so. My husband also never approved of nude beaches so to visit it with him was never going to happen. So right then and there I decided that the next opportunity to visit that beach I was going to do it. I had no idea how to get to the beach, but I was determined.

After that training session was completed and before the kids came to be collected, I managed to get him aside and asked him where the beach was. After getting the details from him, I realized that my heart was beating faster and there was moisture in my nether regions. I am not sure if it was because I had the guts to ask him about the beach or if it was his voice, his overall sexiness, or trying to picture what he looked like with no clothes on.

The weather over the next couple of days was not the best and my desire to hit the beach was waning but as I watched the news one night the weather lady said that our area was due for some period of hot dry heat. So the next day as I dropped off my son at the gym, I headed off to the beach. I did not have to worry about pick up as my husband was on duty, so I had no time limit on how long I could stay.

I felt like I was having a mini heart attack as I drove to the beach. The thoughts of a housewife going to the beach alone where she would shed her clothes to allow others to view her naked were creating doubts, but I kept on driving. I felt I needed to do this.

As I approached the parking area, I notice that there were hardly any vehicles in the lot and was worried that I was in the wrong area, but I saw a sign pointing the way to the beach and parked the car in a treed area that gave my car some privacy and shade. As I gathered my stuff and followed the signs to the beach again the doubt came creeping to mind, but my determination to accomplish this task kept my feet moving.

In order to get from the parking lot to the beach, it was down a mile long trail with some 400 steps to take you to the actual beach. I thought I was the only one on the trail until a man and a woman appeared out of know where. There had been no one in front of me for a while, and then when I turned a corner there they were. I am sure we surprised each other. They ended up allowing me to go ahead of them and as I walked they did not seem to be in a hurry to keep up.

As I traversed down the steps to the beach I found myself soaking in perspiration and thinking about that couple. There was thick brush along side the trail and I quickly blushed as I wondered if they went and had a quickie before they got to the beach. Did people do that here; sneak off and have sex in public? Could I see myself doing that - Yes. Something told me this was the start of my sexual liberation.

The beach was a typical beach with logs facing the ocean so people could set up their area. There were some venders selling homemade drinks (alcoholic), marijuana, hotdogs and hamburgers and one who even set up a massage table. This was a small community and the only difference was that they were all naked.

As I walked along and tried to find a comfortable place to sit, I had a hard time trying to not look at people and what they looked like naked. The beach was not busy, but the people who were there were just settling in to enjoy a day at the beach.

You name the body type and they were at the beach. There were short people, fat people, tall people, and skinny people. Of the men who were already naked applying sunscreen to their bodies they made sure their bodies were covered in sunscreen, including their penises. However some men really seemed to make sure their penis was fully covered and looked to be masturbating instead of just applying sun protection. I know I was bright red from witnessing men do this to themselves, but I still ventured out to find my spot.

I was not the only woman on the beach either. I had walked past a group of university age girls who were slathering on sunscreen on each other's back. I found it funny how they were all naked and not ashamed to show their friends what they looked like. Another couple of ladies had already marked their spots with their towels and were already naked lying on their backs, legs partially spread allowing the sun's vitamin D to soak into their body; their breasts, pussys, or bottoms on display for all to see as they walked by.

I was in my late 40's, my body showed the strain of being pregnant with two boys, my breasts were not as high on my body as they once were and the hair I had between my legs, well lets just say that I did know how to keep up with the times.

A mom friend from the school was an esthetician and she recommended getting a brazilian waxing done to entice my husband when I was trying to get him interested in sex. When I first had it done, it hurt like hell, but it felt incredible, very sexy and alive. I showed up in bed that night and my husband took one look at it and told me he did not like it.

I could not even get him to finger me to orgasm that night. So as he slept, I crept my hand south and had an amazing cum. The feeling of just skin on my pussy sent shivers through my body and I got so wet that I had liquid seeping all the way down to my bum.

Maybe I continued to wax my pussy to piss him off, but from looking around the beach that day, my waxing job seemed to be the norm. Plus having no hair on my pussy felt really good when I needed to masturbate.

When I came across a spot that was relatively distance and behind where most people set up, I put down my beach gear and prepared to set up. I managed a spot where I could lean against a log and had some sort of privacy from others if they decided to sit nearby. I considered it a perfect place to experience my first clothing optional beach.

Out of my bag I pulled my towel and laid it down. I got my book and water out and placed it on the log. When there was nothing left that I could do to setup, that moment came upon me. I was now at the time that I wanted -- to take off my clothes in public and enjoy the sun's rays warming up my body.

The only debate was should I stand and remove my clothes or should I sit and do it in the privacy of my spot. Sure I could have easily sat down, lifted my top and bra and shuffled out of my shorts and panties, but I decided that since I was going to do this right, I faced the beach and lifted my shirt off head. I reached behind me and undid my bra and before you knew it, I was topless at a beach. Anyone was able to see my 40D's if they were watching me.

I looked around to see if anyone was watching, but because I had set up behind most people in that section, they'd have to look behind their spot to see me. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my shorts and panties and lowered them to the ground. For the first time in my life I was naked in public and I loved it. Not only was it freeing to be like that, but I also notice the erotic feel it had to it.

Men and women could see my naked breasts. They could also notice and comment how large my nipples were, how my ass looked, and if they considered my stomach fat. They could also see my naked, hairless pussy in all its glory. If they came close enough or if the light was just right, they would also be able to see a glistening of moisture on my pussy as I found myself more turned on then I thought I would be.

My labia did not do that great a job hiding my clitoris on a normal day, and when I felt aroused it was even more prominent. So today I could feel how engorged my clit felt as it slipped through my labia. I could swear that some days just by opening and then squeezing my legs together, I could cum just from the pressure my pussy lips put on my clit.

Part of what else that made me aroused was that no one in my entire life except for my mother and husband had seen me entirely naked.

So there I stood in all my glory just allowing my brain realize where I was and what I was doing. I had scratched off an item from my bucket list and now I could relax and enjoy. I sat down, leaned back against the log picked up my book and started to read.

In my normal seating position my legs are typically together but because of the erotic situation, the hairless pussy, the engorged clitoris, and the slippery labia, I found that position was not allowing me to focus on the book. All I wanted to do was to touch my clit and cum -- but I sensed that was frowned upon.

I thought I could perhaps sneak off the trail for a quick wank, when walking back to the car. There seemed to be plenty of spots to go off the trail and finger myself to a well-deserved orgasm like where I came across that couple.

Until I walked back to the car, I would just try to keep my legs somewhat parted and then to keep myself on that sexual edge. I closed them every now and again just to let my clit know she would get her chance to release all the sexual energy building up.

After absorbing myself in my book for about an hour I spotted a man looking for a place to sit. I was on edge sexually so I parted my legs further apart and I slowly scratched the inside of my thigh. I was trying to discreetly attract his attention; I wanted this man to see my hairless pussy. If he sat beside me, maybe he'd allow me to play with his cock.

From his point of view he could not see my eyes following him through my sunglasses. All he could have seen is a woman scratch her inner thigh while reading her book. He could not see the lust in her loins and the desire for a cock to fill up her pussy.

I knew the book I brought was considered "mommy porn", but I was only 5 chapters into the first book of the 50 Shades trilogy and I wanted to know what the fuss was all about. As I worked through the book I could understand why the man from the gym wanted his wife to control him. He was accustomed to being in charge so to have his wife dominate him was a change for him.

I had been at the beach for just over an hour when I could hear someone walking behind my location. As I turned from my book I could feel my cheeks get red and I started to get really embarrassed. My initial reaction was that I wanted to hide my body under the towel, but before I could do so, the person asked if they could sit down beside me.

The man from the gym had just spoken to me in his deep voice. I was unsure of what to say and just stared at him. He repeated the question and without waiting for me to answer, he readied his gear to sit. I felt like I was back in highschool after the star quarterback asked me a question. I wanted to say no and hide my body, but the man from the gym got out his towel, set up beside her and prepared to take off his clothes.

I watched as he stood up, stretched his arms over his head then take his shirt off. Was he in terrific shape with washboard abs -- no. He was an average dad who let the mid life spread get to him. His stomach had a small spare tire, but you could tell that his upper body and arms were in decent shape. He actually apologized for not being in better shape.

I remember staring at him and I felt my pussy contract when he lowered his shorts. I was face level with his hairless cock. He had no hair on his crotch from his belly button to his balls. I could have easily used my right hand to grab hold of his cock and put it in my mouth. He asked me to pass him the sunscreen and I watched as he applied the lotion to all his body except for his cock.

He then put more lotion in his hand and proceeded to his penis and scrotum. He was not obscene about coating his privates in sunscreen but he did stroke his cock 5 times while I watched him. I know because I counted every time he grabbed his cock and went the length of it.

I am not sure what I was expecting when he took off his shorts. What I did see was a penis that was cut and looked to be a typical size. I thought his cock had actually gotten thicker after he rubbed in the sunscreen.

He must have thought me very strange, as I could do nothing but stare at his cock and balls as he rubbed the sunscreen in. I was conscience that he was chatting about the day, but I could not put together a coherent sentence. As he sat down I still followed his package to the ground. It wasn't until he sat down and he gestured at his crotch to look up at his face with his hands.

As I tilted my head to look at him, he was laughing. I know I was bright red at being caught and he told me not to worry about it. I told him I was sorry for being a deer in the headlights and he explained that it was natural to be like that at this beach, especially when you see someone from "normal life". Usually adults do not see their friends naked and at this beach one cannot help but stare and judge.

I made the comment that he did not appear to be staring at me and he surprised me when he told me that he had been watching me read for a couple of minutes before he decided to come over and sit down. He also told me that he was staring at me as he spoke and that he liked the fact that I was so modern and waxed my pussy.

I made the comment that he too was hairless and looked back down to his cock. He made some comment that he looked bigger without hair and that he hoped he had not disappointed me with what he had. This made me laugh at how surreal the situation was. If only the other gym parents could see the pair of us right now.

Here was the man from the gym, the man that has told me about his sex life and that I had told him of mine -- well at least the lack of one. He knew I masturbated when I needed too and I knew some of the details of his, especially how he loves to lick his wife until she came all over his face.

I have always wanted a man to give me oral sex and without a thought I softened my voice and asked him to do it to me. The look on his face and the surprise on mine must have been priceless to anyone around us. His jaw dropped and my hand quickly covered my mouth as if to say -- I cannot believe that just came out of my mouth.

I quickly apologized and started to gather my stuff intending on getting out of there as soon as possible. He put his hand on my arm and politely told me to sit down. He told me that less than five minutes ago I was minding my own business lying naked enjoying the sun rays on my body and as soon as he sat down, I wanted him to lick my pussy until I came.

He was a little confused as to why I needed him to do that to me, but I will say that his cock did react to the suggestion. The start of my sexual revolution was upon me. I was not embarrassed anymore and my goal was to now get him to lick my pussy. Who was this lady and where was the regular me? It is if a new woman was born that morning and I was going to change who I was and it started with the man from the gym.

I explained to him that ever since he showed me that raunchy text, and started asking each other sex questions, and now seeing each other naked, I now needed to take the relationship from the flirty stage to the sex stage.

When he asked me about my husband, I told the man from the gym that I was not going to tell my husband what he did to me and if he was going to. When he asked about his wife I gave him the same answer. I wasn't going to tell her and was he? He shook his head no and I could see him mulling over the idea. I could see the turmoil he was having. His cock very much liked the idea, but I think his brain was having doubts.


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