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A Big Shiny Blue Marble Ch. 53


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Samantha frowned with a determined look, "No. All three of those guys have had you lots of times. They love fucking you – just like they love to fuck me. But not one of them is man enough to admit that he'd want you while that gorilla Ewan is there with them making jokes about us. Well they can all drop dead as far as I'm concerned. I'm not doing that anymore if they're suddenly too proud to admit what they like at any other time. Let's just find us a place and we'll bed down together like we always do. We've always slept together, Lin. We can make each other happy."

"What if one of them comes later for us?" Lindsay asked.

"They won't, "Samantha fumed ,"I told them it's hands off. I said that we'd shoot the ones who try, and you know they know how well we can do that. Ewan might give it a shot, but we'll take a shotgun to bed with us if he's that stupid. The others were already warning him off."

He shrugged, "I love you, Sam. We can fool around like always, but you know that we'd both want something more. It's just what we are, you know?"

"I know, baby," Sam said quietly, "But I'm your girl and you're my – "

"Girl," Lindsay chuckled.

"No you're not," Sam smiled, "You're the man who understands me, the only one who does. And I'll always be yours."

They walked on together holding hands until they came to her horse and she pulled off their bedrolls, handing one to him. Lindsay felt as though he was a stone around Sam's neck. He thought the world of her and she always looked out for him because he was her best friend, but he thought that she was doing the wrong thing for maybe the right reason. They often made love together when they were alone at night – which was most of the time. It was normal for them and they felt that it was a little wrong, but it helped when they needed to hold someone in the dark.

He was a little worried for her; afraid that she'd just settle for him one day and that would be it. They were a pair of close friends; two parts of a strange family, and they were stuck wanting what they had such trouble finding, but one day, it would just become clear that all that they'd ever have was each other. Lindsay didn't want that, not for Sam.

Sam was beautiful inside and out and she was all that the right kind of man could ever want. As far as he could tell, it was her attempts to always find partners for them both that hurt her love life and he tried to tell her this all the time. It only made sense.

But Sam would never hear of it. "Look Lin," she'd say, "What's the difference on a dark night? We can both make anybody happy, you know. It used to be no big deal for some conquering warriors or chieftains to take a girl AND a boy to bed and be looked at as the virile male in the morning – the one who could please both. It just wasn't written about much, that's all."

"It hasn't happened among humans since the Middle Ages," he'd answer, "and if it did, it was kept pretty quiet. As far as I know, it hasn't happened since – and that's among humans. I'm a freak to them, just like I'm a freak to the wolf-born."

"You're wrong," she'd say and she'd hear no more about it from him. "Some men like other men. That's always been. As far as what you are, well you're no freak. And I'd kill to have hair like yours," She smiled as she hugged him while he grinned at her little joke.

Genetically, Lindsay was at least a bit of a freak in terms of the probability of genes coming together the way in which his had when he'd been conceived. Somewhere in his DNA, there was something from another animal and it showed itself in his reddish fur and his long straight hair and that tail. He was pretty small for a wolf-born and he still didn't know if he liked the term that one of the roadmen had coined for him one night a year ago. It was one of those nights when they'd been out on the road – just like tonight. They were on their way back but with nobody in the wagon.

Lindsay was one of the wagon drivers. It wasn't what he liked to do, but it was a job that he'd get paid for since he did it very well, much the same way that Samantha was stuck for the moment doing bloodwork. In fact, by 'trade', he and Sam were rogues, trained in silent killing and they were both adept at learning things in the dark, as long as somebody was paying for the information which they brought back.

On the night in question, they were having a quiet argument. Both of them were ... well, feeling a little horny and it had been Sam's position that roadmen were alright for a night of fun.

Lindsay had countered that in his estimation, none of them would want him and Sam pounced on that and dared him to find out.

"You really wanna know?" she asked him, "Well then we'll both take our clothes off and just wade in. Betcha you get laid as much as I do."

Lindsay had laughed at first, telling her that she was nuts, but he went for it finally and the two of them walked naked together in among the roadmen there and sat on a few laps. Only Roland, D'Arcy and Shane abstained. Roland didn't want either of them and the two brothers figured that there was enough strangeness in their family and wanted no part of it.

The result was that Sam was proven right. None of the remaining three were exactly terrific lovers as far as either Lindsay or Samantha were concerned, but they were good enough to make a boring night into something interesting. That was the night that one of them called Lindsay a 'wox' and the name had stuck a little.

They were still discussing things when Randi stepped over, " Hi Sam! Hey, we've got some eats left. If you guys can stop bickering, you're welcome to join us."

The pair looked at each other and shrugged and, not having anything against the idea, they accepted and thanked Randi.

"If it's not private and top-secret," the redhead smiled, "what's all this about anyway?"

"We're all fucked-up," Lindsay announced with a smirk, "Sam and I don't make sense to anybody and sometimes – like now, we don't even make sense to each other. You ought to leave it at that, or one of us will tell you and you'll be as confused as we are."

Billy stepped over then, holding out plates of food, "Randi and I have time – and we're interested now."

"Jesus, Lindsay," Sam groaned as she rolled her eyes, "why don't you just write an article for the newspaper in town so everybody knows?"

Samantha looked at the pair for a moment, "I've heard that you two are a married pair of demons. Is that right? I didn't know demons did that."

"He's a demon," Randi smirked, "officially. I'm um, something else. I started out as human but I guess I'm a little less of one these days, though I'm a lot happier for it. So what's the argument that we heard? We can trade stories if you want, in exchange for the food and the company."

Samantha thought about it and decided to tell them for a couple of reasons. For one, she liked to look at them, since she'd never seen a pair of people who looked like they did and she liked that. Billy was standing there looking like a really good-looking human male and Randi was the beautiful tanker girl who loved him, quite obviously. Sam had heard that they were not human, which was where her question had come from.

And the other reason was that she knew that Lindsay would probably tell it if she didn't. Mostly, they had reasons not to ever tell anyone, but out here and to these two, she doubted that it could come to any harm to tell it.

"A long time ago," she said as she began.

"Or once upon a time," Lindsay smirked and she hit him for it.

"Shut up, Lin. Christ, let me tell it ok?" She turned to Randi, "I lived with my dad and his wife – who was not my mother, it turned out. He'd known a lady in a town where he grew up far away, but it fell apart and he married the woman that I knew as my mother. One day, I came home from school and there was a big kerfuffle going on, lots of yelling and screaming and Lindsay there was in the middle of it. The woman that Dad knew had died, and she'd left instructions that Lindsay be sent to my father.

My dad said that Lindsay was from her and another man that she'd had a short thing with. We found out later that it wasn't true. The woman that Dad was fucking must have been a, ... I dunno, a red wolf-born or a fox-born or something like that. He was gone enough of the time back then, from the arguments that we overheard.

Well Dad just started raising Lindsay as his own and that was that, so we guessed that what he was accused of by her was true. Lindsay and me, we were like eleven and ten years old and we hit it off right away. We became best friends right off the bat and we've always been ever since.

But things weren't quite the way that my father told it when he said that he wasn't Lindsay's dad. When we were teenagers, our folks used to travel quite a bit and they'd leave us alone, since we were old enough by then."

She smirked, "Well they thought it was great that we never had any fights – and we didn't.

But it got a little weird for a while. I'd answer the door and it would be a girlfriend of Lindsay's, which was fine with me. Meanwhile, I was gone quite a bit back then."

She chuckled a little, "I was quite the little alley cat, I guess.

Then I opened the door one day and it was a really cute guy who was a friend of Lindsay's. I'd never met him and I remember thinking that I ought to try to wheedle a decent introduction to him out of Lindsay, but I was on my way out myself that night, so I sort of put it on the back burner in my head for later."

She shrugged then, "I'd sort of fallen for another girl who liked me and it was a whole new thing for me, so I was a little pre-occupied, I guess.

I got my big surprise when I came home and found them kissing goodbye on the doorstep. I was going to ask, but while I stood there with my mouth hanging open, Lindsay turned and went to bed. He just sort of tossed his 'Goodnight' to me over his shoulder and he was gone as the guy left. I went to his room, but the door was closed, so I asked him if we could talk, but he said that he'd rather not right then and we could talk the next day.

Anyway, I went to bed feeling a little confused and it wasn't until I was almost asleep that it hit me. Lindsay had just made love with a guy for the first time. I remembered what that was like for me and so I thought it might be a little like that for him, so it made sense why he'd want to be alone.

The next day, I couldn't find him anywhere in the house, so I went out to the barn, thinking that I'd better get a few chores done. We'd sold our cattle and wouldn't be getting any calves for a little while, but there were still a few things that needed doing, we just didn't have to get up at like dawn or anything.

So I sort of drifted out to the barn, thinking of what I wanted to say to Lindsay. I knew it wasn't any of my business or anything, but I just wanted to find out if I'd been right and if I was, then I planned to tell Lindsay that it was ok with me, that's all. But I couldn't find him for a while until I heard a sound up in the hayloft, so I snuck up there and I found Lindsay. He was naked in the hay and he was playing with himself and fucking himself with a dildo and having a great time at it. He didn't hear me, or I guess he was too far gone in his fun to listen for me."

Randi and Ayt'han looked over at Lindsay, who didn't seem to care that Sam was telling dark secrets about him. Lindsay was slender for a male, and he was only about five-eight in his hauntingly attractive feral form. He stood stuffing his face and looking back occasionally to see where Samantha was in the story, clad as he was in a cloak over some light studded leather armor. He had a pistol stuffed through his belt in a jaunty sort of way and he wore a short, straight sword, which had a single-shot pistol built into it.

The hood of his cloak was back and they could see his long and dark reddish mane which he kept parted on one side. It accented his long forelock that hung down over an attractive face which usually held a look of confidence, though there were moments where it showed the barest glimpses of uncertainty – or it appeared to. Lindsay's face was handsome in a slightly soft way and his dark eyes were like Sam's in the way that they had a mysterious sort of allure to them, as though giving a silent and very strong pull while at the same time, there was an enigmatic feeling to his gaze which might have carried a warning.

His legs were slim, and one could just see glimpses of his long and bushy tail, depending on the way that he moved as he reached for something else to add to his plate. Seeing his tail just drew the observer's eye and the next thing in sight was his tight little bottom, and that's where the observation crashed to a stop. Randi had the thought that his backside looked one heck of a lot like his sister's and a lot of their earlier conversation became clearer to her.

It was odd, the way that it felt to look at him, but both Randi and Ayt'han felt some attraction, something which Ayt'han hadn't felt in a long time toward a male of any kind.

"I guess he realized that he wasn't alone, in the end," Samantha said as she went on. "He suddenly called out 'fuck me' like it was something that he was begging for and then a second or so later, he froze and his eyes opened.

I've always loved him, and I knew right away that if I didn't do just the right thing and right then, I'd lose something in our relationship. Up til that point, we'd always been completely open to each other, but where he was then, I knew that he'd been afraid to tell me."

She looked at Randi, "I also knew that he couldn't help wanting to do what he was doing, either. I knew it right away. Lindsay and me, we're the same; just a couple of sluts. I'd almost caught him fooling with himself a hundred times, just like he'd almost walked in on me while I was frigging myself and going for broke with a polished wooden stick up my ass at the same time. We never said anything. We'd always just backed away to wait until the other one was done. But I knew right then that it was all up to me to make this better for my brother.

So before he could do much of anything – I mean, he had that thing stuffed inside of him and it wasn't like he could just whip it out of there, right? I dropped to my knees and kissed him. I told him that he was the most beautiful person to me and I asked him if he'd let me help him to finish. I meant what I'd said, too. The two of us have always appreciated each other and the way that we look.

He looked scared, but he nodded and I grabbed that thing in him and I made love to Lindsay and I meant every bit of it. When he got close, he reached for his dick, but I brushed his hands away and sucked it for him – right through every spurt that he'd give. After he'd rested with me in his arms, he did me. We fucked right through the day and then we had a bath together and went at each other all that night.

We're a lot alike," she nodded, "I'm more wolfish than him like this, and he's more of a fox. We're both small for what we are and we've often been mistaken for a pair of boys AND a pair of girls when we walk together, depending on the light, I guess. We both like girls and we like guys too. It just doesn't work out all that well for us since we'd really like to have somebody who could love us both."

She looked up, "I don't think it matters what they are, either. As long as that person or persons could love us both, we'd be happy, but I'm beginning to think that we'll never find that." She looked over to Lindsay and smiled, "I keep telling him that we've got each other and always will, so we ought to just go someplace where nobody knows us and live like we're married. He always says that I should just find a really good love for myself."

She looked at the two of them, "But I don't want to do that. We love each other and I want to be his and make kids with him one day. It's not really fair, the way that things worked out for us.

"How do you mean? "Randi asked, intrigued now.

Lindsay stepped over, "One day, I was sent away," he said, "Dad told me that I had some special things to learn. He sent me to another place – it was in Mexico; a little place that was very old and far off the few good roads. Besides Spanish, what I learned there was what I'd need to become what I am," he said with a little smile. "I trained with weapons and explosives. They taught me how to find things out, size things up quickly, get in and get out again.

And they taught me ways to get close to someone – close enough to slip a shiv in between their ribs while I'm making love with them."

"Uh, just women or ..." Ayt'han asked.

"You don't think it really makes any difference at all, do you?" Lindsay smiled, "Because it doesn't. Not that it was anything new to me, but I was trained to keep anyone happy. Sam is the same. Anybody at all.

We've never learned the reason for it, but while I was there and I guess I'd been gone about a year, Dad sent Sam to be trained in fixing people at the hospital where Uncle Clancy runs things, pretty much. After six months, he told her that she had to go to a school in Wyoming. He didn't know why and he showed her the letter that he'd gotten from Dad. When she showed up there, they trained her in the same things that I'd learned."

He shrugged, "Different school.

Anyway, they gave her a horse and sent her to look for me. Where I was, they told me I had to kill a certain person, but they gave me very little to go on, saying it was my final test – which was just shit, because I'd already done that a month before. Neither one of us knew who it was that we were sent to kill. We figured that out later."

"It took me almost four months to find him," Samantha smirked, "because they'd sent him to find me. Each one of us had part of a message. None of it made much sense by itself. We were supposed to kill each other and the winner would be able to put the pieces together and get the final information."

"We found each other in Abilene after chasing each other's tails all over the place," Sam said, "But we met in daylight by accident," she laughed, "so we just went to bed."

Ayt'han almost choked on a mouthful of food, "You went to bed?"

"Well yeah," Samantha smiled, "We've always loved each other like crazy and we hadn't laid eyes on each other in almost two years by then. If you knew us back then, it only makes sense that's what we'd do. We compared notes later. We still don't really know why all of that was done, but we obviously didn't kill each other. We put the messages together and that's when we found out that the woman that Dad was with was human and wasn't my mother at all."

"We also learned that Dad was our real father and that we're half-siblings from different mothers – who are both dead. Dad was some sort of spy. We think that he'd double and work for whoever offered him the most gold. Once we had that together, we rode home. What we learned about ourselves didn't really shock or surprise us at all. I mean look at us."

She stood right against and beside Lindsay and the resemblance was very plain then. They both had the same dark eyes and smiles, though her fur was golden to his deep red. In spite of the jokes which she often made of his long mane, her hair was the same in both length, texture, even the cut having the same long curls that Lindsay had. They were obviously a set.

"Yeah, we're half-brother and sister, but we didn't know that when we started out," she said, "As far as we knew, we weren't related at all. By the time that we knew, we were already lovers and we always have been from the time that we were eighteen. Ok, I'm a year older, but still ... "

"We went home and found the place burned down, "Lindsay said. "It took us about an hour to find Dad and from what we could see; it looked like a bit of murder gone wrong, so then we looked for the woman. We cornered her in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, so that began to make a bit of sense, since it wasn't far from where Sam had been trained, though we didn't get anything much out of her. She was already dying. Dad poisoned her and then we guess that she killed him while she had the chance. She just couldn't get any antidote to work. I think all of the ones that she tried only made it worse. She was in agony at the end.


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