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A Camping Trip to Remember

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Two guys have an eventful camping trip in Algonquin Park.
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My name is Phil. This is a fictional re creation of a camping trip I went on with Ron, a university buddy one summer. We had previously camped a few times back in high school when we were in our teens and always had a good time. Like many horny teen guys we had felt each other up a bit, kissed, and even masturbated in each other's presence. We planned the trip pretty carefully with respect to campsites and distance from the jumping off point.

We had previously registered with the park rangers and asked about the best place to fish for Bass. We were told this lake had been stocked with Large mouth a few years back and were looking forward to some action.

We parked our cars at the jumping off point, loaded up and canoed into Algonquin Park and camped on an island. We were told it would be safer from bears on an island but we would still need long ropes to tie our food up in the trees. No worries, I had made certain that we had lots of rope.

Most of the guys then wore jean cut offs or Adidas shorts for swimming. You on the other hand usually wore tight speedo style suits. You surprised me on this trip by showing off most of your butt in an electric blue thong style suit-just for a laugh and to get a better tan you said.

We fished all day and found that the stocked bass were all exactly the same size- too small to keep! So we lay in the sun & drank and smoked cigarettes. Then we'd go skinny dipping and spy on the girls in neighboring campsite through binoculars. Around the fire we'd drink some more and go to sleep with our pricks in our hands too shy to have taken the actions we were thinking. Do you know what I was thinking then Ron? Well the hornier I got the more I thought about your ass. I am an ass & leg man all the way & for a guy you had a really nice ass. Or maybe we could invite the girls from the next campsite and we'd have some fun. Or any combination of the above.

We could not pack any glass into the interior of the park so we had vodka in plastic bottles and mixed it with powdered orange juice. It was understandable you passed out since I switched your vodka with the 180 proof that I had brought. When you regained consciousness, you would not be sleeping by the fire. I had stripped you and tied you up in the tree hanging by your wrists with your toes just touching the pine needles, covered you in soap and shaved every hair off your body.

Then I had paddled over to the next campsite and invited the two girls and their boyfriends to come over to have some very special fun. I didn't tell them what was up exactly but they were intrigued and in their twenties and I guess and were just hanging out at the lake too. I returned shortly before they did and threw a bucket of water on you to bring you around and wash off the last of the soap. You were still pretty dopey. Yeah, you have a couple of nicks here & there but nothing serious.

When they arrived on shore the girls were the first ones to take an interest. They walked right up to you and started stroking your cock and balls and rubbing your ass. It is funny how quickly the animal in them comes out, you know? Once you started to get harder, they started to get rougher. First thing I know they are slapping your thighs and ass with their hands, squeezing your balls and looking for something harder to use on you and asked to put you in a more vulnerable position. They were also getting pretty horny themselves and soon they were down to their bikinis and were sweating while they were 'playing' with you.

Meanwhile me and the other guys started looking around the campsite and found some small logs & and with my rope lashed a log horizontally about 3 feet off the ground between two trees which were about 6 feet apart. While I let you down from the tree, they marched you over to the log and bent you frontwards over it. In no time we had you bent double with your legs spread wide and your ankles tied to the base of the 2 trees while your hands were stretched out and tied to the tree trunks beside you. You were totally helpless and very vulnerable in that position. There were some old pallets nearby and we made a short stack of them in front of where your head was tied. The girls freed up a couple of pallet boards and began to smack your ass with them. They stood on either side of your spread open butt and took turns whacking you just like they were driving railway spikes. Smack! Smack! And you were yelping like a coyote after each one. Not that I blame you, my asshole was puckering just thinking about what you must be feeling.

The other guys and I were getting extremely horny watching the two girls heaving those boards and seeing the pure lust in their eyes. Suddenly one other guy dropped his suit and climbed up on the stack of pallets and shoved his cock in your wide open mouth. He grabbed two handfuls of your hair and instructed you to suck and suck hard. You did while he fucked your face and the girls continued with their beating of your ass, now beet red. They were slowing down now and watching him get head, either because they were tired or were considering changing tactics-perhaps both.

My cock was so hard that it hurt so I went to the blond and took the board out of her hands and then undid her bikini top and let her breasts fall out. She made no move to stop me or to protest so I slipped my fingers into her bikini bottoms and slid them down over her sweaty thighs. She lifted each foot to allow their removal and then stood in front of me with her legs slightly spread. I dropped my cutoffs with their big wet spot and I knelt and licked her pussy which was already sopping wet with her juices and she sat down on the mossy ground in front of me and spread her legs. I entered her easily and began to stroke in and out. The slapping behind me had stopped and I turned to see that the brunette was now also naked and reached into your hairless crotch and milked your cock while squeezing your balls as the guy was fucking your face. In a moment she spit on her hand and put one or more fingers up your spread asshole and began to fuck your behind. Hard not to get even hotter watching that.

The blonde wanted to be on top and turned me over. When I was in position she called her brunette friend over and she sat on my face while the blonde rode my cock. I heard the blonde gasp and looking down between our bodies saw that the guys had traded places. The first guy had had left your mouth and was fucking her ass from behind while his friend was now lustily fucking your face. I think I could feel the first guy's cock through the thin layer of skin that separated the blonde's ass from her pussy. She and the brunette on my mouth were sucking each others faces like there was no tomorrow.

While we continued our three way on the ground you hung limp over the rail where you were tied and your head lolled loosely from the neck having just had a load of come deposited in your mouth. The rest of us should all have come in 30 seconds flat, but somehow it took some while before we exploded in and on each other.

As we all began to breathe normally again, we got some more vodka and orange into us and had a smoke and a swim. The brunette said she wanted to see you get fucked up the ass, better yet in both ends at once. She wandered over to you and took your face in her hands and asked you what you thought of getting double ended. Apparently she didn't care for your answer because she wound up and smacked you a good one on your face.

We got the point and one of the other guys and I took our places in front and behind you. With a little help from the blonde, the other guy got hard and jerkily shoved his way up into your ass. I held my cock in front of your face and you slowly opened your mouth and I slid in. You looked up into my eyes for a second or two and then broke off your gaze. I began to move and you began to suck between grunts as the guy in your behind hit bottom with his thrusts. Over your back I could see the other guy's cock disappearing into your asshole and feel you move forward at the end of each push..

And the girls? Well they picked up their boards again and began smacking our asses to increase our double penetration of you. It became the most violent kind of rape, huge slamming thrusts into you while our cocks swelled and our thigh muscles contracted with each slap of the board. We kept this up for many minutes before we came in your mouth and ass twitching and moaning. I am not sure who came first but the third guy quickly took his buddy's place in your ass while my cock softened in your mouth.

When we each moved away, the girls added more pallets in front of you and they lay on them with their legs spread on either side of your head and you licked and sucked their pussies and asses clean while they humped your face and kissed each other over your back. It was enough to get a guy hard again I can tell you. Speaking of hard, you were the only one of the group who hadn't come yet. Your cock was bobbing in the wind and there was nothing to rub it against to stimulate it. Too bad for you.

Eventually, both the girls had pressed their pussies and asses against your face and been tongued enough that now they wanted more cock. Luckily me and the other guys were more than ready. We took turns fucking each of the girls top and bottom, front and back while you watched us from your bound position. I think we put on a pretty good show. When we were done with the girls, they presented their pussies and asses to you again for a tongue clean up.

Soon we had lit a fire and roasted some hot dogs, gone for another swim and rested a bit with the odd trip over to your position to slap your balls, give you a quick jerk or get our parts licked. Eventually our tired guests got in their canoe and paddled naked back to their campsite, where I am sure that they had no trouble getting to sleep. You were begging to be untied and said you had to go to the bathroom. I told you to go ahead and slid a board under you. When you were done I threw it in the bush and soaked you with another bucket of water.

I found a thick stick and put it between your teeth and tied it in place. I knew I'd never get any sleep otherwise. I took some charcoal from the fire and wrote "Fuck" on the left cheek of your ass and "Me" on the right one. I just left you like that tied near the shore with your ass hanging out facing the lake and I went to bed where I immediately passed out.

I woke some time later early in the morning to sounds of giggling and a strange sort of smacking sound. I quietly moved to the tent flap and looked out to see 3 canoes on the shore in front of our camp and 6 guys lined up to take turns fucking your ass. They must have been paddling by and seen you tied there with your advertisement for free ass. From the lake I am sure that your fine ass could have been mistaken for a female one, but what the hell. A male or a female asshole definitely feels the same to a hard cock. I can vouch for that. Also, you had no hair visible and in that position no one could see whether or not you had tits. Whatever.. I jerked off while I watched each one of them fuck you. When the first one was done he removed your gag and stuck his cock fresh from your ass hole into your mouth and had you suck him off. The others followed suit. When they had all come a couple of times they retied your gag, got dressed, climbed back in their canoes and paddled away leaving you still tied spread open for the next gang of canoeists to find, or for the world to fuck.

I waited for a while to see if there was going to be another show, but any canoes I saw were on the far side of the lake. I wandered down to the lake and took a quick dip and put on some coffee. It was late morning by now and the sun and mosquitoes had taken their toll on you. Your ass has red welts on it and the rest of you was pink and bitten all over. You had come from a dozen cocks running down your thighs and chin. I took pity on you and untied you from your bent over position and told you to take a swim. You slowly started to crawl and then managed to straighten up and stagger towards the lake. As I lit a smoke, I heard splashing and saw you washing your hairless crotch and trying to get the charcoal smears and the dried come off your thighs and cupping your hands in the lake to wash off your face. When I looked again, you were halfway to the mainland. I called for you to come back but there was no response. I was surprised that you had enough energy to make it.

After a while I broke camp and packed up the canoe and paddled over to our neighbor's campsite. They were just waking up by then and I told them that what we did last night was the fulfillment of your fantasy of being a bondage fuck slut. Now we were into the 'hunt' portion of the fantasy and you had swum off naked. I showed them which direction you went and said that they should keep an eye out for you. If they found you they could do whatever they wanted with you, any protests were just part of the fantasy. There was no need to describe you; they knew how you looked inside and out. I gave each of the girls a hug and a kiss and then I climbed into my canoe and paddled back to my car.

I jerked off twice on the drive home, thinking of you out in the woods buck naked without a hair on your body. You would have to hike through ten miles of bush and swamp, swim across a couple of lakes and take the portages back to the jumping off point all the while keeping out of sight of canoeists and campers.

Or maybe you'd have to prostitute yourself to buy a ride back to the canoe launch. It should have been easy for a guy with your recent experience. Perhaps our neighbours or those six guys would find you and fuck you over some more. Maybe a whole flotilla of canoeists would tie you up and come up your ass before you found your way back to civilization.

I was thinking of you out there somewhere hanging from a tree, or tied spread eagle on the ground, or stretched between a couple of trees with cocks in your holes. Maybe you liked being a fuck toy now and can't do without a cock up your ass and down your throat. I assumed that you must have had a key to your car hidden somewhere because you sure as hell didn't have one on you.

Now that was what I call roughing it.

Footnote- It took me almost 2 days to make my way back to jumping off point. I was glad we picked the campsite not too far away. I was totally naked after all and my ass was too sore for any more cocks or any more spanking. Several times I had to hide to let groups of canoeists pass by and had to wait till dark at the parking lot. I had a spare key in a magnetic holder inside the rear fender of my car and my wallet was under the front seat. An old pair of coveralls in the trunk sufficed to get me home. The 'hunt' portion of my fantasy was relatively uneventful..this time.

When I got home Phil and I would have to plan another trip- maybe next time it would be his turn to be the sub...

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