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A Condom Big Enough for a Futa Ch. 03


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"These are all hard sizes right? Not flaccid?"

"Well of course!" Cassandra laughed, like it was the most ridiculous question in the world, putting a hand to her ginormous coat-clad breasts, "the flaccid sizes are also quite large but I don't know the numbers off the top of my head as well."

"Ah ok, just checking." Victoria said, smiling devilishly once again at the clueless nurse, "and how about the size of their balls? Have you and the doctor measured them in some way?"

"Oh yes we have! We've been measuring weight and volume. The measurements there are a bit more complicated, but I can tell you that much like penis size, they're much bigger! One patient's were nearly the size of softballs. I had never seen anything like it."

"Mmmm and do larger balls mean futanari are more, uh, potent?"

"Yep!" Cassandra said, almost a bit too enthusiastically, "while larger testicle size in males is usually a bad sign, it seems that it corresponds to the level of virility in the futanari we've gotten samples from so far! It's really interesting just how different they are than the other sexes!"

"Makes sense, I guess," Victoria responded, still smiling that same smile to herself, "Well, I'm ready to start the examination now."

Cassandra grinned at her and put her stethoscope into her ears and the end of it against Victoria's chest. As they went through what could be considered a typical physical, they continued to chat about futanari and the research. Victoria didn't learn much more, as most of the more technical-aspects of it were still being researched and studied. However, while Victoria was having several vials of blood taken, Cassandra did mention something else interesting; apparently another lab had recently isolated the genetic mutation that caused futanari to be born and that it could be found in people of all sexes who weren't classified as futanari. This mutation when it showed up in regular people manifested in a few different ways.

"Yes in men, they have the increased gential sizes and enhanced virility that futanari have. Usually on the smaller end of the scale, but still much larger than any man that doesn't have the gene mutation! Although there have been a few exceptions to that rule, of course. And women who have it are much more fertile while more obviously having bigger breasts and butts than almost any other woman who doesn't have it!"

"I myself have this mutation, as you can see! It's one of the reasons I volunteered to help in this study!" This last statement was accompanied by a giggle, followed by Cassandra standing back from Victoria and presenting herself like she was Vanna White revealing letters on Jeopardy. The futa used this moment to ogle her absurdly sexual form once more, still bewildered at the fact it looked like she had been poured into her outfit, it attached to her fleshy form so tightly. This day was definitely going to be fun - fun for Victoria, at least. Cassandra giggled once more and walked back to Victoria, finishing up the last of the physical. As she moved the cart back to the other side of the room, she grabbed a large, lidded container off of it.

"Alright!" She exclaimed, turning back to Victoria, "Next I'm going to need a urine sample and I'm going to have to ask you to undress!"

"Not that I mind, but why do I have to be naked to pee in a cup?" Victoria asked, a little confused but more excited that things were speeding up even faster than she had planned.

"Oh right, that's a good question," the nurse laughed to herself, "its just to make sure that you are giving us your own urine and also to confirm you are indeed a futanari before we move any further - the doctor was very clear that the sponsor for this project wanted there to be no mistakes or errors! You don't have to be shy, I am a professional after all!"

"Makes sense." Victoria said, slightly doubting the professional comment, 'Alright, I'll undress now then."

"Actually," Victoria paused for a moment, her plan solidifying in her mind, "can you turn around just until I'm undressed, I guess I am a bit nervous."

"Oh that's ok! I don't think you'd be able to do anything I wouldn't notice anyway!'

Everything was going according to plan. Giving Victoria another bubbly smile, Cassandra turned around and busied herself with some paperwork. Still standing, having never sat down through the physical and blood drawing, the futa kicked off her sandals and bent over to pick them up and place them on the exam table next to her. Reaching down and lifting up her dress, she undid the strap that kept her cock up, as silently as she could, and placed it next to her sandals. While she was doing this, she did her best to let her cock down slowly onto the floor, not wanting the sound of the impact to draw Cassandra's curiosity. Finally, she lifted her dress up over her body and folded neatly, placing it along with her phone next to her other items. Turning towards Cassandra, her cock dragging with her movements, she spread her leg, taking a wide stance to let her oversized penis and balls come fully into view. It was time for the show to begin.

"Ok, I'm ready."

Turning around with the sample cup in her hand, the busty nurse immediately gasped as she witnessed Victoria's naked form - just the reaction the futa was looking for. The cup dropped from her hands and landed on the cold tile with a clang. Cassandra rubbed her eyes, not believing what she was seeing. This tall, unassuming futanari in front of her had a cock that literally reached the ground, and she had seen enough penises in her life, both professionally and casually, that she could tell it was real even from her position several feet away. She felt her breath catch in her chest, and her panties instantly moisten at the sight - it was almost like her own futanari genes were reacting to the incredible display in front of her.

"H-holy fuck!" she managed to gasp out.

"Hmmm? What is it, nurse? Don't you need a urine sample from me?" Victoria said, her predatory grin returning to her face. Cassandra audibly gulped as she nodded her head, Victoria's words reminding her off the job she was supposed to do. With shaking hands, she bent down and picked up the discarded empty sample cup, her giant breasts bouncing as she moved. Trying her best to steady herself, her efforts not bearing much fruit, she slowly walked over to Victoria, her hips swaying involuntarily in an even more exaggerated manner than before. Her body was really reacting to the presence of such an alpha specimen of sexuality. She tried to hand over the cup to Victoria, but the futa seemed uninterested in taking it from her.

"You know, I think I might need a little help from you Cassandra. As you can see I'm pretty big down there and it might be a little hard for me to aim, and I don't want to make a mess! Why don't you bring that stool over here and we can get started?" Victoria commanded, taking control of the room now that she was in her natural element.

"O-oh of c-course, we wouldn't w-want to make a mess." the stunned nurse managed to stutter out. Turning around, cup still shaking in her hand, she walked over to the corner of the room where a stool the doctor usually sat on rested. Grabbing it with one hand, she dragged it over and placed it in front of Victoria. She looked at her timidly, like she was waiting for another command. Victoria looked at her impassively for a second before reaching down with both hands and lifting her cock. Grabbing it at the middle of the shaft, she hauled it off the floor and slammed it onto the stool, causing it to wobble from the weight of the impact. Her shaft still sagged over the stool towards Cassandra, the head drooping halfway down the wooden legs. Victoria looked at the nurse expectantly.

Cassandra could do nothing but stare. Her eyes were completely glued to the giant cock currently testing the strength of the stool it lay on. It was enormous. Despite the fact that Victoria stood a couple feet away from the stool, her cock completely bridged the gap between them, and still had enough extra length to drape over the piece of furniture. It also completely covered the seat of the stool, it's thickness almost causing it to droop off the sides. The veins on it pulsed and Cassandra's ears were suddenly invaded by the sound of a low gurgling. Looking past her cock, she gasped again as her eyes fell upon Victoria's giant balls. They looked like 2 watermelons their size was so large - Cassandra was sure that one of her balls was bigger than the entire packages of almost all the other futanari she had measured and tested. She continued to stare silently, her mouth open in astonishment.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

The nurse looked up at Victoria once more, shaken from her trance. With another loud swallow of air, she dropped to her knees, her whole body jiggling obscenely. She unscrewed the lid from the container, and set it next to her on the ground. Hands still shaking, she used one hand to lift the end of Victoria's cock up, grunting from the effort, and used the other to hold the now topless container to the end of it. Her nostrils were assailed by the scent of the futa's cock, flaring from the intense aroma; Cassandra had heard that a common trait of futanari were that they let off a sexual pheromone, but she had never been able to actually smell the pheromone in all of the futanari she had been close to before. Shaking her head, the nurse tried to focus on the job she was tasked with and held up the cup right up to the futa's urethra, noting with shock that her gaping slit was nearly as wide as the mouth of the cup itself. She looked up at Victoria, indicating she was ready to take a urine sample.

Victoria grunted loudly. Her cock shook in Cassandra's hand as her piss slit gaped even wider. Cassandra could smell the piss before it came, but even that odd warning couldn't have prepared her for what was to come. Golden yellow liquid gushed out of her urethra, and slammed into the cup. It was filled in an instant. Cassandra had almost dropped it from the force of the impact, but managed to hold it still as to not spill a drop - an accomplishment that would quickly prove useless. The stream didn't just stop once the container was filled, Victoria wouldn't let it. It continued to shoot out splashing onto everything around it, including the nurse. She had pulled her hand back as the cup was filled and held it timidly in front of her. Victoria's cock hadn't let up at all, and as soon as Cassandra had removed her only defense from the onslaught of liquid waste, she was blasted as well.

Her once-white lab coat was instantly dyed a dark yellow. The seemingly-unending blast of warm liquid continued to drench the curvy nurse, completely soaking her from head to toe. The urine pooled in her lap, quickly overfilling the sizable gap created by the nurse's plump thighs and spilling onto the floor. If Cassandra had thought the smell was intense before, now it was overwhelming. Victoria's cock twitched in Cassandra's hand and sprayed upwards, splashing against the face of the bewildered nurse. She had made the mistake of breathing in as her face was hit, the acrid smelling piss invading her nose and mouth. Cassandra coughed and choked on the foul tasting urine - it was practically invading all of her senses at this point.

Victoria continued to empty her bladder onto the nurse, like a beast marking its territory. She made no attempt at stopping it; they had wanted a urine sample and they were gonna get one. Her stream continued for over a minute, nothing special to the hyper-endowed futa. She noticed with some amusement that the nurse had never let go of her cock, and continued to aim at her own body, knowingly or not. As her bladder finally emptied, Victoria grabbed the base of the shaft with both hands and gave it a heavy shake, causing large droplets to fling all over the ground and the nurse. Cassandra stared in bewilderment, still unmoving, still dutifully holding the overflowing sample cup in front of her.

"Mmmm sorry about that. Guess I got a little carried away when you said you needed a urine sample. I did really need to pee after all."

"Buh guh, oh god," Cassandra mumbled out, Victoria's urine dripping in large quantities down her face. She looked up at the futa, finally peeling her eyes from her massive cock. Victoria stood smiling her mischievous smile, like a child playing at being innocent who knew they had done wrong. Finally removing her hand from the incredible cock in front of her, Cassandra looked from her, down to the filled-to-the-brim sample cup in her hand, and then down at the lid which now sat in a deep puddle of piss. Almost as if she was in a trance, Cassandra reached over and picked it up, the lid slipping from her grasp several times before she got a firm grasp on it, and screwed it onto the top of the cup. Cassandra looked down at it, her breathing heavy. Victoria's voice broke her from her shock once more.

"Well, what's next? We have some measurements to do, don't we?"

Staring at the cup for several more seconds, Cassandra finally registered the words Victoria had spoken to her and looked up. She nodded at the futa. Placing one hand on the ground, she attempted to steady herself in the pool of urine and stand up. Her feet slipped several times beneath her, but she managed to stand. Her entire body continued to drip as she moved, and it became apparent that no part of her had remained untouched - her clothes would have been transparent had it not been in their design not to. She glanced at the floor around her, noticing that almost the entire floor on the half of the room she was in was covered in an inch deep puddle of Victoria's liquid refuse. Walking carefully through the lake of urine, she made it to the far counter and set the dripping container on its surface. Taking off her piss-soaked gloves, she threw them in the trash and reached for the paper towel dispenser.

Victoria observed the nurse as she moved. The drenching her body received had already caused her too-small looking clothes to cling to her body even more. Victoria tried to hold back her arousal as now she could practically make out every curve and dip in the skin of this walking fantasy. She watched as the nurse removed paper towel after paper towel from the dispenser, doing her best to dry herself as much as she could. Victoria knew it was mostly pointless, but smiled inwardly as she watched. The constant patting the nurse did on her body was unintentionally erotic, but that could be said for most things she did. Finally out of towels, the nurse grabbed another pair of gloves and put them on before opening a drawer and pulling something out.

Cassandra's heart beat like a bass drum. She could practically feel her patient's eyes burn a hole through her skin, a feeling that was not all unfamiliar to the busty woman. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself she was at work and she had made it this far without an incident, a streak she couldn't afford to break. But... this futa was a different creature compared to the ones she had examined before. Still trying to calm herself, she pulled out a measuring tape from the drawer, trying not to be fearful of what was going to come next. She would have to get even closer to that mighty cock and she had no idea what to expect from the futa behind her after she just bathed in her in an unholy amount of piss. Squaring her shoulders, doing her best to maintain her professionalism, she turned around to face Victoria once more.

"Uh, uh ok. So time for measurements," Cassandra stuttered, walking over to Victoria, still having to watch her step, "it's uh, too bad we couldn't get a flaccid measurement first."

Victoria laughed loudly. She had to hand it to the nurse, she was doing her best; but here she was, still covered in piss and trying to continue on with the study. Either they were getting paid quite a bit for this, or Victoria's sexual magic was working well - any normal person would kick her out and immediately shower and change. But here was this dumb bimbo, waddling over to here, completely soaked, nipples poking through her coat, and unknowingly rubbing her thighs together in arousal. Victoria was going to drop a bomb on her, one that would seal the deal for this unsuspecting woman.

"Oh honey!" Victoria laughed once more, adopting a faux-sweet tone in her voice, "I'm not hard at all! This is me completely flaccid! How I wake up and go to bed every day! You're funny to think this my erect size. So cute."

Punctuating her words with another two-handed shake of her cock, Victoria continued to smile at the jaw-dropped woman. Walking past the stunned woman, Victoria gently stepped through the soaked ground, having much more experience walking through her own various bodily fluids, and approached a currently bare counter on the opposite end of the room from where Cassandra stood. Victoria had dragged the stool her cock previously sat on with her, and held her cock up with her other, not wanting to drag it through the liquid waste she left all over the ground. Standing in front of the counter, Victoria stood on the footrests of the stool, balancing carefully, and hauled her cock up onto the counter; it smacked onto the surface with a loud thud. Her enormous, but flaccid, bitch breaker took up nearly the entire counter and almost touched the wall on the other end of it.

"Here," Victoria said, still smiling at the nurse whose jaw was nearly to the floor with how far it hung open, "this should help you get an accurate measurement!"

Eyes as big as saucers at what she had just heard and witnessed, Cassandra staggered over to where Victoria stood. Standing next to her, the buxom woman continued to stare open-mouthed at this mind-bendingly large sexual organ in front of her. It was big enough to literally take up the whole counter space length wise, and nearly touched the wall from just incredibly thick it was. The veins that ran along its length pulsed even in its flaccid state, and many of them looked bigger than even Cassandra's wrists. The end of it was almost touching the opposite wall, and looked like it grazed it with every beat of Victoria's heart. It was incredible.

"Ok," Cassandra said shakily, "I'm gonna start the uh, the flaccid measurement now."

Unraveling the measuring tape in her hands, she took the beginning of the roll and reached towards the base of Victoria's cock where it met her groin. Placing the tape against Victoria's base, not needing to press against her groin at all due the toned-nature of the futa's body, Cassandra started to unravel the tape down the extreme length. Shivering as her hand grazed the incredibly hot shaft, she continued to unravel more and more length of tape. As the inches marked on the measuring device turned to feet, Cassandra's eyes widened and her hands shook. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tape reached the end of the Victoria's cock, the nurse's hand pressed uncomfortably against the wall. Her jaw dropped once more and her whole body shook as her eyes took in the number staring her in the face.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Cassandra exclaimed, finally finding her voice, "your flaccid length is, holy shit, 31 inches long. Oh my God!"

As Cassandra's plethora of astonished curses continued to stream from her lips, Victoria stared at her smugly. While she had never measured her cock personally, not for many years anyway, she had a good idea of just how long she was. Still, knowing the definite number, even if it was just her flaccid length, made her happy - happy and a bit aroused at knowing she was bigger than every other futa who had entered these halls before her by a wide margin. Victoria felt her cock try to spit out some cum, but she held it in, wanting to save that little surprise for later. Focusing back on the still babbling nurse, who was now holding the folded length of measuring tape in her hand, staring at the number that seemed incomprehensible.

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