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A Cougar Totally Turned Ch. 05


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I was told to stand (fuck!) and Nikki was told to put the harness and dildo in place. That done, she lay on the bed while I mounted her. Sheri climbed on the bed in reverse cowgirl over Nikki's mouth. We all three completely enjoyed THAT little go round!! I must share – I wasn't sure I had the energy for another. Umm, suffice to say that my lover's energy and assistance aided in my rather vigorous fucking of that very slender, lithe, feminine form. Sheri screamed in our kiss as hers took her. My fingers aided, rather nicely, I thought, to her considerable spend.

After, she lay on her back as Nikki serviced her quite completely. I lay next to my honey, caressing her, loving her breasts, sharing kisses with my beloved. Her breathing sped up as it came over her. I moved to her breast, bathed it completely as my hand took her other nipple and teased it. For a moment I thought the force of her hips might just throw the tiny body clear over her head. Nikki managed to maintain her grip as she took Sheri the rest of the way through the explosion.

When Sheri fully recovered (it took a while as both of us softly and gently loved her) she rose, went to the bathroom, then the chair. As Nikki was pleasuring me one yet more time, praise god, Sheri took her phone from her purse, scrolled through it, and raised it to her ear. "Yes pet; she'll be ready in about 20 minutes. You know the address."

I forgot this detail – Sheri had told me she'd arranged one of her others to drive to my home and pick Nikki up. Sorry.

Nikki brought me round again; it wasn't quite the blistering tidal wave of heat the others were but I damn well liked it. I also wasn't sure I'd be able to walk any time soon. Sheri directed Nikki to go clean up, use the washroom, and dress to go home. She came and lay with me on the bed. She kissed me tenderly. Her eyes were warm. I closed my eyes and sighed in pleasure. I pulled her to me and hugged her as best I could.

We lay like that as Nikki came out and dressed. When she finished she stood at the side of the bed and held a robe for Sheri. She put it on. Nikki came to my side of the bed and bent to kiss me. I smiled, held her face in my hands, "Nikki, you are stunningly beautiful. You're a gifted, passionate, and skilled lover. Thank you. I enjoyed this, and you, immensely." I kissed her. She blushed and murmured her thanks. Sheri looked on quite proudly; the smile radiated her sense of pride, joy, and love.

Sheri handed Nikki the leash. She slipped it in her pocket, and followed Sheri down the stairs. I heard the door open and close. Sheri came back to our bed, shrugged off the robe, threw it on the bed, and slid in next to me. We spoke of the night. Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Yes she was very proud of both of us. Our voices were low and soft, our kisses warm and sweet. We fell asleep, together, quickly.

Author's Note: Another chapter of what is already a rather long story – more to come. Thanks to all for reading, for your votes, and for all the wonderful comments and email!! I hope all of you enjoy the tale as it unfolds. This is a flight of fantasy; completely fictitious. If there is any resemblance to anyone walking among us my apologies.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why gloss over the strap on part? That could have been so wonderful

Ravey19Ravey19over 4 years ago
Getting Better, Growing Strongef

Well that's about it. A little confusing in places but what a story; hope and love seem so mingled up and hardly surprising given where Julia has been found for 25 years and Sheri is so powerful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Oh well

It was a good story up to this point. You write well no doubt just didn’t care for the addition. Also wish there’s a bit more drama.

ErinzeasyErinzeasyalmost 5 years ago
What a shame

Sadly, the addition of the other subs destroyed a beautiful story. Obviously written by a man for a mans tastes.

Bridget69Bridget69over 5 years ago
A bit more spice...

by adding Nikki to turn up the heat. If I were Julia, I would want to sample the entire softball team AND the entire sorority house. I just hope that this will just enhance their relationship and not compromise it in any way.

Bridget69Bridget69over 5 years ago

With the addition of Nikki to turn up the heat. If I were Julia, I would want to sample the entire softball team AND the entire sorority house. Just imagine all the young babes! I just hope that introducing other "players" will only enhance their relationship and not compromise it in any way.

Bridget69Bridget69over 5 years ago
Extra spice

With the addition of Nikki to turn up the heat. If I were Julia, I would want to sample the entire softball team AND the entire sorority house. Just imagine all the young babes! I just hope that introducing other "players" will only enhance their relationship and not compromise it in any way.

idrubloodidrubloodover 10 years ago

And sexy as all that!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
AVixenLiterally. ___ It's Just Too Bad !!!!!!!!!

It's too bad that you couldn't work it out !

S_P_L_ Lynda.

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