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A Crimson Domme Ch. 03


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I smiled down at him watching his face become even more desperate as he stroked himself back and forth, "No. Get my cigarettes and a lighter."

Randy stopped stroking himself, "Uhm, I've very asthmatic Ma'am. I don't do well around cigarette smoke. It just about killed me when I was hiding in the closet. If you could please not."

My mouth hung open wide as I laughed, "Oh dear. Will it kill you?"

"No Ma'am."

I rolled my eyes, "Hmmm, will it hospitalize you?"

"No Ma'am, but I - I do start to wheeze and I struggle to get enough air and I start coughing a lot."

"Oh, I see," I smiled then wiped it from my face, "it's about me Randall. Don't you dare try to control this. You do as your told."

Randy hung his head as the shine of my victory lorded over him, "Yes Ma'am."

"Pick up the pace Randy," I barked, "when I speak you snap."

I laughed as he bristled to a quick march then knelt back at my feet. I pulled one out and held it in my mouth, "Light me."

Randy held the lighter out and raised the flame to end of my cigarette as I took a long drag then blew the smoke in his face, "Lucky for you I only smoke after drinking and sex," I remarked as I listened to his breathing suddenly change. "Back to what you were doing Randy."

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied then wrapped his hand around his cock again.

"But I have questions for you now. Understand you will answer each one honestly and without holding anything back," I told him as another plume of smoke swirled around his head. "Am I clear?"

He continued to gag as his breathing whistled from deep inside him. It was obvious he was asthmatic and very sensitive to smoke. A small part of me suddenly felt guilty about being so mean but the newly found bitch in me felt even stronger and more invincible as he knelt at my feet helplessly sucking in the cloud that surrounded him.

Randy continued to gag as I smiled at him, "Yes Ma'am, very clear."

"Good, now get me an ashtray and hold it out for me as you kneel and stroke yourself," I pointed in front of my feet. Randy rushed around the room to find one then dropped back to his knees.

I tapped the ash into the tray then took another drag, "Question number 1," blowing another cloud in his face, "Who's the boss?"

His eyes dropped to the floor, "You are, Ma'am."

"What happens when you don't do as you are told?"

Randy paused for a moment, "That's up to you Ma'am."

"Nope I want the whole truth from you," I smirked as I rolled the ash of my cigarette across the ashtray. "Tell me what I want to hear Randy. What happens when you don't do as you're told." I was getting wet just making him squirm like this.

His voice dropped to a whisper, "Then you will punish me."

"Alright, that's progress," pulling his chin up with my fingernail to make him look at me as another plume of smoke filled his face, "and what would a punishment consist of?"

Randy's eyes were starting to tear from the smoke, and I smiled knowing he was helpless to stop me from doing whatever I wanted, "Well that is your decision Ma'am, but I would reckon it might be painful."

"So, I might spank you? Maybe whip you?"

Randy nodded, "Yes Ma'am."

I laughed, "I'm intrigued Randy. But I want to know that you'll do what I want you to do. Not just what pleases you."

"Of course, Ma'am," he wheezed.

"All the cleaning, the laundry, cooking, pick ups, shopping?"

"Oh yes Ma'am. I would be focussed on pleasing you."

"Ok," I smiled, "and all decisions are mine unless I give them to you and you will never oppose me."

"Yes, Ma'am. I mean yes and no Ma'am."

I took a last long drag of my cigarette then crushed it into the ashtray as I leaned into his face and exhaled a giant cloud of smoke in his face, "And everyone, your friends and mine, your family and mine, will understand our pecking order."

"Everyone?" his brow furrowed.

I grabbed his chin, "Everyone. The choice is yours. I think you're the cutest thing ever and I'm falling in love with this idea, but I only want it if it's for real and completely unconditional." I smiled and kissed his lips, "I'll crack the whip but only if I know I'm not just feeding some little fantasy that will wear away the second I make you do something you don't like," and slapped his little rock-hard prick.

"Yes Ma'am," he continued gasping, "you're the boss all the time. No matter what."

"Now, I'm not without understanding. I need to know what your limits are. "So tell me Randy. Question #3. What can't you take?" and gazed down at his abandoned cock, "and put your hand back on your prick little man."

He took a hold of his cock and continued kneeling silently at my feet as he thought, "Well, I've never thought about that much, I don't reckon I'd really like anything to do with shit, or piss Ma'am."

My jaw dropped, "Who the fuck has sex with piss and shit Randy?"

He smiled, "Well Ma'am you'd be surprised what's on-line."

"Ok," I sighed, "none of that then," although in time, he'd learn it was an honor to drink my nectar, but on that night, I can honestly say, I was revolted by the idea and fixing to think twice about this arrangement. "What else and don't you dare cum until I say so?"

"I don't really know Ma'am. I've thought about this a long time, but it never got real. I don't know what to say. I reckon, the way my mind works, you're in charge and what you say goes so that just seems like I do what you say," he conceded.

"Well alright then," I smiled down at him. "Question 4. Is this just a little fantasy of yours? Are you going to get bored of this whole thing?"

His eyes fell to the floor looking defeated and ashamed. I smirked a little and took a hold of his little prick to stroke it for him. I knew he was scared to tell me, and I understood why. "You've never told a soul about this have you honey?"

"No Ma'am," he whispered, "you're the first person ever."

I pulled his chin back up to look at me, "Randy, I want to know."

His chest heaved deeper and his breaths got louder until finally it came out like a deluge, "This isn't a fad Ma'am. I've dreamed about it since I was young."

"Well alright then. Lucky for you, I'm intrigued. Very intrigued," I told him as squeezed and pumped his little wiener. "Do you want to cum Randy?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Really? Then beg me," I smiled, "Beg me to let you cum little man."

"Please let me cum Ma'am, please. I can't believe I'm here and I'm so lucky already Mistress, but I so wish you'd let me cum. Please Ma'am, please I'm begging you. Please let me cum," he cried.

I laughed as I stroked even harder, "No Randy, you may not. Do you want to explode right now little man?"

He nodded franticly, "I can't hold it Ma'am!" he spit out while I kept pumping his little prick.

"Look at me Randy," I paused as he looked up at my face, "but you will hold it won't you?"

"Yes Mistress," he cried as his hips helplessly pulled away from my fingers. I grabbed him with a jerk and pulled him back into place as he winced .

"And why is that little man?" I asked as I started back up.

He grimaced as his head canted to the right, "Because I'm yours Ma'am. I belong to you."

"Oh, I like that," I declared then guided his hand back to his cock and switched it from mine, "Then cum sweetie, let it go," I ordered and smiled as his little thing squirted across the floor.

"Well, you were definitely a lucky little man tonight," I teased. "So, you're mine to do with as I please?"

He nodded and looked to the floor again, "Yes Ma'am."

"Good. I expect your complete obedience always and if I don't get it, you will feel it. Am I clear lil' piddle?" I asked and locked my eyes on his as I stood up to lord over him.

"Yes Ma'am," he declared smiling up at me.

I stood over him as his neck craned back to see me past my massive breasts, "Good, then clean your mess off my floor with your tongue," I ordered.

"Uhm, I don't know if I can..."

Before he could even get it out, my palm belted his face with such force I was taken back by the sound of my own slap. I had already decided that the second he demonstrated a sliver of defiance I was going to straighten him out with a little shock and awe but my goodness, it didn't take much to get the effect I wanted. I hit him hard and was shocked how little strength I needed watch his body fly to my left as he screamed then whimpered at my feet. "I'm sorry, what did we decide about your obedience?"

His eyes welled up with tears as the side of his cheek lit up like a cherry, "I'm sorry Mistress, I just didn't expect it. I'll obey. I promise. I'm sorry," he started to cry as I dipped the bottom of my shoe in his cum. "I'll do it Ma'am. I promise, right now Ma'am. I'll do it."

"Should I ever be questioned?" I asked before stepping on his hand to smear the cum on his knuckles then ground them into the floor as he let out a little scream as I listened to the crackling of his hand joints.

"No Ma'am," he squeaked out between crying gasps.

"You're going to learn to do as your told without even thinking you little pee on or you'll discover just how easily I can crush a little wimp like you," I smiled and watched a tear drip from the end of his nose, "Am I clear about our relationship little boy?"

"Yes, Mistress Virginia," he whimpered as I continued grinding his knuckles beneath my shoe.

I balanced my foot on my heel and lifted the bottom of my shoe from his hand, "Good, then you can start by cleaning the bottom of my shoe then the rest of your mess."

There wasn't an of ounce hesitation in him as he scrambled to fit his tongue in the one-inch space between my shoe and the floor. I kept shocking myself that night. First, I couldn't believe he was digging for his own cum so eagerly beneath by foot. Second, never in my wildest dreams could I have treated anyone like this let alone a weakling of a man like Randy. I'd just pat a little guy like that on the head and send him along but tonight, I could almost feel myself growing bigger and stronger as his little tongue polished the bottom of my shoe. "I'm sorry Randy, what should you be saying for such an opportunity?"

I didn't know where this attitude was coming from, but I loved it. I felt, invincible, but more than that, his diminutive little body and wimpy little demeanour was such a turn on. The more I debased him, humiliated him, and intimidated him the hotter I got. I already wanted his mouth between my legs again and I knew his face would be in position the second I pointed to my vagina. I liked being 100% in control of him and the thought of being a full time Domme that owned his sorry little ass was so incredibly hot.

Yet here I was standing over this little shrimp thinking to myself that he was the most adorable thing ever. No, he wasn't the guy I normally looked for, but I loved talking to him, loved his touch, and loved how he talked to me like I was the only person in his universe that mattered (even before I smacked him). He was the right guy for any woman, provided you weren't looking for sex with a bulging hulk of a man with shoulders, biceps, and a great big cock.

I realized I was attracted to him because he was a great guy who made me feel like nothing any other man had. If I could have grown past his small stature, I'd likely have dated him even without the femdom angle.

"Thank you Ma'am, thank you so much for letting me clean my cum off your shoe."

I admired him for a moment until I was certain his cum was gone, "Good boy. Now do what you were told," I said before kicking him out of my way so I could get ready for bed. As I looked behind me, I watched his face drop to the floor as he started licking. He would learn I didn't tolerate even a hint of defiance, but it would require time for both of us to understand the power dynamics in this relationship.

When I came back out, I was ready for bed wearing a tiny gold satin teddy with a pair of 4" mules and found Randy still on his knees tending to his hand, "Ok, all done sweetie?"

"Yes, Ma'am I am," he whispered with a little shake in his voice that told me my message had been delivered clearly.

"Good boy," I laughed as I sat back down, "my feet are tired Randy, I want a foot stool. Now Randy." A wry little smirk crossed my face as he fell into position instantly. I proceeded to sit down with my phone in hand, kicked my feet in the air so that they landed with a thud on his back that made him gasp as the wind was kicked out of him. "and ... I want silence."

"Yes Mistress," he heaved still trying to catch his breath.

I jabbed my heel into his ribs pinning him against my coffee table, "Silence pee on."

He didn't move another muscle or make a sound. I started creeping sites about how popular this femdom thing was to men. I also discovered just how quickly they lose interest after they've cum and laughed figuring I had succinctly addressed that problem already. I made a pledge to myself that if I was going to rule over lil' Randy it would be 24/7 and that an orgasm for him would be a rare treat. I thought about how I could work him tirelessly to make his life a vision of heaven or a living hell depending on my mood while mind drifted back to feeling his tongue inside my sex as I sat on his face with his balls tightly in my grip and I drifted off wondering what else I could do to him.

Suddenly, I jolted awake to find my feet still resting on his back. "How long was I asleep for Randy?"

"About 2 hours Ma'am."

I leapt up from my couch and laughed to see him jump when my heels struck the floor, "Oh my word!" I exclaimed grabbing his hair as I stood up, "it's 6am. Let's go to bed baby." I led him to my bedroom holding his head by my hip as he hobbled behind me trying to keep up while unable to stand straight up until I shoved him towards my bathroom and told him to brush his teeth with Jimmy's red toothbrush.

I took my teddy off and kicked my shoes into the corner as I slipped into bed with him. When Randy tried to slide in and lay beside me, I grabbed his head and pulled his face into my massive cleavage as I rolled half on top of him to pin him beneath me like a body pillow, "You'll sleep down there."

He laid quietly with his face between my breasts as we both relaxed. I could feel the heat bleeding onto my right breast which just reminded of how I had enjoyed the night and him. I did wondered though, what he thought. In my usual fashion for the night I grabbed his hair and pulled his face up to look at me, "So was this everything you thought it would be?"

"No Ma'am."

"No?" I was surprised by his answer.

"It was better than anything I could have ever dreamed up," he smiled up at me.

"What about when I hit you?"

"Horrible Ma'am. It still hurts. Throbs actually," he conceded, "but the rest was incredible. I'll just make sure not to piss you off."

I laughed, "Impossible pee on. Get used to it."

"Yes Mistress."

I lowered my lips to his and kissed him softly, "Go to sleep now," and placed his face back within my bosom.

When I woke, he was still sleeping, I slid over top of him and slipped his little pecker inside me. I had taken his flower just like I promised and put it in my hair. Although he thought it was the most incredible sex he had ever enjoyed, his little 3 inch baby carrot cock left me wanting. He spent the rest of that day cleaning my apartment while I created his first rules of obedience to me.

In the days and months that followed, my relationship with Randall grew. In almost no time a key to his little cock hung deep within my cleavage and his opportunities to enjoy an orgasm were predicated almost entirely on his behaviour. That's not to suggest I went without. Not at all in fact, because I discovered that as the Domme, I could fuck whoever I wanted regardless of little Randall while he cleaned my home and awaited my return for his opportunity to clean me out at the snap of my fingers.

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Long2bLockedLong2bLockedover 3 years ago

I enjoyed the way Virginia discovered her sexually dominant side. I (selfishly) feel that there are far to few dominant women in the world and I wish more could understand the natural power they have over men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This Just Has To Go On

More please

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I Loved This Story

Nuff said. I'm sorry it's over

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Femdom fantasy. Characters are one sided and too extreme to be believable but it was exciting to read nonetheless.

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