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A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 06

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It’s always happy, sex and smiles.
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As Way drove back home after being called for an emergency surgery, he thought about Ignis and their journey from a one night stand to marriage. Ignis was home from the hospital for a week and leaving him alone wasn't easy for Way. Jo and Ignis were extremely busy with their upcoming travel and Ignis, unlike Way, was dealing with his anxiety and stress gracefully and since he was back, he was taking care of Way, rather than being taken care off by his idiot husband.

The first and only open fight they had was when Way had falsely accused Ignis of planning to leave him and his family got involved after Bru snitched about them. Everyone around Way, keep reminding him that this was his only chance at love and Ignis was being dumb to be with him and Way should do everything to not fuck it up.

Ignis was a Latino man and believed in talking it out and fighting one to one rather than need to go to therapy. After their first tryst, communication was their key and Way was always slow when it came to relationships.

He was diagnosed in his first year in college after he was declared prodigal that he is extremely sensitive to rejection which made him avoid relationships altogether to side-step being hurt. He also focused on intellectual pursuits, making it hard for him to connect emotionally with others, till he met Ignis.

Way, in his over rational mind, made their relationship extremely complex, which meant most of the time Ignis had to ask him to chill and helped Way unravel the loops he made up in his head.

Ignis was facing the biggest predicament of his life but was trying to stay calm for Way. Way understood it and wanted to be calm but he was physically not able to, if Ignis was in pain then it was impossible for him to not overreact. But he was also impulsive and childishly stubborn with Ignis, thank God he met Ignis or he would have been alone forever, he inferred.

He hovered over Ignis, didn't leave him alone if he could and tried to do whatever he could to make him happy and feel loved. Ignis, in turn understood what Way was trying to do and whenever they were together, invested all his attention to Way. Unlike what everyone thought, Way was not exhausting for him, in fact he couldn't get enough of Way and loved getting and giving their undivided devotion towards the relationship.

But it wasn't always happy, sex and smiles for them. They didn't tell anyone, not even Bru that they had to seek couple therapy, when they had almost separated just before their second year, because of Way.


They were driving back from Davis' family home after spending the Easter holiday there, Bru and Jo had driven up to spend a couple of days at Jo's parents' home.

Ignis was in charge of the radio, he tuned to a retro music channel, they were having an easy chat between them and were interrupted by Ignis's all-time favourite song, Hello, by Lionel Richie.

Ignis turned the volume up and started singing along, "Hello I've just got to let you know, cause I wonder where you are, and I wonder what you do, are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you!" He smiled at Way," Hello, is it me you're looking for?... And I want to tell you so much, I love you!" He smiled and kissed Way's cheek.

Way touched Ignis cheek and suddenly changed lanes and then took the next exit, turned the SUV off freeway and then into the dirt road.

"Where are we going?" Ignis said surprised and lowered the volume. "I want you!" Way said, looking ahead, taking a dirt road slightly uphill.

After a few minutes of driving in silence, Way stopped the car near an isolated wooded area, almost 20 miles away from the freeway and turned off the headlights, covering the area again in pitch darkness.

"Where are we, Way?" Ignis asked quietly. "I don't know!" Way said as he took his cut offs over his head and reached out for Ignis.

"I don't like this! This is scary!" Ignis said inviting Way into his arms, as he was kissed on his neck, face and lips by his large muscular boyfriend. "No I want you!" Way said aggressively and removed Ignis' sleeveless shirt off him. "Look Baby! You know I am okay with everything that happens between us! But I am not comfortable ... this is weird and dark and scary!" Ignis held Way's face in his hands and kissed him, trying to adjust to the darkness to see his face, "Let's go someplace else, please!" "NO!" Way said and kissed Ignis violently, in his brilliant mind roleplaying like they did, completely oblivious of what he was doing was incorrect.

He pushed his hand inside Ignis's shorts and underwear and grabbed his dick and kept kissing a slightly reluctant Ignis. As it got uncomfortable in the front seats, Way got down, opened the passenger side door, picked Ignis and threw him over his shoulder, making him yelp with surprise.

Still carrying Ignis like a sack of potatoes, he fished out the pouch from the glove cabinet where they kept lube and condoms. He opened the back door, slapped Ignis' bubble butt and pushed him inside, in the dark, unknowingly hitting Ignis's head on the roof of the car.

Ignis kept quiet, he was angry now but he knew Way would never hurt him purposefully but he also knew Way didn't know when to stop. When it came to Ignis, he would shut off his mind, which was continuously in use around everyone else. Ignis knew that Way had to make an effort to connect with other people and hence it was tiring for him mentally but with Ignis he was all physical, he felt free to do and say without too much thought, he knew Ignis understood.

But today it was getting out of hand, the pitch blackness of the place, no sound, and no semblance of people or habitation, there were not even twinkling lights from some a faraway place, the car, the aggression .... This was not sex with a loved one ... this was something scary and unwanted .... For anyone irrespective of who was doing it to you? This was not a quick fuck in the woods after a run, this was out of nowhere, middle of nowhere and forced.

Way, sat behind Ignis after stripping and lubbed himself, he picked Ignis up, pushed his shorts and underwear down and brought him back to his dick, penetrating him roughly, grunting. He wrapped his hands around Ignis body, tightly holding his waist and pinching his nipples one by one, kissing and biting the part of the neck between his right ear and shoulder. As he drilled in and out of Ignis, the friction was more intense than ever, he wanted Ignis, he was so hard for him and he couldn't wait. This was a perfect spot, there was no one here, they didn't have to bother to keep their voices down or afraid of anyone walking on them, he moved his hand and grabbed Ignis's cock, he was soft.

"Hmm! Iggy! Are you scared?" He said loudly and pushed Ignis to the front, Ignis grabbed the headrest of the driver's seat and laid his head on the back of the seat and silently started crying, he had never thought he would feel violated with and by Way, this was his worst nightmare ... At that moment he felt disgusted with what was happening between them and it broke his heart, it overwhelmed him.

Way took Ignis again in his palm and found he was still soft, which was the first time ever, he tried to touch his prostate by changing the angle and pushed hard, which brought a sob out of Ignis.

Way's world started to rapidly spiral into the darkness of their surroundings, he realised Ignis was crying... he lost his erection and his fingers started tingling. "Are you crying baby?" he asked tentatively as he slid out of his boyfriend. "Are you done with me? Do you want more?" Ignis asked, still crying softly.

"Iggy!" This was all Way managed to say, his heart started beating so loudly he could feel the vibrations in his throat.

Ignis moved off Way's lap and pulled his shorts and underwear on him. He got down and looked for his sandals in the dark with his feet and wore them. He opened the passenger door, put on his t-shirt, took his phone and wallet and started walking towards the general direction they had driven in from.

"Where are you going?" Way picked up his bunched up shorts and underwear from the ground and pulled them on. Ignis didn't respond and kept walking away from the spot, unable to stay there for a second. What he was feeling about the incident, how he was feeling about Way, made him angry, guilty and sad... but mostly disappointed in Way.

Way came up behind Ignis and stopped him by grabbing his bicep, encircling it completely with one hand. "Stop! What's wrong? Why are you crying? Where are you going?" Way babbled when he was nervous and this was nothing new for Ignis, but him being clueless pushed him over the edge.

"Why? You have a darker corner to take me and fuck me!" Ignis said, wanting to sound angry but landing up sobbing. "You want to suddenly, without even asking, take me off road to an inhabited corner of this godforsaken part of the country and use me?" Ignis said hurtfully.

"Huh! Fuck You? Use You?" Way was really clueless, "We have done such things before ..." he couldn't complete the statement, he didn't understand what he did wrong.

"Have I hurt you, ever? Have I picked you up against your will, bumped your head against the car and fucked you as you cried?" Ignis struggled against Way's hold, which at that moment Way wasn't even aware he was holding on to Ignis, tightly.

"You hurt? On your head?" Way said stupidly and let go of Ignis's head and tried to touch his head, but Ignis pushed Way off but caught on some dried roots and fell on the ground, landing on his butt and started crying.

"Don't cry... please!" Way stood next to a seated Ignis, knowing fully well that he was sounding and acting like a psycho but didn't know how to react. His whole world was crashing around him, he realised what just happened was so wrong there was no coming back, he knew he had lost Ignis again ... may be this time forever ... he had fucked up something perfect again and for the last time of his life.

"I have nowhere to go." Ignis sobbed and wiped his eyes and nose with the end of his t-shirt, like a child. "I gave up my apartment, my childhood home is locked and no one lives there, my Bru is away with Jo ... I have no place to go." He hiccupped, "And my life, my world, mi todo! Brings me to this scary place and forces me!" Ignis hugged himself, he drew his knees close to his chest, making him smaller to the world, his forehead on his knees and starting crying loudly, still unable to look at Way.

The words reverberated in Way's head, in repeat mode, getting louder and louder ... beating like a drum in a non-synchronised rhythm. He sat down, his mouth and throat dry, his fingers tingling as they went numb, the hair covering his bare body raising as he got covered with goosebumps.

Both men, in love with each other more than anyone they knew in the world, both not able to contemplate their lives without each other, both ready to do anything to make the other happy, felt disconnected at that moment, disconnecting with each other meant untethered to the world for them.

"You go to the apartment! I will stay away!" Way whispered in the dark. After almost ten minutes, Ignis got up and sat in the driver's seat of the SUV and started it, flooding the darkness with blinding yellow light. They were parked outside an abandoned cemetery, 'Sure why not? How fitting!' Ignis thought wryly. He sat there for some time, looking at the broken iron shutters and rusted lichgate. "Let's get out of here!" Ignis whispered but the place was so eerily quiet, it felt as if his words echoed around them. Way, shut the door of the SUV and sat next to Ignis, still bare body, he took the glasses from the dashboard and put it on, then folded his hands between his thighs and sat motionless.

Way had gone to sleep by the time they reached their apartment, his face plastered on the window, his glasses askew. Ignis wanted to wake him up with a kiss, rub his thumb on his chin and under his eyes as he placed the glasses on his nose and kissed it, but he didn't want to touch Way at that moment. He honked and startled Way awake, got down without a word and walked to the lobby.

Way found his cut off and put it on, then collected their bags and things, waited for Ignis to reach home and then followed. The door was left open for him and Ignis had shut himself in the bedroom.

Way placed the things in the middle of the living room and typed a message to Ignis,

Please don't go... this is your home ... I will transfer it to your name ... it's paid off .... Please don't go anywhere.... I am leaving and will never bother you. I didn't know what I was doing ... I am not saying sorry because I know I don't deserve to say it but you are everything I have ... I didn't realise I was making you feel like I was forcing me on you ... please don't hate me ... I will never do that to you... I really love you Iggy! I would rather kill myself than hurt you intentionally... in love with you forever and though I don't deserve it ... please forgive me whenever you can ... Way.

He used the common washroom, changed in to a jogger and t-shirt that was in the clean laundry hamper and was opening the door to leave when Iggy walked out of the bedroom, only wearing a towel around his waist, his body and hair still damp with his phone in one hand and an angry frown on his lips.

"¿Qué quiere decir esto?" He said angrily, freezing Way at the door with his hand on the doorknob.

"What is this? " He said again, his voice rising a bit, "What the fuck do you mean by saying it's paid for and you will transfer it in my name?" He walked slowly towards Way, who had turned around and stood with his hands folded at his groin and his head hung, hunching a bit to shrink his size.

"I will fucking slap you!" Ignis shouted coming really close to Way. Way wasn't looking at Ignis, but his fragrance emanated from him and assailed him, he didn't see his face but he could see his flat six packs abs covered with droplets of water and the yellow and blue striped towel tied to his small waist with his hairless bare damp legs and sexy feet. Way against all rational thoughts, guilt, sadness and pain, stirred for Ignis, but kept looking down.

"What do you fucking mean you are going and ¿Adónde ibas en este momento?" Ignis cupped Way's chin softly and raised his head to make him look at his eyes, blue met brown and the world started to fall in place.

"I am sorry!" Blue eyes filled with remorse and tears. "I thought I was doing what we normally do but I don't know how to go about it and then when I kissed you, I kind of got carried away!" He wanted to hang his head again but Ignis didn't let him.

"So you will leave me ... like I will stay back in this apartment and this world without you... you leave and I die .... me suicidare... I have told you before and I am making this very clear for the last time." Ignis placed his head on Way's chest and he was warped by the huge muscular arms instantly.

"I felt dirty and violated and alone ... and you didn't listen to me ... you didn't realise when you crossed the line between doing it rough and getting violent. I said wrong things and used disgusting words... I am sorry ... I was out of line." Ignis hugged Way tighter, pressing his body to his large muscular man.

Way kissed Ignis on his head, "Where did you get hurt?" He asked gently. Ignis touched the spot on his head and went back to hugging his boyfriend. Way kissed the spot and rested his back to the door, he was unsure of his legs now as relief of not losing Ignis flooded all over him. "Never! I will never hurt you Iggy! And never talk about dying!" and he kissed Ignis with adoration and apology, with restraint and redemption and lust and love.


Ignis was writing an email on his laptop, seated at the kitchen island, he had tied his long hair in a shabby man bun, when Way entered the apartment. Ignis looked around and smiled, making his husband realise how lucky he was to still have someone like him in his life.

Way hugged Ignis and kissed him, he got down on his knees and hid his face in Ignis's lap. "Never leave me, Mr. Castro Davis!" Way said stupidly, fully aware that Ignis didn't know what he was thinking and why he was saying it.

"You are late, Dr. Davis Castro!" Ignis kissed Way on his head and combed his red hair lovingly. "Late for what?" Way murmured not wanting to leave Ignis, he slowly turned his head in Ignis lap and kissed his dick over the boxers making his husband moan and push his fingers in the red hair.

"Hmm! Late for Dinner at Jo and Bru! They wanted to announce their engagement before we leave for Mexico... huh... hmm... but we can spare fifteen minutes before we get ready." Ignis pushed his husband's mouth on his dick by raising his hips up.

Ignis sat on the edge of the chair, while Way continued keeling between his legs and performed oral sex and rimmed Ignis, as they both got naked one clothing at a time.

Ignis leaned back in the armchair while Way was directly in front of him and lunged forward with his right leg, lifted Ignis's left leg and draped the leg over his shoulder. Ignis leaned back further and rested his left hand on the outside of Way's right knee and hooked his right foot around the back of Way's thigh. Way held onto the back of his husband's thigh and thrusted. It felt too intense for Ignis, he lowered his ankle off Way's shoulder and wrapped it around his back, making and enjoying deep eye contact as they kept kissing, and caressed each other, as Way slowly moved in and out of Ignis.

Way kissed Ignis' nose and picked him up gently like he weighed nothing and sat on the chair while Ignis straddled and rode him. Ignis had his hands on his partner's shoulders and quads for support and stability while Way gripped his hips.

As Ignis felt on the edge of climaxing, he kicked things up a notch by placing his ankles on Way's shoulders, resting his hand on his knees, and leaned back while his husband held onto his lower back firmly with soft hands. Ignis trusted his husband fully and was aware of Way's immense strength, for him Ignis weighed nearly nothing.

Way's large dick found Ignis prostrate and he had a killer view for the person he loved the most in the world, in the middle of bottomless passion. He gave Ignis complete control and held on to him to ensure he was comfortable. Way reached down to play with his partner's balls, while Ignis jerked himself to the finish.

Way came deep in Ignis but he didn't want to let go, he kissed a panting Ignis, still lodged in his husband's hole, rock hard.

Ignis placed his feet on the floor and grabbed a handful of Way's red hair and kissed wetly, licking his mouth and tongue.

With Way sitting down on the chair, Ignis turned around and faced away from him and sat down in his lap, looking at Way's beautiful white feet. Way carefully inserted the penis inside Ignis and began fucking. He rested his hands on Way's thighs and leaned forward at different angles to find what felt good and moaned loudly, making Way whimper with pleasure and satisfaction, as they both came hard and Ignis collapsed into his husbands arms.

"Gotta get ready for the engagement party!" Ignis breathed slowly, covered with sweat and his hair undone. Way wrapped his long hair around his fingers and kissed Ignis deeply. "Can we get a little late, I have something for you?" Way was feeling happiest in his life for knowing, loving and being loved by Ignis for four years and he couldn't wait for decades to follow as he took the jewellery box from his bag.

"You are really spoiling me Doc!" Ignis smiled as Way put the gold chain with the 'W' pendant around his neck, the pendant resting a few inches away from the faint 'W' mark on his chest. "This is to remind you, that I will continue to fuck up and you need to keep forgiving me and loving me." Way kissed the pendant and the mark on his husband's chest, making Ignis smile his beautiful million dollar smile.


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