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A Family Friend

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An old family friend unexpectedly becomes so much more.
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University student Rachel gets a visit at home from one of her parents' friends. Alone together for the first time, sparks fly when Peter is encouraged to take full advantage of the situation.


Rachel lay slouched on the sofa, laptop balanced on her knees, listening to the gently crackling fire which cast shadows around the room. Occasionally, she jumped as the frigid, howling wind clattered objects around outside. Fortunately, snuggled inside her small home, she was safe. She knew she ought to draw the curtains on the cold, dark night, but hadn't yet found the motivation to do so.

The only thing that concerned Rachel was the absence of her anticipated visitor. Peter was an old family friend of her parents, who had agreed to pop over this evening and assist with her university application. Being an expert in the subject field she hoped to study, it had felt sensible to request his help with her admissions essay. Plus they'd always got on. That was an understatement; she revelled being in his company. But it was most unlike Peter to be late. Perhaps the stormy weather was causing travel delays. A fearful shudder unexpectedly passed through her, hoping it wasn't anything worse.

Despite their age difference, Peter had always held a place in Rachel's heart. They shared the most amazing rapport, even though their relationship had only ever been entirely platonic. Rachel occasionally wondered if she saw more; the look in his eyes, the way they hugged, the tone of his voice which softened when he spoke to her, or the way they always sought out each other's company in a crowded room. Not that Rachel would ever have the confidence to make a move, but for some time she had harboured a secret fantasy that one day, he might be so bold.

Unbeknown to Rachel, Peter had arrived just before their agreed meeting time. Standing in the shadows, gazing through the darkness, he was suffering with agonising indecision. Peter had always held a torch for Rachel, even though he knew he shouldn't. He'd watched her grow up into a beautiful young lady whom he now desired more than the air in his lungs. With a twinge in his groin, he could feel a burning hunger that, tonight especially, he wasn't sure he could control. Through the window, she looked so naturally feminine that he was suddenly overwhelmed with the thought of what he wanted to do to her. What he needed to do for her.

Almost against his will, the decision was made for him. Peter marched towards the front door and pushed down the handle, anticipating that it had been left unlocked for him. He was going to risk it all; their shared history, his friendship with the family. Simply because he had to know if she felt the same. Making his way across the threshold, Peter locked the front door firmly behind himself and made his way swiftly into the lounge. The heat from the fire encouraged him to shrug off his winter coat which he dropped onto the back of a vacant chair. Rachel looked up with more than a hint of naughty curiosity flowing from her soft eyes.

'Hey you,' she murmured, her line of sight following him across the room as he drew the curtains.

'Hey you,' he growled in reply.

Approaching Rachel, he sent her a swift wink as he gently removed the laptop from her grasp. Closing the lid, he placed it purposefully on the adjacent table, noting her look of confusion. He knew he was about to blow the boundaries of their friendship wide open and he probably ought to be concerned about the potential fallout, if such a bold move wasn't reciprocated. But right now, carnal thoughts were overwhelming his normally highly intelligent and logical mind. Her proximity had silently tormented him for too long. He could control himself no more. Now was the time to act.

Pleased to find she was in an almost horizontal position already, her knees still bent, Peter positioned himself carefully at her feet. He revelled in the small gasp Rachel exhaled as his warm hands encircled her ankles, before running gently but firmly up her calves.

'What are you doing?' she half-groaned, the sensation of his touch making her pulse soar and her vision blur.

Peter assumed that was a rhetorical question because it was pretty damn obvious what he was doing. Instead of responding immediately, he took a moment to observe her closely. It felt almost wrong that she could lay there with almost no idea of how utterly exquisite she was. How desirable. How fuckable. Leaning forwards, his hand brushed away a wall of hair from her cheek, before allowing his thumb to run softly across her moist lips.

'Seducing you,' he admitted at last, feeling he owed her some kind of explanation. 'Is that okay?'

He observed a slight tremble pass across Rachel's lips as her sexual energy ramped up and she began to comprehend what would soon follow. A surge of need suddenly flooded Peter as his cock started to ache unbearably. She didn't need to answer; from her body language alone, what he was suggesting was obviously a lot more than okay.

As Peter dropped his face towards hers, he was thrilled to discover Rachel willingly reciprocating, rising up to meet his welcome mouth. A low rumble of groans echoed between them, as their attempts to kiss each other tenderly for the first time, were quickly replaced by a raw, animal hunger that burned with a fiery fury.

Feeling her teeth sink into his lower lip, Peter fell against her, awash with a powerful rush of adrenaline. Her legs started to inch more firmly around his mass, trapping him against her, attempting to pull them closer still. Rachel's desperate desires were so easy to interpret, her lust for him so evident, that Peter was astonished nothing like this had ever happened between them before.

As Peter grew in confidence, his capable hands began to explore, causing Rachel to nip feverishly around his neck at any skin she could reach. Grinding his hips rhythmically against the top of her legs, he pushed his weight forwards, aiming to apply the most delicious pressure against her mound, despite the clothing that separated their bodies.

'Fuck! I want you,' she groaned, as he hit a magical spot and her hips twitched in response. 'I've wanted you for so long.'

'Don't worry, you're gonna get me,' he grunted, the certainty in his voice making Rachel shiver with need. 'I promise you that.'

Unrelentingly, Peter continued, his thick cock edging its way upwards, pushing the material separating them squarely between her pussy lips. With glazed eyes, Rachel ground back against the intrusion. She was already so aroused, but this wasn't anywhere near enough; they both needed to feel the direct touch of skin on skin.

By now, his desire was so overwhelming that Peter physically had to stop himself from ripping open the silk blouse that lay below him, hauling down Rachel's panties and burying himself deep inside. Instead, closing his eyes, he tried to centre himself, in the hope of regaining even a mere scrap of self-control.

Sensing a moment of vulnerability, Rachel's hands moved swiftly to his chest where she grappled with the buttons of his light blue dress shirt. As his taut, muscled physique was teasingly unwrapped, with breathy gasps, she became increasingly frantic. Consequently, the last three buttons were clumsily ripped off, allowing her hands to slide beneath the open layer of fabric to continue their joint explorations. Her tentative hands felt so warm and welcome that his body convulsed every time a delicately brushed fingertip strayed across one of his rigid nipples.

More than aware of the reaction she was causing, Rachel capitalised on her unexpected advantage by rising up and suckling one into her mouth. Peter groaned at the seductive sensation of teeth grazing against his sensitive skin. Briefly losing all strength, with a sigh of the deepest contentment, he collapsed against Rachel and gave himself up to her.

Aware that his lapse of consciousness had trapped Rachel under his full weight, Peter slowly pulled back to observe the flushed and panting woman below him. Tenderly reaching down, he began to undress her, one button at a time. In an unconscious exhibition of surrender, Rachel dropped her hands above her head, where they lay lifeless and resigned. His hand ran lovingly across her exposed skin, marvelling at its softness. At her perfection.

'I want to make love to you,' he admitted, in a moment of absolute honesty. 'But I also want to fuck you so hard and so deep that you'll be forced to scream for mercy.'

'Peter!' exclaimed Rachel, attempting to sound shocked. But her lustful eyes betrayed her true emotions; she might not have years of experience under her belt but she did know one thing. She needed to be fucked by this incredible man. It was utterly thrilling to discover this sexually dominant side of Peter's personality; she'd observed him for years and had no idea of its existence.

'Tell me you...' he began, his hand slipping down further to unfasten her trousers. Instantly, he experienced a rush from the heat and humidity flooding from her body. Her subconscious reactions informed him, in no uncertain terms, that she was hungry for his cock. Hungry to be filled. It was such a heady thought, that Peter fleetingly forgot what he'd been saying.

'Tell you what?' she panted, overwhelmed by his exploring hands.

'Tell me you don't want that too, and I'll stop right now,' he teased, having regained control.

'You know I want you,' she all but sobbed, her hips attempting to grind upwards to increase the sensation even further. 'You must know that!'

With a smirk, Peter knelt back and, in one swift movement, pulled away Rachel's trousers, leaving her black lace panties clearly on display. Suddenly feeling extremely exposed, she stared up at him in wonder. Peter was equally overwhelmed by her femininity; now able to smell the faint tang of arousal in the air, he wanted nothing more than to consume her.

'Sit up,' he said encouragingly, before easing away her shirt and bra, Rachel wriggling to assist.

'Oh God,' sighed Peter, as his hands and mouth fell to her nipples. 'You're so beautiful.'

With a long, low moan, Rachel gradually became accustomed to Peter's incredible talents. He had no qualms about using his fingers, palms, cheek, tongue, lips and teeth, varying the pressure and rhythm of his touch, in order to drive her slowly out of her mind. Just from concentrating on her breasts. It was unbelievable. And given how dizzy and breathless Rachel felt, it was also slightly concerning. If he could cultivate a reaction like this from her, just from manipulating her nipples, what the hell was he capable of doing, when let loose on the rest of her body?

Suddenly, Peter rose to his feet, altering the atmosphere, shifting the momentum. Standing beside the sofa, he confidently shrugged the shirt from his shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor beside his feet. Pulling off his socks, he was just reaching for his belt, when Rachel beat him to it. Sitting upright, she gazed up into his eyes with a smile, before unfastening his trousers. From the considerable bulge present, it was clear he was already extremely hard. Suppressing her wide smile by clamping her teeth around her bottom lip, Rachel encouraged the item of clothing to fall, discarded. Unexpectedly, she was presented with a throbbing, erect cock; the thickest she'd ever encountered. Peter hadn't been wearing any underwear.

Instantly, Rachel felt saliva begin to gather on her tongue and had to swallow it down. She had such an urge to take him into her mouth. Silently, she attempted to justify her thought process. Denying your urges can be extremely hazardous for your health, right? As though drawn by a magnetic force, her hand and mouth concurrently reached towards Peter. As her palm supported the considerable weight of him, she carefully edged her lips around the wide, pulsating head, her eyes never once leaving his.

'Oh fuck!' he grunted, one hand reaching out to the adjacent wall for support. His reaction was vital because his legs seemed to be temporarily failing. He hadn't anticipated this. Peter had planned to be the seducer, not the other way around.

With his eyes half closed and head rolling backwards, all thoughts flew from Peter's head as Rachel worked her tongue and lips lower and lower down his thick shaft. Keeping one hand rocking in an incredible rhythm, the other was caressing his balls, occasionally sinking back further still. Each time her fingers neared Peter's ass, Rachel recognised a corresponding swell of his cock as excess pre-cum slid down her throat. Oh, she was going to have so much fun teasing him in the future, if this was the response just a suggestive finger could elicit.

'Don't make me cum,' pleaded Peter breathily. 'I want to be inside you when I do.'

Not immediately responding, Rachel continued to drive him onwards until it felt inevitable that his jerking, spasming body would orgasm. Then, just at the last second, she pulled away as he'd requested minutes before, leaving him twitching and unsatisfied. It took a short while for Peter to recover himself and appreciate that her wicked actions had been done completely on purpose.

'My turn.' That was all he said. But that was all he needed to say.

Easing Rachel back against the sofa, he hooked his fingers beneath the waistband of her black lace panties, teasingly zigzagging them down her legs, maintaining eye contact all the while. The sopping scrap of material left a trail of arousal all the way down the inside of her legs. With a grin, Peter pocketed her panties before taking hold of her ankle and lifting her leg up high. Then, with a playful look on his face, he slowly drew her leg to one side, exposing her pussy to the warm air of the room and making Rachel gasp in response.

Unable to prevent himself, Peter glanced down to see her open, wet and incredibly swollen. Simultaneously, he salivated, as his cock oozed onto the floor below. Fuck, he had never wanted anyone so badly before in his life. Dropping his mouth to the inside of Rachel's calf, he slowly ran his tongue towards her knee, cleaning up the mess which her panties had left behind and enjoying his first delectable taste of the young lady he'd admired from afar, for so long.

'Oh God!' she moaned, eyes scrunched tightly shut, her entire body rigid, unable to process the plethora of incredible sensations rocketing through her in that single moment.

Past her knee he continued, along the delicate, soft skin of her upper thigh. Thrilled to feel her tremble and cry out beneath his command, Peter continued northwards, her scent becoming stronger with every inch he progressed.

'Oh God! Please don't stop!' she begged, as he paused at the crease of her leg. With a brief smirk, Peter returned her leg to the sofa, leaving her pussy untouched. Savouring her groan of frustration, he instead lifted her other ankle and provided the opposite leg with exactly the same focussed attention. Once again, when he reached the very top of her leg, his mouth backed away.

'You bastard,' she muttered.

'You have no idea,' he admitted, flashing his dark eyes in her direction. And that was true. They might have known each other a lifetime, but Rachel had a shock coming if she thought he was the type of man who liked things vanilla in bed. A big shock.

Kneeling between Rachel's legs, Peter pushed her knees wide apart, fully exposing her to him. Blowing a narrow stream of breath across her inner thigh, he gradually altered his aim across her swollen hot lips, eventually focussing on her throbbing clit which was steadily enlarging under his focussed attention.

'Please touch me,' she groaned, beyond excited. She'd had no inkling that Peter would be like this. That he was capable of being so goddamn sexy.

'I'll touch you,' he conceded with a brief smile in Rachel's direction. 'But I'm not going to let you cum.'

'I'm not sure I'll be able to help myself,' she panted, as he edged ever closer. She could feel every cool inhale and every warm exhale from his lungs now. The wet heat of his breath. The admiring glance of his eyes.

'You speak as though you have a choice in the matter,' observed Peter, clearly amused by her statement. 'When I want you to cum, you will do so. But right now, I don't wish you to cum, so you won't. Particularly not after what you've just put me through.'

'You loved it!' she gasped, as his fingers brushed the very boundary of her swollen lips and made her hips twitch violently.

'And you're going to love this. Having me in complete control of your pleasure. The first time you cum, I'm going to be deep, deep inside you,' he muttered, his tone thick with arousal. 'So deep, that I become a living, breathing part of you.'

Leaving his promise hanging in the air, Peter then indulged Rachel with the first blissfully intimate caress of his tongue. As he slid across her wet skin, Rachel's body started to jerk, accompanied by a long, low moan escaping her mouth. Already tightly clenched, her pussy contracted further, wishing there was something to grip around, in order to lift her even higher. Seconds later, her hips began to raise in the hope of extending her pleasure, only to discover that Peter had pulled back again.

'Don't tease me,' she pleaded, causing another smirk of amusement from her lover.

'If I can guarantee only one thing,' he stated. 'It's that I will always tease you.' It was true; it was his modus operandi. 'And I guarantee, you will love it. Or at least, you'll love the final destination, even if the journey is slightly frustrating.'

Lowering his mouth once more to her pussy, he slowly probed his long tongue deep inside. Gasping out of control, Rachel squirmed and panted in response. Boldly, his hands slid up her sides, to each grip an erect, pink nipple between thumb and forefinger. Immediately, Rachel spasmed, her pussy noticeably tightening around this new intrusion. For some time, Peter rolled and twisted the delicate nubs, enjoying the way certain touches sent her hips leaping upwards, to grind against his face.

Enthralled by her responses, Peter encouraged Rachel closer and closer towards the ultimate release which she so urgently sought to experience. Grinding herself against him, they worked in synchronisation to increase her lustful desires, maximising the intimate impact of his tongue, burning the memory of that pleasure into her very soul, to be remembered for the rest of time.

Just as it seemed that all was lost and Rachel was destined to fall from the ledge upon which she'd been precariously balanced for so long, Peter's mouth and hands released her from their hold.

'Nooooo,' she moaned. She'd been so close. So. Fucking. Close. Uncontrollably, she juddered and spasmed as the pleasure slowly subsided and she was left wanting. Meanwhile, he kissed and nibbled his way up her torso, his lips eventually landing on hers, where he encouraged his tongue into her mouth and claimed her as his own.

Rachel instantly became aware of the taste of her own juices, as Peter's tongue swirled masterfully within her mouth. With her chest heaving, she was aware of his weight being balanced against her supine body, effectively trapping her firmly beneath him. It wasn't a position from which she ever wished to escape. With their mouths interlocked, the two lovers began to grind against each other softly as their hands feverishly explored.

'Fuck,' grunted Peter at last, balls aching almost unbearably by this stage. 'I can't bear not being inside you.' It was true. After all the time he'd spent envisaging this very moment, to delay the inevitable was unbearable. As Peter lifted himself up on his powerful arms, Rachel's hand snaked around his cock; squeezing, stroking, coaxing him to enter. She couldn't stand that she and Peter were still so far apart, not when she needed to feel him touch her so very deep inside.


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