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A Father's Faux Pas

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Daddy takes advantage of his sexy chocolate baby girl
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This is my first story (and probably my last). I usually edit stories, but the writing bug bit me tonight, so I said what the hell and got to typing. I am on Lit a lot and love the father/daughter incest stories. There really aren't many focused on black dads and daughters, so I decided to write one.

FYI: For those that think the weight of the daughter is too big or over weight...look at my profile pic because that's what a 5'3 185 pound black woman looks like. :)

Note: This is purely a work of fiction. This story does not convey my actual thoughts, feelings, or opinions on the content therein. This is also an incest story with forced sex. If this is not your cup of tea, then I strongly suggest you don't read the story. With no further ado, I hope you enjoy the story! :)


A Father's Faux Pas

There is nothing normal about the thoughts that I have been having lately. I swear, if hell is a real place, I am well on my way. No man in his right mind should ever have these sinfully, lustful thoughts that keep running through my mind. Good grief! No self-respecting father would ever fathom such thoughts.

Are you confused? Let me start at the beginning...

My name is Anthony Brooks, I'm a 42 year old, very successful black man, and I'm in probably the best physical shape I've ever been in. I'm also a single father of a boisterous (sometimes obnoxious) 18 year old daughter, Desland (Desi as she's known to most). Desi and I have been a team of two for twelve years; her mother Monique decided that she wanted to chase her dream of singing and motherhood and family did not fit in.

So, I've done my best to raise an independent, confident, smart, and happy daughter. In my opinion, I've done a pretty damn good job too. Desi is what we used to say in my day as stacked...built right in all of the right places.

She's a man's dream and a father's nightmare. She stands 5'3, 185 pounds with straight raven black hair that she keeps cut in a stylish bob, long eyelashes that adorn her hypnotizing big brown eyes, an impish, lopsided grin that always implies she's up to no good, long sprinters legs (nicely toned thanks to many years of running track), beautifully smooth milk chocolate skin, amazingly firm and full tits, and an ass that would put women twice her senior to shame. Bottom line, she's gorgeous and she knows it a little too well, nonetheless, she's Daddy's angel and in my eyes can do no wrong.

Since it has been Desi and I for so long, I never paid attention to her lay around the house attire. I spent my entire time eagle eyeing her I'm going to school, on a date, to the mall clothing, trying to ensure that my little girl wasn't giving the men of the world a free peep show every time she exited the house, so I guess having her home gave my eyes and mind time to rest since I knew no ogling would be going on while she was home with me.

Safe in our sanctuary from the horny, sex thirsty, perverted men of the world, I had no pause to worry. Boy was I ever so wrong! One Saturday evening I sat at the island in the kitchen sipping on my orange juice and browsing some contracts for work. Desi lazily shuffles in, goes to the fridge to grab a drink, but when she bent over to reach inside of the fridge, my world turned upside down, never to return to normal again.

There in those itsy bitsy barely there lounging shorts was the most glorious ass any man could lay eyes on. I happened to glance up from the papers as she bent over. My intentions were to rib her as is our usual routine, but the sight before me had me tongue tied like a clumsy teen. My good night nurse!!!

That ass should be outlawed! My dick instantly got hard. I couldn't even contain my stare. It's not like I'm hard up for dates or pussy because I have my share of freaky romps regularly. I just couldn't help myself... my mind didn't even compute that I was lecherously staring at my daughter's ass.

Desi straightens with her bottled water in hand, "Hey Daddy, whatchadoin?"

Sputtering I reply, "Uh umm, piddling with some work stuff princess."

"Daddy, are you ok? You're sitting over there looking all bug eyed and crazy."

"Yea baby girl, I was just thinking about some things I need to handle Monday at work and drifted to another place." What a crock of shit and I think she knows I'm lying.

"Whatever Pops...sooooo, what are you going to do this evening to entertain your favorite girl?"

Years ago Desi deemed every other Saturday night, D/D date night (Daddy/Desi), and tonight was one of our designated do something together times.

Goodness gracious, if she knew the thoughts running through my sick little mind right now, she would probably try her damndest to cut off some of my more valuable body parts.

Why the fuck did I have to look up as she was bending over? My mind is tainted with that beautiful image and now I can't shake it or stop thinking about it. I now find myself finally noticing with a man's appreciation the rest of my daughter's package.

"She's fine as hell," I think in my head.

"Ummm, I really didn't have anything specific in mind sweetie, what would you like to do?"

Desi looks at me with those mesmerizing brown eyes, bats her lashes then slowly shrugs her shoulders, "I dunno something breathtaking and exhilarating!"

My mind goes from zero to one hundred immediately. I damn sure could take your breath away and exhilarate you one stroke at a time. What the fuck?!?! Where did that come from?

"Helloooo, earth to Daddy," my incestuous thoughts are interrupted by Desi's voice.

"Oh, uhh, huh. What were you saying baby girl?"

"Oh brother, I said I was just kidding and from the way you keep zoning out, maybe we should just have a lazy couch night and watch boob tube all night."

MMMMM...boobs....yes; I would love to suck on your round firm tits. Swirl my tongue around your nipple, get it nice and hard and then squeeze it between my fingers. Damn, damn, damn, you have got to get a grip Anthony. This shit is not cool.

What kind of father sits and mind fucks his daughter? I've officially lost my mind. I am going to have to cut D/D night short and get me some ass before I do something neither Desi or I can undo.

I eagerly agree to a thought free lazy TV night, "sounds good. Go change into something comfy and we can get this party started."

Giggling she says, "you are such a fool Pops, I love that about you. I'm all set, no need to change if we are just going to stay in and be couch bums."

SHIT!!! I thought I could at least get her to change so I wouldn't be so tempted to look. Those little ass night shorts and that spaghetti strap tank are going to be my undoing. I know that my daughter isn't a virgin; she's had a few boys that have experienced the heaven between her legs.

I know this because I made it crystal clear that I would NOT under any circumstances be a 42 year old grandpa, so we had the sex talk early and took all precautions (the pill, condoms, STD education, the whole nine).

We migrated to the couch and sat as was our usual, harmless routine...me sitting on the far right side of the couch with my arm draped across the back of the couch and Desi half sitting, half lying facing me with her feet tucked under my legs. I don't know why this is so comfortable for her, but she's been doing this since she was 5. Her having her feet tucked under me, never bothered me before, but today, ALL of my senses were on high alert.

Every touch, movement, breath, and scent was very evident to the horny, freaky, sexual man inside me. This sexual me was quickly pushing the daddy me to the side.

We've sat through 45 minutes of some mediocre movie on HBO that has had a few scenes of almost sex, and I've managed to contain the beast begging to be unleashed to ravish my sexy daughter. The guy is this movie is adamant that he's going to get in this girl's pants because he is heavily pursuing her; at times it seems a little forceful.

Desi pulls her feet from under my legs and stretches her leg out, but as she's doing this, her heel very faintly rubs against my groin. My dick automatically jumps to attention thinking it's game time, we gonna get some action. Down boy, I'm screaming in my mind. This is your fucking daughter you sick twisted bastard.

For some reason, the more I told myself that I was mentally molesting my daughter, the harder my dick got and the more my desire grew. Desi may be in trouble tonight if I don't get some relief and release like NOW! The couple on the movie is having a pretty steamy scene and it does not go unnoticed to my sex deprived brain.

The male character keeps telling the female that her job is to feed and fulfill his desires. He tells her she can be a very active willing participant or he would just take what he wanted repeatedly until she learned to love it. I'm thinking, damn, he's just going to take the pussy and more than once.

"OMGoodness," Desi gasps, "is he seriously just going to rape her? Like dude, you sick jerk wad, you can't just take the cookie!"

I pat her leg, "can you say someone is all in the movie?" We both share a little laugh at that.

"I'm just saying, she doesn't want him, how is it ok to take what he wants?"

I shrug my shoulders, not too sure how to respond to her question because truthfully, I find the scene sexy as fuck.

A few frames later, there's an obstructed view of the couple having sex and the woman is practically begging for the guy to fuck her.

Desi is sitting wide eyed and slack jawed looking at the scene. All she manages to get out is a humph as she looks at me.

"Well, didn't see that coming," she laughs.

I pat her leg and nod in agreement, "yea, I was thinking she was going to kick his ass or call the cops eventually."

"I wouldn't call the cops, but he'd definitely catch a beat down. No man better ever think he can take my cookie!"

In the proudest, most protective Daddy voice I can muster, "you damn right baby girl! I'll fuck any man up that ever thought he could come and make you give it up to him."

The wicked me is thinking, I can't beat my own ass and what you don't know would never hurt you. As you probably have guessed by now, my dick was engorged and flaming, ready for a tight cunt to slide in and out of. I'm hoping like hell one of my go to girls is available for a wild nasty romp tonight because I need it. If I can't get it outside of my house, then... well let's just say my daughter may be my next sexcapade.

An hour later...

"Are you sleepy Pops?"

"No, I'm still going strong. Another movie?"

"Sure why not? Let me go grab a blanket, I'm a little chilly."

Boy don't I know it, her nipples have been standing at attention for a while and my monster between my legs has noticed. While she runs upstairs to grab some cover, I text my two reliables to see if either is available to play tonight. Immediately they both respond back stating other plans but asking for a rain check. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

This is not ok. Stroking my dick tonight to a porno or an erotic story is not going to do the trick. I need pussy. That's the only scratch that will ease my itch. Desi is right here my mind tells me. Have you not seen that ass and those suckable tits? Her body is screaming fuck me.

(A person's mind can be their worst enemy sometimes.) Reason and desire have an argument in my head:

No, no, no... Ant you're tripping. There is nothing about that situation that is ok; she's your daughter for crying out loud.

She's a sexy, thick, chocolate honey, exactly what we love.

She's 18.

Mmm, she's ripe and ready for picking. Body still nice and taut.

You will damage your relationship and her trust in you forever.

What she doesn't know won't hurt her or you.

Needless to say, reason DID NOT win this round.

My mind is racing at a thousand miles a second. Any minute now she will come back downstairs, what am I going to do?

Immediately I hop up and slip a roofie in her water. (I know, I know, I'm probably going to hell, but my dick will be satisfied if I do go) Just as I'm sliding back into my spot, Desi comes in, blanket in tow.

"Dang, I couldn't remember where I put this," she laughs. "I had to look everywhere for it, and now I'm thirsty."

She grabs her water and takes a long swallow. Then, she turns the bottle up and gulps down the remainder. My mind is reeling; she will be knocked out in about 20 minutes. Oh shit, there's no going back now. We start some comedy movie (don't ask me about what...my mind was elsewhere).

Yawning Desi says, "I'm getting sleepy Daddy. Another successful D/D night."

Slowly her eyes drift closed and her breathing evens out. I sit for 20 minutes and watch my sleeping daughter. My dick is dripping precum and is definitely anticipating my daughter's velvet glove.

I run my hands up her legs. I trace from her ankle up to the inside of her thigh. Goodness gracious, her skin is silky soft. Now I'm kneading her legs, running my hands up her hips.

I can still stop here. I haven't done too much wrong (well, minus the drugging of my 18 year old). I don't want to stop. I have to have her. There has never been a woman I wanted and didn't get. She will not be the first. I get up from the couch and get on my knees beside the couch.

I leisurely lick from her ankle to the valley between her legs. Her scent is indescribable. The sweetest smelling pussy I've ever encountered. I stand up and reposition her on the couch.

I sit her up and yank her tank up over her head. Her tits jiggle and bounce from the force. I lean in and run my tongue over both nipples, pulling them in my teeth and lightly biting her. She moans. My daughter is getting wet. I can smell her pussy aroma wafting up to my nose.

I proceed to pull her "shorts" from her body. Shit! Got damn! FUCK! Look at that pretty ass bald pussy. That's chocolate at its finest. Her head is now hanging over the arm of the couch...just as I put her.

I walk around the couch and hurriedly pull my joggers down and my dick springs up...long...angry...leaking and ready to be serviced. I gently pull her chin down with my thumb and her mouth opens. I stand over her head and feed her Daddy's dick. WOW!!! SHhhhhhhhhiiiiiittttt!!!!!! This feels amazing.

I work my dick in and out of her mouth. I press myself deep down into her throat. She gags a little. It feels so good, I'm hissing. I fuck my sweet sexy daughter's mouth and throat until my balls get heavy. I pull out...oh no, I'm not going to prematurely blow what will be the best sex of both of our lives (even if it's unbeknownst to her).

I immediately kneel between her legs and latch on to her clit and pussy lips. I'm sucking harder than a baby feeding on its mom's tit. I'm rewarded at once with her pussy gushing its divine nectar all over my lips and tongue. This powers me on and completely ignites my hunger.

I unleash my tantalizing tongue on her, I'm licking, sucking, biting her pussy and clit. I flatten my tongue and make it as stiff as possible and dart in and out of her sopping pussy over and over. I'm eating this pussy relentlessly. I swipe the length of her slit, spreading her lips open with my fingers.

My mahogany iron pipe is ready to do some fucking. I can feel the heat radiating off of the head. Lick, lick, suck, nibble, suck, lick, lick, bite, nibble, nibble. As I'm working her orally, my hands are pulling, squeezing, pinching, pushing her tits.

She's out cold, but that doesn't stop her body from responding or keep her from involuntarily moaning, egging me on. I push her legs up towards her shoulders, bringing her hips up off of the couch. I zone in on her tight asshole.

Before I know it, my tongue is annihilating her ass...pistoning in and out of her ass at a fevered pace. I cannot contain myself any more. I rub my dick across her flooded pussy and coat my love stick in her wet nectar. Mixed with my precum and her juice, I'm ready for action.

I line up with her pussy and ram my dick in to the hilt. The force is so great that her body jerks. Mmmm, nice tight pussy, exactly what I love. I am slamming her pussy. I spread her legs open a little further, bend down and take her tits in my mouth and pound my sweet baby girl's fuck hole.


Desi is moaning and her body is rocking underneath me. I fuck her for what seems like an eternity. Her pussy feels so good, but I want more. I'm taking it all...marking my territory. I reluctantly pull out of her pussy and not so gently shove my long black snake in her asshole.

I am not met with as much resistance as I expected. This little slut likes it up the ass. That was all the incentive I needed...I tortured her ass. Slamming my dick balls deep in her asshole...fucking her ass with vigor...I wrap my hands around her throat and lose my mind.

It's like a madman escaped through my dick and is now hammering her ass. My balls swell...I feel my cum brewing and working its way up the shaft of my dick. I go into double time. I fuck her ass, pull out, fuck her pussy a few strokes. Back and forth, back and forth, this is my new rhythm. Finally I feel my seed ready to spew.

I thrust my dick back into her ass and empty the biggest, hottest, steamiest nut I've ever had.

I collapse on top of my sleeping daughter. I can't believe she slept through all of that. I cannot fucking believe that I just did that.

One thing is for sure, I don't regret it. Two things for certain, I already want it again. I don't know if I should clean her up; let her wake up naked and thoroughly fucked? Do I try to cover my tracks? What am I to do now? Do I fuck her again?

A father's faux pas...

Is this the beginning or the end of D/D date night?

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I love the story but I think it could’ve been more uncut. Call me a freak or nasty but idc. I’ve been having the wildest fantasies about daddy daughter rape my whole life. In reality I keep these thoughts buried as deeply as possible & this is my 1st time admitting it. I’m not sure where it comes from & my father has never abused me physically. I have a thing for passionate aggressive sex & cum. We need more black stories!!! Remove the roofies!!! She needs to be aware. It’s a major turn on if Dad is punishing her for bad behavior, roughly / romantically penetrating her until he cums deeply in in her pussy & goes into round two. She should be scared and helpless until she becomes completely submissive. Put more emphasis on on the appearance of his dick and how her ass jiggles and bounces as he recklessly fucks her. And def nasty talk. I know I need to unleash these sexual desires & Im thinking about hiring someone to roleplay…. then again I’d never pay for sex lol. Crazy part is, I’m not into my father at all. I guess it’s just the thought that drives me crazy. Any men/ women up for some exotic taboo roleplay?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I came hard when he licked her chocolate starfish!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very well written!!

You should write more! Nice read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Black girls make everything better.

While I certainly can't fault you for . . . um, celebrating? . . . the Black Family, I have to say that the only thing that could make this story hotter is if the father was white and the daughter was a particularly dark mulatta. I hope that he repeats raping her (yes- it is rape) several times until she confronts him and he manipulates her into submitting to him and entering into a permanent, loving relationship with him, possibly even bearing his children. I wish that you return to writing and pick up this story. In the meantime, Thank You and Good Luck.

-EbnyLvrBryan. via mobile phone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Made my pussy wet

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Black love

Good story need more black incest stories

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