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A Game for Learning about Yourself Ch. 04


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But Madison and Naomi both took a strike on the one after that. This put Madison at 23 and Naomie at 22.

The next round the House got another 8 and Stephanie, Janet and Maggie reached 22. Janet turned a whiter shade of pale. Stephanie had a brief moment of shock until she saw Naomi had advanced to 23 while Madison had struck out screaming "Oh my fucking God."

Naomi proceeded to hyperventilate and act like she was going to die as several big bare-chested guys, dressed in medieval executioner masks and leather pants, and carrying fake axes, came on stage and walked Naomi to her fate. The crowd cheered as Shameless gave the thumbs down signal while Naomi left the room. It seemed that whoever set up this show and Naomi were both meant for the theatre, very low theatre.

Stephanie did not know what she thought. Can one experience profound relief and profound frustration at the same time? Under the rules, she had nothing to do but watch Madison get whipped, tormented with electrical toys, and penetrated for three hours. She knew that would become increasingly frustrating, but she was owed $14,000 if she finished the process. Although she knew she had not primarily agreed to play this game for the money, she sure wasn't going to walk out now.

The sofas were moved to the side of the stage. An even wider variety of equipment was rolled out than Stephanie had seen in June. While the furniture was being moved, Madison was whisked out for a few minutes; probably to use the WC, Stephanie thought. They wouldn't want her urinating on the Thiesen Medical Supply Company stage.

Madison's gang bang started with Shameless and a MILF wearing only a mask and black leather pants who Stephanie thought might be Livia, pushing Madison over a padded horizontal bar with her large breasts hanging down and her butt facing up and ready for abuse. The two women took turns punishing Madison's naked butt. Madison squealed, squirmed and shook, causing her breasts to shake like bags of jelly. There were little screaks by Madison with every blow. The Math Whore was earning her money.

With nothing to do but watch, Stephanie's mind focused on all sort of details she would otherwise have ignored. Madison's breasts are very beautiful and large, Stephanie thought, but Madison has tight little knobs for nipples not much bigger than a quarter. I think my bigger redder nipples with their bigger points and richly textured little bumps are sexier, but I guess it's a matter of taste.

Actually, Stephanie mused, those things were designed for feeding babies, aren't they? Funny we often lose sight of that. I wonder whether a baby would prefer my larger darker nipples with Montgomery glans or Madison's cute little nipples. Probably baby wouldn't care if there was enough milk or maybe Madison's breasts would change to be more like mine if she was nursing. Anyway, with so much of my life and apparent attraction tied to with these larger than average sized mammary glands stuck up in front of me all the time, I probably should use them for their intended purpose, maybe a lot.

Madison was crying now but sometimes grimacing or almost smiling. She probably was thinking that she was getting what she deserved. I know I deserve a good spanking, Stephanie thought, and also the whipping that Madison is getting.

Indeed, her buns now somewhat pink, Madison was attached to a frame facing the audience spread like an X.

Stephanie reflected on how Madison had earlier looked like the perfect smiling centerfold, blond, blue-eyed, D cups, 5-8, hairless below the neck with her smooth barely 21-year-old skin not having even to be airbrushed. In some cute centerfold pose she would be too perfect to be interesting. Like this, though, she was a very good doll with which to play rough. This was particularly true because she was apparently so willing to be the perfect doll for BDSM once given the right excuse to let go.

Maybe Stephanie thought, she should have gotten this all out of the way when she was 21 like Madison is doing. But Stephanie doubted she would have been cured of her desires that way or that Madison would be.

Stephanie remembered what Naomi had told her about development of fetishes, wondered if anything Naomi had said was true, and hoped that Naomi was off in some room screaming her head off as she was flogged.

Stephanie thought Madison did not look like she wanted to be flogged with the multicolored multipronged floggers she was shown. Floggers didn't look like they were made of anything too hard, probably soft leather. I'm sure the Club people planning this show have done their homework. They want the center to feel the pain and get the endorphin rush, but if they left the least mark on perfect Madison, no one would ever forgive them.

On me on the other hand they wouldn't pull their punches? Well, probably they would be careful with me too, at least in Nevada. Maybe in Mexico I'd be destroyed?

Madison started grunting, screaming, twisting and screaming "oh my God" with the first swat. Stephanie wondered how she'd react while being flogged and remembered that she would be up on the platform now or in some side room like Naomi if a few randomly selected numbers had come out differently.

Madison sure looks like she's in pain. Look at how she twists and contorts. I wonder if that's necessary. Is Madison auditioning for the part of the female lead in King Kong? But sometimes she is more like screaming Fay Wray and other times like sedated Jessica Lange. I'm pretty sure neither Wray nor Lange thrusted out her pelvis like that, but they weren't being flogged from behind as Kong approached so it's hard to compare.

The men flogging Madison counted out 21 lashes. Madison is 21. I wonder if I would get 32. I guess I would deserve 11 more for having 11 more years to get over my awful desires and totally failing to do so. If I'm going to lose, I should do it before next May when I turn 33.

Madison gave a nervous, cute, little wave to the crowd as she was led to the padded convex object designed to push the lower back and pelvis forward. Madison had seen this equipment when Sarah was gang banged in June. Madison's smiled a bit as she was cuffed in. She did not smile, though, when the women who spanked her came up and started zapping her with little electrical toys.

I guess I should learn about those electric things as well as whips if I'm going to continue playing this game, Stephanie thought. But maybe that's additional reason to stop playing this game. There were less than a dozen shocks to Madison's belly, hips, nipples and between her legs but they seemed to have brought Madison to a new peak of agitation. Shameless concluded this round of abuse saying, "and here's something special for the clever whore." She apparently placed the shocking devise right on Madison's clit. Madison gave out a hearty scream.

Stephanie thought she could see joy in Madison's face as 12 men came on stage wearing only leather pants and moccasins. If they were trying to look like the Indians in The Searchers, Stephanie thought, they needed a few more props. The Indians in The Searchers were Italian anyway weren't they? Fuck John Wayne.

If Natalie Wood was ever gangbanged, it wasn't shown in the John Ford movie. Conversely, every detail of Madison's gang bang was on stage a few feet from Stephanie. She could literally smell the action.

Madison came almost immediately as the first guy entered her. It wasn't a subtle phenomenon as Madison screamed, "Oh my God, I'm coming." After that she settled down for a while as she was shagged but clearly had another orgasm before the second guy was done. The guy involved grunted, "here I am," as Stephanie imagined his semen leaving his body and entering Madison's.

As last month, a light came on with every orgasm. Stephanie now knew that wasn't just for fun, guys were placing bets. This reminded Stephanie to cross her legs carefully unless she wanted the person who bet on the highest number of times she showed her pussy to win.

While Madison was being moved in place for anal sex, Stephanie thought of other side bets and side deals. Damn, she just realized, Madison losing instead of Naomi had cost her some share of the pot. Probably not a whole lot as probably a bunch of people, including Naomi, had put in Naomi's name. I wonder if anyone bet on Madison to become the center? I know a lot of guys bet $1000 so the pot should be large.

If Madison is really a math whore, Stephanie thought, she could have put in her own name and played for strikes to get another big payout for the week of submission. There's no way to know for sure, though, but if Madison walks off with the money, it will sure look suspicious. But how certain is it you will be the first one to 24 strikes even if you are trying to get strikes and all of the rest of the players are trying to avoid them?

An hour into the show, nine lights were lit showing Madison's orgasms. It seemed like a lot of orgasms in one hour, Stephanie thought, but Madison had probably spent days or weeks getting worked up. Also, Madison had done a striptease dance on stage before getting further worked up by all the whipping and shocking. I bet the bitch is as perverted a submissive slut as the rest of us although she is a math whore, Stephanie thought.

Indeed, it was apparent to Stephanie that Madison was fully capable of deciding to engineer a huge gang bang with herself in the center for the pot of money. Talk about a win-win result for Madison. She seems to like little cocks, big cocks, men who go slow and men who imitate power tools and she's getting paid for all this fun. Madison did seem to be getting tired though.

Madison was dripping a nine men's semen and there were three spent condoms from men who had elected anal. Stephanie wasn't sure if it was disgusting or just part of nature but thought about how much waste there seemed to be in the process. All that sperm going nowhere. Nature is not very economical.

Shameless announced that there was going to be a slightly longer break than before because they were going to give Madison a shower and make sure she was doing well. Shameless also said that time on break did not count as part of the three hours Madison would be on stage. This should not matter to Madison as she had a whole week of fucking ahead of her. Madison smiled as she was led to the shower.

Stephanie started to wonder how many more side deals and side bets were going on than those she knew about. Everyone had been assured that the numbers during the game came totally at random, but that was about the only thing that the Club promised not to rig.

The perverts who organized the game are all negotiating as to what women wear and the rules for each game in order to satisfy their various fetishes, Stephanie thought. Certainly, someone in the Club has a thing for silk stockings and maybe that guy or someone else has always wanted to have sex with an English policewoman. Are they also playing a game of conspiracy against each other to rig the results of the main game and as to the side events? Will more extreme fantasies come up as the levels of the game go up?

I guess you can gamble on whatever you want and play by whatever rules you want as long as everyone plays by the same rules. If everyone knows that anything that isn't explicitly forbidden -like giving players an incentive to play in a certain way isn't forbidden- is fair game, I guess it's all alright. I'm not paying to see anyone else's hand so I may never understand a lot of what is happening, Stephanie thought.

In the woman's room, Janet volunteered that she was shocked that she came so close to losing. "I could never have gone through what Madison is doing. I'd have died."

"Do you mean you would have refused to continue and forfeited the $14,000?"

"No, I guess not," Janet replied with a reflective glace. Stephanie smirked.

Stephanie walked back to the stage with Maggie. "How are you feeling," Stephanie asked.

"Richer but horny as hell," Maggie admitted. "This is my third game, the first at Level Two. I still think the worst torture on stage is of the women who have to stay on stage and watch all that sex without getting any."

"I suspect that is to loosen us up for the bar afterwards. The Club should make it easier to arrange quickies like Naomi and I did in June. But now Naomi is probably satisfying any Club members who don't want to sit through the Madison show."

Stephanie persuaded Maggie to sit on the sofa with her and Janet. It was large enough for three if one didn't have to play the game or remove clothing frequently. Maggie had looked so lonely on the sofa before.

Madison was put over the padded bar on which she'd been spanked earlier but this time it was two cocks in her pussy and two up the dirt road by four different men. She seemed enthusiastic about both types of penetration, jiggled and shimmied like a wild animal. More lights were lit.

Madison seemed to go through a pattern of her first gently biting her lower lip, closing her eyes, breathing heavily through her open mouth, and finally shouting "Oh my god, Oh my god" as she came. Stephanie wondered out loud to the other women on the sofa with her why Madison's hanging breasts seemed to swing around in a circle unless the guy in her held them. "Weird things one observes when there is nothing to do but sit naked on a sofa and watch another woman get screwed," Stephanie further observed to no one in particular.

Two hours and a half into Madison's gang bang not counting breaks, Shameless called for another long break to allow what she called a "special guest appearance."

In walked Naomi in custody of the two large bare-chested men in executioner hoods and black leather drop front trousers. This time they did not bother to carry make believe axes. Another kind of execution was planned. Naomi smelled like she had recently showered, but her hair had not been washed. It was a tangled mess. She had a couple of hickeys and small bruises and some faint pink lines on her that would probably take a few hours to fade away. Naomi pretended to be a penitent sinner but that was comical coming from her and her occasional smile made clear she wasn't serious.

One of the men handed a scroll to Shameless who then read, "This witch has admitted under torture to be so evil that she shrinks heads. She would normally be burned at the stake for such an offense, but, because she only shrank heads of crazy people, she will instead be publicly flogged and fucked."

Naomi was placed in the frame in which Madison had been flogged and received 12 lashes. Her screams were more controlled that Stephanie expected from the Drama Queen. Perhaps Naomi had been told that there were people in the audience with sensitive ears or she'd already screamed herself hoarse earlier in the evening.

She was pushed face forward over padded horizontal bar. The executioner with the hairier chest proceeded to open his drop front. Shameless fluffed him up to a full erection of what looked to be a larger and fatter than average male member. He proceeded to ram Naomi in her pussy, grabbed her breasts and manipulated her nipples gently but exactly as he wished. After a thorough furious pounding, both Naomi and the man seemed to have an orgasm. It was shortly revealed that he had ejaculated inside her. Shameless put a condom on the second man who worked his cock up Naomi's ass. From her facial expressions you would have thought she was being martyred but Stephanie did not believe that for a second.

Naomi's arms and legs were tied to a long pool and she was carried off the stage like the stock comic image of a person being carried off to be eaten by cannibals.

To complete the show, Madison was rolled in on a low modified gynecological table. After her well worked vulva were displayed once more to the crowd, Madison got up, a man with a fully erect penis laid on his back on the table, Madison proceeded to place her vagina down on that penis while another man went up her ass while a third penis was stuck in her mouth.

The grand finale, Stephanie thought. I was spit roasted once by two guys when I was in business school but that was almost a decade ago. Triple penetration, never.

After Madison was carried from the stage to serve the remainder of her week, Shameless announced people could return the following Thursday night if they wanted to see Madison's nipples pierced. After her nipples are pierced, Shameless explained, her tits will be off limits while they heal. That's why we always do the piercing at the end. "That waiting period after some piercings is by far the worst part for me," Shameless said.

After the crowd left except for Janet and Maggie's husbands, Chris and Chuck, Shameless said the eight women left were all eligible to go play at Level Three, but that she'd prefer not to go over the facts of Level Three now. "It's been a long night of helping other women get laid and I'm ready to go up to the bar and find some action for myself."

No one complained and Shameless passed out fat envelopes full of Benjamins.

Eight women got dressed. Stephanie said goodbye to Janet who said it was very interesting, but they'd probably never see each other again. Janet again discussed mortality, "I'd have died from all that anal sex if the embarrassment did not kill me first."

Stephanie asked Maggie and Chuck what was next for them. Chuck eagerly explained that two of the guys who had done Madison said they'd be ready to go at it again in a half hour with a woman as hot as Maggie. They were going to meet them at a motel near Fallon. Maggie seemed very pleased that Chuck had been so thoughtful and resourceful.

Stephanie wondered whether Jayne Mansfield had ever been left as the woman without a man. She doubted it. She decided that rather than feel sorry for her poor frustrated self, she should get dressed and follow Shameless to the bar.

She talked to several of the maybe 25 guys at the bar and got some information about the Sportsman's Club. More half the men were from outside the area. The Club was founded years ago in Europe, but the level of activity had grown considerably over the last few years. They collectively worked to assure all of the men got to satisfy their fetishes and non-violent desires as much as possible. She learned that there were over 100 members in North America and about an equal number Europe and that dues were $50,000 plus certain fees for "supporting dependents," whatever that meant, and other expenses. Wow, with a 5 million dollar or more budget for North America, I guess they can buy a lot of perverse fun, Stephanie thought.

Stephanie's banker mind started to work. They are paying women a total of $20,000 for the Level One events and shelling out $140,000 to the women for each Level Two event. They are getting the hall for free, but they have expenses. They must be paying Shameless. Still they could hold a whole lot of Level One and Level Two events for less than half of the 5 million. But I don't know what they are paying for Level Three or Level Four.

Stephanie thought, maybe they are making money off of Level Four by selling women at auction or retailing them as sex slaves by the hour. No, No, No, I have no reason to believe that. Naomi would say that that is just my imagination again.

Stephanie was disappointed to see that there were almost as many women as men in the bar and about half of them were dressed as slaves. Too much competition she thought, but next she thought, no, no, no, I know I'm hot even if I'm not dressed like a slave girl. The guys have had enough chance to view what I have to offer. But damn, a lot of the guys who would be free are probably off banging Madison or Naomi. Livia is leaving with a man my age. Shameless is leaving with three guys. No fair.

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